W)W)finuiii)itH Prfnre nupm Daflp ietos E.t6. Tuesday, February 24, 1943 I 77)e Da7y News fioys FAIR SHARE FOR RUPERT - fell Advertising - - Aunouncfwritft. 2. JOHN KETCH ESON AMBITION OF SASKATCIIEWAN-IJOKN LAI) IS TO IiK FORESTER Fishing, particularly angling, is John KetchesorV PARADE nil, auty and stp ; ':trf it loo.se- st,ch u H fomIness i m . faet . ilL that 4l he and j some of his chum linrtie oat. ,,, ,! cuddled feeling ff i n our Slmrlie celebrated Princess Elizabeth's wedding da v (Novem- new as to- 1?' hits wln-r-ihcir pace is ioniser j;ifk-t. ,-'nu-s am! luvc- 1..I.V Writes and Trail Board Order Requires Vancouver Jobbers t Sena Citra FruiU Prince Rupert produce dealers, who were fearful that they would' be discriminated a?aint by Van iouver jobbe i urUibnent of citrus fruit shio- m?)U m--j)u under under th the cut cut in in Quota auota of imported fruit and vegetable riom the United states and, ar-pealed to. the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce for sup-port ia their r prestations, ould iuj appear to be guaranteed protection under a new order of the Prices and Trado Board requiring that citrus fruits be distributed equitably among customers who purchased it dur-ing th? biLse period from July 1, II 1G. to June 30, 1947. A copy of the order is being sent to the Vancouver office of the Price and Trad? Board with the request t.kat they bring it to tlu 'Hvi'if attention of companies ."u " lyi'i'i the Prince Rupert ma: ket. Meantime, a compilation of I -i'u. in fruits shipments from Vjr.fouver to Prince Rupert ;hu-p quotas were imposed November 18 indicates, according to the Prices an Trade Board Prince Rupert received, to large rxtent. fair share of such fruiti although some Vancouver job-, b'rs may have overshipped wWli ! others undershipped. I Advertise m tn iJaily News! ;,!! il HUIXiKT PLAN will enable . inn Ensemble now at no added cost NO CARRYING CHAItr.P.S 6er of th Study Club and Me Hi Junior Basketball ' her 20 by takinp: a dip in "i a , y V VJfmt J ; : .W- I f Jm . I Z, y I PS LOST HIS FLASK EDMONTON 0 One man . convicted here of possessing 'liquor illegally found that "con- fixation" at it meant consfi- ""on of Its container as well - ' whkh in this ca.se was a silver faak. The fla.sk became the pro- pert, of the province. the Salt Lake across the harbor. Although John was born In Saskatchewan,, and spent nine years of his life fa a taocf not noted for its ferests, he is ee-termined to enter the service of the Forestry Department when his schooling U completed. John, who Is now 14 years old, has been a resident of Prince Rupert for th; Ut five years. A grade 9 student of Booth Mem-oriul msh School," he Is a, mcm- coi - tiise h enjoys reading. Aside from bu.-ketbail he enjoys the recreation facilities open to him as a member of the Civic Centre. A Daily News delivery boy for the past 18 racn'.is. John's rnnto takes in Sixth, Seventh and part of Eighth Ae!'j between Kc- Bride Stew arrt Tatlow. By virtue of his sales ability John captured third prbe In the Daily News new subscribers con - test held during November and Member of Ia!t v It lifting and in his spur FOR SALE IFOR SALE House, near Booth School on 5th Avenue. 4 rooms and bath. Prince Rupert Realty Co. Phone Green 917. Uf FOR SAL E Five-room house w ith bathroom, oil burner and furnace. Partly furnished. 140 Of Ave East. . 47i FOR SALE Small modern nouse. I Atlia Avenue. Blue 206. 4G) FOR SALE-Generating plant, like new, 350 watt, 115 volt. Phone Red 985 evenings. (45 FOR SALE Simplex Engines l'2 to 31 UP. air cooled; 30 to 135 HP. Marine Straight 01 Reduction Drive; also Stationary-Industrial. Northern. B.C. Agents. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS. . (t) " POR SAL E Restaurant and Bakery, going concern; threo cabins, four lots, big garden, barn, chicken house. 20 years in business. Quitting becaus? ol old age. A. Hanson, Queen Charlotte City, RC. . t47 FOR SALE The "Cottonwoods" at Telkwa. One of the most modern cafes in northern B.C. Good monthly turnover. Ideal for couple. Fully equipped for business.' Living quarters. Buy now and get a good start for the spring and summer tourist season. Owner moving to coast for health reasons. Immediate possession. Cash or terms. Full particulars, Box 92, Telkwa. B.C. "(47i HOUSES! HOUSES! HOUSES! 3 Room Bungalow; near Conrad Street; immediate possession $850. 4 Room Modern Home; basement; furnace, smartly decorated; electric range and unit sink; harbor view; very reasonably priced. r.'Nt.l i:l.!N(iS bership of 1,544, said recently N li -The the roup had set out 475.000 ':: "1 Jin- Nev fingerling trout in the streams -.i.uc Asso- of Westmorland and Kent 1 ! 1! m'-ni- counties. former Katy's Kleen Kitchen. . CFPR Radio Dial Tab Kiloevclea (Sublect to change) TUE3DAT PJV1. 4:00 Al Har?ey- Show t:li-uick Qaoiationa. 4:30 fSperfally For You 4:4&-Shady Bay Stories i:0O The Lootteieaf 5:3S Matter Parade :(J Supper Serenade fclS-Dinan Sbore 8:3ff Inslo Story 5:43 According; to Record 8:50 ReearOexl mterlnde T:0-CBC News. 7:15--CBC News Roundup. 7: 2. Leicester Square to ' Broarfway 8J)d- Alberta Ranch House d:3 Record Album 9:-Ttsday Ev?nlng Recital Wpg. 9:15 Points of View 9:30 Heritage at Musi 10:60 CBC JSnws U:ia-B. C. News l(fct5rfc(hbourly News Itt:3-Paeifle Pfanororte a:0(V - Weather and Slsm Off WEDNESDAY A.M. T:3 Miwtear Vlyc 8:00-?BC News ; 8:15 Morning Song. 8:30 Music for Moderns 2:45 LHUe Concert 9:00 BBC News '! ' "5 "I)M t JoenIn Concet 'ijnoit 'it in'vl'f V f iJ'"68 P 1 me ,' ml0i' 11 : 15Reminiscences U:30VtTeathi!r Jufecsat 11:31 Message Per.od 11:33 -Recorded Interlude 11:45 Ethel and Albert PM 12:00 Musical Scrapbook 12:15 CBC News 12:25-Program Resume 12.30-B.C. F-arm Broadcast 12:55 ftecordPd Int. r;0U Ttxe Concert Hour 1:30 Recital. Quebec 1 r43 Commentary "And His Mother" 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast 2:30 Songs to Remember 2:45 Dor. Messert Islanders 3:00 Varieties In Music 3: IS-Spotlight on a Star 3:20 A Moment In Music 3:30-Divertiraeato THE MARKETS i ! Vegetables j Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs 35 i Hubbard Squash, lb 08 Danish Squash, lb 08 Spanish Onions 2 lb 23 Parsnips (unwashed)' lb OU Turnips, .lb. 05 ..slu'ooms, lb. I Garlic, lb ! Cabbage, new lc Beets, 3 lb. ..-..'. Sufur White, lb. io Golden yellow,, lb. 10 ' fresh Milk Quart .20 Pint .,..:J.J 11 Cream, pint 18 " ' tesi Orade A: Large, cartoned, doz 57 Medium, doz. a.. .54 ; Halibut, lb. v.. .40) Salmon. ' lb. : .42 Cod,, fresh ling, lb., .25 i Black Cod. smoked,' lb .39! Smoked Kippers, lb. ... .22 i j Butter First Orade. lb. .12! mi - Evfporato MTik 16-oz. tins, 2 for ..... .. .29 Case ,1:;.. ...I,; 6.05 , Hour 1. Pastry Flour. 7 lbs 53 j rwur, No. k hard wheat 2.95 Flour (24s . .... 155 1JJ Tea ao4 Cefte Deluxe Quality, lb: 1.14! Coffee, lb. 59 Juices ' Tomatoes-, 20-rz n 40 02 33 gallon .. .59! Apples, 20-oz. tin,, per tin .... 1.0 ; 40 oz 34i Orange, 20-oz 15 Blended "orange and grape I fruit, 20-oz. 09 48-oz 35 Canned Fruiu Apricots,. 20-oz 32 Cherries (fancy) 20-oz 39 Loganberries. 20-oz 41 Peaches, choice 29 r&uaad Vegetables Dill- Pickles, gal t.75 Tut Green Beans, fey. each, 20 ; Nos 3., Peas,, fancy 22 ; Mixed; Vegetables 19 ; Diced BeeU, tin 15 Wax Beans, choice 18 Mixed Peaa and: Carrots .19 ! Pumpkin 19 : Corn, choice 23 Com Nlbleta 24, Baked Beans) pet ttn. .21 - - Classified Engagement rem Ki.i-i FOR RENT Warm, comfortable sleeping room, reasonable. Apply 8TM Fra.ser Street. (5 FOR RENT-Sewing machines, portable electrics. $5.00 per month. Includes prompt delivery and return. Siner Sewinr Miwhine Co. Phone 864. ,54 FOR RENT Housekeeping room in private home. Close to j town. 720 6th Ave. West Blue 325. tf FOR RENT 4-room furnished suite and furniture for sale. ' Dybhavn & Hanson, 315 3rd I Avenue. 149! FOR RENT Semi-furnished 2-j room suite. 1235 Park Ave. (5 FOR RENT Suite, furnished, nice, clean and warm, also housekeeping room. 1142 Park Ave., Green 224. 4 FOR RENT Five rooms with bath; toilet and Monarch range. Apply 1035 1st Ave. West. (47) FOR. RENT One large sleepin? room. 80r Borden St. 5i) MACHIMgK FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the nodern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) PERSONAL CAR OWNERS Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance at reasonable rates. Call ARMSTRONG AGENCIES, 342. (49l ruwunAi li you want your saws sharpened, leave them at Pacific Repair, 2nd. Ave. or call A. Vlkbers. 2196 Seal roue Circle. .... WAVrUD WANTED TO RENT Four or five rooms, unfurnished or partly furnished house, centrally located. Phone Red 633. WANTED Experienced fish camp operators. J. Clausen it &on. ,47) j LOST AM lO-TND LOST Black plastic purse with hand-made wallet inside. Finder please phone Red 232. (50i FOUND String of "pearls near Inlander. Owner may have the same by paying for this acid at the Daily News. (tf) LOST On Saturday, glasses in brown leather case. Green 996 (48) ROO:Vl A AO HOARD ROOM AND BOARD $43 each double; $48 single. Sleeping rooms for rent Table meals Mrs. Lawley, 022 Fraser Street (tf WORK WANTED MIDDLE-aged woman will look after children evenings. Phonf Green 588. (tf) Watch the Classified Ads! Train Schedule For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday n n H From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday- j 10:45 p.m. Hi Two sailings per week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m.. Coquitlam Fridays, 12 midnight. Cardena STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays. 12 midnight QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS February 8 and 20 FOR SOUTH ISLANDS February 8 and 22 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Aent Third Ave. Phone 588 V" . I jTMfc M4UFFS r w.V ffl .1 bhhb 1 1 1 ji' MOM AND FOPJ I rry : - crrT JjLy J j I PC? I'fvuetG enough (n.i ) , . L K- 'I' PLACES AGAIN NCW 4 I 3 A OL4S fejTSfeV W 1 LHE A I L n C THAT CXJ CH.LDCEM Gxl ) Viyf L - CAN TAKE CA105 j T AGAIN); JKil v W ?, Iff ate: i aaT- -m& hlj II ' rl.fcfejjksjqr- . . fiS;ifi44: .Sillily t mimmJ lJCwW$III V ) Seventh and Fulton. Seven Rooms; basement and furnace; ideal for conversion to duplex. Rock bottom price room house with three room suite; close in; good condition-Easy Terms. ARMSTRONG AGENCTES Phone 343 FOR SALE Large two-wick oil burner range. Phone Green 270, 1022 2nd. West after 6 p.m. (5D FOR SALE Fresh eggs at 308 7th Ave. West. (7D FOR SALE New and used furniture, hardware and office furniture, etc. Used McClary Electric Range, $25; Vacuum Cleane, electric, $7.50; Dining Room Table. $8.50; 5-piece Kitchen Set, $12.50; Eiderdown Sleeping Bag, $22.50; Slightly Used Radios, Rifles; New Gurney Ranges, complete with water Jackets; Trunks; Suitcases; Linoleum Squares. All kinds of other useful articles at very low prices. B.C. FURNITURE CO., Black 324. Itf, FOR SALE Loxstave buildings at bargain prices. 2x3s, soil pipe, galvanized pipe and itt-tings, barbed wire. Yours for asking. Apply Army Camp. 11th Ave., or Phone Red 912. (431 HELP WANTED APPLICATIONS will be received c-y tne undersigned up to noon, Friday. February 27, for position of clerk in City office. Commencing salary $90.00 to $100.00 per month depending on previous trainng and experience. Please apply in own handwriting stating age( marital status and full particulars. II. D. Thain, City C1(,rk- ' (47) METAl WORK ATTENTION FISHERMEN! Order your sheet metal work now and avoid disappointment when present stock of metai is exhausted. Supply is very limited. Thorn Sheet Metal Works. (46) PLUMBINO Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Futnaces, tanks, eavestroughing and stack work. Letourneau St Sons, 629 Sixth, West. Phone, 343. (tf)