' ! r 1 n . 1 lrfncc ttupctt Dan"? jr3rtos Thursday. December 23. 1943 . - U UOtUUy EBi SptVt8 ; In Disagreement VI . - V '--1 --,,v Speculation on Switch in ft! . E f New Yerk Ranters Hardy Young Golfer Wins Polio Battle BOSTON HEARS - v v r v NEW YORK. CP Some local hockey experts seem" to belteve that a disagreement between' Lester Patrtck and Frank Bnu. LEAGUE LEAD i: ftttrOlMa: Be fee word ter tneertk n. minimum eb&nre. BOe. Birth Woee: Cards of Tkank Oeatb Notices, Funeral Notice. Uarriajn Defeated Detroit Red Wings j cner caused Frank to be relieved in Natkmal Hockey Last Night , manasrer of the Nev Vnr-v and Engagement Announcements: 2 WINNIPEG. 9 When youn i , : Billy Roy of Pine Falls, winner of a couple of Manitoba junior golf championships, trudged the fairways and greens following his favorite pastime, he little ' BfBCIA. DISPLAY. DOUBLB PRICK la iilea Ail'fellUiug Is payable In advance. Please refrain froi fwlepbantttg VAXCOlTm fXJK SALE FOR KEXT DETROIT 2. BOSTON S 'Rangers, but Patrick remarked; la ew tlays afO that 'I'm "tired BOSTON After a siiantei t,ut it Is bard to sit her 'across losing streak Boston Bruins the drhk from Tommy Lockhart i chalked 5 to 2 victory over ' up a business manager and not do FOR SALE Folding Babv Car Tuesday, fjjJ Sund. n pi 'cc ALICE ArtM e. knew it would save him from I permanent paralysis. ! After p'.avinc one round in FOR RENT 7 room unfurnished house, close in. G. P. Tinker & Co. Ltd. Phone 57. i tf ri lge. Practically new. Phone B ut 414. 1 301 1 WAITED Steel Baby Crib. Pnone Red 807. (305 Jj " 1 the Manitoba open tournament Detroit Red Wings In last night's last August. Billy fell victim to ' National Hockey League fixture. j FOR RENT Street level offices and warehouse. Phone 640 or 530. (tfi any second guessing. It cX)uld be that Leo Durocser's remarked about nice guys was not far from wrong. "There are Doliomvelitis. Doctors who have The Red Wings cumber, to wnn- FO SALE with srrin". W - . . ,- ; 'SB : t fl a-size bedstead Practically new. i30H for 1 1, trt P-acfc 910. i been seeing a lot of him in Win- . in one point of the Bruins nipeg General Hospital are un- the league leadership. no nicer guys in sport than Mnl, FOR RENT To quiet couple, 4 room flat. Apply 215 4th East. ttfi VAXTE1 FOR 8 ALU McClarv cook stove with oil burner. K. Marki. U33 Ambrose Avenue. 304) 31.10 p.m. 3 Ott and Boucher but neither of them got as good results from athletes as some managers not'; s.j Irenmmimsnnsnnnnrisns so nice." Dirrocher said. Tonight the Bru'ns will be at Montreal to play the Canadiens while, in the second league fixture of the evening, Chicago Black Hawks will be at home to New York Rangers. " ; WANTED Car batteries, car radiators, brass and copper; paving good pi ices. See BC FURNITURE CO.. Black 324. FOR SALE 35-foot trailer "'Cheetah.' fuily eouiprjed. Pone Red 246 or P. R. Fishermen's Oo-oo. 1 202 1 10 p.ra. W a WANTED Junk scrap iron and I scrap steel. Phone 543. ttfi animous in their opinion that he warded off the crippling blow of perimyelitis only becau.se of his strong legs and stomach muscles, developed over the miles he malked on Pine Falls and other courses. Back in September, Billy's legs were heavy and all but dead. But slowly and surely therapy worked its wonders. ; Billy has the use of both leps now. and the doctors say golf The league standings to date: aVv X, V , 'te i; HEAT PLUS The temperature of the planet 70 30 2 10 SI Third Ave. WANTED 6 or 7 h.p. air-cooled j motor. Marine General Repairs. Phone Green 919. 301t 9 80 64 29 t cuijr, un uie siae. lowara Uie 3 FOR SALE New Hand-made I.idiaH Rues gt bie reductions. free B.C. FURNITURE CO, Ui 1 FOR SALE New Cups and Saucers 4 tor S1.75. New kitchen Stoves. Slightly Used 3-piece Chesterfield Suite. Gramn-phone.. Underwood Ts-;xwrit- , . t In best condition. Small Tables 'and oer n-cfn' ar 1 14. 13 12 S 8 6 ' ' " rni.i.iia.T:a il .tit 2 II 85 SI ZG 5 9 61 49 23 derwis Fahrenheit. ' : Detroit Boston : Montreal 1 Toronto ! New York SALES HFI.P & AGENTS WANTFI) Classified Ads B: MAKES HISTORY IN 194 One of the history-makinjz feats or 1943 Was Venun G. Cardys fabulous wins on his huntpr "Times Square." He took in over 50 Orsts in the 18 months prior to December 31. Too 14 bine ribbons himself during the year 011 various mounts. Above he rides -Times Square" to win at Gait. Ontario. ' MADE-TO-MEASURE AGENTS -SaKsmen-asents wanted to 6 13 61 T7 2 8 11 62 9 13 ticles at very reasonable prices! BC. FURNITURE CO.. Phone! handle made - to - measure suits of fast-selline "APPLE-SKIN" finish tropical suitins. wHI pttt him back on his feet In earnest. They're encouraging him to hit the tee as soon as possible. Meantime a shiny three iron and putter decorate his room. His bedside table is litered with j MAY ENLARGE HOCKEY LOOP . VANCOUVER The Pacific . Cosst Hix kev League may be rmv.iL Out. f 11 1 FOR SALE '39 Dodee Panel First class mechanically. New paint. Superior Motors. 302 FOR SALE 1945 Chev i-ton Cick-up truck, heater. A-l con-'itkm. Blue 846 or Black 836 alter 6:38 p.m. (302 LOST Ai O rOUXD . Philpott Evitt and Co. Ltd. Can Supply You With Bis money. Write for FKEK!- , Soiling Kit and state experi-i .... ence and rere-ences. Henn? Pnnnif Mark- RR Faber. 2.;8 Yonse St.. Toronto, 0lmlei;laXK f 1 Wants Outfielder -PJli0 WANTED TO BUY " Acetvllne PHILADELPHL U COllnie welding outfit. Reasonable Mack, aged 86 today, said, the price.- Write Box 423 Daily: . 2 . ' News. i30Vt jrjcest Christmas present any Sport Shots oacit copies oi goif magazines, i enlarged next seaton from 10 to Billy says hell be back at the : u clubs. Victoria and San first tee when the first grass : Bernardino, California, are men-rears its head at Pine Falls next ; tkll)ed the uAiilu,n franchise METAL WORK one coma give mm would oe good outfielder who could hit Barbara Ann Scott's career reached its glittering peak this veek when the 20-year-oW Ot FOUND Small black and white dos. Sheddins hair in front. Black 910. itft 1 spring. cities. PLUMBING Installations and uke some of his nasi hovs Repairs. SHEET META! LUMBER-Including Fir, Cedar, etc. tawa ice skating queen was ac WORK. Tar and Gravel Roof-j ing. LetourjwaM & Sona. 629 Sixth West. Phone 543 t I I.03T While moving: 1 brown suit, blue overcoat. 1 'pair ' nants. hand mirror, maenifv- claimed Canada's outstanding ! j S HJ" J fHWaaMM : IDAHO BEATS female athlete of 1948.. It was lie reading glass, rubber SCHEDULE FOR LADIES' BOWLS Install a steel Lash lamp and 1 doz. bat. U.B.C. TWICE Stand under vour oil drum arwl eliminate that fire hazard Call THOM SHEET! coincidence tnai on the same day she made her -professional debut In New York, Miss Scott was the first tripla winner of tenes. Schick razor and 20 new blades, blue wool sweater, white woolen sweeter. 4 shirts. 2 South African War medals. 5 clasps. 3 World War f i sr. W -1 . S "1 ft f ' 4 - r. I ! i i Tirr CI METAL LTD.. Black 884, 253 , Dec. 27 Variety vs. Taft & East First Avenue. Uf 1 Qdowes, j Scubys vs. Orange. VANCOUrER University cf FLOORING In Fir or Hemlock SIDING-A11 Types SASH and DOOR and The Famous FOOTHILL5? ALHEUTA ( in all sios PHONi; G5I I West view. vs. Manson's, De- the poll .since it was inaugurated British Columbia lost its second r;xteen -vpar5 a?- straiBht game tj University of I Idaho in basketball lat nioht I medals and Bronze Star, solid leather brown suitcase I IT'S NOT TIlE SIZE t.' S A proton b 1-800 timps clipper. Finder please phone ; than an electron but H weighs Westholme Rooms. 552. Ug-; 1,840 times as much Jack Dempsry, fully aware of. the score was 57 to 52. UJ3C had Inst the lirst game Tuesday night 55 to 32. "11.. 1 3J2 1 Jong's vs. Annettes, G. Si A. vs Savoy Swingers. Jan. S Westview vs. Taft Odowes, Onmee vs. Annettes, Variety vs. Savoy Swingers. Scuby's ts. G. ,& A., Manson's vs. DeJong's. Jan. 10 Westview vs. De- MACHIXEKY Ffm SALE Nrpro Joe Louis ability v.i;h his fists, announced 13 years pso today he would conduct a "white hope" tourney among Canadian and United States bocfrs. Elimination bouts were held in both countries but no one VI'Mf:NT I.IQHK (T Sert km 26 1 NHk of AII alion for a flab I kr we fa-i?!-' w eun wvb.- i,. iv oA w petier lumber morei economicallv use the modern1 and un-to-date tvpe National! Portable Sawmills manufac-j MODERN SOLDIER MUST BE SMART Scuby 4 VS. SPVOy Swing-i i!lt ttay rf January. 149. the un-jJonSS. (JersiKiied Canadian Leeion of the ers. Annettes VS. G. & A Man- BEST WISH tured by National Machinery Company Limited. Vancouver, BC. (tn NORTON FITZWARREN. Eng.! son's vs. Taft & Odowes, Variety ur.eaitnea 10 nait the vs. Orange. Provrn Bombers rise to .the i British Empire Service League. Prinre 1 Hupert Branch Number 27 intends j to apply to the Liquor Control Board FOP. heavyweight c rampionship. Advertise fn the Dail v News i lor a duo Licence in respect oi pre f The days when a soldier j was regarded as "just a bone-headed man who never thought I STILL GOING STRONG 't - " - - M Phone 654 ST. JOHNS Kfld., 0" The! H.;l Mewhouer. SDeedbaif nrt- ior nimseir are finished, savs i a mm ucjgiiicr uiijiie, reiioaitxi aiierjifi jiu maa iT iionai f rank Lt -Col W M. Lillie. chief in-! CHR1STMA! MS structor at the Army Appren-1 tlce School here. ! "The modern soldier has to be skilled in dealing with the more ; AND 1 mises aituate at 812 Third Avenue 1 West in tne Citv of Prmce 'Rupert LAND REGrSTHT ACT upon lands described as Lot Humber Be: Certificate of Tale No. 2573I-Ii 1 Block 20 Section 1. Map number to Lot One Thousand Three, 623. Prince Rupert Land Reiatratior. Hundred and Three ( 13031. j District, lu the Province of British Ranpe Five ybt. Coast District . j Columbia, to entitle each member WHEREAS antisfactory proof of: of the said Club to keep on the pre-lo-w of the above Certificate of Title tnises a reasonable quamtry of li-Issaed in the name of Anthonv j quor for personal consumption cm T.-reachenko has been filed In thisi'he premises, and entitling the Club office, notice is hereby . lven that to purchase liquor from vendoi I -hall, at the expiration of one and to aell by the glass the liquor ao lentil from the date of the first purchased to its members and guests publication hereof, issue a Prcvis- for consumption on the Club pre- tonal Certificate of Title in lieu of mises in accordance with the pro- sa.d lost Certificate, unless in the visions of the Government Liquor nvantlme valid objection "be made Act" and the regulations promul-to me tn writine. gated thereunder. being sunk by RAF. rocket ! Men-lwell look like a bat boy as bombs in Norway during the he pitched the Detroit Ticyrs to war. arrived here recently. Nor- j the world's baseball champion-wegian engineers salvaged the j ship, was officially crowned vessel. The only man aboard! three years ago, the American when the Dione was sunk was ; League's 1945 king of the mound. Chief Engineer Oscar Anderson j who Is now back at his job. i Advertise in the Daily News! A HAPPY NEW YE 25c per dozen pid lot cmptiet libcicj by any BC Brewery tm f TKit advedncimiii aot ab!ntd o 4rtpUyed by ik Luei ConVe) oi 9-by tttt Cooamtmal Britnti CatHmbt. complicated lecnnicai paraphernalia of war. There can never be enough skilled men in the regular army." day of uatkd at the Land Registry Dated this Twentr-First Of 'Ice. Prince Rupert. B C this December iR 14 h day bf Becember 1H48. AD. i CANADIAN LEOICW OF THE BRI- ANDREW THOMPSON. TISH EMPIRE SERVICE LEAGUE Deputy Registrar of Titles. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH WVM- (181 BER 27. ,20) Broadway Caff has a special Holiday Dt-lipht for you . . . rich, brown. Juicy Turkey . . . served the way yen like It, In big slices and on th? bone. DON'T MISS OUR . . . OLD-FASHIONED CHRISTMAS DINN NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Homt 40 Rooms, Hot and Gold Water PRINCE RUTEP.T. B C. Phone i t o Box 1W W have plana made for a M'irni M MAKft )MK too MaW Tiur reservation no. PU0S Cli Third Avenue West GIFTS FOR THE CAR ALWAYS PLEASE ... Seat Covers, Spot, Fog and Back-Up Lights, Set of Champion Spark Plugs, Motor Car Fans, Fender Flaps, Grille . Guards, Wheel Spinners, and many other useful accessories. CALL AT- ' BOB PARKER'S UPTOWN SERVICE STATION SK t (.REETINT.i t LET 'ER nnd Evrrv Good 1 FLASH!! Hare the (hiMren's Photas taken at home around the Christmas Tree. For Aouointment PHONE GREEN 389 Chandler & Cowgill 218 4th St. Evenines Phone Black 615 for the New Yt. T? F. MOFJW 2nd and McBride OR Phone "81 s?s 2nd Ave. (Near C . . . right for a strike! Hit or miss, youH enjoy bowling with your friends on sar alleys. Rex Bowling Alley Open to general public Saturday and Sunday afternoons and evenings. Monday Tuesday and Thursday evenings after 9 o'clock. MOTORISTS . . . Please Note!! May Your Holiday Season be a Happy One and the New Year Bright With Promise On Christmas Day our Gasoline Service Bta'M ' . . - Mil !l open between the hours of 10 a.m. and z Day the hours will be 10 a.m. to fi p.m. Your co-op ft l....lill,;JJWll Capfah Morgan's ? fora 1? la securing your gasoline and oil supplies during u-will be appreciated. j WELCOME r -1 A X A X X X X PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE ! v i V 1 1 ' X ? !? i f ; w V : m TO ALL from 11 2nd Ave. Phone 6S:i NOTE Oar premises are closed until January 3. LINDSAY MOTORS LTW X X X X X X serve J For We will be happy t minute khnnnA last st ...... j. j., it, . Carving Sets Pocket Knives You'll enjoy the rich, full-bodied flavour of Captain Morgan ' Cold Label Rum in a Rum Collins . . . Mix 'z jigger of lemon uice, jigger of sugar and 1 jigger of Captain Morgan Cold Label Rum. Add plenty of cracked ice and fill with soda. Stir briskly. Captain Morgan GOLD LABEL - RUM The rkhflatmrndfatibidy of Captain Morgan Gold Label Rum result from mastir blending of carefully selected rare eld rumu w.t..u. menus we navex f T fine as,rtment of supplien.J li s the i For those with a rwtpa1 X Captain Morgar PYREX DOUBLE BOILERS our Rnvirn nurrn i i w tooth COLD LABEL W. ... ------ "u- laiks will hit the spot. Klen (CaHe i ... for Tasty Meals Chop Suey Chw Mein -tt.urii- Casseroles Table Cutlery GROTTO . t iurt urt4; 7 ' a Chinese VIIIIICIW Dishes lisilt." a a Specialty THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. CIGAR STORE I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 5 TOBACCONIST Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hote to 3:30 .m. Phone 173 for Outsit 7:00 am a V ' 8