Prfncc Uupert Dallp J3etos Thursday, March 31, 1949 400 TO TAKE PART IN RUP REC DISPLAY LANDSCAPE PAINTING An Independent dallt newspaper oeotec: to .ae upbuilding of Prince Rupert tad all communities comprising northern and central British ColuaiDU I Authorised aa Second Class Mall. Post Office Department. Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunday bv Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Q. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. UtMBErl OP CANADIAN PRESS -- AtTDTT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES . J? . UItT carrier. Per Week. 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8.00. KnwasTO By Mall. Per Month. 60c; Per Year. 5.00 ' ! I i Third annual Rup Rec mass' display will see 400 enthusiastic people,- ranging in age from! pre-school to adults, going! through their paces at the Civic , Centre gymnasium on April 11 and 12 as a climax to art act,iv CO OP TERMED COST-SAVERS Visiting Speakers Are Heard by Local Members Members of Prince Rupert's co-operatives, numbering more than 100, heard the co-operative movement described as a cost-saver in the face of general rising prices and were told of the internal duties of members, directors and management by two speakers at a public meeting held in the Sons of Norway Hall last night. Sponsored by the educational committee of the local cooperative movement, the meeting was addressed by David Sid-dofis of the extension department of the University of British Columbia on the topic "Co-ops Versus Depressions" and 'by Arthur Wirlck, secretary of the B.C. Co-operative Union, on responsibilities of coop membership. - Introduced by Howard V. Hill, season. Rup Rec Physical Director Margaret Slinn has lined up program in which all classes will demonstrate their best activities in a manner similar to that employed at the classes themselves. Previous displays hate been very successful and have contained an audience appeal which kept the galleries filled. Even better work on the part of the I I Welcome! Newfoundland. RUPERT and Central and Northern PRINCE British Columbia have particular interest in welcoming the entry into Confederation of Newfoundland which becomes official tonight. We are on the extreme west. They are on the extreme east. The tenth province, like this part'of British Columbia, is full of potential undeveloped natural resources and industrial potentialities. Newfoundland, like our area, must be looked upon in the broader sense and with a long view. Both are capable of great production and of huge population expansion. Their greatness lies in the future. In that spirit, we should welcome our new prov- C t D t 0 (t "Better keep an eye on him. He ruined three paintings last week." t rrv up rnm r. RlPrhT As time coes on. doubtlessNewfoundland ince. Tenders for Garbage Col, Civic Centre Dates participants can be expected as their work progresses. ! The program will include singing games by (he tiny tots class always a show-stopper net tumbling by junior boys, box-vaulting by 'teen-aee boys and girls, passive exercises by 'teenage girls, mat tumbling by th various leaders. More involved gymnastic displays will include ladder and gro:i- pyramids by Grades Four and Five of King Edward School, and springboard tumbling by the King Edward Grade Six class. Grades Four, Five and Six of Borden Street bchool v.iM present a display of club swinging and ball rhythms and the ladles keep-fit class and 'teen-age shall become one of Canada's greatest assets, just as we here also have aspirations and the surety of becoming. the chairman, was Roy German, ! secretary of the Alberta Wheat i for himself 'and his family is Pool, who will be speaker at a ' radical-then I think fnost of us Mmilar meeting tonight. ! are radicals," he said. "Some The addresses were followed people feel that we are out to by a question period, refresh- put tne sman business man out ments and the showing of a t of business. That is not so. We film "Men of Rochdale," des- , ieei tnat tnere is a place in the cribing the founding of the co-; community for everyone who operative movement in England operates legitimately." more than a century ago. j Wholesale value of goods dis- Opportunities by which the tributed co-operatively in Can- Sealed tenders marked "TENDERS FOR m J I.RrmON" will hp rttivl fctt u " me unaersienw Monday, April 11, for the collection a.: from the residential and business premises M mencing May 1, 1949. Tenders to stM. .iJl MORE THAN TELEPHONES will provide his own equipment or wishes to J co-operatives can expand their ada jast ycar wa3 $n2,ooo,000 of cost-saving practices are limit cnase equipment irom the City. Terms of k purchase to be Included in the tender iw." HE ISSUE as between installing a new and modern automatic telephone system or patch T companied by a certified cheque in the amoir whicn win be rorreited to the City in thetwm eessful applicant fails to enter into an a fir Of ; which the British Columbia cooperative wholesale societies distributed $500,000. This volume is expected to grow continuously. "Get your organization welded together now and, when times ed only by their willingness to enter producing, manufacturing, and distributing fields, Mr. S i d d o h s told the meeting. Throughout the world co-operatives have entered such fields as transportation, gasoline City In accordance with the terms ot histen. girls will join In square dances. The ladies keep-fit classes wili present a dlspiay of fundamental gymnastics. retained by the city until replaced by a w other guarantee of fulfilment of the contran FRIDAY Sports a.m. 9:00 Bo-Me-Hi Oym Class, p.m., 2:30 King Edward School . Gym Class. 3:30 Rup-Rec Jr. Girls. 7:00 Adult Club Badminton. 7:30 Rup-Rec Teen Age Boys. Basketball Practices 4:00 - 10:00. Special 8 :00 Rotary Club Chorus. 8:00 Mixed Adult Card , Party. 8:00 Camera Club (Teen). 8:00 Borden School Operetta. 7:30 Home Furnishing Course. are tough, for heaven's sake or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. H.D.TBs 77 r You saw it in the News! manuiaciure, nousing, ierunzer keep it together," hp urged.! manufacture and many other ..The Co-operative movement is! lines in addition to basic pro- based on membership loyalty." duction and distribution. ) "Cartel buying" efforts by j, DtAIOCRATIC SET t'P , Doat Owners IF YOUR BOAT MXIIS New Stntks KxhadFi Ventilators Mufflm Swedish co-operatives since! Arthur Wirick, secretary of 1921 have resulted in price re- the B.C. Co-operative Uion, an ductions of 60 per cent in mar-, educational branch of the move-garine, 10 per cent in flour, 60 ment in this province, describ-per cent in rubber footwear and ed the ideal democratic set-up 55 per cent in petroleum pro-j within individual co-operatives ducts. , and pointed out ways it, could Tiese manufacturing and be approached. "; distributing efforts were begun Basic authority lies -with the by the fledgling co-op move- members, he said, but no ment in Sweden in protest ber can hoDe to have direct con- ing up the present manual system for a few years longer has been fully discussed. Experts have been here and all are agreed that the automatic system is to be desired. The city council, with one exception, has reiterated its original stand that the automatic is to be preferred and that it is good business for the city to instal it. The voters last December expressed themselves in favor of having a money bylaw prepared for the project. The city council is carrying out the effect of that plebiscite. Later the money bylaw will be presented and the taxpayers who pay the bills will have the opportunity of making the final decision as to whether they feel the expenditure is justified. Meantime, there are other things of quite as pressing importance as the telephone system which require attention. There are the streets and sidewalks. Therfe are .the sewers. There Ls the water system. There are the schools. The condition of all these are only too well known. The need for them is certainly comparable with that of the telephone system and certainly as obvious. Possibly, we may have to choose, in view of our financial condition, between some of these things. The city council has plenty to work and think about in these other major matters. Tanks Halibut Sk PHONE BLACK U4 EDINBURGH, Scotland Scotland's grain harvest is expected to be the biggest since the war, and about 20,000 volunteer workers will be required to reap it. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO DO ALL TYPES OF XT MEN'S UNDERWEAR trtiori Suits SPECIAL $2.23 MENS PYJAMAS-SPECIAL $3.25 MEN'S DRESS AND WORK SOX SPECIAL from .... 4Uc MEN'S WORK PANTS All sizes SPECIAL $2.95 THOM SHEET METAL against artificially sustained trol over the functions of the I prices and the reductions that officers and employees of the Ave. E. I 253 First PILES were brought about have, been group. Rather, it is an indirect enoyed by the whole popula- authirity, ' delegated at general tion of Sweden. j meetings to the directors, with Similar achievements have specified reservations. The dir-been effected by agricultural ectors in turn, delegate respon- MEN'S sizes- DRESS PANTS -SPECIAL '. - All $4.75 When you remove, the Internal cause of plies you net worthwhile results that last. That's thfe simple reason for I'yltitnr'H great success. No matter what you have done for this torture, or how lonft-suinding and "co-operatives in the United sibility and authority to the States in the matter of fertil- manager. her costs and in Saskatchewan Co-operatives, he described as stubborn your case, modern science Household Appliances nn nacilino T v,o itt. rt,,fi .. has the answer in rylloiie rile K.sin- i edv IA limilri taken hv mmithl Volir ever, the co-operatives are han ing business methods to achieve first bottle proves this or the price refunded at once. That's our guarantee of I'j Hone's quality. 1.75 at cicapped by their lack of con- a social objective." Co-opera-! trol of the source of production tlves which aim entirely at fin-1 of crude oil. Isn .iai px'ospritv and lose sight! all modern druggists. K PAX 1 N A TO It RE FKIfi ERATORS .VEN'S SUITS -All-wool, the latest-SPECIAL $32.50 MEN'S LOOKING BOOTS Reg. $24 SPECIAL .. $17.50 Boys' All Kinds of SWEATERS SPECIAL from $1.25 BOYS' LONG PANTS Good make SPECIAL from $2.75 BOYS' SOLID L E A T II E It SCHOOL BOOTS Regular $G.50SPECTAL $5.60 KNITTING WOOL Best quality, large variety. Reg. 45c "That 'phrase 'cartel busting' of the social ideals inherent in I HOTI'OINT ELECTRIC STOVES tj may sound radical but if a man's desire to make savings R.C.A. VICTOR RADIOS PHILIPS RADIOS the movement are courting, irouble, he said. j The "Men of Rochdale" movie! was represented by Rudolph Ol-sen of the educational WK ATI! ALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing rnlarin QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies AN URGENT PRIORITY JOB . IT IS TO BE EXPECTED that there will be mini- J1U fcASV WASHERS 1 IN THE -UPR!J. COURT OF i BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE In the Matter of the "Administration EUREKA VACUUMS ; if FAWCETT OIL STOVES (installed) MEN MX WASHER SPECIAL 35c i Ait" i . And n the Matter of the Estate of Fmest HEN MX IRON ER Johnson, otherwise known as Arne Jolinson livllii. Deceased, I Hirsute. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor Judse Fulton, dated the $1 HOLLYWOOD cafe Most Up-to-Date Cafe in the City Opon from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. I mum of delay on the part of the provincial department of public works in getting the work of re-routing and Hard-surfacing the road from Prince Rupert to Port Edward under way. For nearly two ye.ars now we have been assured of it and it has now been adopted as one of the projects in the province's big development scheme. . ' Construction work on the big celanese mill at Port Edward is already Under way and several hundred men will be employed there this year. Even now there is heavy traffic between the city and the pulp mill site. It would have been a fine thing if this necessary work had already been completed. Certainly, it is a job which is entitled to No. 1 priority now and the department of public works should not have to be reminded of the fact. " Early development of the arterial highway through Prince Rupert will also be welcomed. 14th day of March. 1949. I was ap-fotnted Administrator of the Estate of the. late Ernest Johnson, otherwise known as Arne Johnson h'ylla, formerly of Sunnyslde Cannery, British Columbia, who died on or about the 13th day of September, 1948. All persons having claims against the said estate are required to forward them to me on or before April 30th. 1949, properly verified, and all persons Indebted to the sara estate are required to pay to me the amount of their Indebtedness forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. this 17th day of March, 1949. GORDON FRASER FORBE!? Official Administrator We Specialize in Chinese Dishes, CHOI' SUEY - CHOW ME IN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 13S , SAV HOME MULDERS! Property in a new subdivision available soon . . . Choice view lots at reasonable pritcs. N.H.A. district. Place your reservations now with ... ARMSTRONG AGENCIES John F. L. HunhM, I).C, Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment HOIKS IO:S0 a m. to 12:30 p.m. nrt 2 to 5 p.m. r.VRNfNUH Monday nd Friday. 7:0 pm 1 t.hfuw linnlllA tn rutnft (ltirtntt t.llt HOT Carl Zarelt f fl IIIONF 31 FRASER & PRINCE I' Prince Rupert. B.C. THE LUXURY TAX IS OFF! IF I day.- RECEPTIONIST in intend-J slice fternoonl. S07 3rd W. Real Estate Phone 312 Insurance ,WkVAlVv..", (98) For is AND WE ARE SO HAPPY WE'D SING IF WE COULD . . . Construction - Alterations See 1 Plumbing or Heating Call SMITH & ELKINS Phone 174 Box 274 BRP, GREER & NOW AVAILABLE CONTRACTORS AND BUD'I Everything at Buljter's is Now JOHN H. BULGER DPTOMETR 1ST . John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenu Floor Sandinc a Special f OUR STORY IS DYING NAMES, LINKING the far off and primitive past w ith the busy and populous present, are seen in the written records of Southern British Columbia and early Washington, Oregon and Cali-fornia. Monday, in Prince Rupert, here died a man who could ppeak with knowledge and authority of the history of Skeena and the north. , Born 83 years ago in Port Essington, George Cunningham bore a name that is part and parcel of the story of the land west of the Rockies. ; Throughout a long and a stirring life this was al- ways home to him. What tales he could have told, r what memories he could have revived ! But these, : unhappily, died with him. And similar tales are : dying with others. Meantime this district's history goes unwritten. . Red 561 Free of the Luxury Tax A watch that formerly cost you $20 with tax, will how cost you $16. This illustration applies to everything in the store. ALSO OUR SPECIAL DIAMOND VALUES WILL BE ON DURING THE PERIOD OP LENT OR TILL EASTER. wvwvw.vw.vvuvvv.v """" - ..ciiii OF TASTY j chop Deluxe Delivery Phone 383 Prompt and Efficient Service AFTER 0 P.M. CALL Anything Black 419 Anytime 285 Anywhere gi)2 LOOK FOR TIIE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL oP'f Second AYenue 7:00 m. to 8:30 .m. -- ?b z DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULTS