Locd(Jl 3 ews Items... Prfnre ntirett ailp rectos Thursday, March 31, 1949 AIR PASSENGLKS To Vancouver Mrs. A. W Burnip, Kv. D. Sharpe. From Vancouver R. German CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles J. mompson, W. Robertson, A. L (.-subject Subject to to Change) Change) i iff i iftK f ff . minmrmsuammammBmmi M A N L Y ilUUuLj ,rHvaf lhe "Whl"P Mys-! Crib and Whist, tery Voice' on CFPR, Friday, at; Rooms. Friday, 8 p.m. fili!fii,"f::'!tiW'i'ti:li:li"jii1ri!lj; .rtiuif ihiii;--n: jj Hill. E. Andrews, Mrs. A. Bethur Legion 178) THUltoDAT i-M. em. lit) ; Mrs. A. W. Burnip left today Mrs. Lee Bethnrcm r,i, u.. '"unnui uv uir uii a iriu m Vancouver. veunesuay afternoon by air SPRING PRESENTATION . Announcements lmb?nmiM tms column U1 (m charged tor i an montb t 36 mum wurd OK: ! Dimension & Finish Lumber Plywood and Wallboard pSmh and Door , Cement, Plaster, Brick fc it it 1 T & McCAFFERY LTD. ii.rything for the Builder" ! hione ne COMING HERE To assist in the organization of the Liberal party in Prince Rupert, Mrs. Nancy Hodges, well known Victoria newspaper woman and Member of the Legislative Assembly for that city. St. John Ambulance first aid class is cancellend due to ln- -lllf ..tnl , - ! 41 ITS and I Operetta, Borden St. School, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shorthill are at Civic Centre, March 31 and leaving on the Prince Rupert to- April 1. night for a trip to Seattle. j Lutheran tea and sale of home 4:00 Tony the Troubadour 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Stories of Adventure 4:45 Easy Listening 5:00 The Happy Time 5:30 Hawaiian Echoes 5:45 King Edward School 6 : 00 Winston Churchill 6:15 Freddy Martin and Orch 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Smoke Rings 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Eventide 8:00 T.B.A. 8:15 Vocal Recital 8:30 Smoke Rings 9:15 University Round Table cooking, April 2, at Mrs. Soiland, 130 5th Avenue West. I Lutheran tea and sale of. home cooking, Ajaril 2, at Mrs.; Soiland's, 130 5th Avenue West opooais will pay a visit to Prince Rapert ' on April 20 and 21. Among' other activities here, it is ex- i pected Mr3. Hodges will address; a public meeting. There will also s be gatherings with the women; of the city. j Women of the Moose ;m'lne irom a trip to Vancouver. Gordon & Anderson's Spring Clearance Sale starts Saturday" April 2, and lasts one week. (77) Mrs. W. A. Antilla, who has been paying a visit here with her parents, Mr.'and Mrs. Robert Gordon, is leaving by tomorrow evening's train on her return to her home at Burns Lake. John S. Wilson, jr., returned to the city Tuesday afternoon by air from Vancouver where he attended the invitational junior basketball tournament at New Westminster as a supporter of the local high school team. by Fash ion Craft at 2:30. (77) O Meeting of Job's Daughters, Friday, April 1 at 8 p.m. General Business, Silver March and Party at 9:45 p.m. (77) i . j tea, April 7, at Mrs. J. P. Mol-ler's, 124 Fourth Avenue East. Card Party, Catholic School Hall, 8 p.m., April 7. Pre-Easter Concert, Lutheran Church, Friday, April 8, 8 p.m. Orange Spring Sale, April 13, 2 to 5 p.m., Oddfellows' Hall. Apr. 14, Borden St. P.T.A. Sale and Tea. lOO-rRound-up Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies ll:00--Let's Play 11:15 Songs of Yesterday 11:30 Weather Forecast 9:45 Clifford Evens I 10:00 CBC News , 10:10 CBC News 1 10:15 Island Stories a per iDMruun, minimum uuraa, ooe. Birth Motfcaa: ltunl. vnih Notloea, Huneral tfotloe. Uuriut id u Jntaseinent Announctuienta: 12. t.icDi.iv milRl.lr tiulrB George Eales returned to the city yesterday on the Prince Rupert from a week's business vlt5 to Vancouver. C. E. Pratt, Vancouver architect. Is a visitor fn the rttv In I pytile in advance. Pleaae refrain from telephoning A. S. Gentles, executive of the SUITS Saxonys, Pin Stripes, Plain Tones and English Worsteds ... in the colors yoif prefer . .' jn either single or double-breasted style ... a few suits with extra .trousers. $41.50 $75.03 Dominion " Bride . Co., arrived ainvcu in 111 FOR tlEm ' J i Llnpor HOTICES Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Tea, thp rftv iinetnnn iu- enn n ppt.lrm nHt.h th rirawino nf ! . c- "J v.. rnr.ee i April 18 Rupert on a business visit to' Plans for new H1Bh School build-j Watson Island where his com-!inSs which are to be erected at . oyienan FOR RENT Nice sleeping rooms. 330 7th Ave. West . (79) Spring Sale, e City. Wed-jii 1949. Caro-39 years. 5 Life of Albert f 1476 nth Av-4ciideacon E. r.duct services jurt Chapel at . Anrii 1. In- "...j nao a. suutiuiai sieei con-l tract with Columbia uiumuid Cellulose! , , ,-., enuiose! Mrs. Fred Lawrence, who came ... wuictuuil wun me DUlia- horo tvitK )), f hi. -. ....... I....- V...lAAA.O J ing of the pulp plant. FOR RENT Comfortable Bedroom for lady with kitchen privileges if required. Close in opposite Boraen St. School. Phone Black 258 or inquire at 885Botden St. (tf) FOR RENT Housekeeping room. 613 Third Ave. . (tf) aunt, the late Mrs. F. W. Hart, William Roi-i- r1 o.. i whose funeral took place in the Ib-.v in Falrviewi Tndertakers in ements. j . . . ui a l Liu i t r ri. , Michigan, arrived in the city ls salling by the Prince Ru pert tonight on her return to this afternoon by air. He is here WANTED to overhaul the Duplex press in 10:30 Nocturne 11:00 Weather & Sign Off FRIDAY A.M. 7 :0U Musical CicK 7:45 Singing Sam 8:00 CBC News 3 : 15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert P.M. -12:00 Mid-day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Concert Hour 1 :30 Bernie Braden '1:45 Comty An Idea 2:00 National School Bdct. 2:30 Musical Program 2:45 Don Messer and His Islanders 3:00 Ethel and Albert. 3:15 Spotlight On a Star 3:20 Sketches In Melody 3:30 Divertimento 9:00 BBC NEWS 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert ' 9:59 Time Signal . 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies WANTED Hav you a ho-se large enough for three children We have children and furniture, but no home to rent. If you can help please phone Chief P.O. Pelen. at H M.C.S. Chatham. (tf TOPCOATS Tailored by Fashion-Craft, you can get the color you want from our new spring selection. Gabardines, V e 1 o u r s, Covert Cloths and Harris Tweeds . . . Smart Appearance . . . Unequalled for' Value. Vancouver. , Bishop Anthony Jordan, O.M.I , returned to the city yesterday on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver after an extended tour of eastern Canada during which he spoke several times at meetings on Catholic church work in the west. PREPARED MUSTARD f city. Wednes-51949. Matthew (o 69 years, 7 .: Hieh Mass f Kev. Father E. If i of the An-100 a.m.. Fri-ttirment to fol-. w Cemetery be said by F. Rayner I assemble at c ChaDel at Et iertakers in j:.iement.s. L the Daily News. Mr. Barr's last job before coming here was the installation of a new press in Salem, Oregon. A. S. Nickerson and Robert Parker have been added to the executive of the Prince Rupert provincial district Liberal Asso Anglican Spring Sale, Saturday April 23. Legion "Auxiliary Spring Sale, April 27. Rotary Club Daffodil Tea, Civic Centre, April 28. St. Peter's Y.P.A Musical Show, "Spring Fantasy" Civic Centre, April 29. The United Church Spring Sale, May 5. Gyro Klondyke Night, Civic Centre, May s. C.C.F. Spring Sale, May 7, Sons of Norway Hall. Presbyterian Missionary Tea Church Hall, May 12. Eastern Star Tea, May 19, Mrs. L. W. Kergin. H.M.C.S. Haida Chapter I.O.D. E. Tea, May 21. Sonja Ladies Tea May 28. Want Ads Bring Result! WANTED Ladies Ski Boots S'e 5. Phone Green 883. (77 ' HELP WANTED ANNE'S Opposite Health Unit WANTED Sheet Metal Worker :latlon- ciation. The' They replace replace S. S. E. E. Par- Par- Dr. and Mrs. Garnet Mont- applv Black 884 or Black 213 ker- wno died sm time ago, j gomery returned to the city yes-afVWo"ksS'' Thm Sh6et M7a and G' J' Frizze11- tne condition j terday on the Princl Rupert $1100 $67.52 Home-Made Candy , and Fresh Roasted Nuts , oi wnose neaun nas made it mi- from Vancouver after spending t'arv Hot Air condition, f;rom building, j.e Furniture. (77) PERSONAL i possible for him to carry on. the winter in Mr. Montgomery's former home In New Zealand. PERSONAL DRUG SUNDRIES They arrived in Vancouver last (rubber goods I twelve samples for 50c nostDairt i week on the Aorangi. ed wrapper, catalogue included. General Novelty Co Dept. -PR', 71 Major St., Toronto. Ont. (79) Chandler & Cowgill PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing ErJarging Flash Photos Taken at Home Phone Green 389 216 4th St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Celanese Company Profitable Year I eood conril- i 438. J77) Jit's Bicvcle I Daily News. I (77) i.natlp Record fc'iio Comblna-;e, reasonable. V nd Covered i Oreen 897. ? .no . TENDERS WANTED CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT NOTICE The Council ls considering the installation of Parking Meters throughout the business district. Interested parties are invited to place their suggestions or objections before the Traffic and Taxi Committee of the Council. Arrangements for such meetings will be made on-application to the undersigned . H. D. THAIN BIDS will be received up to and including April 4 for purchase of the Poulsen Block, Sixth Avenue at Havs Creek, including Postal Station B and lixtnreo nf fho Pnulcun MONTREAL Net profit of $5,283,810 for the year ended December 31, 1948, an increase of $2,258,000 over the preceding year has ben reported by the Canadian Celanese Limited. Net is equal to $10.57 a share on each of the 400,000 preferred 4 I O ' I BOBSEBOU. 1 FAVOfillS Si t enamel .hadi It:'. Ease'' inat- estate, -also for the purchase of- lumber -anti miser llaneous building material. Box 1001, Station B, or Inquire on the premises. (78 1 RE.iLEST.Vrit City Clerk, shares. (77) THERE IS ONLY ONE CORRECT PRESSURE! Over-inflation and under-inflation shortens tire life. For maximum service from your tires let us cfleck them for correct pressure. fl.:H. in perfect IM. Hot Point a i burners., ai r and electric Ji-'t air furnace i, with acces-;wte installa-"H.ack 511, 714 I - itf) (ft RU Hi Gnieals! FOR SALE Excellent 5 room home. 2 bedrooms with basement and cement foundation, absolutely A-l condition. The house is beinsr sacrificed as owner is leaving town. Apply Robert E. Montador Ltd. (77) fc it clinkerbuilt Warn. New. Gill iU.i'h anrl ch'ifl Of Guards. 12 H P. FOR SALE 4 room house partly propellor and, furnished. Phone Black '419. iisenerator andi (79) BOB PARKER'S UPTOIV.'J SERVICE STATION w. iiove and oil gal. and 20 S. 1134 2nd West ii.v News. (77) MACH1NEKY FPU SALE fO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Mi.chinerv nfimndnu f imiioH Voncnnusr Second and McBride PHONE 791 to'1" baby rarri-wditi(in. Phone : il77i M heavy duty' B.C. ' tf it-Wheel. Phone (78) LOST AND FOUND LOST Enamel Link Bracelet. Reward. Valued as keepsake. Finder please return to Daily News office. (80) m House Cleaning AIDS Glass Cleaner Soil-Off Class Wax Floor Wax Furniture Polish Dust Mops Scrub Brushes Kneeling Pads and Used Fur- j and Office f : 'J' Used Artt-f d lied, Wood Oil Ranges, 1- Corner Enam ""Office Chairs. " New Artie ies- Toasters, Cup Uxminster Rug ' regular nrii.p Where else could vou get such a nourishing disb pancake iuck. for so hule money? Serve Aunt Jemimas often! E,si "?nom VTJT Th Qualm Ob! Company of Conodo limited Him iii 1 1 I hi ''i"r 1 j. r i SOFT . . . STRONG . . . PUREX home-Kold tissues give quality with economy . . . favored choice of discriminating housewives housewives ... . , . . from from coast coast to to coast. coast. FOUND Keys in case. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News office and paying for this ad. (tf) I gj ' , jfe "?r Sets, Teii Spu FOUND Dark rim glasses. Owner may have same by calling at Daily News and paying for this advertisement. ;'; '"west prices, furniture Co. METAL VI OAK PLUMBING Installations and J2 Chevrolet 8e-JS'XKj condition. c" be seen fcY'-New sons' 35c to ; Brown's Mill, neuairs. onaci wiin; WORK. Tar and Oravel Roofing Letourpeau & Sons. t29 Sixth Wet. Phone MS 1 1 1 WISBECH, Cambridgeshire, 518 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 400 ) on Numhshuir "He was on the point of asking me to dine at the Civic Centre Dining Room." England Pay for ringing lfi f,,..! "... . th the h centuries-old curfew bell is i uui ctinker Dowered by 2-i. l::n motor. motor. F4r For ! Is '20 cents) a night, but no now niue 95tt. 'cne will. accept the" vacant job nt that rate. It Pays to Advertise! Advertise in the Dally News! I5"ec1' food f P- Green 697. . (80) rajhouw Ele7- utfm,!!arm,n 5 baby Prm8"- The Lightweight ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW LIGHT STURDY COMPACT For All Types of Operation in the Woods FOR IMCSKKVATIONS AND CHICKEN IN THE HOUGH ., PHONE RED 705 civic CEfiTRE DiniriG noon NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Teiuli'ri For KcIiimiI Hulldlne ' Senlpd Tonrters, pndorsmt "Tender West. (77) r s3 for School Building" will be received oovtn op Experience proves the dependability and fine performance of the P. M. CARRIED IN STOCK AT PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 712 Second Ave. P.O. Box 772 Ormcs Drugs oj the unricrslsnrd up to unci including April 13, 1949. lor the erection and completion of the following schools: 1. Three-room school at Telkwa. DC. 2. Three-room annex to High School Kt Smlthero. B.C. Plans, specifications and form of tender may be obtained from the School Board office in Smithers. B. C. or from the School Board office In Smithers. B O. or from Sharp, "0BATE 4vjrA,"'"'HMrinin j l'rh"l. INtW(, thr; np- DRUGS 5 .,1 r'" mnn Outer. Thompson, Berwick ft Pratt, Archl ' Eu,!,a on nr ah " tecU. 62(J Pender West. Vancouver, liuo ..V theBC. nn a riemwlt of 125.00. which f ""8 Ralnst Per" nmou"t will be refunded on return l, to forward th .fftl1 ot P"s i good condition. A certl-l"'e 1m, !"ra ''"emifii.rt Plum,. .n,,oi mro nf tonrier Reserve Your Seats Early For KENNETH SPENCER The Croat American Basso Civic Centre, Thursday, April 14 W ANTE D AI PLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR TOE FOLLOWING POSITIONS FOR 1949: CAMP MANAGERS BOAT CREWS ONE SKIPPER J. CLAUSEN & SON and "th. 1B49. anrt r.u,,.,i,i .,. ,1,. n.r.l Hnlirail all ii P"soiis n wieir in- 'With. Ti'usti'es must accompany the bid as surety of Rood faith. The lowest or any tender not nec e&sarlly accepted. A. MUHEIM, Secretary-Treasurer, School DlRtrlct No. 54. Smithers, B.C. Smithers, B.C. March B, 11)40. (70) RUPERT MARINE REALTY PHONE 81 Box 548 Prince Rupert, B.C. 1 8 R"pert, B c f (77) ...... I