1 Prince Rupert Dailp rectos LtD. Saturday. March 6, 1048 am ANNETTE MANSELL DRESS SALON L'KSTAIIM IN STONK l!Un.f,N(1 An Independent daily newspajrv devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert nd all communities compris. ig northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Stond Class Mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Q. A F'TNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER O? CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per week. 15c: Per Month. 65c; Per Year, 7 00; By Mall, Per Month, 0c; Per Year, 4.00. milium uevi DIRECTORY Church Attendance SPRING STYLE PRESENT, SATURDAY SERMON The Saivation Army Captain and Mrs. E. Jarrett, Corps Officers. TONIGHT. 8 p.m.- Youth Rally. Mrs. Arthur Vickrrs, the .speaker. Sunday Services as follows: 11 a.m.--Holiness Meeting. 2:30 p.m.- DirectOiy tla.ss 3:00 pjil.-Sunday School. 7:30- Gospel Meet inn. Tiles.. 7:30 p.m. Til? Home league will meet at The S A. Girls' Home Wed., 8 p.m. Soldiers' Meeting. Frl., 8 p.m. Holiness Meeting. Conducted by Brigadier and Mrs. T. Gilliimhami. Kertlcefl In all chiirrliet ut II a.m. and 7:311 p.m.; Sunday School at 1'!:I3 except tft show. 4;l.l'4 r.tTHFItlMI. 4th Ave. W. at Dunsmulr St. Holy Communion 8:30 am. Sunday School 2:00 p.m. Rector: Basil S. Prockter. B A.. B D (Blue 7M THE LEADING EAST&; MANUFACTURERS r i 9 i M J 4 J i '$ i i i WHY I RELIEVE THE IHKLE i Howard Patrick, of Long Beach, California i (This is a priye-winning essay on this theme, by a senior in High Sc!;ool, and one oi the leading debaters in Southern California In this age of the skeptic and the infidel, in this age of doubt and reason, and a belief in the natural over against the sujernatural, it is necessary for the Christian to know definitely why he believes the Hible to be the true, inspired Word of (lod. This is an age when men want a reason for the hope that is within them. The most reasonable EVENINGS OP riKST BAPTIST 5th Ave. E at Young St. Minister: Rev Fred Antrouua (Green 812) HKST PRESBVTIRUN 4th Avenue East (Green 982. 1 uesday, Ma- CAPITOL THEATRE t IKT I MTKIi 36 6th Ave West Minister: R. A. Wilson. M A. (Green 81 J i f'&i - A '- ining m all tiie world is reli- i jfion. The Christian life is the Inv sirtiiltiblo! I I I.I. (.OKI'l l. thi kvwi: 221 6th Ave. West Pustor: Paul A Barber (Green 620) mm Margaret I OPlOMt! SAI.V lTIO ARVIV Praser Street CO.: C'apt Earl Jarrett Ulrectiirv OlaiiS 2 :: p.m Sunday School 3 :00 p.m. (Black 2t st. pufs i.iTm:mx 6th Ave. at McBride St Pastor: BL SoUantl (Black 910) I I ROOM 10 STONK Blll.DlNr, NEW and a response to wnatever Was deepest in his heart." And, after all. the question we must all face is this: Does the Bibie satisfy me? Is it a pillow on which I may lay my head in time ol trouble, need and sadness? Is it a comforter as I cross into the'land of eternity? The Bible is our hope. What have we to live for if it is not to live again with Him? He put us here and gave us a guidebook, a strpplnc-stone, that we may not falter or stumble. I believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of the only God, i who gave us the promise: "Whosoever belicvelh in me shall not perish but have over-lasting life." QUESTION of church attendance and influence 1"HK is much under discussion these days and Protestant churches in Prince Rupert as well as elsewhere throughout the country are gravely concerned and wondering what to do about it. In a national survey of youth made for the Canadian Youth Commission, fifty-eight percent of th'-'so questioned said they usually attended church at least once a week, another fifteen percent said they went two or three times a month, thirteen jercent said they went less frequently than that. Only five percent said frankly that they never went at alL Eighty-nine percent of young Roman Catholics in Canada said they go to church every Sunday, but only thirty-eight percent of young Protestants make this claim. Which indicates, whether we may like their ways or not, that the Roman Catholic Church has something that the Protestant el. in cries have not and is doing a better job at the dissemination of the Christian (Jospel and the maintenance of its influence than are the Protestants. Di. W. J. Gallagher, secretary of the Canadian Council of Church, prescribed lour thing- that needed to be done at once to meet the inadequacy of the Protestant Churches' influence: 1. A careful study of the Canadian situation should be made. 2. We must strive to state and present the Gospel in terms revelant to our situation and the understanding of the people. .'5. Old and new methods of evangelism must be examined, tried, evaluated, and used in the service of the Gospel. 4. The church must be strengthened and quick-"ened lor her evangelistic task. This involves many things: the organization and functioning of the church, the training of the ministry, the devotion and the. activity of both ministry and laity, the worship and fellowship of the congregation, the Christian nuture of youth, the support of the ministry both spiritually and materially. normal life, another life is abnormal. For those who search and observe facts, there are numerous evidences that the Hibli' Is the true Word of God. I believe the Bible because ol its strength over attack. No literature, no book, has ever been attacked as the Bible has been, from the first of its ex-istenee until the dawn of the present century the Bible has i'-n fought by skeptics, athe-iits and infidels. Many of whom 'possessed keen intellect and .sil- very tongues, and yet this pre cious book lias weathered all I storms, and its panes are still brighter Ulan Sold. Did you ever s.op to think : what a task a man would have ;who would underUKe u ,vi.uy ; the Bible? GikI has been .so ST. I'KTKK'S A.l.ll AN Beal Cove Archdeacon E. Hod son Sunday School 1 1 00 a.m. Evening Prayer 7:30 p m. (Blue 8271 PHONE ' H First I'rfl.v (crian ChuiH. Fourth Avenue East Rev Allan M Mefoll, Minister Mrs. E J Smith. Orsanust MARCH 7, 1048 Morning Worship, 11 a.m. Youni! People's Choir "Who is this in Yonder Stall." Sermon, "The Goodness of God" Sunday" School. 12:15 Sermon, "The Personal Christ'' LOOK FOB Till. NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL BLUE 593 COMMIMTV SINIY SCHOOL East End Hall. 2:30 p.m. RESERVISTS PLAN 'Continued from Pae 1 the question t Ormes D have been out of in pre-war days. it I fn refill tn niKir4 It K.. 1I 1.., " ,v ",,lt All hav. armament, more noW-T" int.; every huiuaii ills and The fibre .cry. 'ov ' erful than existed in the R.C.N. , l(HQ.Rii,UlelIaDr"' "' ..fl..... In PRESCRIPTION CHEMIST: . I ' 'man who .seeks to destroy tli.f u a re . mounted 4-inch eapons J supplied as well as smaller " milliim copies of the Book, nor. such as Boffin, twin and m -y single Oerlikon and other gun-, !in ,.,,,.,,.. lhl. )u REGULAR BAPTIST (I I MitMl NT IVI 1 I I h: H.ill f)tli xiul h' Htulf Plx.rw- 'M't Sunday, Marc It , 1H4 8 "Sfli yc the l.urd, while He may he fuund." Is. 12.1:i p m. Sunday School. , 7:30 pin (.nspel Service. U'r.tyir 1'iai-"' Testimony! Sjieaker:: . Topic; ;. I!. S. Iltackahy ''(.Oil's ( AI L ( O.M: NOW!" Hearty Gospel Sinnlny Lord's Supper follows Evening Servi.-ei Wednesday 8:00 p in Prayer Meeting. Friday, 3:30 p.m. Mission Band. 7:(WI p.m. Junior Young People mi: i'ki ii mi: oni-nut hmh-hiv nery items like Bren guns, i revolvers. Torpedoes and "I the world. He will have to Ko ail l"linto the lihrrii ,f dir. 1,1 Daily car delivery serviff from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Kmcrgency hicyrlf delivm from 7 p.m. till 0 p m. and Sunday items until . also li be : them "hush-hush" only recently, are upon the shelves of which are books in which the Bible has been quoted and referred tu He must carry his destruction into the art galleries -of the , world found. Visitors who have read of the PHONE 81 scientific wonders of radar, asdic, loran and other electrically and destroy the greatest' of all music and sculpture of 'rare ', beauty and worth. Why hasn't ' the Bible been destroyed'' He-eause you can f destroy God, and it is God's Word, and you can no more destroy God's Word than you can destroy the Ooi . j operated "senses" by which I modern warships feel their way j through night or fo;, probe the ocean depths with invisible fin-I gers. or locate their positions TO KNOW... I WANT R.C.A. VICTOR AUTOMATIC RECORD PU ATTACHMENT hundreds of miles at sea with- I'KICE ! I out recourse to the sun or stars, i Mat spoke the word, will find all this type of equip- i i believe the Bible to be God' ; ment among the "tools" of the inspired Word because it is the naval reservist's trade. Wireless key that unlocks all human tflesraphy and telephony, t Hi.1 mystery. Four of the biggest is also well represented in a euestions that anyone can ask division's facilities. his soul are these: Who am I. Seamanship gear in the form Where am I? Where did I come I rilurrs: when should I BUY term insurance? oii wlwHi a mini iimu ljpti;ith lf-rm irittranrf i Kntteltl a mm-ij fiiMiiri.il ohhCJlit jad Hauls utldiiiimal irol- lnn lor tun rM.il diu my; (irriod or iki-K rlt' tinn Uii.riui.ilty un.thl- ul llir moiitrtii io Imi ordtiury HELP CRIPPLED CHILDREN WITH THE challenging slogan "2 out of 3 can be cured", sheets of colorful Easter seals are being mailed to every home in British Columbia, in the drive to raise funds for aiding sick and crippled children. Funds realized will go entirely into the expansion of hospital space and facilities for treating handicapped children throughout the province. At present, space and facilities in our children's hospitals fall far short of provincial needs. However, splendid results have already been achieved. Returns from Easter seals over the past two yars were sufficient along with government grants to build. a 'hew wing to the Crippled Children's hospital at Vancouver, doubling its accommodation. In addition, the following received substantial financial aiftf Vancouver Preventorium, Queen Alexandra Solarium, V.I., and St. Christopher's Home, NoitliJVjiunjver. All these instigations administer to Mhdicapped children on a province-wide basis. rm t-ear the Spastic Paralysis Society of tt.C. Ha.4tfo added to the list of beneficiaries. The worthiness of this cause is emphasized by the splendid results now being achieved by modern medical science in this field. or Carley lloats, lilcbuoys andilrom? and Where am I going? compasses; navigational and ! ricience cannot answer them, plotting instruments; ship and Scientists tail to tell the origin aircraft models for developing a of human life. The Bible is the man's "spotting' accuracy; mo--' only Book that gives the world tion picture projectors and films jun intelligent origin. What does that bring the trainee, without it say? "In the beginning God leaving the lecture room, an al- created the heavens and tlv; '!:! A Mutual lif of iw con adv row tri. kind of tmmntm if thr It Md for tt. low Corf il mswonr tiiKi 1(49 Hf0 OIFICI WAUHIOO, OMT. SEE 1 HEM ON DISPUY AT most full scale experience of ! earth;, that is enough, that many shipboard details, are all:'in the beginning God'; and we included in the equipment. i have here the most intelligent The floating equipment with ! origin the world ever heard which the establishments have! about. This wonderful Book is McRAE BROS. L ben provided will not be visible the key to all human mystery. Richard Sephton, I'l int e Itupert, CoaMal and Interior District Agent R. K. Mortimer. Representative frince Rupert, B.C. E. T. Kenney, Ltd., Representative Terrace, B.C. II0m & Madiitan. Representatives Trlkwa. B ( . E. R. Condon, Representative Ocean Falls, B.C. The Bible is beyo.id human For Prompt Service ('all nrrvrr TnAtlCCCD 0 ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS FOR BEST RESULTS invention. The Ten Commandments, for instance, have never been improved upon in all the world of law. The Bible is also the finest of all literature. I believe it is divinely Inspired because it satisfies the human heart as nothing else can do. As Carlyle has said: "It is the one book wherein, for thousands of years, the spirit of man has found light and nourishment. MESSENGER SERVICE J wKinoH With k PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD to the visitor except where it ' has been removed from Its na-1 tural element for the winter. Every division has its quota of . 27-loot whalers, long the favor-' ite pulling and sailing craft of j the Navy, and also, in the great ' majority of cases, they possess 46-foot harbor craft. I Far stronger numerically than it has ever been in its peacetime history, equipped in a man-near that is producing a greatly heightened state of effectiveness and morale, the Royal Canadian Navy (Reserve) is breaking out its "Come alongside" signal to Canadians with a sense of proud anticipation. VIHM" v 1 ' ' Prince Rupert Pottle Collector Auto Logical! WD' 303 3rd Ave. West Office Phone: Blue 810 ,.mc SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS iiit RUPERT MARINE M An old oar is better than none. But having no car is better than having one unsafe on the road. We are equipped and staffed to check iron and Brass Ouungs Electric and Acetjlene Welding SON) I (J. CLAl'SEN We Take LlaUnga ol . . . uhU BOATS FOR SALE ORWA FURNITURE REPAIR LOVIN'S RLl'E 818 330 2nd Ave. Next to CFPRI C R E ! I T T K R M S Prompt Mail Order Service y ur car point by point, and to make in ce.H.sary repairs reliably. Drive in now! Don't wait SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MININfl MACHINERY BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AM DIIDCDT MARINE REAL. With Tl ASTHMA oi irit SALES OR CHAR (Just v East of Lip.tf. wtefLH flu' ) AND HAY FEVER 1 BRKTIIE4SV OF AN AKA 2 Mil. Vaiintutrr. W. J L Box SIS Sd""' FOR THE BEST IN AITOMOTIVE SEE I'S FOR ALL REQl'IREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs In all types of printing work. Everything in high-class stationery. Cards for every occasion. Fountain Pens. DIBB PRINTING COMPANY GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Floor Sanding a Specialty Chevrolet Bullk f,Mf I'onllac Oldsmohll NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 106 MACHINE WORK A SI-EL Shop 1 61 COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made1 VALENTIN DAIRY I Your Daily , ALL-WEATHER SERVICE I Terrac'eMachine THIRD AVENUE BESNER BLOCK TERRACE, B c Phone RED 561 P.O. Box 721