? Ptitut Rupert Dailf rftof LtD. Saturday, March 6, 1948 Local News Items. fhe Daily News Boys ANDREW GARTEN FUNERAL HELD Fnal Kites Held Yesterday Afternoon Numerous Floral Tributes family; Clara Brown;' Ray and i ,if) rn,i C Vi .-1. A rnmn... I - Moose Whist Drive and Mrs. A. T. Holland, rho has betn in the city lor a few days for hospital treatment, is sailing by the Cassiar Sunday on her return to her home at Mas-sett. George Durham, who came north from Vancouver on account of the death of his mother ROBERT WATTS Dance every Saturday night 8:30. (It) and Mrs. Ralph Green; Mr. and Mrs. Mil Nickerson; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Olsen; Phil King; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cook and David; Mr. and Mrs. F. Skaland; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wingham, Oscar and Edward Denning sailed las' HAS FLAIK FOR FASTHALL night on the Cardena for a trip It's NEtt! Final rites for the late Andrew Garten, well known fisherman and master of the halibut boat Cash for old cold. Bulger's. J. E. Mathieson, district forester, left on last evening's train for a trip to Smithers on official business. You cannot beat quality and comfort. See our Slater Shoes. George Hill & Sons Ltd. (56) H. i. Young returned to the city on Thursday afternoon's ,.(..s J Job Watts has lived in Prince Iiu- to Vancouver. the late Mrs. Charles Durham of Usk, sailed by the Cardena this morning on his return south. L ,i v (if ln-; birth, liou is in uraae b this year I'' L1V . 1 Cl C.I 1 Rupert Rod It Uun Club an atteiKiin.y Joriien ouccl ovnuui. nual Game Dinner at Broadway Cafe March 10. Tickets are lim Lois N., were held Wednesday afternoon at Full Gospel Tabernacle, Rev. Paul Barber officiating. A resident of. Prince Rupert for more than 30 years, :1st ol me leen uuys oi rrinee Kupert, ,H,t name basketball as his favorite sport. ;ar it to Borden, takes In Big Place and Fraser Street. 'kK'S Ii ited and are available to members only. Contact Ned McLeod, B. J. Bacon, Johnny Walker, or s a kating best oi all which may seem is ice With all his High School and r deceased is survived by his who was born Marie; Mr. and Mrs. Erling Pedersen and boys; Sadie and Erling Grindstrand; Capt. and Mrs. Ben Petersen; Mr. and Mrs. K. Nesbitt; Charlie and Lotlk' Anderson; Deep Sea Fishermen's Association; Mr. and Mrs. K. Grindstrand and Freda; Mr. and Mrs. Mah and family; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Helland; Walter Hanson; Women's Missionary Society; Mr. and Mrs. J. Valder-haugh and family; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Grlmble for your ticket, i possibly university days ttill plane from a busines trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands. BASKETBALL TONIGHT Senior Game 8:30 p.m., Savoy llWHlltV ..A .r, J widow here. The congregation sang the1 Don't delay. Do it now. (w. s.) JANTZEN hymns "The Haven of Rest" and Having in their custody a ahead of him, Bob hasn't made up his mind about the vocation or profession he will follow when he has completed his academic vs. Brown woods. (It J woman vagrant, Freda McFar- Jp;iig ra'"1" " sufficient frost jy has L ;l skating surface. ;.ce-.skaani! if a Cana-i'th heruaBi- whether -Tin Hit- "banana belts" .... in QI1U land. Inspector F. B. Woods- Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Cantelon 4 ! X "When I've Come to the Last Mile of the Way." Organ interludes before and after the service were played by Miss ' education. sailed by the Cardena last night Johnston, provincial police, and Mrs. G. D. Mead left on yes on their return to Bella Bella V 1 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY terday's plane for Vancouver. after spending a few days here H. Toftager and family; Mr. and Mrs. V. Hanson; Your Loving Wife. Colun'.Dia u " uf the Dominion. The woman will serve three attending sessions of the spring FOR SALE Set of Grey-Bon-sockets. Phone presbytery of the United Church. J; is a same Bob likes; 4ucn tnt- season permits j m .v.. .. t l-tc Pivir ( ney 34" drive FUNERAL NOTICE 537 or call 324 5th St. (61 i nit'inut-i ui , r . ...nk ! months at Oakalla. Col. Charles N. Hoy of South Africa, after spending a couple of days in the city In the course of a lecture tour of Canada under the auspices of the Canad Loverna Linney, who-aiib accompanied Rev. John Linney In the singing of the solo "The Holy City." ' Many floral offerings Indicated the esteem in which the deceased was held in the community. Interment took place at Fair-view Cemetery. Pallbearers were Oscar Wingham, William Way, PARKIN Passed away at Regular meeting of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union will be FOR SALE Ada II. 45 ft., 12 ft. beam, 45 Atlas Imperial full diesel. $6,000. Post Office held Sunday March 7th, 2:30 e lias access w i facilities as are open :ers j ,e has any spare time to spend it working 1 p.m. Members please attend Box 548 or phone Black 17 or (It) V Green 975. (62) Our spring swea-: ters will meet with ' your approval. Button Cardigans, Zip per Jackets, Pullovers with Sleeves or Sleeveless. Brushed Wools, Wor-stsed and Botany Yarns ,mp collection or read- Prince Rupert General Hospital, March 6, Arnold Thomas Parkin, 855 Borden Street, aged 70 years. Born In Sheffield, England, and resident of Prince Rupert for 41 years. Survived by his widow, one son, Gordon, Vancouver, and one daughter, Audrey (Mrs. William Scow, president of ian Club, left on last evening's train for his next stop at Edmonton. From the Alberta capital, he will proceed into the Peace River district. the Native Brotherhood of Brl tish Columbia, sailed last night by the Cardena on his return Harold Grindstrand, Peter Wing-ham. Erling Grindstrand, and Fred Skaland. Floral tributes were received from the following: FOR SALE Snlplap. Approx. 4,000 ft., some 1x10 and some 1x6. New, $60 per 1000. Inquire at Skogmo's Boat Repair, Cow Bay, or phone Black 613 to Alert Bay after a brief visit to the ttsy on Brotherhood business. Si Delicious Delicious M and and Owen Snelli, also of Vancouver. Funeral service will be held Tuesday afternoon. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for full month at 25 cents a word Deaaes quality Cleaners, Mr. Chris Dixon and family; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Henriksen; Friends and Congregation of Full Gospel Tabernacle; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Benson; Mr. and Mrs. Anton Strand; Mr. and Mrs. Flad- pick-up and delivery. Phone 283. Nutritious You'll want Van Camp's often! evenings. (57) "KLEEREX" clears up skin ailmentsEczema, Itch," Pimples, Psoriasis, etc. quickly, effectively. Have better complexion. Two stiengths, medium, strong. Two size's, 59c, $1.09. All drug- Galloway Rapids I.O.D.E. tea, March 8. ing. He also puU in a specified time each week practising on the piano. Bob began delivering papers for the Daily News last fall. Hi route, number 15, commences at Fulton and Third Avenue runs up Fifth Avenue and along (tf) Mrs. K. E. Birnie. who has presented in a variety March 9, from St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral, Rt. Rev. James B. Gibson, Bishop of Caledonia, officiating, assisted by Rev. Basil S. Prockter. Interment in Fairview Cemetery. (it March 17 Catholic School Hall set and Peter; Mr. and Mrs. K. been visiting in the city for the past three months, will be re Laird; Mr. and Mrs. Nystaadt and family; Rev. and Mrs. J. of new colors, these Jantzen Sweaters are (lt) turning to her home at Smi Linney; Salvation Army Home Tea, Home Cooking, Apron and Novelty Sale, 2:30 pjn. Card Party. 8 pjn. Booth P.-T.A., March 17. Junior Chamber St. Patrick's Day Dance, March 17, Civic League (president, Mrs. Wllkiet; particularly attractive for spring wear. Henry and Paul Freisen; Bill and Irma Way and family; Centre. John and Edith Johansen and thers on Monday evening's train. T. Halliwell, who came rorth recently on account of the death at Terrace of his father, Henry Halliwell .and has been visiting the city for a few days, sailed Thursday night by the Prince Rupert for Vancouver enroute back to Hcdlcy. EASEfiMriWc LADIES: HEAD THIS! Unwanted hair removed from face, arms, legs with Plash Hair Remover 0euMqie PAIN Actually destroys the entire hair above and below the skin surface Harmless leaves skin soft and smooth. You can't lose. Money Presbyterian Tea, March 18, Presbyterian Church Hall. Rebekah Easter Parade, Civic Centre, March 19. Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D.E., Daffodil Tea, March 29. Sea Cadets and Jobs' Daughters Combined Show and Musical Revue, March 31 and April 1. Navy Drill Hall. Canadian Legion W. A. Spring promptly refunded if hair grows back after third application with no questions asked. Price $2.00 post IHUINI ASFItIN It MAtMO 1MII WAT paid (COD.s Postage extra I. KAPEX PRODI ITS (DEPT. 79) I I l 1240 Kilocycle. (Subject to change) Bos 22. Station B. Montreal. Que Sale, March 31. I LING THE TAILOR . We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixtn Street Anglican Easter Sale, April 1. J.C.C. Smoker, Moose Temple, April 2. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 15. Women of the Moose tea at the home of Mrs. C. Mclntyre, 546 8th Ave. East on April 22. Orange Tea, April 21. United Church Spring Sale, April 29. St. Peter's spring sale, May C. does 7 cans fdtt vot? Your Smartest Bet For the Perennial Parade is this handsomely tailored three-piece ensemble in lightweight wool. Matching topper can be worn over everything. Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions .1 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST ....; John Bulger Ltd Third Avenue SA 1'tHlJfti-F.M. 0:00 -Tea Dance 6:05 Recorded 6:15Mu!ettc. Ymiu 6:30-Insidc Story 6:45 According to Record 6:50 Recorded Interlude 7:00 Song Festival 7:30 Organ Music 7:45 Tim week, Wpg. 8:00-Sat. Night Serenade 8:30-Baskotball Broadcast 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Graham Charles 10:3C Woody Herman 11:00 Wcauier Forecast and Sign Off SUNiJj A :A. 11:00 -Cm, News 11:03 Capitol ReporUs-Ott. 11:30 Rcliglyus Period-Tor. KM 12:00 New York Piiilharnioiuc Orch. 1:30 Church of the Air 2:00 Musical Program 2:30 CBC News 2:33 John Fisher Reports 2:45 Weed -end Review 3:00 T.B.A. 3:30 Weather Forecast 3:35 Musical Program 4:00 Music in Nature 4:30 Everybody's Poecry 5:00 Record Album 5:30 Music In Three Quarter Time 6:00 CBC News 6:10-The Old Songs 6:30 Familiar Music IF YOU WANT ESQUIRE FEATURES THEM a Skirt a Blouse a Hat Mi a Suit a Coat a Dress a Pi urse, etc. It will fit you because you are a young Canadian. You'll look well in it because you'll feel proud to wear it ...and it will make you think of other fellows who have worn it proudly and served Canada well. s This beret has been around ! -It's as well-known in other counties as it is here in Canada. To some nations it has meant liberation., to some, law and order... to some, defeat. There are a ' lot of "good heads" wearing berets like his one fellows you'd be glad to know and claim as friends. Chaps who can teach you things that are worth knowing... a trade, for example... or sports;;: or per-J haps just how to hold your head high and be proud that f you are, serving Canada as they ore doing. Just make a small down payment uml pay-as-you-wear on Sweet Id's personalized BUDGET PLAN. NO INTEREST SPECIAL PHOTOS for Easter CALL AT ('handler & Cowgill Fourth St. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. NO CARRYING CHARGES THE FAMOUS If you rare? seventeen, "start planning your future career Call around at your local recruiting centre or a nearDy Art Vogue SHIRT With the Duo-Casual Collar. Sold Exclusively by Acme CLOTHING STORE .uimoury and see about ordering your beret now I 7:00 Stage 48 8:00 Readers Take Over 8:30 Music by Eric Wild 9:00 Cassics for Today 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CBC News lOMGB.C. News 10:15 Canadian Short Stories 10:30 Prelude to Mmiiight tl:00-Weathcr and sign off ann SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. rhone 37 P.O. Box 611 FKASEK STREET Prince Rupert GOING OUT OF G A The I'KINCE KUPKKT FISHERMEN'S UO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, Waterfront, is disiontinuine handling breakfast and dinner sets. The remaining: stock will be on sale at special prices this week. 10 Only 32 Breakfast Sets 5 Only 41 Dinner Sets 5 Only 53 Dinner Sets 1 Only 97 Dinner Sets A few other items in Chinaware will also be on salt Prince liupert Fishermen's Co-op THERE'S THE RESERVE for thott who with to wv, to fvarn a roo" ond thor in ih Ullowthip onrf odvont ogtt of army Mo but art unablo to go oclivo. Now it ffit fme to docido. . . ask for dtlaili today. AVOID AGGRAVATION MIMUAI, M'T Notice f Application lr (ertilicute or linprmrmentK Evening & Lake Fractional Mineral Claims. Situate in the Portland Canal Mining Division, Cassiar, at American Creek. Lawful holder: Charles Lundstrom Number of the holder's free miners c-ertlfhate: 1403U-P. . Take notice that I. W. H. Forrest, jf Victoria. B.C., acting as at'ent for Charles Lundstrom. of Stewart. B.C., x ' If. NOllt'K . , , lames Mcka.v. Deceased NOTICE IS Hfc'Rfc'BY OIVKN that ail persons having claims atainst the estate of James McKay. of Stewart. B.C.. who died on the 3rd day of January, 1948. are- required on or before the 21st day of ApYil. 194S. to deliver or send by prepaid letter ful! particulars of their claims, duly verified, to the R'OYAL TRUST COMPANY, the Executor of the Will of the said deceased, at Its office at ti'J6 West Pender Street, Vancouver. Canada's Future is Your Future foh ffie Free Miner's Certificate No. M0:t9-F, Intends, at the end of sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for Certificates of Improvements for the purpose of obtaining Crown grants of the above claims. And further take notice that action, under section 85 of the "Mineral Act.' must be commenced! before the Issuance of such Certificate of Improvements. Dated this 30th day of August, 1B7. VV. H. FORREST. Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT OPEN FROM 4:06 P.M. TO 3:30 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 BC. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the I last mentioned date the said Kxecu- j ' tors will proceed to distribute th assets of the said deceased among i the persons entitled thereto, having j regard only to the claims of which i It will then have had notice. DATED the 17th day of February, j 11)48. THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY, EXECUTOR j By: Reid. Wallbrtdge & Co. 525 Seymour Street, Vancouver, B C. 1 its solicitors. LET US ATTEWU TO YOUR PLUMBING PROBLEMS Prince Rupert Plumbing & Heating Second Ave. at Seventh St. PHONE 108 Advertise in the tally Nt-vsi