-.-AS QCEEN- Smil- 11 secretary secretary Prfrtfe Unprtt Dan? i3rtoj ttD. Saturday, Mareh 8, 194 Pitt in LETTERBOX Montreal, ur- iron i would glfe the credit where H j belongs to the teacher and 1 1 hope they stay with us. j E. E. HYNDMAN, j Inspector of Schools. ! ...... -i.i i,,-',fc ; MpF in this Prince Rupert. i,y numm jinks C :iii;iuiiui 0i the Dart-winter carnl-N II.. in more viinii she was tv - - Classified Advertising - - ClnKllleta'. 2c p" word per Inwttlon. minimum chnrf, 50c Birth Mr.tlo 60c; Cams of Thnnkn. Drath Kotlrfs, funeral Notices, Marring - . and hneaurairat Announcements. u. Oillfi'i- ll.llllV''! ii veins (It appears that Mr. Hynd-man and the Daily News and the mayor too are in complete (if the The other day I got thinking about a neighbor woman who. .said as often as she had chance, "My boy was comin" up an' I edfced over He took a look, said, "Hook Worm", and handed I'ltS "Oiiedl MR. IIYND.MWS VIEWS Editor, Ia:Iy News: Thanks lor tne compliment, Mr. Editor, but I guess I arn not as young as you imply because I don't believe in -frills' any more than you do. My remarks regarding lrilis' were not directed against Mayor Arnold's beliefs on modern education For Ri:.Tii FOR SAI.K agreement on the points under ' I"'1""' in, hi' mail who braved I- lianituinn fHa Anilu Maua M "' don'f clean my house for people who are comlnif. I do it RENT 3-ronm furnished '' m Kill I I" him to the nurse. She took a bottle, and shook out four large capsules. "Take these', she said - an' he took them in one gulp. I for my own pleasure." And no suite, 1028 2nd Ave. Blue 270. (61) ... wiling 'i 1M 1 r iu !.. FOR SALE-Studebaker sedan, '30; work trailer and decking. 2x12" and 3x12". Apply 1401 Frederick St., Highway entrance. '58 1 greis any misunoersianaing that may have been developed as to Mr. Uyndman's personal views, i Ed. UK' it-1' I but against the implication of Anr wnat oo you mow, jue i li. l llial lOi'UKS UK' ice cari.ival. frills in a budget sent back by the municipal council for slash FOR RENT House. 20 9th Ave. East. 3 rooms and bath. $22.50. Prince Rupert Realty Co. (tft one doubted her or cared to visit too often. Both she and her house had a spic-and-npan coolness which her own husband seemed to find barely tolerable. Sprim? cleaning was silly, she said. It was a token ol a lazy accumulation, of dust. smiled one of his rare, slow smiles, "they came right back as fast as they'd- gone -down! She gave him more, an' he took FOR SALE 31it. trolling boat "Eider." Apply Knox Hotel, Room 18. 58 xndinr i Hud alter ,,, the I'liy, saneii , i FOR RENT 4-room furnished suite. Apply 615 8th Ave. West, or phone Black 733. iG0 Train Schedule For the tMV-r Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. ' From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m II., UllA lllWIIWil l,i Klrmlil. ing. Among the pathetically few items in the budget that ; were not fixed, oik- in particular i stands out in my mind- school ' grounds $1000. If this item were divined eqflaily among the four city and lour rural schools j It would amount to $125. That FOR SALE Babee Tendu hili chair. Phone evening. Red 985. (58' Hi, ivhini That woman was no relative of nunc. We aren't a bit alike. them right, an' from that day on he was a healthy lad".'' If It had not been tor the old man who was a child specialist with, unerring instinct Joe might have lost hi toy then. FOR RENT 3 room Hat, private bath. Unfurnished or partly furnished. Red 441. (62i 2 ' 1 clean only to be clean. I'm happy enough doing it but I'd be a whole lot happier if some- FOR RENT Housekeeping lit had not been long since one else did it for me. Which .kii. aa o room in private home. Close to I jon't Fail to Set jur Smart iW FOR SALE Electric sewing machine; Frigidalre, big size; Ironer; 5 piece bedroom suite. These are ail in best working condition, less than half price. Come , and took them over. . B.C. FURNITURE CO. Black 324. is exactly what is happening to nual)y of - tnls tnPn incurable my xpiinK-cleaning 'Ml E. E. Hyndman, inspector of schools, is sailing on the Cas-siar Sunday for a trip to Massett Inlet points on official duties. Groiitg ic?2 i one day while I dismally tool: in u few off -color walls and town. 720 Cth Ave. West. Blue 325. tf FOR RENT Apartment" fur nished. 6 rooms and bath. 200 5th Ave. W. Prince Rupert Realty Co. (tfi j!ior(y tomis wouldn't be enough money to put a frill on a ditch. I mu.st be jiiot plain disagreeable because I won't even admit to tn-ing an Ultra-modern progressive. I d.m'l, oeiieve in soft pedagogy and I don't like it. Just to keep the record clear I should advise the teachers' that I still report on results. I snail continue to check on the 3 R's, Insist on drills, expect neat work books, well behaved children, neat class-rooms, a.s 1 always condition. That was before John D. Rockefeller placed a million dollars with the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research, just for this purpose. Out of years of research came the discovery of a life-saving potion now in the form of the brown capsule. ROOM ANI IMJAKf) 1 ROOM AND BOARD $43 each double; $48 single. Sleeping rooms for rent Table meals Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street (tf) From then on It was placed have. The only teaching tech- '.EAUTIFUl. SPUING DRESSES . i:kivin(; daily the house of quality" FOR SALE No. .303 Ros.s sporting rifles, in best condition Price $61.58. B.C. FURNITURE CO. Black 324. FOR SALE- House, 6 rooms ar. i bath; with garag. Ground lloor compi ises store, in excellent Cir.tlU.ion. $3uU0 ca.li. PriiMe-lUkJtrl Realty Co. (ti . . , . , . FOR SALE Clare Jewel kitchen range, one circulating neuter. Apply 514 7th West. Gui FOR SALEYrtnbe mantel rudio, battery seft Phone Red 852. SSI freely within reach of the public, with a $500 reward offered la anyone proving he paid for it, and naming the drug store that broke faith with the Institute By thl time I was so intrigued by the horrible intricacies of Foot Worm that the LOST AXI .OCND LOST Glasses in case, alon waterfront. CH-een 660. Reward. 58i nique.s that 1 am prepared to iavor are tnow prodtirlive of a nifcher achievement. If I am to be measured by the results that you mention, Mr. Editor, it wouid ser-in f should spread myself out rather thin in the territory iroiii Namu to Phoin- Green 771 i 'AY..!. Third Avi WA. rKU 1341 Overlook Street 5fi baseboard was altogether ig- Telegraph Crerk. In any case V CUPREMG i ceilings, noted woodwork need- in;: its fax'e lilted, the thing was solvfii. Let Joe do it, " one of tii? nicer type of Gremlins said. And I ju.st smiled and said: "h you insiht-if you insist.' 1 "- wasn't lu.'. name but tluit's what the Gicmlin called him, .o that's the hook he's hung by licic. And he arrived one mor-mn with a bucket, a ladder, and the soflest Soutlu ni drawl I ever puinted to. (For, with encouragement, 1 do work. So I ; t ed up my hair, slipped into a. . smock sounds chic doesn't it? I Actually, the smock' was an old iKiey shirt discarded by Hub. ' and went to work with a can of paint. i liiiuie joe started, I spread paper. I remembered how I thing got to look when I hand-lied a kalsominc brush. "Wall, jiiow -you rally don' need to 'botha' much witli them pape's" said Joe at my shoulder. "Thea' won' be much mess.'' But I 'spread papers. AUer all, I had (inly my own grandiose slosh - in ;!.s to go by. With no show of elfort or .-peed, he was at it in less than 'live minutes. His great bl brush moved around that ceii- show I Mrs. nored. Joe picked up my brush WANTED Small glass case. Phone Blue 709. Ptillen. I have noticed an improvement in the past fhrcv years but I -I Hlusn i cm and Professional FOR SALE-English pram, good condition. 1083 Ambrose Ave. l5o' (561 4. made a swipe or two. "Wall, hea's one brush yo' need neve' think I'd steal," he said and laid it down. But that's Joe. He knows what he's talking about when he talks. FOR SALE; White enamelled stove and(pot burner. Nearly WORK VV.VNTEO .i dji K-agec! woman will look after children evenings Photu Often 5SH. tfi oftoHOf: MeWHINNEY 1'A1NT1N(; AND PATER HANGING Phone new. 13007th Ave. East. Black 482. t h rk Work J Ml IJI.UK 9HJ ' CDNC KKTK rfAi.KS - BASEMENTS WORK I S-TJiifi-i-tSlW-UfZ. Box 1420 Phone Black 43!) i17 HI) K:i;.l, Civic Centre FOR SALE-Simplex KnjUne.-IVt to 31 iH.P. air cooled; 30 to 185 HP. Marine Straight oi Reduction Drive; also Stationary-Industrial. Northern . B.C. Agents. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS. V I Vr-f j 5S Cl.OVKBl.y KENNELS I.UMB1NO Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. P u r n a ce s . tanfcs, cttvestruirghinR and slack work. LPtourneau & Sons, 829 Sixth West. Phone 543 'If- PERSONAL ir I irrt i .uiil ynurselj fully tin I do the work P.M. 12:00 j:00 JONKS NKWS STAND We Ii.iihIU' I.i;,U-rn and WeMcni Papers. NANA1MU F'KEE PRESS NOW AVAIL ABI.K .-iixtli Street Red BUS SUNDAY (Surt All Star Practice Hadniinioii MONDAY (SpurU) Bo Me Hi Oym Clas at 30H 7fli jFOR SALE Ercsh ' 7th Ave. wist. BUYERS OF U.S.A. products. We COCKERS Breeding and Per tonality llood lines a.s advertised by :p.:i.n kimckson' Rf. . i TF.('MIC'1AN n.v; AST) KKI'AIRS t U -ill Wi-.'l 7lh Aviv act a.s your personal purchas- FOR SALE Chesterfield and ing agent, for any item you chairs, radio and full size may wish to purchase. For brass bed, complete. Phone home, office, factory, mine or Red 611. ,(57 A.M. 9:00 P.M. 1 :00 i:) ; as if Hercules had It by the i handle. And there was nary a drop tell on the papers. Joe I sure knew what he was doiiK?, Mid there was I so awed by thi.s Casy manipulation that I forgot t. move my right hand back ' iiiid forth. tuiy of the lare kennels in Bo Me Hi Gym Class Klnj; Edward Gym Class Rup Rec Ladies Rup Rec: Leaders Vllll -- mill. Address all inquiries to JOHN F. BRADY . FOREIGN BUYER'S AGENT, 9717 Deni-f son Ave., Cleveland 2, Ohio, ! J . I J J 11 ASTOltlA'S I.ICIIT.DKLLVEHY & MKSSKNCKIt I'riimpt Service UaiM'ai'f Freight - Expre.'i Chi. ne Blue 2r.) - WX Sixth Si Nmht ('alls (ireen H.'ili U.S.A. (801 ii-.ni:AToliS 'ifSH . I'Af'KKHANr; N( 1 Ijm: li, ,. w.i ,,r Black 245 r Hit Hill Thornton Jim- wasn't the talkative kind, if you know what I mean, but lie talked. He doesn't know it but his speech Is pretty. It makes you wish for a recorder (Basketball Practices) 4:00 -High School Juvenile & Junior Boys (6:00-Port Edward ifi-Oft fil Tivl H,i M tli flii-ls SCHOOLS AN D l.'OLLEOES uhe East. Booking orders now for Honey Breeze's litter, three jW-eks old. five champions on ..le'.s side, four on dam's side. We have satisfied patrons in Prince Rupert. These pups are natural hunters and have wonderful I isposi tions. PKirEI) REASONABLY FOR SALE ill 4 room house with. ceineuC 'tfuseinent, front and rear 'tfiasst'd in porches, in excellent condition. Also cabin bringing $14.00 a month. All on two good garden lots. Good location. Inside bridge, full price $3200.00. (2 .6 room wartime with a small amount furniture, full price $1250.00. (3 1 ,7 room house, 338 5th Ave. East, lull basement, and fireplace, only $4,000,000. Robert E. Moittador Ltd. (tfi so nun on a aay i nice today iij. 00 Peoples & Merchants v. iien me winn and the . rain CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS, PREPARE NOW for Spring examinations. Write M. C. C. Civil Service School, 301 En-derton Bids., Winipes, 8:0O -Morgans & Gyro 9:00 - Savoy & Stones howl outside, and the Flu has Add lunny velvety pastel tont to your (walls nd ceilings itt your furnishings pptr in new setting. B-H Fresconettt On Coat Velvet iitiish ch'ers today f Host reliable One Coat quick-diin, asily applied paint Let us show yon tk color taid. rt ,-, worn 'Welcome" off the mat. DII. T. .i. CliKNKY DENTIST Sl'ITK 5. SMITH BLOCK Phone "Ga P.O. Box 1101 I (bpei'ial Lvrnls) BEAUTY SHOP fc''i.irent Wavinpi B I'll V Itiiit.iue in, II its branches. vou cuold touch a button and 3:30 -Projectionists Classes 7:00 Projectionists Classes 7:30 Galloway Etpids I.O.D.E. 8:00 Band Practice hear it all over again. "Just as I was acomln' in I saw a utle girl out thar who Fhone 655 i FOR SALE and pedigrees "ioi si Particulars on request. iris's -J.C.C. Public Speaking MKTAI. HANDYMAN IIOMK SKIIVICE (5ENF.RAL CONTRACTORS looks peaked like. It made me j feel Hunt bail," said Joe dipping the brush that cost $17 before the war and $65 since. "Minded me oi ma own boy, how he looked when he had Foot Worm 1 or Hook Worm. They're the 25J Avenue J. C. HUNT HI' UN'S LAKE, B.C. I'lionc HOUSE for sale 9th Ave. W. 6 r6oms and bath and small apartment annex. Also largs workship at rear. Price includes floor coverings and oil range connected. Owner leav-ingtii 1 Quick cash sale $301$ ljrfrnce Rupert Realty Co. Phone Green 917. (tfi Wilfred Blair of the provincial welfare- service is sailing Sunday on the Cassiar for a trip to Massett on official business. Wic SPFEKS. Mtr. 'Ol; K i..i ,-iui Avenue CHENILLE BEDSPREADS 4.99 EACU AT wholesale Price, Beautiful Chenille Spreads in double or single bed sizes. In all Pastel colors, fast dye. $4.99 each. Chenille Spreads full 90x100, with contrasting basket deaign in centre, $7.98 each. Also Habitant Hand Hooked Rugs, tightly made, 18x36 Three for Building and Repairs of all kinds. Ronf.s, Chimneys and Oil Burners. KKKINS LTD. FOR SALE Kitchen stove with A. The Popular n n two wick burner in good con- Em 48 Red 894 and Heating incers P.O. Box 271 GASOLINE AVAILABLE AT LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. 1 Cs.CT. $4.00. These articles are are worth worth 2nd Ave. :70. (59' J ditkiAa 6ap. 1022 O.D. plus j WeNfie Green itll 'l-f '1 - much more. Sent C same." j : It was his youngest boy, the lone that went almost through I the war without a scratch but ! didn't come home. He didn't ; mention that part again, but f' i could tell he was glad to re-j member how they had taken ihini from specialist to specialist ! trying to find the reason for his I last failing. i "It was when we lived In Flor-I Ida." he went on. "Wall the postage. Money immediately i FOR SALE Two choice hilltop t PRINCE RUPERT refunded if not satisfied. 'EOIICK 110 Kl Handicraft Distributors, 254 1 Sherbrooke Street West, Mont- j , - Sails For JOHN MOST AD C All TENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 lots with a commanding harbor view. Directly opposite Gyro Playground, Atlin Ave. Reasonably priced. Cash. Phone "Red 738. (tf) 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. WEEK DAYS 10 A.M. IX) 9 P.M. SUNDAY real Que. sum ice ' fn.itant. Auditor, ete. 1 ,x Returns Compiled. 41 Bll'k - I'hcne 387 I FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon of Wednesday, March i lad eot so s he didn't care If he ate or not. One day, he went ' ' to school without his lunch, so at noon I jus' toted it long. ! When I got thea' I saw some- j FOR SALE-Power tools, 8-inch Beaver Tilting Arbor Bench Saw, ( 4-.inch .Jointer Planer and Band-saw with '2 horse capacity1 motor. All like new. $200.00 cash. Phone Red 738. (tfi Ql'AMTY REPAIRS Fur Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Itlic Fisheries Industry -3 (P.R.) Ltd. Ulieiilnf, Welichlm 2 BUT. 980 We Seeiali,e in LIBIUCATINO and GREASING CARS VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 P.M. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDMOIIT rnr Information call or write City i; Ppn Ticket OfIlcv rRINCl! RI PERT. B.C. ! 1 1 una was nappenin . Tnea was a doctor, a nurse, and an ol' man with a long white beard 74 Second Ave Box -- - I I Moving, Packing Oratinir. Shippint; and (ipurral Cartage and Storage For Complete. Reliable and Efflciitul Service, call Lindsay's Cartage &. Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones CO and (18 ' i r-i i-i - - i-i i i i r 10th, for the purchase of the hereunder described motor vessel, which may be viewed at McLean's Shipyard, Seal Cove. Name, "Trepur"; length, 28 feet; breadth, 7 feet; depth, 3 feet; type, Troller; 3 tons; 6 h.p. Easthope gas engine. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: strictly cash. Gordon F. Forbes, Official Administrator, Administrator of the Estate of Carl Andrew, Norlander, Court FOR SALE For sale to highest bidder, WabeH piano In good condition Apply Rev. R. Hills, Terrace. (Sit) ATTENTION FUTURE PATRONS sitting in a chair in the yard. The teacher was filln' the kids past this ol' man by two's. Sometime they walked right past but then again he'd wave one or both kids to one side over by the doctor and nurse. Dan's Service Station McBride Street Green 60i UVV Are Glad to Announce That ow Supply You With House, Prince Rupert, B.C. (57) IT SPRUCE and HEMLOCK ?0 RTJDWdD O P FOR SALE Piano. Phone G78. (tf) FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of Lot 21, Block 1, S.D. of D.L. 361, Plan 972, Terrace Townsite, Range 5, Coast District, together with Improvements situated thereon, up to noon of Monday, April 5. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: strictly cash. ; F. G. Forbes. Official Administrator, Administrator of the Estate of Thomas Wlnslow Ross, deceased, Court House, .Prince Rupert. B.C. ; (68 TRY I&eii Cafle FOR TASTY MEALS Chop Suey Chow Mein CHINESE DISHES OCR SPECMLTY t I T TO l.KNGTH " summit ice cream FOR YOUR PARTY ) I it is Cuod. 1 ItKSlI MADE and Delicious 1 I VALENTIN DAIRY j ( Phone 657 (tf ) ;"f MACHINERY TOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National ;(;an Handpicked 'Surefire' Kindling CUAH ANTEE QUALITY AND QUANTITY'' OPEN S A.M. TO 8 A.M. B & W TRANSFER Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) 1" 1KC, SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL 1 If ft XT Kt-d 182 . A FvFR DO YBODY ELSE WW .SURANCE .Vf-MOUTIMHK o o ear CFpR)