Prince Ruprrt Oailp r2rtos LtD. Wednesday, June 23. 1E43 WAt SAV.NOS Cl.t.,CM JUDGMENT RESERVED IN COLLISION CASE Was Greatest Peace Battle . Canada' Armrd Forrrt Did Bic Job in flood Fifhtins Ar tecfpervdfnt Ui; snstM derated to the npbulltftef of Prtat Rcwrt and a:: eom:r:iiiutl- ecmfHsiiif BonAmi uxl mm Bntfeh ColuraMt t Author ui u Second L . Mali. Port Ofilr DepvacMit, Ottani n vou CAta P-jb!tsh4 mn Ltrnxmi mt SundH hi ! Prtnce Kupert Di.j en LM, Irt Avenue. Ptine Ruprrt, Brttlih Cbtmttia. srBscp.rPTio!! rates City C-VT per t- isc- Ptt Mrwttt V: Pw Year. 1 OO By MJ. Pw UDti. 0c. Prr Tear. HOO. Coastal Freight Rate Judge W. O. FulVon In County! OTTAWA, O-Canada s armt-1 Court Monday aftrnooo In a pitehed their greatw: rlrU action tn which Nf-t P-ac--time btUe in hteUy Bros. Fisheries is suing Andre hen they attacked treacherous Hardy, of Prince Rupert tor loud waters of the Fraser River, damages resulting from the col- U apartment of Defence said Uson of to ftutonoteUes in Ui- yesterday. It took three re?i-Jilhmay eight milea fnini Prim-e menta, several squadrons of ndr-Rupert Ust Ocuer. .craft and more than fifty r.a?J or. t. bftr f . ' .. 4- TOM tm , lie, vessels to fight the national i:is-ater that nearly swamifsl the 'i 1jsc. hole of Bn'ish Columbia. Nearly three thousarid officers and n-.en ere called to ou'y. tfj() r.aval personnel worked day and r.iKht and cinvplet'-d 757 f.ihu fur ov-r 1000 air hours. j Neisjn Brus. Li suing for H'JO, cJaimine nrgiiiffncf on the part of Hardy, while Hardy hus i entered a counter -claim of $163 Sfairst Nelson Bros. T. V Brown is acur.f counsel for N.-'-jti Bras, mhile Rod MacLeod appearing for Hardy. j Tlie tiro cars cot Ikied on a Bank op Montreal "" " lint ,,lt M.P. Donates to curving siretfh of ruad ml 7: oil the mominc of Ortobrr 14. 1 Flood Relief 1 WHEX THE LATEST coastal freight rate in-creajt? was imposed earlier this month Prince Kuirt consignees, believing it would not nin.unt to much more than ten percent or so above the thirty percent that was slapped on last Septem-U-r. were inclined to accept it as reasonable and inevitable and resign themselves accordingly. According to a statement made in responsible quarters here yesterday, however, the increase has amounted to anything from 20 percent' on such commodities as jams to :?) jiercent on toilet tissue. The latter, like many other commodities, ha nmv'bet'n put on a crbie measurement liasis intead of the poundage bu.-is which it formerly rode, thereby accounting for such a substantial increase. Carload rates are aIo restricted now. One specific it?m on wnich a definite quotation of freight rate increase has been obtained is that of Migar which is now costing S12.45 per ton to l.rinir from Vancouver instead of the former $ t Tht " incirases in rates will eventually pass on to the final consumer. Neither wholesalers or retail- is will absorb it. Puree Rupert people were prepared to accept philosophically a reasonable increase but if th in-crvas.1 is really going to amount to anything from twenty to 2v percent, it will not be taken so kindly and there will undoubtedly be some move to find ?ome more economical means of transportation between Vancouver and Prince Rupert. Failing that, the possibility is even now being canvassed of brindng eooiis in from Edmonton by rail rather than fiom Vancouver by boat Timeout l"47 hi! the Bros car 1 ' . . M Fruite Kuijert Bra-irM of te oriven by Harry Robins, tl siU ... . . ""'British C.wunibia Fs'd ' pnxrrdinn j from Port Edward tJ' . .Teikwa and Hani, was ldm . !T 7 " '' 'from "P Trree to Prince Rupee, An"i'bald- j for Skeetia. u Mavor N..ra Arrxild Siwruy aftrr trie case -as ' , l,mMlfn president, un tmlay opened on Friday, the court and r ' wiuiee3 wnl out to take a vie of the acrtdent tcnir, about 4m rvunmen Providing yants on the Prince Rupert side I j r Uf f taW , , VVading i j- Pool D , of Uie eht-mile post. MmA tor a Keal Holiday WORLD TRADE WEEK FROM COAST TO COAST-RJai Ju!i-cwur. formerly of T.r.;min. now of Toronto. OnL. who driv-s Canada' v.rid-fimous combines down the smJiT Une on thrtr Wi,y u 4 difierent world markeU. is shown puzziing out hu nay. A th.dd of his money coir.e in a arpara. envelope, in re-cn:uin ul V.,,r:d Trade WefS. fc,.au a third of the arerase Canadian e-.rrt::u com Uir.utrb eip.irt trade. Over 4 000 wock-eri received juy thii v-rte. i:i the Massey-HarrU pUnu lhrouK.u: Ontano. This was m first time Uat split pay has a m ' a i m. Jn Scandinavia cm i a a -Before jnre than 300 children gathered in Mr- tn utt-m i-'io. in a t anacian tart-jrv to tncrea.4 aare- nss of nauwaai depencence on a... rid tra.Je. ft Ekk-nce ft wi'.nesses was heard on Friday and argumen' by counsel Monday afleriraun. In argumer.t. Mr. MacLeod contended that the coUbtiun was a result tf conlributory ies!i-e nee by both driers and arfe-J trial resuitins cost be share.! ."Utb Park here II H Copper of ! the Kinsmen Club turned the 1 frrt sod to tar cmstruoUyn of j a wading pl d ..-.jt d by the ! Kiasmen Club for the use of ! )uuim f.jik i After all tKe hard wjrk at Summer, jtou't Me4 a rest. Tak a nmiia away frotn the btrm thunn. K-l aod etiuy ywmctf am a trip to Scanduuvia. TTJ . W' . j .4J SURGERY UPON HUMAN HEART LONDON Dr R C. Broo's. surgeon, has reported to the Br;-iL'h Medical that he ha 3 successfully operated ::h::- the hatnan heart. In all three case, children had been r-rr. safkr-lng from pulmonary s:eixsiH. a ATOMIC POWER DEVELOPMENT j OTTAWA Renewing del.p-, n.' rs at the Chalk River atuniic Ijlani. Rt. Hon. C. O How, minister of irsule and indiastry, said that the daj of artwiic power was no; right around the corner but irr.p..r-.a.t adTanres were being ciade in iu devielopment He rereaied that 260 scientist 5 " dually. ( Mr. Brown areued that the Cipi Henrx IXjiron Irft on e?lignc was wholly on the hl1 i;!"rMjn i piaie fr Van-part of Hardy and that, since COUTfr- iher aa no contributory negli- 1 " Sfwnd a f-w writ tl Rum" to tS hmat "ftHfiia" ut h rence, the total damage should be borne by Hardy. Ekenc aj also ftn bv CueixLahle Ojrtion Simon, pcor-itKial pWire constable, at that lime s;aKrrd at Port Edard disease of the heart shich re- 4,1 d techr.Wans and TV0 he FISH RESEARCH STATION ' THE PRINCE RUPERT Charr,!r of Commerce 1 iMt'jration may not have cbtainil much en-couracement from the Fisheries Research Easy to take take home home! 1 i I stricts blood flow to workers wf-re empi-ofed at tlk- Cha.fc R.ver p-act. j r One operation as a complete cure. With the other two. r.c-ue and mho fa;T,tif ated Uje c.l- Enjoy retfu!. delightful ftajn at M. Fimr aerbai- it Board of Canada in answer to it? ietition to have has been given for a norma! hfe aUjr aura . . . mrt , csopileitt aoeait ... i taw n in tne uaily Sews leacaat rompaay . . . good fun . . . frrdly mmrk tut whrh the idh Anm can Lam u fanvjua. Minister or Lands Returns to Victoria . TEEftACE. & Hm. T KriiJiey. of UiKto' ano i'.-fst.s said MIA ft Siteena. hi retarued to Yttia af.r !'.:. h jiue tosTi h"-re and '::- r p.r..s in hi .s-.t:'.u tr a branch research station re-established here. How- over, it va? not wasted tiine or effort to make the 1 tfuhraission to this effect. The Research Board I Mi Je&niw u ar- nmt have heen at least impressed with the presen- nvii g in prir-.c Rupert by P;ar tation that Prince Rupert, as a fisheries port of , ifer from Vancouver to srr.i l'rimarv imiortance, feels it L entitled to mor- rJl nr Par'r !i t-msesi.tanee from the Research Board's - TW,-son. 5 ttjrr- rm - - Make a Dream come true this Winter fort we it s Reviit tur hcm-Und. Tratfel in corr.f Reminiscences By W.J. Reflections REDUCED RAIL FARES FOR DOMINION DAY Between Aft Station in Canada ?rvtt?s ami the argument that rrinee Kujert is niore conveniently situated than any other port to the source of the fisheries. I The RoardV answer, in brief, to the Prince Ru-?c-n Chamk-r's i-epresentations, was that, in view of the present limitations of funds and personnel, fisheries rest arch could be more efficiently centralized from the existing stations one at N'anaimD and st Vaneouvtr civins service to the coa;t Whit ViVing Fleet of the Swede Amervca La. For reservatom, your Ira el ajrerX K- eiurt service and advkv are youn at n extra cot. OCcea or Agenrw-s in ail kdin( catirs. It Is proposed to amend the Indian Act of Bd:t h Columbia. Swedish American Line !the main pnrpwe b ir.s .h erd i ce to citizetrfhtp. ii'.... :: v hole. While no particular admission was jual car" made, however, it is more than likelv that the !eonUm,;n ONE WAY FARE I! ; as ware of the eo-.- U tuMt m-m Trt It. Pre ar Price 2.t U arftmr Txn OrJrrt It Yam Pay ItlU miDtmntT a muni Ih IO a-M M B. Cean aT Trj.a of the axiom that it's the oe comers who start a town ' receive m...-t of the gr;ef and do the hard way hU thoe who refister 40 rpirs uter ahstrrj more eravr tha'a ?nef becomes rrer eery day. What happens to the ne comers? Oh. they never d.e Only think they do Aa old Caaa-c u.n custom of fradttAlly fudnte cut. d n? it by the hour i!:.te-aO of contract system. 470 mmm . - I.ard w;is impressed with the benefits which could net-rue from the establishment of at least a branch station at Prince Rujrt and may be disposed to something about it if ami hm the wherewithal 'ta-comts available. AND ONE-HALF FOR ROUND TRIF iixna m. Met GOING: Jan 30 U J p.m., July 1 RETURNING: Ltavt deatinat-en wot Urer than M dnht, Mcntaf. July S. "all Times standard f2 IjrmiljMi frcw. r.t Aw frfliiwr.t. ints rt coorwe. w r.u . iriTolre within ilse-if. minor 'chances. F-w, if any. can t;i- pute the view that the Ujne he? .come for a mt and t the pijcition cf the r.auve je.u . der.t. He is cer:.air.'y e::I::e i X-j jhis full and just r:-h'. if any ior:e is. and to ail the pre- togatives and privte?s kally bekTgir.s to l.;a;. '.ui, uv jChaniir tinves. Busmesb und ftojessioni DESPICABLE CRIME CATTLE RL'STLIN'G has always been considered a despicaMe crime, rating at one time a crave MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Wt j Jl ilt'StMilC J S:r Reginald Wat.on -Jones. -ur-.'etj.n to Kins George is urging due: rs to use sixpie English then telling patients what Is TO?. TOTJ rckk and ma WORK call tna M. J- ?AlSDEJ KW In a trea'.lse on earienina a city hke Pr:n.e RuLert. : in ;ror.g with them. Fur one thir.g, is i i- rf:; ht r u- to kw a In New O-ffleea ROOM 1 STONE BUILDISO l-i hf-irt-brrfeen. 42 WXI noUd that a Sack of staking can! often mean mak:cf a n:es of I things. It has been obsend. i tspt-ciailT in mining regions. j Affwrw in tr Daily News! w r i - Pxre-l New Pfsoiie fiLUE vx Open Stock DINNER SETS tad W-rm Siith S:."et We are now showing, far the first time In years, open stock paiierrj! in En&Usn Dmiiermre Drop in arvi w-e these dinnerseLs. tiie patterns are moml attrachTe, and tie price-5 reasonable. We also hate a lanre stock of Hue DR. P.J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE S, SMITH BLOCK Tur.'r? V.uiM FROM THE U.S. OR AD ROAD MIKE CC'Ll PO. Bo lt hone 7S5 booe chin cups and saarers as met! as a iarje se-vtW of Breakfast Fets. RTE fS TOR TOIH DISHES tTTTEX'S BEAUTY SHC JOHN F. I. HUGHES Chiropractor II - BfNER BLOCK cf3ppo-nefij by ak,ng your nearest Ciaoms Cffe frher or not your pyrchose con be boshf into rhH country. Tw item you wnh to buy moy be effected by tf n, import rejtrx-tioea necenory o cortse.-ve our U.S. f jrdi. fee wwe . . . before ordering goods from rt US. or other coortries . . tonju yojr nearest Customs Office or write ST: BRIDE ST PHONE 311 as niunier, with which it often went hand in hand in the early days in the cow countries. Often, v. hen police were not so readily available as they are today, the ranchers would take the law into .their own hands to' hunt out and exterminate the ; rustlers. It was sort of an unwritten law. ; How much lower it is to find cattle rustling among the herd- of the poor unfortunate flooded-out farmers of the Fraser Valley! There will he little sympathy with criminals of this sort. Public .pfnion would support the taking of harsh measure to punish them if the authorities are successful in 'apprehending them. NEW DEAL FOR INDIANS THE VIEWS of this newspaper in regard to the ne-Kl for reform of the Indian Act have often been expressed so it gives us great pleasure to ew.rrnd the report of the special committee of the ; House of Commons at Ottaw a which makes drastic new proposals in regard to the status in the community of Canadians of our native friends. h is fitting that the committee should recommend that they be treated as "human beings," re-f4onsihle citizens instead of wards of the state and that they be accorded not only the rights and privileges of c'tizenship but that they also be entrusted with the responsibilities of such citizenship. Too long now have we kept our Indians in subjection, treating thera as children rather than adults of equality. We are sure that, if they are accorded these rights and responsibilities, they will live up to them with credit to themselves, also removing some of the problems with which the authorities are faced today as they try to govern these yeople with obsolete and childish regulations with "which the old Indian Act is -.o replete. It bT.KJ1 O Buz BM Phone B!ne 442 handyxan HOME SEF fiurj tauart CaeM Onwav r-i eraawa. GEORGE L. R0PJE -hibtic" Accor,Unt. Auditor, etc nrome Tax Returjn Complied Bessner Block Phone JS7 GENERAL CC- Ormcs Drugs DRUCS o.Lrj ai Rr?ti" RoaChi5rr!ryis4a,l PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE H OCRS WEEK-DAYS, t AM. TO 9 PiL CN1AT8 AND HOLIDAYS 11 NOON TO 2 PM, 1 P R TO FM. STEPHEN ERICKS0N PIANO TECHNICIAN TUNING AND REPAIRS 8Uck li5 411 Wet TUj Are C QtiUll " m New Stf.k of WATERMAN'S Pens and Pencils . has jiM arrived. A fine graduation or going-away gift. DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Dally car delivery aerrtc , from I am. til f pa. Tt l-wtV I Eaergeney bi-yrle delivery from 7 p m U.T t pm. and Sa&day Servlnr the PUierlei Indastrr. Well (P.R.) Lid. j Carta fe, Labeftiwf, Welibtef elite ;n BLVt m MAC SHOE m BFSNFR BLOCK TIIIRD AVENI E PHONE 81