PROVINCIAL LI3.1AHY, VICTORIA, 2. C. pno lVmcM- f 116 IJB'HORTHERN AMD CENTRAL BRITISH COLOMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ice Rupert's PHONE "Prompt Service onr.iEs DRUGS J At AU Hours od Dyke Daily Delivery IC. FLOOD PH0IIE8I v1ergency Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." STAR V CABS VOL. XXXVII, No. 147. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Campaign i Active $25,000 i if ption to Date $M,09U.46 i. I ermain Situation i tvcm Moire C muse Bulletins Kelowna Is Threatened RUSSIA MEETS SATELLITES To Map Out Economic Battle Against Western Allies Berlin Made Two-Currency City I c en ,$20,000 ! jpi) $15,000 PRA1R1E FIRES ARE SPREADING WINNIPEG Oi-Northcrn Manitoba and Saskatchewan forest fires today cover an estimated 100-mile area. Airplane pilots report at least twelve fires In the Flin Flon area In the vicinity of the . Manitoba-Saskatchewan border with the worst blaze at WARSAW (CP)- . . j f ! " 1 i - -4 $ Island Falls, Saskatchewan, FISHERMAN IS MISSING, FEAR DROWNED sixty air miles northwest of Flin Flon. Russia today called a surprise conference of her eastern European satpl-' lites which may map a battle against the western allies' plan to set up a western German state. Summoned were Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Romania and Hungary. All of these countries A crew member of the Vancou fit) pj $10,000 ver fishing boat Chief Skugaid is missing and believed to have Okanagan Is Now Faced With Flood Menace Oliver In Danger KELOWNA (CP) Evacuation of residents of low-lyinir homes here was under way Tuesday night as the Orchard City was imperilled by rising waters of Okanagan Lake' which recorded the highest reading in history at 104.84 feet. Dikers are hastily reinforcing the banks of the river at Oliver where a major breach could ruin hundreds of thousands of acres of fruit crops. Telephone circuits between Oliver, Kelowna and Pen tic-ton are weak, necessitating long delays in communication. "Kelowna is badly up against it," said Chief Magistrate INFANTILE I-ARALVSIS FORT ST. JOHN Ten cases of infantile paralysis have developed here. It is of mild type. All public gatherings have been banned. BUTTER SHORTAGE VANCOUVER A Vancouver butter dealer says that the worst butter shortage in history may occur this winter unless provision Is made for free entry of supplies from New Ztaland. NO REMOVAL VET VANCOUVER A spokesman of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association said today that information bad been received from the government that no immediate removal of the 25 percent special excise tax was contemplated. FIGHT POSTPONE!) NEW YORK The Joe Louis- Strikers Divided rlrnwnpH In Prlnep Rnnert. harhnr. Searches by the city police and,,"Bn1'a upa,f J,1 fTatH to pp0S! the Marshall Plan. Unconfirmed reports say that Foreign Minis British Government Sends Troops to I'nload Ships ter V. M. Molotov Is heading the jV4 Ml fcl $5,000 Russian delegation. The three western allies today LONDON, Pi Ranks of dock workers split Tuesday rejected a Soviet order for the inquiries by his fellow crew members have failed to reveal his whereabout since Saturday. The man is Harold Tynjala, 23, who was last seen early Saturday morning on his ay to the Chief Skugaid, at that tims moored at the Home Oil Co. dock here. Apprehension as to his whereabouts resulted in a search of over the Issue of ending the nine-day wildcat strike that hai tied up 142 ships, including 10 Canadian, in the port of Lon- issuance of Russian - controlled currency for all Berlin and announced their own Deutschmark would be used In the city's western ' ' ' sectors. Harry Angle. luce clon' cnclanBcrinB food. $ 5 00 perishable Maturity of strikers at a meet 5 00 lutchcr .......... 1 1 ley 5.00 ing called by the Transport and General Workers' Union, voted to return to work tomorrow k.iwford 5.00 t:isnr 15 nn United States, British and French authorities say they arj making Berlin a two-currency city rather than submit to arbitrary violation of four-power agreements. TERRACE PILOT the waterfront yesterday by the city police. Earlie", it was believed by his friends that he might have left the vessel to stay ashore with friends for a day or two. ' ..,, ,,, iiiiwrver, oniy jiwu oi me jd.uuu J 1 members attended jtltosh 6.80 The Chief Skugaid docked Jersey Joe Walcott fight was post poned today until tomorrow in the Yankee Stadium because of rain and threatening weather. Anxious To Drop Taxes Austerity Imposts Coming off here Friday evening with 36,000 pounds of halibut and was to . k : i-eiul lo.oo : r I Hire 5.00 , I fey I 5.00 ; C Binders 5.00 il fK'iit 10.00 I. , jj Wood 5.00 MAKES MERCY FLIGHT NORTH A triangular mercy flight in which a Skeena Air Transport plane started at Prince Rupert, paused at Alice Arm, then delivered a seriously ill man to the Red Cross outpost hospital at A rival meeting of 4500 men voted to remain idle. With the strikers still falling to heed the appeal of the union leaders to return to work, Prime Minister C. R. Attlee today made pood a threat which he made yesterday and sent troops to the London docks today to unload ships of perishable foodstuffs. sail early this week back to Area Three. However, her skipper delayed sailing on account of the missing man. According to the police, a taxi Wright 10.00 fp 3.00 COMMUNIST DIRECTORS ARRESt f A SURPRISE"' Jack Sta-chel, (second from lefti is pictured with reporters after his release m $3,500 bail. Stachel, 49, U.S. national educational director of the Communist party in the United States, was arrested by the F.B.I, and immigration authorities on charges of entering the U.S. illegally. Stachel said his arrest was "quite a "surprise." :: TODAY'S STOCKS :: Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. Workers driver recalled delivering a man utioiiiil Union .... 25 00 Terrace was made In the lonp answering Tynjala's description to a spot In front of the Home nker & Co. Ltd .... 15.00 irson Co 10.00 summer twilight last night COURT OKAYS Rupert Club 25 00 Pilot Bill Cooper of the Ekeena Dewey Is Favorite PHILADELPHIA Favor at the Republican national convention here to name a candidate for president of the United States appears to be swinging to Governor Thomas' E: Dewey of New York. There was a striking Indication of " this yesterday when Senator Edward Martin announced that he would not allow his name to be put in nomination but would nomii -ate and support Dewey. The Alabama delegation also intimated Its support. Nominations will start tonight with the balloting tomor Oil Oo; dock, about 3:30 Saturday " " :' morning. It is feared that he may have Mess, 120th Air Transport Seebee Intended !l.V. I1.C.J 50.00 to take off for Terrace at 9 p.m fallen from the wharf while Soon, Ottawa Indicates OTTAWA Although reports at this time are termed completely unauthorized and prematuressources', close to - the government Indicate that the cabinet is anxious to drop the contentious-excise taxes Imposed In connection with last November's austerity program, and only timing stands hi the way of their repeal. The taxes apply to a broad list of durable consumer goods ranging from home electrical Instead In response to an urgent call from the mining town of . (til s Mess, 120th - fcry 50 00 KtfKiipert Hotel Staff 15 00 n ti Lean 2.00 PENSION PLAN WASHINGTON, D. C., Judge T. Alan Goldsborough Tuesday Kave John L. Lewis the legal green light for a $100 per month Vancouver Bralorne 7.75 B R. Con 04 B.RX : O8V2 trying to get back to his boat. Tynjala's home Is at the coast settlement of Sointula. Moneta 40 Negus 2 25 Noranda 49.00 Louvicourt 60 Pickle Crow 1.92 Alice Arm, he headed north There, he picked up a man ..ItfKootc 5.00 1.30 Cariboo Quarts D.ri nam 10 00 known as Mr. Payne who was suffering from a cerebral hemorrhage, resulting from a strol:'. jb'ierhide 5 00 pension plan for miners. RADIOACTIVE ORE IS FOUND Judge Goldsborough dismissed HKF FAMIIV REGINA W Hon. J. L. Phelps, tm f mt mm ' lh M im TA ITtf row. Meantime a "Stop Dewey" coalition appeared early today a plea of Ezra Van Horn, trustee for the operators' United iMine Workers' Welfare Fund, 'for a court order to block pay-I ment of pensions t'o retired miners. It marked Lewis' first triumph Saskatchewan's minister of re appliances to automobiles. One minister said the taxes, if and when repeal was announced, would not be dropped all at once. Rather some will be retained and others modified. INU IUUII Regcourt 04 Vi San Antonio 3 30 Senator Rouyn 3f) Sherrlt Gordon 2.40 Steep Rock 2.03 Sturgeon River 16 Silver Miller .23 HOMESTRETCH IN CAMPAIGN sources, announced today thatto be geUing under way foUow. ing a meeting yesterday of Sena- M HOMELAND tor Taft, Harold Stassen and Governor Earl Warren of in three trips to Goldsborough's court. new radioactive samples live times better than those originally discovered have been found at the Lac la Ronge field. Mr. Phelps said that no record can be found of more extensive outcrops In the world. a few hours earlier. Cooper intended to bring the sick man to Prince Rupert, but because of darkness, he was unable to get a clearance to land here. He headed for Terrace instead. He put down at Ttrrace at 3:30 this morning and his passenger was Immediately taken to the Red Cross outpost hospital. His condition was described this afternoon as "fair." Red Cross hospital authorities at Terrace had little information about the man, other than that his name Is Payne. He was employed at Torbrit Sil Still another development to Basically, the tax Is the excise levy of 25 per cent. However, on some goods, on which there was already a 10. per cent tax, the additional levy was only 15 per cent. In announcing the taxes last family members of a -Canadian to come to Rupert following repeal '.'hlnese Immigration Act neh will arrive here nex;. day was the statement of Governor Ziegler of Michigan that he Intended to put the name of FOOD-SHELTER ARE PROBLEMS REGINA, 0' Weary entered the home stretch to November, Finance Minister Ab LOCAL TIDES (Standard Time) Thursday, June 24, 1948 Senator Arthur Vandenburg in nomination. Vandenburg has been often mentioned as a possible compromise choice. day, before Thursday's general bott said the aim was not to raise election In Saskatchewan. Yes-1 revenue but to limit public terday was the last day during spending with the "objective of 4 They will be the wife -il'W children of Edward Kep Mah, better known 4 ''ity, wiiere lie has lived early boyhood as Ghee CAFTFIES, St. Lueia, it Food High 2:43 20.1 feet and shelter 'have become cnor Grull Wihksne 04 Kedley Mascot 48',i Minto Ol'z Pend Oreille 4.00 Pioneer 2 50 Premier Border , .03 Privateer 19'i Reeves McDonald 1.80 Salmon Gold .16Vi Sheep Creek 1.15 Taylor Bridge 42 Taku River 35 Vananda 36 Congress 0'i3,t Pacific Eastern 05 Hedley Amalgamated .. 102 Spud Valley .1272 Central Zeballos 01 SilUak Premier .30 Oils A.P. Con. , 14 Calmont 48 C. and E 615 Foothills 3.00 Home 8.50 Toronto Athona .-07 Aumaque .17 Beattie j 62 Bevcourt 26 .Bohjo - 12 Buffalo Canadian 06 Consol. Smelters 117.00 Conwe.'.t 108 Donalda 69 Eldona 1-38 East Sullivan 2.77 Giant Yellowknife 4 75 which political broadcasting was permitted. mous problems in what remains conserving United States dollars. The special taxes will be re- 15:52 18.1 feet Low 9:24 2.7 feet 21:28 8 3 feet Final addresses are schedule.1 for M. J. Coldwell, national C.C.F. moved only when circumstances f ls ,MVUlf' 1 n"rsc,ay f 24.000 population following the Pnnee for Kan I Rupert . hnjke Qut ver mine at Alice Arm. Yesterday, while at work, he complained of feeling ill. He went home to rest and shortly afterward was overcome with a warrant and there is no author THE WEATHER 9 "o Where lie will meel ins; on their arrival there , ALLOWANCE FOR TAX COLLECTION VICTORIA Proclaiming the three per cent retail sales tax to become effective July 1, the ' cl rrbu Synopsis A weak disturbance moving across the northern British Col and raged unchecked for eight hours, all but wiping out the city. Thousands were left homeless by the blaze and food is scarce. No lives were lost. fWianghal on July . He t- to bring ttiem back to leader, and Premier T. C. Douglas, with all candidates returning to their home constituencies for election eve. Mr. Coldwell, In a speech at Kamsack, said the C.C.F. was fighting a coalition and that the ity for announcements concerning the Immediate possibility of .their removal, said Hon. Doug-lias Abbott, minister of finance, i in Parliament yesterday J. M. Macdonnell, Progressive - Conservative member for Muskoka, REDS KIDNAPPING Rupert on July 21. lias not seen his family oming back to Cannd:: a year ago. He visited in 1939 and was caught provincial government announced yesterday that retailers will faced Its toughest movement test. be allowed three per cent com CHANGE MADE IN ANNUITIES WOMEN, CHILDREN mission for collection of the tax which will be on purchases over fl'y the war. He returned fc country in July, 1947. had commented on a Canadian Press report which said that the duties were to be lifted. If that were true, said Macdonnell, there had been a budget leak and a gross breach of confidence concerning members. OTTAWA The House of 15c and meals over 50c. Rents, i his wife will be his twn Commons has given first read- ATHENS, W Queen Freder-ika of Greece said Monday that between 8000 and 10.000 children have been kidnapped by umbia coast this morning brought overcast skies and in-termitten rain to that section of the province. Increased cloudiness and rain are expected to spread over Vancouver Island by Thursday afternoon with widely scattered showers reaching the central Interior by tomorrow evening. Cloudy skies and widely scatered showers over the southeastern corner of the province will clear slowly. Temperatures will be slightly lower tomorrow over the central Interior with little change elsewhere. kit!! flood and fuel re among the exempted items. P'ers, Mah Lew Ken ana hill Increasing the lug to a nnr and his soifMah Qnen maxirn,im annuity which can JEWISH ARMS SHIP BURNED TEL AVIV An 8.600-ton ship which was unloading arms for the Jewish underground and which was fired upon by the Jewish Hagana, regular army, took fire at Tel Aviv yesterday whereupon the two Jewish factions quit fighting one against 11 are youngsters. They bo bought from the Federal gov- Gen. Markos Vaflades, leader of jppected to arrive in San rrnmcnt from $1,200 to $1,500. the communist guerilla army, i eo on the Montcagle on As wen as increasing the max!-' and sent to camps of neighborly I mum the bill Increases from ing Russian satellite states. .60 MR. KING DENIES REPORTS IN HOUSE God's Lake Hardrock Harricana 07 Heva 10 family member who will $10 a year to $60 the minimum 1 in China is Ghee'" ; which the government will sell. OTTAWA Prime Minister t '. who resided here in the Mackenzie King denied in the 38 034 Hoseo Jaeknile I years of the city but re-P to China more than a Macdonald, Arroll, McMeekin Winners Results in last night's Cana Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Overcast with occasional light rain today. Cloudy tomorrow. Winds light westerly. Little Johet Quebec 40 Lake Rowan 07 jthe other to join in fighting the .flames. The vessel, however, was House of Commons that he had agreed with a meeting of Liberals that subsidies were desirable in order to keep down the pi' of a century ago. She widow of the late Mah .destroyed. .03 .81 t dian National Recreation Association Lawn Bowling League a . II I . . t n ; .-, I . . 1 tJ-; 1 .-. . . ' U r. . In A.nnin t i,va T mire In- Lapaska Little Long L,v; Lynx ion, who came to Prince I lliumer iMlip Ul raueuuauiau piitc level, mi. Iuig aiw urutru untvufic 111 fccmfrc-injmc iv- COMMUNISTS ' BEING BANNED OTTAWA, '(P' Minister of Justice J. L. Ilsley told the House of Commons Tuesday that no communist or fascist would be i,.,ori tn hold a position of O8V2 registry, laden with Jewish vol- that he had ever lectured the night and highs Thursday: Port In 1911 and founded the 11 Co. which his sons slill unleers and ammunition, was minister of finance, . suggesting Hardy 45 and 60, Massett 50 and play were as follows: Louis Arroll rink, 20; Ross, 18. Macdonald, 25; McGrelsh, 17. McMeekin, 18; Frew, 17. 1 fired upon by the Jewish under- that Mr. Abbott be more human 1 57, Prince Rupert 47 and 57. Madsen Red Lake 2 45 McKenzic Red Lake 37 McLeod Cockshutt 100 rrnnnrl and remove SDecial excise taxes. Canadian Legion Athletic Club TRACK MEET DASEKALL 3 GAMES) SOCCER Wing his death In 1921, flic returned to China. ' Intana rivers av in flood ena, Mont. The Maria p'eton Rivers in northern pna are in flood, following Msn sales Canadian Zapora, 56,000, 23.20,c 22c and 10c, Whiz. Selma H., 30,000, Co-op. Northern Breeze. 17,000, Co-op. Atli, 17,000, black cod, Co-op. Tramp, 14,000, black cod, I LLaCii J trust in the federal civil service. He said the government was "acutely aware" of the need for security measures." It had been derided not to set up an "elaborate organization to determine loyalties" of individuals as had been done in England. DOMINION DAY SPORTS TICKETS TO ALL EVENTS $1.50 Ketchikan vs. Pr. Rupert Cup Finals i N.B.C. Championships ROOSEVELT PARK THOMAS REID, M.P. Parliamentary assistant to the Minister of Fisheries. ' t rains.