i prince jRupett Pailp i3cto Lto. Wednesday, June 23, 1918 Decision With Middle Class SPECIAL FARES FOR STAMPEDE July 5 Vo 9 and on July 10 for trains arriving Calgary not later than 5 p.m. Standard time. Returning passengers may leave Calgary up to midnight of July 12. However, if there is no train l WINNIPEG Special railway fares will be available for thoselT c "" nonorea on tne urst, available , train. IT'S DTMMITf. lit Wit tiBftin. 1nt. "" m t...... 7:t - attending the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede July 5 to 10. it is announced by R. H. Powers, vice Chairman Canadian Passenger Associat ion on behalf of the Can Prof. I. M. Fraser of the University of Saskatchewan at Sas- Canadian katoon and Mrs. Fraser, here with the Fisheries Research adian National and Pacific Railways. ;; The Experts tSay... t By Kay Rex Canadian Press Staff Writer SANDWICH NOT ENOUGH A sandwich for lunch and another for supper isn't enough for a girl with a Job. Here are some suggested career menus for the week: SUNDAY Breakfast: half a grapefruit, buttered whole grain griddle cakes and syrup, beverage; Lunch soup, salad greens, fruit with cream, cookies; Dinner: steak, potatoes, vegetable, buttered whole grain rolls, sliced bread and butter, ice cream, beverage. MONDAY Breakfast: citrus fruit (orange, grapefruit or tomato juice, cooked whole grain cereal (rolled oats, cracked wheat, buttered toast, beverage; Lunch meat, cheese, eggs, or peanut butter sandwiches, raw vegetables, cake, milk; Dinner: meat, potatoes, corn, car Agreed They Will Determine Result of Next British Election By JAMES iwcCOOK Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON Labor and Conservative party strategists have decided that between 2,000,000 and 3,000,000 uncertain fiters, mainly in the middle income group, will determine the result .of the 1950 British general election. The platform of each party Is being shaped to appeal to the professional and salaried groups: the inconspicuous, non - trade union families with, modest incomes and homes of their own. and the widows, retired business men and self-employed contractors who try to fit tax-trimmed incomes to their needs. These people have' been the The special fares will apply Board of Canada, are revisiting from all stations in Alberta, Prince Rupert for the first time Saskatchewan and in Britisn in 20 years and are keenly in-Columbia, Vancouver, Prince terested in the changes and im-Runprt nnH F.ast nnd win hP ' provements to be observed INFLATION, IT SEEMS, HAS STRUCK HOME The last stronghold against inflation succumbed this week to the overwhelming pressure of rising prices. The unhappy word Is out. A darkness has descended not only on the Juvenile world, but on the cherished recesses of the nostalgic adult mind as well. An era has evaporated. To small fry, It is merely a current tragedy and, therefore, one which is surmountable in the passage of time, but to the adult mind it is a blow against the solid foundations of their youth. To anyone decrepit enough to recall the days of penny candy, of succulent, one-cent suckers and nickel bags of candy which were entertainment and sustenance for a flawless afternoon, this is indeed a blow against stability. Two generations of strife and readjustment have seen civilization fall and dynasties crumble. The ways of life of whole continents have changed, but one thing has remained constant. And while it did, the thoughful and the flighty, the profound and the unbalanced have had a thing to cling to. Now it is gone. The traditional five-cent cone, so help us, has gone up to six cents! based on the one way fare and one third for the round trip. Long professor of engineering at the University of Saskatchewan, Prof. Fraser used to spend summers at the Pacific Experimental Station here. Tickets will be on sale bum Jiiv i,, .i butter, citrus fruit or tomatoes, Lunch: salad greens, buttered U.rt, milk; Dinner: liver, pota- whole grain rolls, cake, milk; toes, green vegetable, bread and Dinner: bacon and eggs, baked butter, fruit salad, beverage. , potato, vegetable, bread and f his peridural buMlllAi Coming i,rih fr.m V'' will. I.: NOTH'K OK AITI I KTIHCVI K OK September Morn, IHiritil1!!, Arthur II Al lltN I OH IM I'BIH I 1 Ms MfOlminrr Kt. Milift'ill Claim. butter, Iruit pie, beverape. backbone of Britain since the . continental wars when Napoleon I jeered at the "nation of shop Joy ana two Vr,u,r ' win p,.Ild a ffiu;lb here. You read li. m the News" rots, squash or yellow beans, bread and butter, fruit, beverage. FRIDAY Breakfast: fruit Juice, egg, buttered toast, beverage; Lunch: raw vegetable and dried fruit sandwiches, (shredded carrots with raisins . whole grain cereal cookies, milk; Dinner: fish, potatoes, yellow keepers." I War and political change ha s made the rich poorer, and the I worker has gained in income and social security. But the middle RENT - a - RADIO TUESDAY Breakfast: dried fruit, all-wheat, wheat, or muffets, buttered vegetable, bread and butter. toast, beverage; Lunch: meat fresh fruit, beverage. Sandwiches, CitrUS fruit, COOkleS.I RATTIRnAV Rrnalrfa.il- half ami "A" and II" rraetiimul Mineral (tHIIIlH. Situate in the Skeena Mining Division. Where located: on the westerly slope of Mount Noble, Pitt Island Lawful holder: Meivin McKay Stevens. Free Miners Certificate No. 13889 F. Take notice that I, Meivin McKay Stevens, Free Miners Certificate No. 13889 F intend, at the end of sixty days from the date liereol. to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements for the purpose of obtaining Crown Grants of the above claims. And further take notice that action, under Section 85 of the "Mineral Act" must be commenced before the issuance of such Certificate of Improvements. Duted this 21st day of June, 1948. M. M. STEPHENS. grapefruit, cooked whole grain cereal, buttered toast, beverage; BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK BY THE MON'IH ALL NEW 1948 MANTLE MOJjLLS AT class has been squeezed. It tries to cling to its old standards for instance, to send its children to private schools but sur-' veys of public opinion unanimously indicate its discontent by revealing complaints about high taxation, Increased prices of ( milk; Dinner: tomato juice, omelet, welsh rarebit, or macaroni and cheese, green beans, peas, spinach, or cabbage, bread and butter custard, beverage. CityMercliuiitsl WEDNESDAY breakfast: cit-' RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC ILLITERATE ROBIN PHONE 644 313 TIUKII AVKM'E W EST box a; rus fruit .cooked whole grain ' cereal, buttered toast, beverage; I Lunch: salmon sandwiches, raw J vegetable, cake, milk; Dinner: , pork chops, potatoes, yellow veg- etable, bread and butter, cooked ' fruit, beverage. THURSDAY Breakfast: .fresh ' TIMMINS. Ont. At leasi one local robin cannot read English. Residents have discovered a robin's nest behind the "B" In a restaurant sign reading "Bluebird." Advertis" In tne Irdlly fcewsi gooas ana services ana inability to make Incomes match rises in living costs. Millions of middle-class voters are torn between their suspicion of Labor policies like nationalization and their equal suspicion of Conservatives' declarations that they are all for the little man. When Herbert Morrison, Lord President of the Council, warns his Labor party the 1950 election City merchants are askPd In future to have copy for all display advertisements Into the Daily News office by 4 p.m. of the day previous to their publication. This co-operation will greatly assist the mechanical department In keeping to the regular hour for publication. tilt Hollywood Cak PRINCE Rl l'KltTS M WhST AMI MOST l'P-TO-lATK Kj;sTM It A ST OPEN FHOM 3:30 I'M TO 3 .30 All fruit, prepared whole grain' cereal, buttered toast, beverage; Lunch: devilled eggs, bread and jj FEATURING 5 HOSIERY'S. BEST BRANDS HOLEPROOF KAYSEIt Z 'MERCURY WALLACE': OF COVRSE! IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PRORATE be "the greatest fight of III the Matter tit the LsUte of C harted Will our lives," he knows the middle HriHiks, llei-eHsed. ' TAKW NnTtr: l,o hn Orrlnf nf CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY CHOI' Fur OuUide Orders SUKY Fhone 133 His Honor judge w. o. Fulton, Lo- ( class has given government poli- cal Judge of the Supreme Court ol cies a dour reception. British Columbia, Letters ol Admin- MEIN SHIPS AND WATERFRONT Hotel. . A . I lKtratlon with the Will annexed of the Estate of Charles Brooks, deceased, late of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, who died on or about the 16th day of April. 1948, at Prince Rupert. British Columbia, were granted to me. Robert Edward Gladding. the lawful attorney of Mary Tachlda. the sole Executrix named In the Will of the said deceased, on the 21st day of May. AD 1948. All persons indebted Relax (it the II Iwcl Do you steer j our car or "HKKI"it? the Alaska Highway for White-horse. Returning south the vessel will take concentrates to Vancouver for transshipment to Tacoma smelter. Steering Wander? Shimmy? Tire Wear! Prince Rupert B. Fuerst, Vancouver; W. Ma to the said estate are required to pay -iff? M JE WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing-, Printing Enlarrinc QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies Restore new car Meerinjj control! The Ketchikan fish packer Sydney, Capt. Osmund Hendrick-sen, made her nrst call here in more than a month yesterday, bringing two carloads of bonded American halibut for rail shin-mcnt to the eastern United States. Her trip was the first since the Canadian National rail line closed on May 25. She is expected to arrive back in Princ-Rupert next Tuesday with another cargo. Inspection and correction can be carried out acuraW only by use of specialized equipment. In jrwdaiw wa ine amount or their indebtedness to ther Vancouver' O J Hutch- ' ' ' ' me forthwith and all persona having claims against the said estate are re- mgs, Victoria; H. K. Archibald quired to file them with me properly and family, Chicago; L. Digre. verified on or before the Slst day of n , . . July. 1948. falling which attribution Calgary, F. W. Ridge, Vancou- will be made having regard only to ver; A. A. MrCrea, Georgetown; such claims of which I shall have w w .en.i Mnntrl- t the LINDSAY' policy of havinc the rlcht Wis !r th' j WHEKL ALIGNMENT and BALANCING i quimn nt h,tt"f! Installed and is now In operation. been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. b.c.J PegK. Vancouver; C. McKenzie Drive In and let us check and report un your Irani m this 22nd day of June. A D. 1948 Vancouver; J. Bunn, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. H. Harper and ROBERT EDWARD OLADDINQ Box 508. I Prince Rupert. B C. 1 (162) condition. LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. PHONE 8Ki family, Georgetown; J. P. Dodds, j A local notice to mariners says Ames, Iowa; C. C. Keyes, Van- that Point Cumming light in couver; J. Simpson, Vancouver; I Wright Sound Is renorted not UNITED STATES W. A. Sloan, Vancouver; S. Han- Durning. xnis ngnt will be at- J 1ST FOR tended to as soon as possible. son. New Westminster; Mrs. D M. Shelford, Wistaria; A. E Meeker, Vancouver; H. Cassidy. While the halibut fishing clos- Alice Arm; Mrs. L. , Nlcklin. ed season in Area ia nnrf Aronn GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS BABY Loveable little wearables for your loveable little cherub. Everything from sturdy creepers to dainty dresses. v YOUR BEST EATING PLACE FULL-COURSE MEALS 11 a.m. to I p.m. BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS. DINNERS AND PARTIES' CHINESE DISHES BROADWAY CAFE Telegraph Creek; Mr. and Mrs 3, and 4 will begin at 12 mid-J. Chapman, Shawatlans; D. Ir- night July 11, thus terminating vine, Victoria; M. W. Gorm- all halibut fishing on the Pa-ley, Vancouver; R. R. Ridley, ciflc Coast of Canada and the Victoria; R. Lundrigan, St. Law- United States and Alaska, pcr-rence, Newfoundland; P. Lund- mits for the retention and land-rigan. St. Lawrence, Newfound- mg of halibut caught incident-land; Mrs. J. Massey, Ladner; J., ally to fishing for other species Kirk, Vancouver; F. Speed, Vic- with, set lines in any area will toria; Mrs. W. J. Graham, Smi- be valid until 12 midnight Nov- Repairs Construction AHerationi Floor Sanding a Specialty P.O. Km w Phone RED 561 mers; w. usDorne, Terrace; Miss ember 15 S. Middleton, Smithers. FxUflng regulotlom mole it illegal for any Canadian reiident to retain in hit possession more than $ 1 0 in United States cash. You are required to turn in to your bank, for exchange into Canadian money, ony amount you have in excess of $10 in United States funds, without delay. THERE'S A REASON The reason is that Canada must have the U.5. dollars spent here by tourists, in order to make them available for the payment of imported goods and services needed to keep production and employment at a high leyeL 608 3rd Ave. W. Phone 200 1111 iMmammmmmiaammmmmm I nLr-f-LJ-ir-u-r-c-rj I'1 ' 518 E' Box 1118 Phone Red 400 I Northbound from Vancouver to the Alaska ports of Taku and Haines, British Columbia Steamships Ltd. freighter Alaska It Pays to Advertises Advertise in tne uany News! BLONDIE -liumstead Loses Beachhead. Prince. Capt. Thomas n Garrkk, f-,,. v ty L.1IC I OUriS . was in port from 3 to 10 o clock (yesterday morning. On the way in here she called at Port Edward and other Skeena River EVERYTHING HASN'T RAISED IN PRICE . . . inn i:turrs charge 200 tons of supplies for At Taku Landing she will discharge 200 tons of suplics for UUl is the a"'' Pri(f w It may surprise many Community Silver flatware the Polaris-Taku mine at Tulse- quah and at Haines will put off before the war. And as the tax Is now off it "snotilil kc doubly attractive. 'ilgraR i'ji H 'lif,ilil iiiin Tb ( BATH POOM AND T ' ,2vV WHAT AM r, T3J TaC.DDV HES A I V yVS . Cf J V. C EXTENSION PHONE ' jT!?!-' r,' ' ,m ""' Tmlo WWg, . l 142 tons of freight for delivery by way of the Haines cut-off of Buleer'g always sell standard goods ' t i",all'a art advertised prices even IIioiikIi rxrrss eli.ui;'" more than those of places nearer to the latncs FOREIGN aCHANGr. CONTROL I0MID OlMWt ISow Available! Lor Instance a Bib Ben clock or set of silver for the same price as in Ontario where it is n"" A large part of our Moik is made up f n,la advertised Roods and we try to keep the l,al'"" line with the prices of other cities. And we S ntee t he satisfaction of our goods. Something from Ouigers is always sonw""" worth having. Tatti( meal art qui'eUq planned itri Kober Corned Beef Loaf at hand A Contented Cow. ' 1 Mi, s V 1 I 'llilijh VES-StXl HAVE I I . E5T BECAUSE I'M C VOuPCWOICeOP '&) ZT I'M so mukksbvO ( I OCHJLt? EAT AN ) fOlD SHOE j- - mm m i LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL COTTAGE CITEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Tour Dally ALL-WEATHER BERVICS y. ... ,:-,r....,. 'fT ' ' f j PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY rTKWS C