s r t?rfnci Xjftprrf Daflp titat ttB. J $ Wednesday, June 23, 1948 V. . rou saw It in the Sally New h MOOSE TAKE FOURTH TUMBLE BEFORE OAHL'S MERCHANTS Merchants 9, Moose 2 Moose took the long tumble before Merchants apain at Roosevelt Park baseball field last night, crumbling before the grey-clad storemen by a margin of 9 to 2 to assure themselves a place of probable CITY BOXERS , - Far North Golf Course YEIXOWKN1FE, N.W.T. Pj Yellowknife's compact nine-hole course, most northerly In Canada and one of the farthest north in the world, was opened by fifty enthusiastic members. The official opening was scheduled for midnight Monday night, y i ' ' Nil V;; permanency at the bottom of the league. A look at the rword shows that the lodge brothers ( dither among players and fans in the seventh when Umpire Chvistopheison, in a map de- Good Companions Empire Games In Vancouver Toronto Turns Them Down So Pacific Coast Seeks Them VANCOUVER, Pacific Coast sportsmen are determined that, the 1950 British Empire Games should not remain long without a site. They think Vancouver can and should stafie the Karnes. The Canadian Olympic Committee announces that the Canadian National 'Exhibition ill Toronto cannot accept a proposal to hold the games on its grounds because of other com mitments. lrac ann Jlfl,a "'nietics in Canada would receive a severe setback if the games, offered to Canada in 1950, were held else- wnere, saia . w. a. rcoweu, national chairman of the track and field committee of the Amateur Athletic Union of Canada. ft SHORT SPORT JOHN H. ) BULGER OPTOMETIU6T I fjoin fiuffer Lff. I Third Avenue i I Two nailines per week JTANCOI VKU VICTORIA r zr.n i.r. Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Carilena I Kaiu relay, 9 a.m., Calata H'FWART anil ALICE ARM jimduv.s, 12 mldniuht foil oi t:en charlotte ISLANDS CoquiLlam, June 8, l'J, and 2!) 11 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNKR Hmir.e Ituoerl Attent iiird Ave. Phone 568 For sixty great favourite i V. now hove wn losses lit eight games. They have fallen before Merchants (our times, With one victory, and three times Without compensation before the i league-topping Savoys. Last night's game was strlot- i ly routine as far as results went. Merchants took a one-run lead In the first Inning when Beynon was scored on a double by Abel. Beynon got on base on a field- ens' choice play that forced out Hartwig on second. Abel was left i on second when the side was retired. j Moose pot their initial run in the second when right flclriei Guthrie, who bats left handed, !iii(?led a hard one to left field. He was brought home on a hit by pitcher Hector McKinnon. Merchant player-manager Cliff j Duhl rang the bell in the fifth when he clouted the only three- I bagger of the game, bringing In 1 two runnels In advance of his iown Iwavy strides. Thitu-s got into a bit of a the night the sun does not set, but was set ahead to afternoon The course is carved from rock and bush adjacent to the air port and offers a real test for ardent golfers. "I'LL GET HIM QUICK" -LEWIS NEW VORK Confidence radiates in both camps today as Joe Louis and Joe Walcott enjoy a brief lull before their 15-round bout tomorrow night at the Yankee Stadium for the world's heavyweight championship. "I'll get him quick" is the cold prediction of the Brown Bomber, 5 to 12 choice, who announces that the twenty-fifth defence of the title will be his last fight, "t think I'm 50, or 75 per cent better than I was for the last fight," Louis says. Louis weighs 215 pounds and Walcott 195 pounds. , CITY LEAGUE BASEBALL STANDINGS alike . ... because there's no other tobacco just like Old Chum for day-in, day-out smoking) It's a real man's smoke fresh, cool, wonderfully , . satisfying in every way. Try a package todayl . i The Tobacco of Quality TO FIGHT AT KETCHIKAN Eight district boxers, seven from Prince Rupert and one from Terrace, will leave the city July 2 to invade Ketchikan for a return fight card with the Alaskans who took the headline bout in a card at the Civic Centre here last April 10. Accompanying the lads will be their trainer, Joe Ward, Len Kitchens arid Neil Ross. The group plans to leave on the evening of July 2, arriving back in the city on the morning of Monday, July 4. The fight card will take place at the Coliseum Theatre in Ketchikan on the evening of July S. Harold Blanton, Ketchikan sports promoter, is handling the Ketchikan boxers. Headllner in the card is to be Olen Carlson, a vouthful llttht- hPftvywPlght! ho will light al 185 poun(ls. Neither his oppon ent nor those of the other local lads are known. Representing Terrace will be Chuck de Kergommeaux, who frmrrVif V,a,-a fact A rHl mintiirtfr Baseball Scores American League' New York 2, Cleveland 5. Washington 5, Detroit 4. Philadelphia 7, St. Louis 0. Boston 11, Chicago 6. National League St. Louis 5, Boston 1. Cincinnati 6, Philadelphia 4 Pltsburgh - Brooklyn, rained ,out Football Schedule CUhulv Cun. Firsi Round June 25 First round of Dominion Day Cup. Julv 1 Final round of Dom-nion Day Cud. Gi'hnlv t'up.. Second Round juiv i High acnool vs. Legion Julv 9-High School vs. 120th Battery. Julv 14 Legion vs. High School. Julv 21 120th Battery vs. jegion. August 4 First round ot Stu-.rt Shield. Moblev run August High School vs Legion. a decision over Corky Poorman So far as the heavyweight oI Ketchikan, division of the box fifrht business j others of the local stable will goes, tomorrow is the big night, be Ray Davidson, 78 pounds; But if there is agreement in any Bill Stacey, 100; Charley Place, Canadian 'town on who will hold 120; Alvln McKay, 130; Bob An-the world title when Joe Lewis j derson, 118; Charlie Johnson, and Joe Walcott leave Uie Yan-'i4G. . l tf Vfliv flllAV' (11 Games) W L Pet. Savoy 5 1 .833 Merchants 5 3 .23 Moose 1 1 .125 cltiton, upheld Hartwig's advance from second to third on what was obviously a tick-foul off Lambie. Moose stalwarts argued the case strongly but abided by the decision. More than ohe burst of ap- piause was given to Lambie, the Old Man of the Outfield, for tidy fielding of fly balls. On four occasions he made inspiring ainh. nf hniia rPt.iminr frnm the stratosphere. Both sides wor ked their pit- ch-TS f,r the fi'il nine innings. Corf"' Flii'k. on lh" mound for Merchants, pitched a tidy game and had plenty of field support. Hector McKinnon. Moose hurlt I . wavmd at UmMi p0lt!puiari, , tne .founh when Mercnants broutht in three rmH, but Mr. McKinnon was. by no means getting the careful support he deserved. Moo.se manager Benny Windle made some nice picki-ups and throws from his position at shortstop. MERCHANTS AB R II PO A Hartwig 2b 5 1 2 0 0 Beynon ss 4 3 2 0 5 Lambie cf 5 12 4 0 Abel c 4 "0110 Linney If 5 12 0 0 Dahl 3b 5 2 2 0 1 Forman lb 4 0 1 11 0 1 Letourneau rf ... 5 0 110 0 Elluk p 5 1 1 1.1 0 42 9 14 27 7 3 MOOSE Shier 2b 4 0 0 3 3 Vanetta lb 5 0 0 8 0 Kerr If 2 10 2 1 Windle ss 4 0 3 5 7 'Calderoni cf ...4 0 0 1 0 Guthrie rf 4 1,1 0 0 Kitchens c 4 0 0 7 0 jLavigne 3b 3 0 0 1 0 McKinnon p 3 0 10 0 I 33 2 5 27 11 Merchants ...102 310 1019 Moose 010 010 0002 Errors: Beynon, Abel, Forman, Vanetta, Kitchens, Lavigne 3. RBI: Beynon, Lambie, Abel 2, Linney 2, Dahl, Letourneau, McKinnon. 2B: Abel, Hartwig. 3B: Dahl. SB: Hartwig 2, Beynon 2, Linney, Dahl, Forman 2, Eliuk 2, Guthrie. LOB: Moose f, Merchants 9. DP: Shier, Windle and Windle. HP: McKinnon 1. SO: Eliuk 2. Balk: Eliuk. BB: 9Mb LRBOt&Q IJM t i a r. We can supply all your needs in ... . BUILDING SUPPLIES including WALLHOAItnS, FINISH LUMBER, PLYWOODS, SASH AM) DOOR, NAILS, PLUMIilXfi SUPPLIES PAINTS PHILPOTT EV ITT & CO. LTD. "Serving the North Since 1920" , Phone 631 652 kee Stadium ring that town dif- fers from Prince Rupert. Sports columnists don't agree any more than the strictly amateur spec-1 tators: For instance, Andy (Montreal Standard O'Brien calls Jersey Joe. Bae (Montreal Star) 0"Meara comes out for the champ still to be champ.- Andy says "Louis' legs are obviously minus the spring they used to have . . . Walcott's Ices are tl legs of a young fighter. Walcott showed a style that baffler! Louis and there's no reason foi believing he can't do it again." Ba says, "This time Louis will win because he is a better mah and he hits harder. We think he will be hitting a lot in the early rounds. He is slow and lumbering but he is in condition. I We always believe in stringing with the champion even if we feel Louis is near the end of the line." McKlnnon 2, Elluk 5. Umpires- Christopherson and Montesano. Time: 2:25. Advertise In the Dally News! Yon saw it in ine Daily News! OCEAN VIEl'i HOTEL (Formerly Knox) A Quiet, Pleasant Place to Lire COMPLETELY RENOVATED Rooms Redecorated Spring-Filled Mattresses New Management Proprietor, TOM PHSTJT PHONE 71 i IcOAL LUMBER PAINTS 1 'I. n "4 years, Old Chum has been a with beginners ana1 veterans r EC RIGHT FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH - w nziv s a iitJt tip xur nut weather driving. Our complete check - up service will keep your car in first class shape assure top performance all through the rest of sumnrcr. The Popular S.S. PRINCE RUPERT , Sails ft VANCOUVER AND INTEKMstOIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 PM. For KETCHIKAN " - WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT F"r Information call or writ City nr Depot Ticket OfftMt - PRINCB RUPERT, BXi. We are pleased to announce that we have now obtained the services of a very competent body man, namely Mr. Charles Heppner who will be only too flad to give you a free estimate ' on that body or fender job. Mr. Heppner also special- izes in upholstery work, i I GOOD GARDENERS I 1 so Vitamin B-l for Hotter Gardens. It makes for Rapid I Growths and Works Like Magic on Your Plants One Bottle Makes 200 Gallons Solution 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE . X THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. When repairing the old or building the new see us for all kinds of construction materials. Mitchell & Currie Limited PHONE 363 Builders and Contractors bcb giasi! QfcseP RUPERT MARINE REALTY .uTVA C (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER j BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT ; , try L 1 ; : RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 Phone Green 975 More than 30 of the men who build Gutta Percha tires have more than 25 years experience Gutta Percha tires are built by men who have spent a lifetime building safety and long wear into tires for every type of use. These men build quality tires because they build from experience. They build great tires ...and GREATJSEi nnrT mimoc iihehi hiillhul jnean Keep your car running Stveef You'll be sure of a sweet-running motor if you bring your car to our experts. Whether you need minor adjustments or major repairs, youH find our rates are reasonable. We abide by cost estimates and have your car ready when promised. T fit pmimll . . . wiib to Hudson wingt Superior Auto & Body Service ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS FOR BEST RKSOCfll ' fa . - .