people, pass here every day In Prince Rupert Daily Hews summer time. At least one third of all the travellers Ray Reflects Monday, August 14, 1650 passenger planes for the Korean hot feel, timidity . about saying , war theatr. Each cun carry froai it out loud. For nearly forty forty to' sixty, and each has, a years, the job of avenue and crew of four, and two stewardes- street building here lias had dis- sea swho will handle food.' Time apopintments and dbcourage- for the flight is 24 hours. Gor- morn. It is easy to remember ' blimeylln the old trooper days times vhen there was plenty of and Reminisces maybe even two uuras never find out that here Is by far the finest natural hot water opsn air pool in North America. As I See it J '3 . the journey might take 24 days. each. To accomplish what has SUMMER cWt for' DRESS 0d W( GRET REDUd Men's Pure uv, - been already done represents a Yesterday the superintendent The sockeye season has ended '""'AT"... "":'. ' ' 'ZT on the construction job showed and the tale concerns an incident ; . u,e'c ? lot or figuring costs and plain hard swork. So let's give credit where it's due. Published Bj 7hH Newspaper To Eelp Foster A Better 1'ndersta.ri-Jins of Advertisii!jf' Function in our Society. An Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prlnco Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Member ol Canadian Press Audit Bureau or Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association G. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier, Per Week, zoc; Per Month, 73c; Per Teai, !iV $8.00; By Mail, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. .'fe' me around the new million dol-hn Prince Rupert long ago. There jwllmn tv0,lnousa"Q Muue:" lar bath-house. My Impression has been a scckeye treaty, not I was that It was worth the entirely aDDroved bv John Public. Todavs maD shows Vladivostok uc-. a. in mi ii urn By ELMORE PHILPOTT fCCt l- IH mcney. 'They are putting in a proof-reader (his vision be-1 in Manchuria. It used to be 1 not only the usual dressing came slightly blurred on oc-' Siberia. Anyway, l"s a close j rooms, but also steam rccms, casicn) passed a galley in which ' neighbor to Korea and Just now j baths for cripples in wheel- ameared the story containing Russia is sending all sorts of Now fi .Mens RAINCOATS. assortment to choc. TRAIN bCHED'JLE Standard Times For the East Monday. Wednesday, Friday 8:00 p.m From the East Tuesday, Thiusdar, Snhirdaj 10:15 p.m. the offending word, which read ships to this Soviet port of the "COCKEYE". Lack of correction North Pacific. It's becoming meant a bad half hour for some-' difficult to see where Korea GOODBYE RADIUM This will be my last article from Radium Hot Springs, in the 1950 summer season, unless something unexpected hap one, but treaty critics wanted to ends and Moscow starts. chairs, and a big sun desk. There will be a coffee shoo right : in the main building, that !s : between the cool and hot pools, i The new cool pool seems to j me the weakest part of the j whole set-up. They built it just half the regulation Olym shake hands with the staff. Evils of Liquor From Men's T.SIIIRTS Colors. Reg. , Now Boys' SWEATERS tT i We may be getting accustomed to daylight saving time which far as 1(50 is concerned, will soon end. But there is some sjur satisfaction in -reflecting that, after all is said and done, the thing is a nuisance. pic size. With virtually no ex-these tra expend we could have had ideal tlle be'ct 15301 la America for of an i competitions. pens. I used to think that parts would- make au hide-out in the event A cheque written on a hard- boiled egg has been accepted in I British Columbia. Many a hard-boiled egg with a cheque Is' less successful. Ottawa Journal. Solidity and smoothness from curb curb are beginning to make Prince Rupert streets something to take a pride in, and A Boys' JE.NS . moreover, vne layout 01 tne new building makes it impos a"cy lrlm , atomic war. But when I measured the map, and figured out the distance to that spot In the State of Washingon where they No DRESS AND Wor I sible to extend the size of the i Drew Pearson, Washington new pool. . rorrespondent. says his column j has been given a lock at the THEY EXPECT to have the surgeon-General's secret casual-formal opening of the new poolltv list in Korea. Tabulation re- From ? COMFORTERS, JE3 Fw- oy aDout October l. But it will be alright with me if they have the whole works in operation at the opening of the summei season next year. Sometimes I think I'm the world's worst fool for publiciz- i Russia is sending all sorts of had listed 98 killed in action and 15 died of wounds up to August 1 1, the secret total had b;en 663 i dend. 1.975 wounded, and 3.000 , mussing in action. Truth is grim I but, what is served by hiding it? I make many of those bombs, I j ' changed my mind. Suppose one of the danged things went off, even by accident. I Besides, this beautiful hot pool is radio-active. How do we I know what will happen when ! man begins playing around too much with radio-active bombs. Maybe old mother Nature 'will jsit in on that game tod. Maybe J these mountains . will go sky-i wards again, as the geologists say they have done before. Carry , ing this place as I have for the American fighting; men will fly from Vancouver aboard C.P.R. ! past few years. Pretty soon , I'll be crowded right out my-! self. But then when I think of , all the people who would bene-I fit from a stay here I chanus LOOKING around and noting some of the tendencies in Prince Rupert this last while we wonder if over-drinking has not been softening some of us up a bit and, if not affecting us. more seriously, is, at least, making us less fit for our jobs. If all of us could control our drinking, it might be not so bad but there are so few of us who can. All around us these days there se-em many tragedies which have their rpot cause in the use of intoxicating liquor. In the Vancouver Province we, read with interest a letter from a Salvation Army officer who quotes from a indictment of the drink-ing evil made years ago bv General Evangeline Booth of the Salvation Army: "Drink has drained more blood, ' Hung more crepe, i Sold more homes,- ,,, , Plunged mora people into bankruptcy, ' "'Armed more villains ' Slain more children,' Snapped more wedding rings,. Defield more innocence, Blinded more eyes, Twisted more limbs, Dishonored more womanhood, Dishonored more womanhood, Broken more hearts, Blasted more lives, wTiDriven more to suicide- R. W. COLLI! Travellers Cheques and you can't lose Cet yours at any hrahch ' before you go away THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA You con bonk on the " Royal" PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STUDIO 216 - 4th Street , Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert j LAST NIGHT in this pool I imymind.again- ,1 'met an 'old friend a lovely j ' ' ! young girl from near Edmonton. N L. Jones who ls visiling ln iTwo years ago it was pitiful to ,. , ... . , Vancouver and Victoria is (see her struggling into the pool eoc-'; thin as a skeleton and appar- Pected back ln Prince Rupert by j ently hopelessly crippled. Now the end of the month. He is on Authorized Dealer KI.ECTROLij Contact the abow :: Services and Suj , See the new thrw IXKCTROl.t X Pi POI.ISIUR Applies the wax as , polishes o PHONE 451 Phone today for a lr stratlon of the of the ELECTRO!'.' today she walks without, even vacation. one cane, her weight is just slightly below average for her . height and age. Her lovely face is now radiant with relief at' having overc!orr2 the "great 1 crtppier.". Of course this pool did not do the whole job of i ! healing. But it helped give her. QUAUTV PlitoZ a start. i I HAVE spent much Of my time here waylaying American DAT Etl tells the truth about... UN I SKY PURIFIER and ELEH floor poli::: .And dug more graves tourists and shooing them intoj Than any other poisoned scourge that 'ever the hot pol As Canadian , ., , i ,. 6 . government obviously has never I : heard the old saynig that "it! sNeiJi its ueatn-ueaung waves across tne world." -4 .pays to advertise" they hav-l ! n't even put up a single sign to j j tell anybody that Radium Hot Springs even exists. It is a literal fact that hundreds of cars, carrying thousands of. FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE We know that when you order printed matter, you want delivery as soon as possible. ' That is why we've arranged for rapid printing and rapid delivery on all orders. Call us! ' Phone 234 SCRIPTURE PASSAGE FOR T )DAY 'Xoffl, thou hast searched me and known me. Psalm 139: 1. r. i FOR PLANrM Seagram : "83" for buildin: Royal Canadian Air Force Those desirous of enlisting or re-enlisting in ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCF! please arrange for personal interview with MR E. CLAUSEN, J. Clausen & Son office, Waterfront, Prince Rupert Between 4 and 6 p.m. Phone Green 975 p.o. Box 548 Pot Seagram's "83" to the water test. For water (plain or sparkling) is your most reliable guide to the whole truth about any whisky. Wafer adds nothing, detracts nothing, but reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Soy SEAGRAM'S and be SURE .a ol he finest FOR REPAIR'! '.v ,3RD STREET, PRINCE RUPERT PRINTERS STATIONERS OFFICE SI PPLIEE Coll 363 MITCHE1 " Modern Etiquette by Roberta Lee Q.i When a girl is leaving zfftf being entertained in a girl's home, isn't It sufficient to thank th''girl, or h it necessary" also to!;thank the girl's mother? Never forget to thank the girl's mother, as she is usually thbne who has labored to make the.A'isit a pleasant one. K2h Is a knife ever used to remove baked potato from its kin? Al No the fork must be used. Evein the butter is conveyed to the' 'potato with the fork, tit Q.i Is it good manners for one to''fean across the table ln order to!hake hands when -being introduced? r6; it is ill-bred to do so. Iii'his casa, a sincere "How do yqij; do is ail that is necessary. tf & CM HUH FOR THE MAN OF THE HOUSE! i I I LIMITED Builders & Conta Thi advertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. STEAMSniF PROMPTNESS KAIEH CO-OP HARDWARE GENDRON BABY CARRIAGES in Gladstone Bags Twin Sels PRINCE Rl'P( ' SAILS FOB PROMPT PAYMENT of accounts builds a credit record of priceless value, not only here at home,, but wherever and whenever credit is needed. CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT Vancouvei MODERATELY PRICED ;mgttihi Silrcr Grey, Maroon and Blue $39.50 r; Now in stock ROY APARTMENT WASHERS .. $64.95 DROP IN AND SEE THE NEW COGOWALL Phone 179 WE DELIVER 2513rd Ave. - AND INTEKMEDMTl EACH THURSk at 11:15 p For KETCHlrf WEDNESDAY M'I)S'j For Rcsenationsn or Call J and imbing . & Heating FOR THE LITTLE LADY! ' O Your choice from our complete assortment of Finest Leathers and Fabrics. O Completely outfitted . matched units in all sizes. W l I " ' . Prince Rupert,' Prompt and Efficient Service on your next CHARTER FLIGHT INTRODUCING-- Moffatt GAS Ranges NORRIf WARK ;;;with au three !!;;features y-y 1 Vapor $al CHARTER FLIGHT PLANES available for' O Aerial Surveys O Aerial Photography O Private Charter O Timber Cruising, etc. ' ALL INTERIOR AND COASTAL POINTS .1 t3 V' I no ENGINES & r,s . rrir t We tok K""1 M rummln l""1..-Simplex tn,S " Fl-xll.lf , Klfvlhlf flirt I "Tj. 1. Low cost operation $13.50 for 3 to 4 months. 2. Rockgas is clean doesn't blacken utensils. 3. Instant heat 100 control positions. 4. Attractive White Enamel Ranges by Moffat. 5. Just turn the button and burner at full heat. 6. Rockgas is six times hotter than city gas. 7. Oven , at required temperature In minutes. TrnllllK Pl j mh For RATES INFORMATION ,ill.lirlt Hi'H 14 RESERVATIONS llruiM aim -Piston nine mf. ripe ami rip J " Jnw f'lMtclie lieaiK PHONE 476 t- VAPOR SEAL locks in toed flavor, vitamins and minerals Z. STAINLESS STEEl lastingly beautiful and aaslar fa cUan X THERMIC tAT COPPEI tonoM diitribvtas litot tvanly, cuts hial bills Pitfrt ami f" V n; H..IU. Nut " QUEEII CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD. . Ilaliout M KaVA Anchor (HircIT, IB I Flat Mllil lrr, rtf ' SEE THE GAS RANGES ON DISPLAY - Ask for a Demonstration Mcltae Bros. . ware and f v"'m out to nieiitl" jlr Terms to Suit on our Budget Plan! Fashion Footwear Killas & Christopher Bldg.' Air Freight on all Flights BYT0WN I iT MACHINE McBrldeSt. . Phone 311 1