Is misspelled? Hurricane, hoi- rlfir Vi . r- -i 4 Prfnre Rupert Saturday, Daft? SftoB OB. May 22, 1942 m. an aruT IipP in this Prince Rupert by BJDDEE JINKS Retfor English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What Is wrong with this sentence? "They are very bad friends." 2. What is the correct pro- nurtniu tlnn Pif f i n O nnV'9 3. Which one of these words irify . I iiij, nut i a .-i.i I 4. What does the word 'in demnify" mean' 5. What is a word beginning with la that means "a dUipp fn of. intricate passageways"? ANbWC.'.h 1. Bad friends is illogical. Say, I "They are very uniriendly 2 ADVOCATES HEW COCKPIT AS CRASH REMEDY Accident Investigator Proposes Eliminating "Design Error" in Planes by Standardizing Controls i By James J. Strebig WASHINGTON, (API Pilot BASEBALL MAY 24 OLDTIMERS Exhibition Match 3.-,? ADMISSION Un-er Auspices of Prince s Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum oharge. 60c. Btrtn Notices: 60c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements:. (2. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE Classified Advertising Is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. he ONE COAT WALL FINISH And now, when the Ispana Waltz, orchestral arrangement, comes over the air I hear instead- Chavchavadse's inimitable piano arrangement; see his fingers follow their own perfect pattern and he himself giving accent by that small bounce upon the stool. It was mura tUe same for the Music and Drama Festival. The choral numbers carried a reasonable distance but, when tlv plays came on, I wished heartily I had taken time out somewhere to learn lip-reading. And that mufflers had been distributed in the back, right-hand corner. The last night is pinnacled in my memory. Performances may have been no better but was up front where the unmarred spirit of it all was full and sweet. Many timed I found I mu.-.t swallow and would think, "I would not miss this' for anything." The first time was on the first number the Borden Street Choir. They were first on, slightly tremulous, their faces a bit taut, and their shoulders tight. Then Mr. Wilson smiled. The audience saw only Mr. Wilson's back and the reflection of his smile, if they noticed, on the children's faces. It fell on them all from right to left. It gathered them in one close group with himself, a steady, relaxed, smiling band of little children ready to sing when Mr. Wilson gave the signal. This same close bond between leader and choir was pronounced in the Annunciation School presentations. Sister Mary Lawrence had her own method of giving inspiration. As they san she singled one to the right, one to the loft, then another and another, to send them a special smile. Like a direct sunbeam it came back to her, the confident smile of a young girl. And they blended happily together, vibrantly as a flowing stream. IN MEMORIAM HOUSTON In loving memory of 1 Bobby Houston who lost his life May 23, 1947. "Ever and always in our thoughts," from your loving Elsie, the boys and Dad and Mom. (H)j FOR UALt FOR SALE 3-piece chesterfield. 218 6th Ave. West. (126) FOR SALE First $400 cash buys glllnetter "May"; Easthope engine, new chain drive d: um. V M. M. Stephens, sheriff. (tf) FOR SALE Rooming house and boarding house contents. Good revenue. Apply Box 347 Daily News. (126) FOR SALE One 12 ft. x l2" ; Tobin Bronze Propellor Shaft, new,- fitted with 2" sleeve standard taper and nut. Also 30x19 L.H. Sumner Propellor, new. Cheap. Apply C. Aberg, Massett, B.C. (124i loss or dama?f CtI! llamas bv n,m Labyrinth" i The blKin... .. mm J :' mi rnwlPLlMENTS FOR SALE 4 Roomed House, furnished, wash house, wood shed on 3 lots. All in garden and fenced. Boat building shed j on one lot, with carpenter tools, blacksmith shop and y tools. Acetyline welding out-, fit. Boat float connected to shed on waterfront. Good location for machine shop. Price : $4,000. Apply to C. Aberg, Mas-set, B.C. (124) FOR SALE Paint Sprayer, one quart, y3 H.P. electric motor; 2 10 ft. ladders, ladder jacks. s Phone Black 245. (124) I like front seats. It may be a carry-over from horse and buggy days when only that vantage point allowed small people to watch the shining muscle of a horse's flank knot, then ripple smoothly out again to let his i hind hoof clip just under the lifting front one. And at a gate the fellow in the front seat always got the lines handed to him. The horses knew when to stop and start; even so it was a large moment. , In concerts there may be a spot further back where acoustics make tones of voic-es or instruments blend perfectly but to me the performer or performers rate one up on what they produce. And I like to be near enough to know they are really alive. I felt it most at George Cha-chavadse's first concert Halfway back I sat in unsatisfied agony. Hearing was not enough. I wanted to see his hands, his expression. Next time it was different. HELP WANTED (WANTED Experienced bar- tender, references. Philbert Hotel, Terrace, B.C. (121) HELP WANTED First class automobile mechanics. None others need apply. Lindsay Motors Ltd., Prince Rupert, B.C. (125) WANTED WANTED Stenographer-book - keeper. Apply Dr. Large. Phone 134. (tf) WANTED Room lor three scientists stationed at Prince Rupert for summer months. Preferably close in. Box 345 Daily News. (tf) PERSONAL JHOM SHEET METAL LTD. extends a cordial invitation to the public to visit their shop at 253 East First Avenue during "Open House Week." ( 122 1 FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE m the Interior, stop at Telkwa Hotel, 244 miles from Prince Rupert, just half way to Prince George. ( tf ) WHY ALWAYS work for others? Manufacture plastic objects in your own private home. I The demand is big. Capital required $5. Write us. R. Mer- cier, Dept. R.N., 3862 St. An- ( dre St., Montreal, 24, Quebec. (121) LOST AND FOUND LOST Ladies' gold Elks wrist watch. Finder please phone Black 446. Reward. ( 124 1 FOUND Pair of silver rimmed glasses in wine leather case. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Spring examinations. Write M. C. C. Civil Service School, 3G1 En-derton Bldg., Winipeg, Manitoba. CHENILLE BEDSPREADS 4.99 EACH AT wholesale Price, Beautiful Chenille Spreads in double or single bed sizes. In all Pastel colors, fast dye, $4.99 each. Chenille Spreads full 90x100, with contrasting basket design in centre, $7.98 each. Also Habitant Hand Hooked Rugs, tightly made, 18x36 Three for $4.00. These articles are worth much more. Sent C.OJ3. plus postage. Money immediately refunded If .not satisfied. Handicraft Distributors, 254 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal Que. IN THE BUPRLmE COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Kstiite of Oraoe MrMlllnn. otherwlw known an irae Alice MrMlllnn, IHH-eawil, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order or Hlf Honour JudKe W. O. Pulton, Local JudKe of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 5th day of May, AD. 1048. appointed Administrator of the Estate of Grace Mo-Mlllan. otherwise known as Grace Alice MacMIUan. late of 8tcwart. British Columbia, who died on or about the 33rd day of March, 1948. at the city of Prince Rupert. British Columbia. All persons Indebted to the said I estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forth- w'th and all persons having claims against tne said estate are required to me tnem with me properly verified on or before the 15th day of June. 1948, failing which distribution will be made having regard only to sucn claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. this 6th day of May. 1948. GORDON FRASER FORBES, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B C. (123 i error is blamed fur most air crashes but pilot perfection has been pushed near the limit until supermen are born. Safety experts, looking around the pilot to learn what makes him make mistakes, are convinced that "design error" is a very important item. Now they hope to give the good pilot a! better cockpit. During t:ie war the United States Air Force lost more than half as many pilots in training accidents as it lost in combat. An air force study of the experiences of 460 fliers since the war disclosed one important fact: All pilots make mistakes sometimes. Some pilots make more fnis-takes than others. Half of all the errors reported were "substitution" that is, operating the wrong control, such as lowering the wing flap instead of the landing gear. . , 1 Nearly one-fifth were "adjust- 1 nient" moving a control too much or too little or not moving it fast enough. Nearly one-fifth of the mistakes were simply fur- ' getting to do something. The rest of the errors were caused by moving a control the wrong i way, moving it unintentionally or by not being able to teach H- Robert V. Garrett, chief pilot and senior accident investigator for the cvill aeronautics board, says two things need to be done; I Cockpits should be standard- ized; Piiuts should be trained more. BKITISI) AHEAD The British government ordered standardised cockpits years ago. In this country ct:k-pits differ not only between makes of planes but within the same series of the same model Garrett recalls that during the war one series Qf Liberator bomber the B-24-D had four different cockpits. With split- second decisions necessary In instrument flying, it meant that pilots virtually had to be (rained for each airplane. The air force and the navy j nave luneii one linpuriuiit, step j toward standardization by ' grouping the six basic instru- nients used in "blind flying." These are the air speed indica-! tor, directional gyro-compass, ' artificial horizon, altimeter, turn and bank indicator, and , rate of climb indicator. The most common type of error, accounting for about one-fifth of all pilot mistakes occurs In the "power group" the four handles which control fuel mixture, propellor pitch, fuel and supercharging. They must be operated in that order when Increasing power, and in the reverse order to decrease it. The natural arrangement would appear to be to place the controls in the order of use, but few planes have it that way. The second most common fallingconfusing flap and wheels accounts for one error In eight. In most airplanes those controls are in the same area and some times have the same shape. Both are used in landings and take-offs. Garrett proposes that all cockpits be standardized, whether for military, commercial or private planes. Standardization would mean having each control in the same relative position in every cockpit. The effectiveness of that would be increased by "code-shaping" the handles so that a pilot would recognize the control by feel, and by distinctive coloring. A further step might be the changing of the movement of some controls, such as from horizontal to vertical or rotary. Still another step might be to place the light used to show whether a control Is on or off Ight in the handle instead Qf above, below, or beside it. NOTICE The Dally New wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient Advertising Is payable In advance at the office at time if presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to Advertise in this manner in the Daily News are asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified VS. ROOKIES ! at Roosevelt Park GAME STARTS 6:30 P.M. Rupert Baseball Association , FOR SALE I FOR SALE 1940 Buick Deluxe Limited, Al shape. Phone 66. (122) FOR SALE Furniture, like new. Phone Black 990 (121) I FOR SALE Piano $150; wine studio couch $35; 2 dressers; rocking chair; 3 small tables; electric gramaphone and records $20; 2 bridge lamps $3 each; arm chair $2. Phone Red 814 or Green 902. (121) FOR SALE Enterprise Enamel oil range, $125.00. Apply 209 1 6th E. (121)' FOR SALE 2 choice residential lots, cleared, close in. Priced below assessed value for quick sale. Phone Green 248 after 6 p.m., or write Box 346 Daily News. (tfi FOR SALE Mosberg .22 auto matic and two w i n d o w s I 3"x6'4", 15 panes 10"xl4". Phone Green 883. (121i FOR SALE Small four - room wartime house with brick chimney, cleared lot and oil burning range.' Selling at sacrifice price, owner leaving town. Apply Robert E. Monta-dor Ltd. (tf) FOR SALE Tables and slings; Studebaker sedan; 2"x3" decking; stoves; gravel cart; dol-leys and trailers; soil pipe; beds and various other item;, too numerous to mention. Apply 1401 Frederick St., highway entrance. (125) FOR REXT FOR RENT Rooms, 622 Fraser St. (126) FOR RENT Two-room f urnish-ed suite. Call Suite 1, Bay APts. (123) FOR RENT June 1 to Sept. 1, furnished house, 5 rooms and bathroom. Phone Black 900. (It) HOUSE FOR RENT Four" rooms and bath; newly decorated. Near Seal Cove. Prince Rupert Realty Co. Phone Green 9" (tf) FOR RENT Flat, Rand Block. Apply Max Heilbroner," Jeweller, (tf) FOR RENT Bedronms with or without breakfast. 2104 Atlin : Ave. (tf) FOR RENT Furnished light housekeeping room and furnished room. 650 7th Ave. East (122) FOR RENT 2-room furnished cottage with free light and water, offered non - working pensioner or other person in similar circumstances. For particulars phone Black 185 after 4:30. U2i) FOR RENT 3-room furnished suite. 1028 2nd Ave. Blue 270. (125) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD $45 each double; $50 single. Sleeping rooms for rent. Table meals Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street. (tf) METAL WORK PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK Tar nnrl rirnvol Pnnf. Incr ing. Ii.tnm.o Letourneau & i, Sons, e' 629 . Slxth West. Phone 543. (tf) MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type. National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) Transforms old paint, wallpaper etc. into colorful, suede-finish surfaces for less than $5 per average room 1 FOR SALE 6-room house, with full basement and three lots. Apply Andy Honky, Terrace, " B.C. (25) TThere is no easier, more economical way of achieving Z, FOR SALE 1942 Dodge Special Deluxe Sedan. Newly painted. ; , Excellent condition. Apply 13 t- Taxi. (tfj ft superb, enduring wall finish than by using Sprcd. Painted straight over old paint or wallpaper, over tained or faded patches, Spred creates a beautifully soft-hued surface with never a trace of a brushmark. " FOR SALE Partly demolished ' house and lot, cheap for cash, v" Phone Black 854. (tf) 1 It is sheer perfection. Only half an hour is needed for drying. Then the room is ready for use because Spred has no 'painty' odour. 1- i Now is the time to decorate. Your Glidden Paint Dealer will show you Spred's fashionable new colors. FOR SALE Acme cook stove with pot burner and blower. Apply 99 Taxi. (tf) FOR SALE Empty 500-pound . steel drums. Apply Daily News. (tf) FOR SALE New 12' clinker-built boat for inboard power, complete with shaft, oars, tarp, pump, etc. $190.00. Phone Blue ' 365. (123) FOR SALE Cement Mixer, fc, yd., and 2 Cement Buggies, A-l condition. Apply Box 578, Prince Rupert. (123) FOR SALE New and Used Furniture. Used chairs 50c; house desk $2.50; kitchen set, five-piece $12; hassocks $1.50; hot One member of this choir was particularly pleasing. Her contralto was full and true but she caught my fancy by the way she sang. Al Jolson sang that way. He simply put himself, his own unique, personal qualities into a song, and made it pulse. This girl is Bernadette George, a native, whose home is near Fort Fraser. She has attended the Lejac School, then took Grade IX by correspondence before coming to Prince Rupert for her Grade X. Being completely deaf in one ear is no handicap, apparently, to this girl. She is the first student who has been able to carry the contralto for the Annunciation Choir. Besides, she is a good student, in itself a lovable quality. This girl won't be taking part in the Festival next year. It is unlikely that she will be here. But if I am, you may count me in on a front seat. Eat! k Enjoy! WKATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing. Printing Knlareine QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies Two sailings per week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Coqultlam Saturday, 9 a.m., Calata STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays. 12 midnight QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS May 14 and 2811 p.m. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS May 16 and 3011 p.m. ; FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Anent Third Ave. Phone 568 r Crr ' plates $2; spring for double r r bed 95c; bath room basins i from $2; jacks, 3-ton size $2; i men's bicycle $12.50; bedroom ' flllit.ffi' Hlfartfip nraohinn wn Japalac Clear Gloss The New Plastic Type Finish lor Fleers, linoleum ond Woodwtr ONE QUART $2 j PLUS A 6-OZ. BOTTLE Glid-n Liquid Cleaner AO for DUhe, Window., PalrrUd Surface! ond AutomobH VALUE v . 1 lit , chine; Frigidalre; caulk boots; cooking utensils from 10c, etc. Come and look things over. B.C. FURNITURE CO., Black 324. FOR SAL E Five-room house with all fixtures. $500. Phone Black 99t (121) HOUSES HOUSES HOUSES 6-ROOM HOUSE, 3 lots, basement, furnished or unfurnished. 2 WELL LOCATED wartime houses. 1 LARGE APARTMENT block, ideal for couple. Owner leaving. Only $1500 down to handle. OTHER HOMES from $850 to - $9000. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 (123) Vours for on w B.C. nun inL .f your Glidden De W. E. KEELE Alert Bay, ' PHILPOTT, EVITT CO LTD. Prince Rupert,