Prince Uupttt Saturday, Dailp rectos tto. May 22, 1948 1 1 1 q r t "THIS A N D T HATm ii'd 'state i,r i. Incubators do everything but cluck. Their, capacity u ' fr 10,000 to 18,000 egg,yand are made of Queensland silky AUSSIE WOMAN RUNS HATCHERY Alexander Gooch Dies In Seattle Alex Gooch, "who conducted the Pioneer Rooms in Prince Rupert from 1935 to 1942 died recently in Seattle in his eighty-seventh year. Born in St. John, N.B., he was through the Kldn-dyke stampede, remaining In Dawson until 1905. He was located in Fairbanks until 1918, subsequently moving to Seattle, where a son, Edmund Gooch, and a daughter, Mrs. Ethel Oliver, survive. fore the Wa tH as far afi.ij 1 the dos JW Mr- Pear Mill SUAV Chicks from the Gamble ' hatcheries are sent all over the SUNDAY AT Waterfront Whiffs Prince Rupert Gets More Halibut Prices Surprisingly Strong-Trolling Disappointing -,A W it L ALSO MONDAY AND Tlf. iKtD ri Uil r -y. Predictions made months ago that the Area Two halibut season would last little more than a month echoed back soundly this week with the announcement by the International Fisheries Commission that the area would close at midnight, June 1, just 32 days eV ADAM ' S. 91$ J I V. 1 P" l Tin Cw,. MmiW AJ.nn Scnitt, Inc. W Big Enterprise is Down-Under Version of "The Egg and I" SYDNEY, Australia (P) The United States best-seller, 'The Egg and I'' has a modern. streamlined Australian parallel in the real-life story of a Sydney woman who manages one of the biggest chicken hatcheries In the Southern Hemisphere. She Is Mrs. A. Pearson of Strathfield, who presides over the hatching of some 30.000 chicks each week. At the hatchery all work with the ex ception of chick sexlng is done by women. The owner. Stanley Gamble, considers that women make ideal assistants In this highly specialized business. Mrs. Frances Merrett. for instance, has the Job of testing the eggs for fertility after they have been In the Incubator from a week to 10 days. In this modern -hatchery the Now is the time to repair GARDEN FENCES STAIRS, SIDEWALKS LEAKY ROOFS and REPLACE GUTTERS Mitchell & Currie Limited PHONE 363 . Builders and Contractors M-G-M's COMEDY SENSATION I IN A HOWLING HlllPimic uvc . TERICAL HIT ABOUT HOLLYWOOD in I II I I A I a I OF TH E MOVIESfp put O'li LEON GinRi fe AMES GRAHAME MOWBRAY pad Ml i .V'-il a just like his daddy's! when they hope their fact-finding will be completed. They have set up a laboratory J uv uutuii UUUUUfg i' "'vjj. iimwam wnere results of their work will be developed as the work progresses. With Dr. Tully this week on the Ekholi was Allan Richard Her-linveaux while Allan J. Dodi-mead is working with Dr. Pickard. Union steamer Catala. Cant. Ernest Sheppard, arrived in port at 1:30 this afternoon from the south and will sail later In the day on her return to Vancouver and waypotnts. RACED HOUNDS FIRST The sport of greyhound rac ing originated in Egypt and is at least 1,000 years older than horse racing. Advertise in the Daily New; i I "He wanted his hair cut Starting at 15.4 cents for medi ums, the price has not only held strongly during the last three j weeks but has increased until Friday's sales activity orougnt a peak of 20 cents for medium, 18.9 for large and 10.5 for chicken. Or Liiing, however, .that has been torne out Is the failure nf chicln halibut to retain Its faV01d place on the marker Whei as, in former years it com. maniied good price, it is now less in demand than either of the largei gftdes and the market reflecti it. Spring saimon season this year has been a marked disappointment so far. Vessels on the Skeena, of which there are about 30 fishing, report small catches as "do trollers in Chath am Sound and off the Queen Charlottes. The navy's oceanonraphic ves sel Ekholi. which arrived here early this week, went out on its first expedition into Chatham Sound, returning after its initial experiments last night. Purpose of the experiments is to deter mine salt content in the waters at the outflow of the Naas.and Skeena rivers. Four scientists. under direction of Dr. J. P. Tully and Dr. G. L. Pickard, have divided themselves Into two teams' which will alternate at sea al most continuously between now and the middle of September 1 "SLAVE V,r CREATING AN ESTATE . . . When you py th firat premium on $5,000 life asaurance policy you immediately create an estate of $5,000. If you die the full amount ia available for your family. If you live you can take at long at thirty yeart to pay for it. Why not create your estate today' Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada CttAN UP PAINT UP BCAurimv Your Citj Tom McKeown ' No. 6 Smith Block Phone Oreen 907 Unit Supervisor SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA YOUR FIRST CHOICE - j y S6.5C V ... um Well dressed men everywhere choose ADAM HATS for quality.'style and" " value . . genuine fur fell hand -crafted of genuine Imported fur. In a rich as-sortment of Spring colon ond exclusive stylei. ADAM HATS Sold in Rupert bv RUPERT MENS & BOYS STORE OCEAN VIEW HOTEL V. ' i (Formerly Knox) U-A Umet, Pleasant Place to Live f-' C O M P L E T E L Y , RENOVATED Rooms Redecorated firing-Filled Mattresses 1 New Management 1 "Proprietor, i TOM FESUT PHONE 7P R-deeorat over wallpap,, with uit snt t X . finl,h dri wleWy, coven pariect y. Lovely colon, easy end simple o app y. One quart covers about 1 50 quart feet. See our color card of this Ant o-H product. SKK I'S FOIJ VOIR KLKCTRICAL KKQrilvn.MK.NTS i RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC wun II " i I n 1 ) r. PHONE 644 313 THIRD AVIATE WEST BOH II after it opened. While fishermen this year have been experiencing some rough weather in the Straits, particularly this week, the weather, as a whole, has been better ami deliveries have been sustained at a higher level than a year ago. Also, there are more boats fishing. Several days this week, the sea has been too rough for small vessels to haul gear but the larger boats kept at it and de liveries have continued steadily. Comparison of the, landings from regular halibut boats at Prince Rupert with those of last year does not confirm reports that this port has received less than in 1947. Landings here between May 1 and May 22 totalled 3,937300 bounds while during the corresponding period last year, there were 2,840,000 1 pounds delivered. Just how much halibut has come in from the numerous fish camps is not known but it is believed also to be greater than a year ago. Larger American landines at this port, too, have balanced more evenly the percentage delivered to the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative and the fish companies. This year, according to the daily landing reports, the Co-op has received about 55 percent of the landings, while last year. Co-op deliveries totalled more than 65 percent. - As has been stated, one of the reasons is larger American deliveries here. Seattle and Alaskan boats so far have delivered 717,500 pounds, all of which has been bought by the companies as compared with 320,500 pounds for the same period a year ago. Total landings from the regu lar fleet at the Co-od ud to Fri day were 2,138,500 pounds while at the same time, 1,799,000 pounds were sold over the exchange. All Co-op landines were from Canadian boats while fish sold on the exchange, 1,081,500 pouncis came from Canadian vessels and 717,500 from American. J ust what is holding the price up, no one seems able to determine but it is confounding many of the pessimists who predicted dangerously low sales level3. PXSK5 lir ONa CVysg" " ,iS?fH """ ' 1,11 " '-aj.wJ I I klaj :; . Princess Line SAILINGS to VANCOUVER and way ports Every Monday 10 p.m. to ALASKA Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway May 21 and June 4 to ALE R T BAY and Vancouver May 29 and June 9 . EES Moving, Packing CratlnV, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Servjce, call Lindsay' Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Parle Avenues Established 1910 , Phone 60 and M CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycle (Subject to change) i SATO KIM P.M. 4:30 Here's to Romance i 5:00 Tea Dance 5:45 Spom college 6:00 CBC News ,6:10 The Marsons 6:30 Good Music by Goodman 6:45 T.B.A. 7:00 Northern Lights 7:30 To be announced 8:00 This Week 8:15 Piano Ramblings 8:30 Old Time Rhythm 9:00 Dancing Party 9:30 Chamber Music 10:00 CBU News 10:10 B.C.' News 10:15 Indian Witchery 10:30 Dance Orch. 10:55 Interlude 11:00 Fish Arrivals 11:05 Weather Forecast and Sign Off SUNDAY A.M. :30 Sunday Recital 9:00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Songs and Singers 9:30 Harniony Harbour 9:59 Time b.gnai 10:00 B.C. Gardener 10:15 Just Mary 10:30 The Way of the Spirit 11:00 CBC News 11:03 Capitol Reports Ott. 11:30 Religious Pediod, Tor. P.M 12:00 CBS Symphony Orch. 1:30 Church of the Air, Kingston 2:00 By the Sea 2:30 CBC News 2:33 John Fisher Reports 2:45 Week-end Review 3:00 Alan and Me 3:30 Weather Forecast 3:35 Musical Program, Tor. 4:00 Songs From the Movies 4:15 Movie Critic 4:30 Concert Hall Orch. 5:00 Everybody's Poetry 5:30 Record Album 6:00 CBC News 6:10 The Old Songs 6:30 Familiar Music r"' 7:00 Stage 48 8:00 Readers Take Over 8:30 Music by Eric Wild 9:00 Classics For Today 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Canadian Short Stories 10:30 Prelude to fcnanlirht. 11:00 Weather and Sign Off MONDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for, Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Melodies 9:45 Modern Musicians 9:59 Time Sifinal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Kindergarten of the Air 11:15 Reminiscin' 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Famous Voices P.M. 12:00 Mid-day Melodies 12:15 CBC News . . A5TMMA AND HAY FEVFB BUKAIHKASV OF CANADA. i.tu. uiifouver. Br. CHOW ME IN UULJLhJU U LZKl U U L . .. .. ..... jMMtM 1 Ormes Druji DRUGS neavy sets ... the propeller nets as Hit item lifts' fSfftiiS. I PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 M SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS-12 NOON TO 2 PM. 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. n-n r. Emergency bicycle dd Standard of B.C. Marine ProducUar. carefully, WA ' nsinerl . . . calra tou9h. Thy 9ivt rtliabl,1 ffpW I double-free operation under all weather conditions. A?: 'rWiAgV'Ti? j W you havt a lubrication problem, write or call lh Vr'Vti Marine Department, Standard of B.C. Let their SOyia'- lubrication engineers recommend the right oils to kaSsT kS&-JfS''''"'' 9'v you continuous, heivy duty performance. VPJSsX, JZ&sk , v-. oC,,.v. irom 7 p.m. till P from 9 tvm. till 6 p.m. anrj Sunday PHONE 81 j NEWS FLASH!! For OPEN 1I0USK WKKK Another long-frit Motorists' Need fulfilled W LINDSA Y MOTOnS LTD. DeLuxe WHEEL ALIGNMENT and WHEEL BALANCING EQUIPMEJ has been installed. We invite your insprcti'm of our p.c and this new equipment LINDSAY MOTORS HP Dodge DoSoto IJwiwr- SIMPLICITY mm Dress and Needlework PATTERNS Hollywood Cafa PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE KKKTAIIRANT , Siiriplicity Patterns lead the -ay t'i easy sewing, are guaranteed perfect md include Illustrated sewing m- jt.riinHmc mm ITS I V OPEN FROM 4:00 P.M. TO 3-an a m PATTERNS FOR ALL AGES INFANTS TO 1 1 ' 1 1 ii i ii Special Dinner Every Sunday. 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY CHOP SUEY For Outside Orders-Phone 133 STANDARD ; OIL COMPANY iOF BRITISH COLUMBIA LIMITED Haad Office: 355 Burr.-rj Slr., Vancouver, B.C. . Refinery, Slanovan, B.C. - . 51S 3rd. Ave. W. Box IU .i -