Prince Rupert Datl? i!3etet Ct3. " 8 5 Saturday, May 22, 1948 . years. Originally the race rotated among various Ontario centres but in 1883 It was estab- SAVOYS LEAD SHORT SPORT TTciUaicj ion Sjp&irtto uriiiuiucuujf i .v.l. l ,ll t 1 LADIES' LEAGUE Savoy Swingers knocked off a' 0 to's Woodbine Park. In 1944 two ' b made; the front since Don Juan won the other changes were ( $8,000-added money was in-'inaugural running of Canada's creased to $10,000 and owners richest horse race at Carleton, The- oldest annual turf clas COMETS sic in North America, the King's jntlsfvine victory In this uooit's Douehertv ..... 142 Plate, will be nun Monday next Prescott. and Picton. Although clinging to -winter book pholces bettors will remember lasl year's Plate upset rhen rank outsider. Moldy, thundered into the stretch, turning back a halt-dozen favorites, to reaeh the wire and just fall snort ,of tJt-termost's track favorite DC :53 .sessions of the ladles' five-pin McWmii'T 129 were allowed to take their piat-,0nt Tne Hatch and Giddings i 2071 85 140 118 113 122 785 151 141 45 108 186 122 751 legaue, winning three games Peucney 93 MEN'S 5P1M LEAGUE HOLDS TEAM BANQUET Hart 77 iV 1 ers south of the border for win- stables follow the yellow and ter training. But If they race black silks with Iive eacn us across the border they are dis-. unbroken 89-year old history, qualified. the race has been staged at Car- Handicap 122 Totals 715 V f '1 Irom Scurry's and tallying the highest team score of the week 3 079 for t.hrpp crnmne at Toronto when a field of top Canadian, three-year-olds meet In the 80th running of the historic event with its purse of 50 "uineas and $10,000 added. A throng of 40,000 is expected to " MTTT.TTP BJV St. U5 set in 1945. Wlth 20 ling's Plate victor- leton, Guelph, Hamilton, Malkins' team, winners at the 185! 143 149 Highest induiaual scoring was Peterson 143 shared between Pearl Menzies Roberts- 167 Ross la3 , f o c...i j Kingston, ' les eight won consecutively Catharines, Whitby, men's five-pin bowling league crowd old Woodbine Park to Woodstock, Advertise in tne uauy News!- from 1891 to 1898 the famous Ottawa, Barrie, 60 Morton 95 128 play-offs, were toasted as city-(watch the dozen or so thorough' Aschuff 15o 82 wide men's champions ata posfr- breds match, speed and stamina over the- gruelling mile-and-one Handicap 82 Totals 795 BIG SISTERS 208 158 132 97 184 82 861 167 149 192 209 195 57 9G9 ens of Annettes. The former bowled the highest single game with a score of 322 while the latter totalled the highest three-gacia score of 742, averaging 247. B. Gomez 209 eighth gallop, in Canada's top racing fixture. Eastern stock has held the coveted trophy r V Alexander 206 J. Dickons 177 Roth well 151 Htiuran ..' 140 Handicap 57 Totals 940 since ite presentation in 1860 in honor of Queen Victoria. But 1 752 season banquet in the Moose 1C2 Temple last night and. received 85 trophies from League President Ronald Tubb before a gathering 118 of 90 league players. . 7? The banquet began at 8 o'clock land was followed by a dance to ..-'which the bowlers brought their 305 ladies and danced to music by 158 the Moose Orchestra. 177 Arthur Taylon, captain.' of, the since nominations were ex tended in 1944 from Ontario to i WESTVIEW McDonald 185 151 Saville 138 172 Thain ' 117 100 nrker 160 174 Flvnne 218 125 m for o : tn i Siivoy Swingers 3, Sauby's 0. Watts Si Nickerson. 3, Comets Big Sistera 3, Miller Bay 0. Westview 2, Swaet Sixteen 1. Coasters 2, Cosmos 1. Rosa Lee's 2, Bankers 1. Orange 2, Lucky Strikes 1. Moose 2, Manson's 1., Annettes 2, Toilers 1. Variety 3, Blowers .0 (default). WATTS & NICKERSON H-.inri ran 3 Mi "A" division. Malkins team, re- Totals 901 815 1089 ceived the trophy on behalf of railbirds see- a strong western : threat from- the topsy-turvy field of campaigners. : Lord Fairraondi western hope j from- Whittier- Park- Stables of Winnipeg, entered the charmed circle of favorites when he turned in a dawn work-out mile ini 1:41 35 recently. The brown colt by Fairmond out of Sweep- 4- . 157 his team and. also- accepted an 154 individual award for bowling HI the season's highest individual 210 three-game score 880. Other 28 vnamharc rtf tVto toam Ml Oft A SWEET SIXTEEN Maundrell 182 144 Kenna 163 196 Wrieht ... ' 120 201 Nowak 185 205 Nelson 121 107 TTnpdicap 28 28 Totals 799 881 IU 01'ENh.K upen- 187 130 126 143 i the trout season at Kc, near Wolverine, ovtd an enjoyable ClKirlie Olsen, who COSMOS Holke.stad , 122 1jn 149 liw sfiirp 88 113 Moxley 133 188 A. Wrathall , 179 154 J. Stienton 245 1 55 V. Wrathall 200 179 Piiirce 169 186 Handicap 33 33 Total.; 1019 895 den, will be piloted by Alberta-born Johnny Longden, the bronzed veteran who recently made American turt history when he booted . home his 3,000th winner. Graduating .from the Alberta wheat fields, his zu-incn, ov2 puunu 2U) Linriseth 154 104 n McChcsnev .-. 181 152 " Morrisiin 149 136 832 1 Hanriican 64 64 rout ;iftcr a 20-iiim- the 38-year-old veteran was signed three weeks ago by Lord THIS AND THAT Totals 758 713 COASTERS Scharfi 145 133 00 Knutson 88 132 Windle 169 18 Gilmore 229 113 Anderson 120 246 Handicap 74 74 Totals 825 886 Fairmond's owner R. J. Speers Leamy, Robert Birnie, Ralph i Smith, Alex. Slater and Bert 1,,9 Withers. 92; For bowling the highest single 537 game score, Jim Pope of Fish 64 Dock team also received a tro-031 phy. His top score was 425. 133 Jack. Paul of, continentals re-Jj) ceived an award for the highest average score, 230' for the sea-160 Son. 7y9 otone's team, of "B" division, irunners-up for the city men's j23 championship, received cash 219 prizes from league president 191 Tubb. Team Captain Benny Windle accepted the prizes in 7 behalf of his teammates. 923 , , Pre-race forkouts have failed to establish a heavy favorite but horsemen thinkSweepblu, carrying the rouble-blue silks of Toronto's. Hatch Stables, may repeat the winning perform ances of Hatch's entries HU941, ROSA LEE'S L. Basso-Bert 218 FosUik. 160 S. Ramsay 187 Z. Hedlev 153 I Ramsav 244 Handicap 7 Totals 969 BANKERS Usick 154 Amadio 177 1944, and 1945. Established in 1860 as th 145 172 192 179 188 7 883 192 139 185 171 267 26 980 Queen's Plate, this foremost of Canadian races was run as such until 1902 when it was changed to its present name. The King's purse has been presented every year though the rules for the classic changed through the Nelson i3 McKav 223 Baxter - 212 Handicap Totals 954 LUCKY STRIKES Boulter 87 VucKOvich 168 bnnth 140 A Smith 159 Warren 125 Handicap . 25 Totals 704 ORANGE Anderson 221 Gardner 89 A. Wide 118 By Chic You? 198 204 153 149 160 26 890 I I 137 203 155 161 153 25 834 ' 135 114 lit i 105 174 110- -Black Sheep! RLONDIE i WHV CANT OU MENJiff: j I , niiinuill.ilnilllllilSili jiiiiilliilillMiMiliilllill I iyiillijmiMi MMVC TvU: rTi Baseball Scores National Pittsburgh 8, Brooklyn 4 Chicago 8, New York 3 St Louis 1, Boston 3 American Philadelphia 9, Detroit 6 Boston 11, Cleveland 5 New York 0, Chicago 3 Washington 3, St. Louis 4 Pacific Coast Portland 2-0, Sacramento 1-Los Angeles 8, Seattle 5 (12 innings I Oakland 13, San Francisco 2 Hollywood "., San Diego 8 ' Western International Tacoma 9, Bremerton 7 Spokane 12, Yakima 7 Salem 13, Wenatchee 7 , ictorla 7, Vancouver 3 (N TME At-TFPMOOM. 177 199 195 112 150 25 858 157 199 154 99 205 116 930 Lund i Newton 113 Handicap 116 Totals 730 790 1 I'M GETTING ) (T, 4q SgO-J IthiSPAPTV; -t NIGHT J j" WIGHT X LIKE LIKE THE THE CHILDREN CWIU5REN ? ? ) UP A STAG S BLONniF W V" (GOING TO B6 ) C7- t O r - T"- ' . CARD PARTV. I, com tSOl X ' "AC' & ' X !Jl ' Mrr5".' LJ2?"' fej ;.r j MOOSE , McKwen 133 127 Astoria 12a 189 Hilton 83 219 192 190 191 226 56 69 924 Tavlor amp, is it true that a strike has to go between the chin and the knees?" HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Low score Ho l& Handicap 69 OB Totals 688 943 MANSON'S Dell 158 181 Christensen 170 119 CowbIU 1 62 Didorak 146 113 Rudderham 180 222 INCOME TAX 168 56 173 189 ia9 Q. How can I clean walls RETURNS PREPARED SEE JTAGE CHEESF Creamed Fresh Main H. FA TIN DAIRY I Your Dally WEATHER SERVICK -It's the Gamin In Her! 34 thoroughly? 809 1 A. A good solution for clean R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) ing painted walls is 1- cup of HIT - 'ITir IIHIIIIIW1 II IHl fe 191 kerosine, 1 cup of vinegar, 1 cup iff hot water. Apply with a cloth, 98 then wipe thoroughly with an-m other soft cloth. Handicap J g Totals 8a9 831 SCUBY'S . Braun 5fi 159 Woods 102 141 Steeves 135 1ZH J. Thornton 238 170 Van Meer 127 171 Handicap 39 39 Totals 697 806 SAVOY SWINGERS Kellett 57 105 Menzies 18. MA E. Knutson 174 Izi and Professional ! j iU 1 '111 l l lt' WTO tx$ LXli-- ' ( TURNED ON ) JK t of those ; ... ),,;? f'S ( 7-7 ) WATBf?)4fi:i Z. tm MORNINGS J .;T h, Jmf J -J I CAN'T ,X JI n. . Jftili! WJr- N cf W!'" usmess 75G Q. How can I odor from the remove onion fingers after fingers, with . P. J. CHENEY I DENTIST tlT, 5. SMITH BLOCK 205 peeling onions? 28 . A. Rub the 19 crushed parsley. Chewing a FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed Erickson J McCallum 213 198 HnndicaD A after ea,-.B 29 spriij of parsley 15 P.O. BOX 1401 974 1073 1032 Totals onions will ciear . the- tucath. Q. How can very soiled eggs ANNETTES be cleaned? A. Wash them in a. solution 31 & ELKINS LTD. Rubins and Heating McMeekin a small .vessel Engineers JONES NEWS STAND We handle Eastern and Western . ! ' 1 .' f P.O. Box. 274 Ellison TOILERS Hill Richards M. Wide J. Menzies Handicap ... Papers Swedish-American Tribune and Western Miner Sixth Street Red 808 F. L. HUGHES' 124 139 114 225 225 172 219 216 226, 134 182 150 i 301 215 226 1 1003 977 888 102 129 131 1 106 132 161 149 196 185 150 123 206 159 205 149 61 61 61 727 846 893 124 109 139 101 162 118 161 248 150 92 189 144 . 125 214 106 62 62 62 1 665 984 719 The Popular S.S. IN TERRACE..., A Modern Department Store Nationally-known lines in Ladies' Wear, Tfard Goods, " Men's Clothing, Shoes . . plus a new Self-Serve Food r Section with a Free Delivery Chiropractor 22 DESNER BLOCK GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alteration Floor Sanding a Specialty fiPSSE V 894 Phone Blue 442 VARIETY Kristianson .... Lvkeeaard r7 PRINCE ) RUPERT RGE L. ROIIIE PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone RED 739 13G1 Overlook Street Service. Sails For Cembella Rudderham Handicap .... Totals BLOWERS . Defallt. Accountant, Auditor, etc. THE SKEENA MERCANTILE P.O. Box 721 Phone RED 561 Tax Returns Complied t Block Phone 387 ss STEEL FOR WAR In 1937, shortly before she marched to world aggression LUMBER , i t 19,- DONNACONA, MASON ITE, PLYWOOD SASH DOOllS Available at Germany proaucea uuuuu 387,000 tons of steel. IN THE i Seabee Amphibian Plane Non-Schedule Charter Service Commercial Hunting Fishing Sightseeing VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 PJUL For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Fnr Information call or write City or Depot Ticket OfXUw PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SKEENA AIR TRANSPORT LTD. PHILPOTT, EVffT & CO. LTD. PHONES 631 652 COAL LUMBER PAINTS , Complete tine of Building Supplies in Tire SUPRBMS COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE In lie Matter of the KUile of '""-l Amlrew Norlmnlw. Kweawil, IflteHUltA TAKE NOTICB that by Order of His Honor Judge W. O. Fulton. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. I was on the 7th day of May, A D. 1948. appointed Administrator of the Estate of Carl Anarew Norlander. deceased, late of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, who died on or about the 31st day of January. Prince Rupert Red Top Cabs 349 Terrace: PHONES W. H. Martin, 23; E. T. Kenney, Ltd. 35 t " HELEN'S JORGE McWHINNEY BEAUTY SHOP MNTING AND Permanent WavB PER HANGING Beauty Culture In all Its branches P.O. Box 1426 ion St. Phone Green 394 204 4th, Street Pnne e5! N ERICKSON HANDYMAN 1ANO TECHNICIAN NINO AND REPAIRS - HOME SERVICE 411 West 7th Ave. GENERAL CONTRACTORS rain Schedule - Building and Repairs of all kinds I East- R00fS) chimneys and Oil Burners jtay, Wednesday, Friday )he emu- PHONES: ftiay, Thursday, Saturday- Green 488 Red 94 hp.rr.. ir?f:T "i " QUALITir REPAIRS P tl,e Fisheries Industry Fof Downtrodden Heels f B (P.R.) Ltd. and Worn S"1 . . p. Labelling, Weighing MAC SHOL H0SP11AL t-SO BLITE 9801, Bo 774 Second Ave. 1H48 at the city oi rrnice ivui.v, n.ii.h Columbia. All oersons Indebt DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING SUPERPAN PRESS ed to the said estate are required to the amount of their indebted FOR TOE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ... , See Your 4 GENERAL MOTORS DEALER ; Chevrolet Bulck Chev. Tracks Pontlac OldsmobUe GJW.C. Truck , MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY ! Terrace Machine Shop & Garage! TERRACE, aC. . LING THE TAILOR ' We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait, PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. '" ' Third Avenut KODACHROME and KODAK ( FILMS ness to me forthwith and all persons having olaims against the said estate are required to file them with mc properly verified on or before the JSth day of June, 1948, falling which dltrlbutlon will be made having redistribution will be made having re-eard only to such claims of which I Chandler & Cowgill Fourth St. Box 645 10th day of May. IMS. :''' GORUUn rruiaan rwruv... PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Official Adininistraror, Prince Rupert. B C. (125)