heed such stuff. Yet these let-, ters were circulating forty years Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, September 16, 1950 . Stewart Notes flrowiiwoods' ; ago, and some damphools fell j 1 for them. 1 Lctrst from Paris Long Hair Is Coming Back entirely cover the ears while the stems wind into the neck. Speaking of elevatnr.. n i Dog lovers got a kick out of Jacques Griffe's forest-green wool coat with two huge pockets. From one of them, the mannequin produced a toy doberman pincher as she swirled in the salons. arance SALE! ! to be Installed in the new twelve-; ; storey apartment block in! ! Juneau, at a cost of $55,000. It I ought to be seeing action day I : and night which is more than j can be said for the kind of ele-' ! vator built in Prince Rupert years ! i ago. Tonight's train, due from the East at 11:15, was reported this morning to be on time. Harvey Stuart, Sunnyside cannery, has been transferred to Namu. He sails tomorrow night on the Camosun. W. E. Crawford sailed last Fcr the first time in many years, pearls play a -very small part in the accessory picture. When used, they are combined with grey or colored pearls. '"Panta - Judos," Balmain's name for his pedal pushers for town, home and ski wear, are By Dorothy Waddlngton PARIS (Renter) XVomen who have followed short fcair styles during the summer now are resigning themselves to the trouble- Parties of local prospectors are waiting for aircraft to take them to the trapping grounds for tie winter. They have enough supplies to last them until next June. One party of two men is going to Teigen Lake and another to Bowser Lake. Others are hitting the trail to hike in. Little trapping was done last winter owing to the low price of furs but higher prices are expected this winter. CONTINUES TILL SATURDAY I some business of letting It grow Tide Lake Is Richer Siiii Y GIVE AWAY PRICES Indications are not wanting that, after a delay of about thirty years, Prince Rupert is commencing to come into its own, although with an exception here and there. There is a greater growth. It unnin h in again for the winter season. Christian Dior's answer to this problem is to draw the hair back into a neat little bun at the nape of the neck. For evening, he adds a coil of hair or tulle which is swirled round into a t Miss Your Last Chance! Jon night on the Comasun for Mas-set and will continue on the ship to Vancouver. K. Williscroft and D. Johnson will be passengers on the Camo. sun on htr southbound trip tomorrow nighv. Rev. and Mrs. T. Percival, who have been visiting in the district, sail tomorrow night on the Camosun on their return to Ne Denver. Gordon , Brown arrived here with -his boat Prodigal which had been overhauled and painted at the dry dock. From here he proceeded to Vancouver. trimmed with a wide band of white mink, wheih shows below the skirt. Mink trimmings are often found in other houses. Newest coats are in heavy woollen materials. The are most often fur-banded down the diagonal closing to the hem. For smarter models, at least a partial fur lining is a "must." Large pillow muffs, are pnr-posed this winter. Smartest are carried with cloth coats with matching fur collar and pill-box hat. small cone and posed just overj STEWART The Tide jLak country has dene it agairi The Phillips property has struck -an even richer vein than has so far been mined. It runs very high -in gold. Drifting on the Silver Tip proo-erty has encountered the vein for which they have been cross-cutting It has width of six feet and assays $32 per ton. Ray Reflects faster were costs and materials more reasonable and housing plentiful. Public attitude isj changing rapidly. Prince Rup- ert is rated, not as a community , that has already grown up, but i GLO the forehead. Other couturiers have more flattering suggestions. Jacques Fath, for example, advises hair swept back without a parting. - Weather has been warm and sunny here in the day time here with nights cool and frosty. and Reminisces & High Gloss A fire call to the Old Empress but curling flatteringly over the beautiful tints as a wwn mat is only getting down to a good start. You somehow feel it. Hotel at 7 p.m. yesterday proved ears. Carven shows hatr caught to be pnly a mattress fire. Dam- I into a clin and falling ontn the rietk. Stewart Yelcomes Bride And Groom decorating. DR ING aee was confined to a burned mattress and bedding. A former fisherman hns t.n iron Many other Interpretations of the 1950 hair-do are seen at the Something New . . . an interest in an Alaskan news-' Federal Parliament members, haviiig concluded the eighteen days emergency session, adjourn to meet again February 14. Each drew $25 per day. That's almost equal to the scale Malcolm Finlavson sails to- iMPSON paper, and from now on will de- i morrow night on the Camosun ' smart Tren holiday resorts. But all have the one point In CO. LTD. STEWART J. J. McKenna, local druggist, and his bride arrived at the first of the week and lor Vancouver, where he will continue his studies at the University of British Columbia. eommon straight hair with the only curl, if any, at the end. ! of bricklayers and we were al most going to say barbers. were given a hearty welcome by their many friends with an old-fashioned -chiravaree The bride vote nis talents and energy to the Job cf searching for and writing news. He might do worse. Often, a poor fisherman is in reality a first class newspaperman only he Is unaware of that fact. Anyway the old timer ought to score plenty of resounding scoops on the marine and waterfront beat. THALL'S I ln jewlelery,-jrhinestones are Main topic lor discusswn at predominant, but turquoise the regular meeting of the Moose rubles, sapphires and emeralds Lodge Tuesday night was the are also used. Dior uses these rfw 10 Number. Plans were j colored stones for choker neck- chfL U,k? 11er a i laces, as well for numerous pins to shape lor the rflmnoliL, up event. t whlf,h which haVR have a third v,,rH dimensional FINISHING And yet Russia and the United States were once good friends, outwardly at least. Back In the 'sixties, a Russian fleet called at Whisper Nylons 1 , By Supersilk In the lovely Fall shades of CARESS HARVEST LEAF PINE BARK IFraser ami Payne I xlak Camera is the former Miss Dorothy Maksyrmiik who was a school teacher Tiere -in 1948-49. Mr. McKenna served throughout World War II in Italy and France and was wounded five times. ie-up. hments for all t :i Stewart School Has 46 Pupils imeras. effect. He places his pins on shoulders and cuffs. They always match either earrings, necklaces or bracelets. nd Kodachrome New York and there were notable exchanges of entertainment and hospitality, it was in '671 the Alaska deal was transacted. Someone in the United States knew a bargain Vhen he saw It coming his way. Film. STEWART Stewart school has , FEW PEAKLS Try a Daiiy Kews Classified. forty-six pupilr enrolled this Jacques Path- uses rich thtne- Printing and urging. Advertlst through Classifieds, i year. The teachers are A. W. stones all through his collection. , iHobinson and Miss Stevens. I At Lanvin's, large diamond leaves Ira Ave. W. AUCTION- MI.E Tlmher ftalr X.VIM4 There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at 12 noon, on Tuesday. October 3rd. 1850. In the office of the District Forester, Prince Rupert.. B.C.. the Licence X50B34. to cut 2.175.000 f.b.m. of Spruce. Cedar, Hemlock and Balsam on an area ad-JoininK the north boundary of Lot 66. Telem-apb Passage, Range 6 Coast Land District. Three years will be allowed for removal 6f timber. "Provided anyone unable to attend the auction in person may submit teuder to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minister of Forests. Victoria, B.C., or the District Forester, "Prince Rupert, B C. 82-9-16-23 f ; ! t 1 , i 1 fs i 1 1 jckinj. Crating It would appear that every generation must find out for Itself the same old "Spanbh prisoner" fraud. It's at large again, this time in southern Call- j fornla. 8an Diego citizens arei being warned by police to give no attention to letters purporting to be from someone in a i Mexican Jail. He asks for a cash 1 advance which, if sent, will mean ' a share In a fortune. Surely, no t one in his Tight senses would' i.-id General and Storage i liable and Efti-Also agents for :,uid Air Co. Ltd., Acetylene and all :..les. S CARTAGE GE LIMITED d Park Avenues Vhc.'rs 60 and fill I EOl 1PMKNT m kavr for tale l. f rvlmilkt piping nuni. it liutf Holler. w Filling. f Hearing. and author Nigger shiirtlng. muIh and 4 up Rollers Mieaten. iiv k;ei lit-uiK I. ftn ul murine hard- I'liirnl, Iih iiuiiwr- TOWN NE WORKS upcrt Florists r Ait Occasion Box 516 Tel. 771 1 . (ft I I I I WE'LL NEED ALL TH -k f v VV ( N . . INFORMATION BOOKS J ( fLL BOPCOW WOOOUEYfe ES CS. R irS. flea THE CAPO SAVS i S N WECANGETk. Vl SET OF t fci) IkVl rM EUCrSLE FOR ) . J OH, 1 T-T- V EKYCLOPEWAS ' K!C VOUNG- :.: yt ' " 1 ' " . - ' ... i PLEASE, HE(?S-IF M trl fej 1 1 CtM D3SS5XJ Jrk 4, C ME OUB J fr)lWZI T ' ItNWENTV-FIVE VOU LOAM f thtUlTEM 9 -S G - Y ENCYCLOPEDIA I'LL IA W ( fTOM VOU DOLLARS AND ( HAVE A CHANCE TO ) Jtgj tfvPi- 'c'0 S IE J rVSK , THEY'CE J a V WIN THE GI?AND rrfvVvVX!.8 W ( DOLLARS 4 Vft$ 1 YOURS mm t , j ' I f I I 1 I 1 I MOW, BE f?EADY WHEN THEY PHONe-J -i SHAME ON YOU,)piS VEM, BUT WHEN I WIN 1 t f fu. GIVE VOU THE OU66TION AND YOU I PAYING HIM THE GRAND PRIZE YOU'LlTN Zt LOOK IT UP IMMEDIATELY fvx& . j i I 1 I I THE OJfciTlONIN WHAT i , . A QUICK, COOKIE, ) "WE ARE NOW -. ' .., &YA COUNTRY WAS HUNGARIAN Zj9'4if LOOK UP . J f PLACING THE PHONE ss.- , Vr GOULASH ORIGINATED fkklV GOULASH t' : , CALL FO? THE GRAND J -'.Uv'A 5 ,v y v- 3 -Ys S sy MtS)- TT yTi ' ' A5tXarrs f i'mN ST-sT the J f A WINNER" ) t HE announces ) f M i l ( THE GRAND PRIZE 6a) , jTElOrCLOPEDlAS; MORE I f ELL. S R P TWENTY-FCXJB-VOLUME S VJLC OF THESE S I TJZ?5 SET OF THE NEW VOFjT f -JJ . ; ( X EXCELSIOR m C f l rV 0 & " " "It Just doesn't seem like a regular picnic, George. We dldn t forget a imng. HOLLYWOOD CAFE I MOST" UP-TO-bATE CAFE IN THE CITY BEST umbing l OFF.N FROM 7:30 PM to 3:30 AM We Specialize in Chinese Dishes ft CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN , For Outside Orders PHONE 133 mice )NE 108 E RUPERT MING & ATING f'SCHUMAN Rt Office Bid) i ; FINE PRINTING at nmii nniHTrnc HtUflL rum i tiro PHONE 24 222 Second Axe. YOUR ALL AROUND SERVICE i Phone 3U J TAXI STAND NEXT TO NEW LIQUOR STORE T r?'mk2 I .mmmm, mm - m- - . W i. Mfc