' Art prfnte Rnprrt PaHp rectos 2 SMITHERS HEARS KENNEY, BROWN urday, June 11, 149 'APPRECIATIVE LETTERS READ Hat ;1 & c lui rem SMITHERo The Hon. E. T. Kenney, supported by T. W. 1 Brown of Prince Rupert, ad- r (AutDorlwd M Snnd C.aa Mail. Po Of?'.-" Ufpinrm-ut " PulH-b-d ewrv afternoon fictpt Sunday -Vl,umhl. MZMBER OF CANADIAN MFM ""S A$S 0IRCtATI0,ra SATURDAY SERMON j dressed a public meeting in the Special Sne.i,! 1. I- CANADIAN LIAU.X Jtnjr.-uu. " 1 S'KX S H.l.UK)l SUBSCRIPTION RATES .... , .,. Ale Per Montii. V - -atTS All at Bj Mill, Pt-r Mcatn. soc; rrr in., - Elks' Hall Monday evening. W. J. O'Neill acted as chairman. The speaker stressed the advantage of free enterprise. The audience consisted mainly of men. There were no questions but much applause. -- t At its regular meeting held Thursday in the ladies lounge in the Civic Centre, Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter I. O. D. E. heard letters of warm apprecia-, lion for parcels of food which have been shipped to England1 and Belgium during past months. I Mrs. K. Guthrie, chairman of i the Post War Committee, reported that a continuous flow of such parcels had been sent overseas and then read a number of grateful letters from re-j cipients. One overseas mother. MEN'S DIRECTORY firrtW-m In all rhurrhr et II U-m. end 7: Ml p.BL; Kitmlav ikhuol at i; 13 f--ii a atwiou. ANfil.IC. CATHEDRAL 4th Ave. W. at Dunsmulr BV Holy Communion 8 30 a m. Sunday School 2:O0 pm. Canon Basil S. ProcktM. B A . B D. Rector: (Blu 733 HBST BAPTIST 6th Ave. B. at Young St Mlbi&ter: Bcv. Pred Antrobua (Green 812) IIKST PRkhHYTLILlAX 4th Avenue Eut MlnUter: Rev. Oeorge E Sendall (areen MSJn, and Y01X( Ml Wursterl . GOD'S CHOICE By REV. EARL SOILAND iPastor of St. Paul s Lutheran Church) "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it vou. John 15:16." SUITS W Importance of Swimming , , . ine doubk-breasteri: kuA Special MEN'S Tkotsus-Ci HE SUMMER SEASON is here, and that means T weeK-enas iv.nvs Hnlidavs ar.d sunny L tweeds. r,M assortm.nt. not choose God, but He chooses Theme: God's Choice. June la is Trm;y suncay In We do not seek after God, us. 15 to reported that her children had the Church Year. It is a season special MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS -uw received the parcels witn shouts of how wonderful they were. How wonderful it was to yet He has determined to save us, in spite of ourselves. This does not mean that God compels us to worship Him. Neither ; does He compel us to enter irom when we consider the fulness of God. In other seasons we de-' vote our thoughts primarUy to one particular person of the' Godhead. In the above text think that people so far away Coalition hul let in BADCAST firt rvnii) 634 6th Ave V.et MlnUler: K. A. WUaua. MA. (Qreen 61S) Hl.l. flOsl-KI. TAIir KNAt I.E 302 6th Ave. Weat Pastor : C. Fawcttt Qreen 630) However, God sheds ' heaven. o nlth a rterUinn were willing to help us in our an-ficult times." A small donation was voted to be sent to a girl student living at Langley Prairie to help her BOYS' T SHIRTS 4. SHf EKS-Lalest ,tK bw fcortment. Special He w s BOYS' MOoL anJ K0R PANTS Semi-di e, fcortment. Speui u BOYS' SCHOOL y;iE7 BJue and khaki Special SAI.VTI' AUMY Fraaer Suet CO.: Major W. Yurnensen Iilrectorv Claiw a i0 p ro. Sunday School SW p m. (black Sou l TONIGHT 10:45 p.m. members' love upon us and that love made by one of the of the Godhead but which also ' lf "love tH m' " " h0 that out thoe involves the others. The choice , that Christ makes is the result j111 t "lm- God has chosen thase who are of the councils of God before I Christian. lor the work of gior-councils the w orld was made. In those the matters of salva-HilJlf- e . e'or"y ,Go" 1 tion were worked out and the J ChrisLaruty is more than proper plans laid for their 'ful-1 Llvln8 and sang pious things. 0f;praying fillment.- The three persons out!" ls a tt does the things God are active in carrying tha' 0c WntS these plans. dh0ne" ThfJrulU to'of toe such as Joy- Ulth; The natural thing for us S with her education. ! The fall bazaar to be spon- J sored by Municipal Chapter was I discussed and conveners and as- ' sistants appointed. Regent Mrs. W. Whidden urg- jed all members to attend the usually mean the beach, either at the lake or me FtaEach summer brings i: toll of drownings, many of which could be prevented, if single precautions were taken. A list of 14 "doV and "don ts" has been compiled with the hope that this summer will see fewer deaths due to swimming- and boating accidents 1. Learn to swim. Know your own limitations as a swimmer. 2. Learn artificial respiration. The briefest delay in applying it may cost a life. .3.- Where to swim. If possible swim in a supervised area. Investigate unknown water before swimming or diving. '4. When to swim. Late morning and afternoon are the safest hours in which to swim. 5. Temperature and time. Between 70 degrees and SO degrees is best (warmer water relaxes too much, colder exhausts). Thirty minutes is long enough in the water for the average swimmer. 6. Swimmimr after eating. Wait at least two aiiaii ST. PAl L'K I I TMI RAN 6th Ave. at Mr Brule St. Pastor: E. SoUantl (Bum 610 ST. PITtK'H AXt.LU N btal Cova Archdeacon K. iodson Snuiluy Bcbool II Wan. Eveuuig rrajci 't -Mi p m. Decoration Day observance ceremonies to be held June 19. The meeting decided not to termin . .a "i chapter, d0 ln 1Ue is to try to get along V" P", "o i um- al the work of the V . o ...u Dieness. love. ec.. tiun m during the summer months. Christian life. The fruits mature as the Christian matures. SMITH & EUIN stitutes. We busy ourselves doing good deeds. We improvise a form of religion and often set un a end of our own makine. We ! Prayer ls a part of the ennst-Uan life. When one is obedient 1 . , . ,J ' n.ill titan f 'i r kanrs ft. j The monthly raffle was won by Mrs. J. Moran. Following the business session, delightful refreshments were served by Mrs. H. D. Stewart and Mrs. J. Moran. The July meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Frank Hicks. 58 VJVU 3 Will, M1CU ViUU i.vw J GO! nis prayer, mere is ucuicuu- uricj area and uic wuc wu, , Often the very mention of Hun , J if some-1"" "" is the cause for anger live tnus. ine answer to piayci HAVE HAD YEARS Of PLUMBING AND HEATINO EXPERIENCE PHONE 171 ''-1 one suggests that our worship is vain because it does not honor God then he is shunned. Yes, we can always find an excuse for blindly walking on a path AIR PASSEXGratS To Vancouver Mr. and Mrs. H H. Menshell. Miss Mensheli,! Bot is conditional we must obey God. There is a goal and a reward for a God fearing life. It is well to remember that as Christians we are the product of the Holy Spirit. He calls us, enlightens us, sanctifies us and preserves us in the true Christian faith. He enables us through l'HKMIEIl HYRON I. JOHNSON TONIGHT 10:45 E. Bulmer, E. Mussellam, that does not lead to God. Jt-'tmJf fe." i 1 L a"" The Bible tells us that none A. C. Christensen, Miss L. Chris-tensen, Mrs. A. Benson, Miss R. Walton, L. K. Edelbluttee, A. Alt-miller, E. Johnson. seek after God. It tells us that 1 we are unable, because of sin. , to properly worship Him. Martin aw . r7 tmm af Firit lr?sbyteriai.- Church Minister: Rev. Q. E. Sendad B.A.. B.D. Director of Music: Mrs. E. J Smitti REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPAPJJ) prayer to receive uoa s guts. Such gifts increase our Christ Publialifd by BC. Coalition Organisation To Sandspitr-A. D. ; Luther writes in his explana- i ' tion of the creed, "I believe that t ian capacity. R. E. MORTIMER 524 2nd Ave. (Keir TFF VOTE FOR J. D. McRAE Your COALITION Candidate From Vancouver-Miss J. Cou-, ! . , strength believe JfiSUS am ;pal, O. Hanson, C. Bydgnes, A. my or CQme tQ Him bul Watso. H. Hulbrandson, B. Iver- the Holy GhQ3t has cllei me :son, T. Berg, G. Strokness, D. by the Oospeli enlightened me jPassmore, A. Antonson. Mrs. B. with His giflSi and sanctified Evitt. and preserved me ln the true j i From Sandspitr Mr. and Mrs. faith." J. Wurtz. , s Our text Jejis us that we do 11:00 Rev. J. A- Tgly (Br. and For. Bible Society). 12: 15-Sunday School 7:30 "Sustained Pace.'.' Mon., 8 p.m. Young Peoples. REGULAR BAPTIST CHUUCU (Fundament3lit 629 6th E., Near High School Phone 369 r a I a fr r rl t3L,AUixu riori Phone (jrren "87 fU hours after eating a regular meal before swimming. 7. Panic contributes to most accidents. Learn to scull and tread water. Novices must stay in shallow water while learning to swim. 8. Exhaustion. Avoid over-activity, before a swim. Over-exertion while swimming, and ex-trfiSaely cpld water also contribute to exhaustion. Always have a companion, when fishing, swimming or boating. Never swim alone. . 10. Reaching aids. Learn how to use all reaching aids; how to use floating objects to support yourself; how to throw hand line and ring buoy. ; 11. Cramps. If hit by stomach cramps, scull to support yourself and call for help. To ease leg cramps, take a deep breath, submerge, and ease cramped muscles with thumb and fingers of one hand, pressing through the muscles, to meet those of the other hand. ! 12. Currents. Never buck a current. Swim diagonally across and with its flow. If unable to reach shore, drift to save strength and call for help. If caught by an undertow, go with it and swim diagonally upwards to the surface. --13. Weeds. Use gentle, slow drawing and shaking movements to get out of weeds. Swim with tht current not against it, until freed. 14. Boating. If capsized, hang on to the boat and call for help. Never enter a canoe unless you are an experienced competent swimmer. CANADA AND UNITED STATES "if ! SHERIFF'S SALE THOM SHEET METAL LIMITEi wishes to announce that the 1 Latest in Portable Welding Equipmer. SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 1949 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. (Classes for All Come!) 7:30 p m. Gospel Service. Speaker: G. R. S. Blackaby Subject: '.'JI ST WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN?" (There are many opinions. Come and hear what the Word of God says-. Special Music Wed., 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. HAS BEEN ADDED TO THEIR ALREADY EXTENSIVELY EQUIPPED SHOP 253 First Ave. E. Phone Blifk 4y444ayaf IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CARIBOO, BETWEEN W. M MOTORS, LIMITED, PLAINTIFF, AND FLOYD GOOD, DEFENDANT. Under ami by virtue of a Warrant of 'Execution Issued from the above Court and to me directed against the goods and chattels of the defendant, Floyd Oood, I have seized one Allis-Chalmers Caterpillar Tractor, Model 650, Serial No. 55-206 With 11-foot blade, hydraulic hoist and loader, and on Thursday, June 16th. 1949, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Sheriff's Office, Court House. Prince Rupert, B.C., I sha.l 11 ,$10,0 fpee CAI HE) ; ) Hea ?pTTn net Hi-: I ',' '" ,, Tho ,.ir WH iSsn o fBUPcl Joult lotlce it tl Tom Jon .1 )flea't Jertll slid vrltln . DH Ire, F35 ncoi 'Be: L hdr 5rb l j Tm i I t ? I b i t C L WE BFLltVE AND PREACH HOLLYWOOD cafe THE OLD-TIME GOSPEL WATSaH'S KANGAROO BRAND GLOVES ft now lot ln Ftrtt lime inc lh wr available to Try British Columbia worker. Theaa ere the jlovti that jive you MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE Cm OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. TO 3:30 A.M. U We Specialize in Chinese Dishes "drew jlove (it with work (love wear, E (THE AMERICAN PEOPLE) assume, W1 automatically that, in any time of crisis, the CHOP SUKV CHOW Be iwe the name "Wataon" it (tamped en the pain aad Ustene'. Thi i yout protection. ) offer for sale at public auction ' all the right, title, and est of the defendant in the 1 -'ate I For Outside Order PHONE NE 133 133 SO A "B.C. Product" toW by ell l.adinj toret. Buy by number. Buy Watson's I Clove No. 511. Made by MHN WATSON I Tn glove manufacturers JUnn IIHIdUn LIU, 1J7 Snd Avenue Eail, '.nc.uvei. BX DON'T MISS THE FUN AT VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Chilcotin Friday, 5 p.m., Catala , LIMBERLOS A Statement For SWIMM1 incnivn nn itivP IIITVTIXi.. above goods and chattels. The tractor may be Inspected at the farm of Kenneth Olson, Tchesinkut Lake, abou', ten miles south of Burns Lake, B.C., and the loader ln the C.N. Ry. yards at Burna Lake, B.C. Terms of sale, cash, ar.d this sale Ls subject to the Social Security and Municipal Aid Tax. The higest or any bid not necessarily accepted. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 6th day of June, 1949. M. M. STEPHENS, Sheriff., County of Prince Rupert. (136) rnuiiMi, mmiiiii mnw..-. ,,, 01 DANCING . . . AND MANY OTHhK tf best interests of Canada would be also the best interests of the United States and vice versa. The assumption is founded on more than the compulsion of geography. It is founded on the solid fact of personal and national confidence. Any attitude of mis trust in any dealings with Canada would rightly be abhorrent to us. We take not only the friendliness but also the soundness, stability, integrity and es sential "rightness" of Canada for granted. It would be hard to realize what our lives would be like if w-e did not. ' New York Times NEW HOTEL INCE ANNOUNCEMENT or the intention to S' build a modern hotel here, many persons have been'looking over the site on Second Avenue to see for themselves, just where it is and what it looks like. Some are new comers who know nothing of what transpired in hotel negotiations in the early days. Everyone is finding great satisfaction to know that such an improvement is on the way. They say it will be a big factor in inducing other enter- prises, as time goes on, to locate here. Fun for thp Whole Family at LIMBERLOi Sunday, 10 p.m., Coqultlam ALICE ARM. STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.rri. FOR SOUTH. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coqultlam, June 3 and 17. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS h.s. Coquitlam, June 10 and 24 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 588 and be sure 01 Make your reservations early Happy Holiday in the Bermudas of tne FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT LODGE LTD. .PHONE 5C3-OR UNION bit OFFICES PHONE 5K. On June 2 last I issued a challenge to Frank Calder, C.C.F. candidate for Atlin constituency, to prove the truth of certain statements made over his signature in the Prince ' Rupert Daily News May 31, 1949, issue. ... . ' ' To the best of my knowledge no attempt has been made by Mr. Calder to accept this challenge. I must, therefore, conclude that the statements were ln error and have no foundation in fact. I am relieved to know that Atlin constituency Coall-tioists' whose good names were ln question in these state- ments, have now had these good names cleared by Mr. Calder's silence. W. D. SMITH, Coalition Candidate) for Atlin. Lb. iw) DRUGS TREAT DAD TO A DINNER DATE on FATHER'S DAY SUNDAY, JUNE 19 , . Plumbing Trouble? OF TASTY MEALS AT THE PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS . ' .va o AM. TO RexCafie EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan AND DAD Remember we serve mighty fine Luncheons during the weak. 2 P- CALL BLUE 846 l STORE 1IOUP.S wfcliis. vni, -SUNDAYS NOON TO AND HOLIDAY3-12 7 P.M. TO 9 P-M. Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY enow MEIN . HflOl that new home under Emergency bicyj-e ;; Irom 7 p.m. and Sunday Dally car. dell very service from 0 a.m. till 6 p.m. 9 Ovic Centre Dining Room For Reservations add Chicken ln Th Rough Vhone Red 701 the N.ILA. SAANICH Plumbing & Heating 8econd Avenue opposite Prince Rupert HO.U) 7:00 am. to 3:30 a.m. Phona 173 for Outilda Order Phone Green 883 Box 586