000 pounds, part of which can.e from Area Thr-e. f BASEBALL SCORES prfnce Hupcrt Cau? YuToti Saturday. Jane 11, 1W Tr., f t. FRIDAY American New York 3. Cleveland 2 -v Waterfront Whiffs - - 7 landings here between the opening oi me brea on May 1 and Its closure on June 3 wf re B.380.000 pounds, the bulls of which was delivered by the regular fleet and only a small portion from the fishing camps. Canadian vessels delivered the greater part of the Area Two catch, bringing in better than 8.000.000 pounds, while American landings ere 1.931,- Boston 2. Chicago 4 poned. ! Philadelphla-St. Louis post-j National rhicaeo 2. Boston 6 A number of boats of the Canadian fleet which has been fishing halibut in Area Tvo are planning at least one trip to Area Three before they go black codding or after tuna If the latter appears this season. Among them is the Five Princes which headed out into a gale ! Convoy ty 1 ,t,.u - I" 'ped Intopot," Pairs to her - , BOOKINGS Cincinnati . 5. Brooklyn 10 St. Louis 2. Philadelphia 3 Pittsburgh 6. New York 1 Western International Spokane 7. Bremerton 6 15 inningst. Yakima 14. Vancouver 5 Tacotr.a 5, Wenatchee 3 Victoria 8. Salem 7 Pacific Coast Portland 9, San Francisco 1 Los Angeles 3, Seattle 2 Hollywood 5, San Dneo 3 Oakland 3, Sacramento 2. Do ft t my y dtaiH of y&m sprint trt vcftta I hvnk Tbcr'll M bttin M ' fMIOrt, be antnfed rm ha Atl ti oporto ef via th Pmim Cmal Limited ec afiW ff mf lon"i wilinti. Rtjitttf Ma for For Information: Call or Wri:e CITY UCKFT OFFICE 526 Srd Ave Prince Rupert. B. C. 1 SOCK EYE SEASON OPENING JUNE 19 HALIBUT LANDINGS OVER TEN MILLION POUNDS Sockeve salmon gil!n?t sason on the Skeena and Kaas( rivers wilfooen at 6 p.m. Sunday, June 19. according to word i received at the Dominion Fisheries office here Friday after- j noon. Owning of the areas will pak the cantwry eft.otij on the Skeena. Just how profitable the season will be remains to be seen, although cannery operators and fishermen alike are hoping that last year's bumper season Iff "rhene 19 opening date isj Spring salmon hmg tn the the earliest in recent meraorv. In Wct has , . lout the last wee, continuing past years it has opened J in ihea Uend that hag Rince cuh. last week-end in the month. The ; iRg starU?d asoUt the middle of 1948 season on the two ' rivers j M.ay. Trolling off Stephens, opened on June 27. J Dundas and the Queen Charlotte :Jtmw CANADIAN 1 THfTJTS ITU 7 - V i M1JUML ilS TRYING FOR ! SPEED RECORD t j LAItE PLACID, Canadian-i horn Guv Lombardo today post JHl HAH.WAT IV l.ttlk in (laiC AO Hands has yielded poor resuus However, the opening on June poned until tomorrow hi at-! tempt to smash the world's 19 this year Is confined to the , . .. V refreshment . of a falty 1 ii maturea mwm speedboat record because of a defective propeilor shaft.Wilh a new shaTt, Lombardo will attempt to break the record of 117 74 miles an hour set ten years ago by the late Sir Malcolm Campbell. Wt . j. 1 . - b. W. 1 Naas and the Skeena and does EMlnettlng fisheries distwt. sockeye a-n pne haye .tmg 0n ing in other parts of the dm-. rict-Rlvers Inlet, Bella Coola,'lne Bella Bella, Principe Channel ( I and Gardner Canal will not open More than H.000,900 pounds until the following week-end, of halibut were landed at the BAPCO FLOOR ENAMEL For FLOORS, LINOLEUM and WOODWORK Supplied in nine attractive colors IT DRIES IX FOUR HOURS THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. June 26. Salmon fishing will, port of Prince Rupert during the When Pat and Mac registered they had to sign their names and nationality. - Pat tigned: Irishand proud of it. Mac signer): Scotch and be undVr way on the Fraser River 34-day period in which Area with preparations being already Two was open, although part of well advanced. From the port that total will be included lit of New Westminster alone there the Area Three figure when corn- will be an exodus of about Z'W piete landings ior me cuasi boats. added up. Actual Area Two ADVERTISING IN THE DATLY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS. fond of it. . - i BLONDIE By CHICK YOUNCJ LIMITED VANCOUVER NEW WESTMINSTER VICTO This advertisement it not published" or displayed" by tKe Liqwor Control Board e 'd Government I British Columbia SI I . X I .-. hor ) i i ' U-l ' J? v.MAT ON A BOWL Of) WITH SUGAR ) . ( 1 FEEL LIWE Op, S V '"OU ' ,., Vr ti37 CF COJSE J . K ' C BURLAW POWN3TAS") 44jJf WHO'S I FIXE WVLF )Tr3 TO BE P-SAPOOINTE-?- Ht'S GATKEPiUS UP f" COWN 4 , A SANDWCH jSrfj 1 SHE'S E -XPtCT ys C' j VOUR SiLVEJTAARE J ipVL THERE 9 v f R l "iiiiiii ;,ipirtiiaiii!iMli'' t Wisiii'1'1 Iter ' BEAT FT, CAiSV.' VOU GET VO'JO THlS f "X".' V. I WANT TO LIE DOWN I MCUTU VSVEO OUT fWLL TEACH ) .4 ' " f ""r' EWOoX ' THEY TEACH Uf?PV; DEAR. v - lfJ3 ' .lfllV (Ui PAJAMAS P V GET UP ' A V VOU WAVE ONE LA. VS Jll'I H? USUALLy J 3 EARLIER T jlp fS ff Pi for I rb j i f Tu i b n it. : CM tC I, L. IMMEDIATE DELIVER 1 6,000 Pounds Gross Rating 150. and 165-inch Wheel Base Replace That Old Truck With One of These Fine New SERVI SUPERIOR AUTO AND BODY flione Third and Park Avenue PRINCE RUPERT