3 t Local News It Wtlntt nupcrl.Daflg I3ctoi Saturday, June 11, 1949 ems . . . Wei Cedar Sidin? . u i GYPSY JAMBOREE PROVES POPULAR Last night's crowd at the Job's Daughters' Gypsy Jamboree in the Armory was twice the size of opening night and the various activities were well received and patronized. Tonight C" Grade per 1000 f.s.m. $75.00 StE I S FOR VOl' It LUMBER REQl 1KEMENTS carry complete stocks of finish and dimension lumber HOOKING, SIDING, SHINGLES, LATH, etc Mr. and Mrs. George Vicreck are sailing Saturday evening on the Coquitlam on a trip to Vancouver. The School Board requests parents to register beginners for the fall term before June 17th. Children eligible for enrolment must be six years of age by November 30, 1949. 136 R. Burton of Cedarvale sailed last night on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Ed. Musscllam left on today's plane for Vancouver enroute to Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Hear Bill Brett at 6:35 today. (It) R. C. Evans of the Dominion Fisheries department sailed last night on the Coquitlam for Mas-sett. Loyal Order of Moose regular meeting Tuesday, June 14. (137) Mrs. S. R. Tordiffe is sailing Sunday night on a trip to Vancouver. Moose whist drive and dance every Saturday night 8.:30. Rowland Miles sailed last v.. 4 BERT & McCAFFERY LTD. "EVERYTHINQ FOR THE BUILDER" PHONE 116 is the final night and there will be added features including a home cooking sale. In last night's bean guessing contest Claire Ritchie won a centre piece donated by Mrs. Carl Brechin. Thursday night's to fit every type of job "Chrysler-Built" in Canada winner was John Basso, taking a chicken donated by Mrs. L. C. RGO TRUCKS Eby. night on the, Coquitlam for a trip to Limberlost Lodge, Queen Charlotte Islands. Door prize Thursday night, a ham donated by P. Burns Ltd., was won by John McAulay of Vancouver. On Friday night the door prize was again won by a Vancouver man, Joe Gilmour, who took a make-up kit presented by'Ormes Drugs. Dress Skirt Clearance Sale "As an old hand at sailing I always take precautions against being becalmed with men." c following models in slock at Rupert Motors Ltd. for Immediate delivery: 126" W.I J. 1-ton Express 132w W.I5. 2-ton Chassis and Cab with Reinforced Frame and 2-Specd Rear Axle. 170" W.B. 3-lon Chassis and Cab with Reinforced Frame and 2-Specd Rear" Axle. Mlnakl, Ontario, to attend a Oreat West Life Assurance Co. convention. Miss Jeanne Coupal, P.H.N., of the nursing staff of the Prince Rupert Health Unit returned to the city Friday afternoon by air from a trip to Vancouver. Jack McRae, provincial Coalition candidate, made a brief campaign trip to Massett yesterday by air, leaving in , the morning and returning In the evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Prouse and son, F. D. Prouse of Victoria, who have been visiting at Smi-thers with Dr. F. Prouse. son of ,best, but that was not enough. NO HOTEL ROOM IS FOUND HERE "I was asked by tourists" remarked a railroad man last evening, "If I could tell them where They would liked to have remained over hi Prince Rupert for a while, but under the circumstances they had no choice but to keep on travelling." Remarked a local citizen: !'A man spent one night on a lounge In my , home. He sure appreciated It." And there were others with A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" See Our Window Display of SIMMONS and RESTMORE Bedding 327 3rd Ave. West Phone 775 taert Motors 1 100 DRESS SHIRTS English woven patterns . . ..in popular CS 8(16 AND 566 Mr. and Mrs. Prouse, sailed by they could find hotel accomoda-, tion or even room space, but I 1 Sizes 14V-! to, shades. the Catala last night on their TIED ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS! couldn't. They had tried their similar statements. I i 1; i i 1! ! r h i r. return to their home.. Mrs. Carl Berg and Mrs. Worthy Eytcheson returned to the city by air this week from Nan- Your Eyes are Gateways to Success Disappointments and failures can and do multiply fast when eyesight is neglected, abused, allowed to "run down." Earning and learning power are at stake. Eyes that do not see easily, clearly, surely, cannot keep pace with mind and hand in office and shop. And in school. At every turn, inv paired vision narrows the gateway to op par-tunity and success. It pays to know, not "guess," about your eyes. CONSULT YOUR OPTOMETRIST Regular Price $5.95 TO CLEAR AT $3.95 .Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 rhones 60 and 68 STANLEY H. KNOYLES CCF Member of Parliament for Winnipeg North Centre GEORGE GRUBE ' Past President Ontario CCF Advertising is payable In advance. Please refrain from aimo where they attended the funeral last Saturday of their father, the late Christopher Schiebel. . Mr. Schiebel lived here with Mrs. Berg for about a year before returning to Nan-almo.' Accompanying Mrs. Berg and Mrs. Eytcheson was another sister, Mrs. Roy Wicks, ' of . Vancouver wbo will remain In the city with her husband during the fishing season. Classllieds, 2c per word per insertion, minimum Birth Notices 50c, Cards ot Thanks, Death Notices. Notices. Marriage and Encasement Announcements: s2. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE MEMUKIAM - PERSONAL P.D.T. Tonight CFPR 7.00 0 MEMORY of a dear UNWANTED HAIR ERADICAT- anci lamer, uooiee ED Irorn the human bodv with end CBC Trans-Canada Network ho passed away June Saco-Pelo ointment. The re SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES DcLuxe Delivery Phone 383 Phone c Store Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. you dear, it's true. markable discovery of the ajje. Saco-Pelo kills the roots of any hair! Lor-Beer Laboratories. 679 Granville St., Van-cuover. B. C. (H) have sweet menioric; rid seems quite an- CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for .Summer Examinations. Write M.C.C. School, 301 Endcrton Bids?., Winnipeg, Man. (hi SALESMEN WANTED Dlaec, Prompt and Efficient Servic YOU CAN RUN A HOME Kindergarten with our helo. Canad the smile of daddy s ANYTIME ANYWHERE ian Kinderitartcn institute, mcmbered and sadly 1! 1 300 3rd Ave. Box 518 Tel. 777 J 1 Flowers toe All Occasions his loving wife. Mollie, 3')l Enderton. Bids., Winnipeg, Manitoba. (11) FYR-LARM, automatic warning llEytcheson & Ponder nd daughters Lucy of fire dancers. Guards life FOR RENT property. Arouses from sound I1 sleeD. can be heard for auar tcr mile. No electric wirins. FOR RENT- Sleeping room for ' cmiet gentleman. Phone Green U37. (130) nothina to net out of order jEMENT notice Mrs. William Sawka snounce the cnuane-K-ir youngest daunh- Anne. to Mr. Alan Dependable, inexpensive, lasts Chandler & Cowgill PORTRAIT STUDIO ; Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photos Taken at Home Phone Green 389 21 6 4th St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. VVRATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlarging QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies a lifetime. Just being introduced. Nothing like it. Write or wire for sales proposition. Fvr-Larm Dept.. Palcaseel Co. Ltd., Cornwall. Ont. (It) 3j.-v.scy, son 01 Mr. ami WANTED WANTED Piano, small preferred, wanted for rental. Box 11G7, Station B. (137) Bussey. The mar- JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue take place on Thurs-June 30. in the Save . . . a Church. FOR SALE WANTED Board and room for font-year old boy. Urgent. milium nuiurr. tirmiri . liiimiiiifimir) Phone Phone 259. 25U. (136 ) rLANmNU MJNMtK MtNUM hvdro- . - New and used turn- WANTED-ofd.somobile w roofing paper, fi ..I u driv A11 pa -ks. lni-JX$-Miioi cood bicycles. Sin." lowest cash price. ASTHMA rticulars At Apply Box (130) 533 Dally News. xi tvncwrlters. biit- AND HAY FEVEI BRKATHtlAHY OF C ANADA l.lrt. Vmicoiivrr. BC You'll find what you need at the B-Y MARKET Vou saw :t in the News! ilnoleum. new electric, WANTED Pair of good used s. toasters and clrc-1 marine binoculars. Reason- is. new rues, oeauu- ahi Rl)X 534 naiiv News. PRECIOUS TIME ERISHABLE FREIGHT Call 170 For information on Regular or Charter Flights throughout British Columbia cms. new cups and, . (136) i ' " Evrrvthine at the; . . 'rucs -See B. C. Fur-! WANTED Small garace to rent ANNUUINLkMLIN 1 O X (tf) Phone Black Black 324. 4 months. for (136) 276. -32' x 9' combination Groceries Fresh and Cold Meats Produce PHONE RED 441 FOR FREE DELIVERY HELP WANTED r and trolling boat, ilnur engine, some idv to fish. Blue 639. (tf) Advertisements In this column will be chuntrd for a full month at 25c per word Lutheran Tea and Home Cooking, June 11. Strawberry Tea, Presbyterian Church, June 10. i BOYS WANTED Reliable boys desiring Daily Hews route should file their names at the Daily News Office. (tf) LLY KNOWN NAMES THE T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call WANTED Girl with grocery H.M.C.S. Halda I.O.D.E. Tea, Box 53a experience. Apply ij 869 Sixth Ave. E. t Speeder Shovels, Draglii.es; . Adams 'ade rs; Littleford Bios. id Road Maintenance nt; Owen Clamshell and Rock Grapples; mth Concrete Mixers; orklift Trucks: Nelson (137) Daily News. June 25. Skeena Construction & Cabinet Co. Builders and General Contractors Bazaar October 5 Catholic REAL ESTATE - v - and 6. St. Fttcr's' W. A. Fall Bazaar loaders for Stockpile , PnR rI.E 2 houses on 50' lot w Removal: Rice Port at Rpnl Cnve with beautiful ptriltigal Pumps; Na- HAPPY VACATIONING! WE'LL SHOW YOU THE WAY ... Our quality gas and lubri uarden. Lame house has 7 Nov. 3. rooms and bath At rear is. . Bazaar, Nov Auxu.iary l n nu and I region j another house 3 rooms bath, rented at $30.00 month ember 9. Jraglinc Scrapers ana National All Steel o Howls; National ' Sawmills: National "d PcSancv Presbyterian Fall Bazaar. Nov. FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORK CONCRETE WORK AND REMODELLING Houses built under the N.II.A. Plan 20 down payment-balance In easy monthly payments over a period of 15 to 20 years. Free F.stlmatees Vrrcns and Convcvnrn. CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. n'f Lime house. Price $6000,17 1 wmation from Na-larhinery Co. Ltd., er. B. C. (til cash This is a good investment and a snap. P. H. Llnzey, I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fal Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday. We always check your: GAS Prince Rupert Kcaity -.ri (136) mo saie-4 room buncalow. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION cants plus our service make your car more dependable For Carefree vacationing, let us service your car. HOURS Weekdays 8 a.m. to 12 " midnight Sundays 8 a.m. to 10 p.m E 4 room furnished lose In. For parllcu-me Blue 009. (tf) E- Troller "Hector." seen at. McLeans. P.O. BOX 167B PIIUNE BLACK 221 Blue 508. Mrs. Miller. OIL WATER TIRES BATTERY BOB PARKER'S You Saw It in The News! Advertise ln tne Dally News! 1002 Ambrose Ave. Apply 1333 1 8th Ave. East. l" FOR SALE CotUge 4, Wartinie on 7th Ave. E. near McBrlde. Dormer and room added with inirin st:iirwav. port added (136) E-HMl Plymouth 4-(ian. $1200.00. Can be Rupert Motors Ltd. (tfi It's Here behind kitchen, built on two ji Ill, nartlirn dtld WOrk UPTOWN SERVICE STATION i E 28-ioot cabin cruls- IOIS Willi (. h- " shop at rear. Full price ..nn $3,150. Cash only. For Inspection or Information ph("ie THONE 791 1 Second and McBride FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS REGAL PRINTERS f. C:in ho oon nt. Cluh v ...... . i .... 1 1 Robert E. Montador Ltd. (iJ . n.lrMr pnncpnl.l B'uc 103. (tf) Aw . , .0 nnn n handle. rinotherm oil coon income, jo.uuu "ioV (139) Seal Cove Store. 'Ike new PlintiB Rlne A Representative Warehouse Stock to Save You Time and Money r 5;30 p.m. (138) PHONE 24 222 Second Ave. Bos 423 ! ?.30. ft. Gliinet boat FOR SALE One acre lot, new house water and Hunts, wood shed, chicken house and big Kardcn. Apply Bill Piuw. from : in good condition. ' ''oats. Box 517, Daily (1381 Jill l v . IF?!937 Chrysler. Apis 1st. A,, ..-I...,- , nnv FOR SALE T1IF GREAT NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHER! YOU GUIDE IT, TWO COUNTER-ROTATING BRUSHES DO ALL THE WORK! . The wonderful new G-E Polisher gives a gleaming polish to hardwood, linoleum or tile floors. Weighing only 16 pounds, the G-E Polisher is easily portable . . . yet it is just the right weight to do a thorough, speedy polishing job. g t' Complete with two polishing $1 11 11 brushes and two lambs wool tf cf.tfvr buffing pads- Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. General Dry Battery Co. of Canada Ltd. Canadian Westinghouse Co. Ltd. (Lamp Division) Imperial Wiping Rag Co. Ltd. G. H. Wood & Co. Ltd Dustbane Co. of B.C. Ltd. and others at ,27 ft trollerVJanny FOR SALE-Whitc foldine car-rlane. Rood condition. lM 1432 6th Ave. East. .u. vivian engine SAVOY HOTEL W. L. WOODS, Prop. Dodge Cove, Dlgby fittlnes tiv-iu rat. it. Bathtub BUILDING ALTERING REPAIRING For Supplies PHONE 3G:i MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors 810 (139) complete. A. E. Yager, Borden St. ' ' (137) E 0 ... . rrri Z "7-1001, troiunu PRINCE RUPER1 SUPPLY HOUSE METAL VfoAt. i"? Son. (136) PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR ETwiJ Austn 8. mile-r"- What offers? Phone Phone 633 P. O. Bos 773 PLUMBING Installations and Reoilra. SHEET M ETA I. WORK. Tar and Gravel Roofing. Letoumeau & Sons. 63 Sixth West. Phone 543. u) 712 Cjecond Ave. FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT (130) I ft orevro sf rtr'ir Z S"0eed boat 17 ft CheaD foi: np Of en 8M. (140) Advertise in the Dally News