I library: m Wmm F n Z V 1 " I Li " VICTC:":IA, 3. . ORMES DRUGS Daily Delivery , NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Iublishcd at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHONE 81 VOL. XXXVIII, No. 136. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1949 PRICE PIVE CENTS evelopment In - '-iMinisteir C intoeiniee D Mew BELLEVILLE FIRE IS FATAL TO TWO alibirt Boat unset On disaster Dramatic Move By Russia Expected At Paris Parley I I BKLLVILLE, Ont. It) Two brothers,, Jonn and Glen Maxwell, were burned to death when fire destroyed their home on the outskirts of Belleville today. .. . to Feared Lost In psizing Of Sunset THE WEATHER Important Speech to Be Made By President Truman at Week-end PARIS (CP) Western officials look for a new! and dramatic move by Russia when the council of foreign ministers reconvenes tomorrow. Foreign; Minister Andrei Vishin&ky of Russia had asked be-' fore ad journment yesterday that no meeting be held today. His western colleagues agreed to the Russian's cryptic request. ' arinc Tragedy In False Pass In Aleutian Synopsis Clear skies were general over hain Vessel Was Well Known Here Vll the southern coast and the southern and central Interior of British Columbia this morning. A weakening disturbance moving into the Gulf of Alaskd will The western officials specu nil was received here this morning that the e halibut bout Sunset had foundered north of jkan with the apparent loss of five men of her nan crew. The Sunset was well known as a of halibut at the port of Prince Rupert, ree men died; two are missing and four sur- ihen t lie flsnlng vessel PRESIDENT OF ' lated that Vishlnsky, after consulting with the Kremlin, might make a move that could change the course of the Paris Meantime, it was announced in Washington that President; Truman would make an Important speech this week-end on the international situation. ', bring some' rain and strong southerly winds to the Queen Charlottes this afternoon. It now appears unlikely that this disturbance will have any marked ffect on conditions over the remainder of the province. , Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Cloudy becoming overcast with Intermittent rain during the afternoon. Cloudy with showers Sunday. Winds wester :1c reported today. .JAYCEES HERE Sunset met disaster ii IN FIELD H. G. Archibald, C.C.F. candidate for re-election as Member of Parliament. which separates the lar),( , ,;,fft(.d llrad Panhandle from Unimak of y ,.. 0rKanizatittt)1 the first of the Aleutian Prince Rupert Junior Chamber urs were picked up by Coninieree elected new officers fishing boat, the John- 1949-50 at its annual mcct- ALBERNi'S SKIPPER SURPRISED AT PUBLICITY OVER SHIP'S MISHAP More than a bit puzzled about all the publicity that had accompanied the beaching of his ship in Pitzhugh Sound this week, Capt. Joe Peterson of the government lighthouse tender Alberni put the damaged vessel into dry dock here this morning, then told a brief, unadorned tale of what had happened. "I don't know where t'.iey got ; 0fy ft Ad iww ly 15 mph) shifting and in creasing to southerly (30 mph) this afternoon, then decreasing! Ing In the Civic Centre last niht EASY AS BALANCING A TEACUP-Mrs. Helen S. Kanian of Washington, DC, doesn't have to be cxtra-muscVar to perform Papers Filed By Archibald I to southwesterly (15) Sunday morning. Little change In tern . of the nine n ew withheld meantime. this feat of hold-up three men and a machine on the palm of her hand. Actually the K-190 helicopter, designed by her hus- 1 pernture. Lows tonight and 1 highs SundayAt Port Hardy, Nomination papers of Harry all those stories about us," h? . headed north with the intention band, hovers lightly as a butterfly. The craft, first commercial twin-rotor helicopter, demonstrates manoeuvrability in trial tests recently. 1 45 and 56, Massett 45 and 55, Trincc Rupert 45 and 55. 0 Die In O. Archibald,- C.C.F. candidate said. "All that happened was pf beaching her at Safety Cove and heard reports on the Jaycec regional convention which wa: held here last week. New president of the young men's group Is Harold Hampton, while other officers and directors are: First Vice-President, Harold Helgerson.. Second Vice-President. Eric for Skeena riding lit the federal that we sprang a leak in Queen However, she was filling faster election, were filed this morning Charlotte Sound and had to than our pumps could take car's ad Crash with Returning Officer Rod Mac-1 beach her at, Clark Point. of the water so we put her on the beach at Clark Point." Halibut Sales American New Washington, G3,0()Q, 19.Cc, 18.1c and. 16c to Cold Storage. Leod. His nomination completes' A patch on the Alberni 8 bot-t he list of two candidates which' torn, just aft of midships on On Monday, the Alberni pulled ORIA (P Two youths Sneers. will seek office on June 27. Ted . vne siarooaia sine snowt-u unc j herself off Clark Point wltn tne Applewhaite. Liberal candidate.! the leak had opened, but it will j aid o two fishing boats, the Iltd and five jxtsoiis Secretary. Donald Nixon, jred in a crash between, Treasurer,. JIubJ MacKcnzie. has already filed. , - ... J not be until Monday . that . the Names of 14 electors were on extent of her damage will be . LOCAL TIDLS Sunday, June 12, 1949 ana a truck on the Directors Orln Odegard. M liishway at Koksllah j. stanleton. Gcoree Tomlinson. Mr. Archibald's nauers. four .known. Hlch 1:47 22.1 feet Construction Of New Hotel Expected Soon Fine Hostelry and Theatre Structure to Take; Year to Complete Principals Coming to City Construction of. Prince Rupert's magnificent new "Charles M. Hays Hotel," projected 105-room hostelry on Canadian National Railways park property on Second Avenue which has just been acquired as the site, is expected to get under way by late summer. The handsome building of steel and concrete, includ The Datchit looks like a 35 miles north of Vic- David Hay. Bob Harrison. J. K. .1.. 1 ....innn ...no mil 3 Klatawa and China Hat, and proceeded to Safety Cove where she was beached on the sandy bottom. It was there that the Salvage King found her and that the diver placed the patch over her leaking hull. A night. I McLeod. Ed. Williams. Tonv 14:56 19.1 feet Low :31 10 feet 20:35 7.0 fee? lead ure Erwln Kouf. Crawlev. and Raymond E. Pick- ii;awy pmuru puuiwi-i; van i'-iv there by George Collins, a diver on the tug Salvage King, which accompanied the Alberni from Safety Cove on Calvert Island Mr. Hampton replaces S. O. 19, both of Cuwichan Furk wh(J hca(p(1 ,ne orBanlza ' r.. Ihn lott Pn.. "It was a fine patching job, ijiui'U are Stanley Dyke where she was beached a second JWe took vpry mtle water on Uie time for temporary repair rufton, driver of ' the more than the minimum required by the Dominion Elections Act. His nominators were Norman Bellis, George Rudderhair!, Andrew O. Morse, Edgar Woodward, E. A. Evans, David Crocker, Mrs. David Crocker, Thor Sollicn, W. S. Hammond, J. De-lorme, .Olaf Rursvick, Mrs. G. Couture, S.'L. Teachey and Mrs. Eilna Bond. 'Accompanying Mr. Archibald's ffominatipnjjiyjtiEs- was- a ;$200 clieque 'covering the deposit required by the Elections Act. De ho .suffered a fractured ing up-to-date tlieairc as well trip north," Capt. Peterson said. At all times the 27-man crew of the Alberni remained with the ship. At the time the leak occurred, the Alberni was anchored off Egg rib, face cuts and sev-k; Eyvon Fortin of in Lake, serious In- nun 1 yji viic nou iai A general report on the convention by Harold Helgerson who was in charge of the convention committee showed that the regional meeting had been successful both from the business and social standpoint. Discussion of the regional proceedings took up a large part of the j "We were In Queen Charlotte Island, anchored off Egg Island, wheriife developed a bad leak," Capt' Peterson said. It was about 2 o'flpck- Monday morning. "I ImTrtediately started up and as Uiq modern notei wan an facilities and services, is ex headquarters is being distributed. Support of the Red Cross blood donor campaign which will take place in July was pledged and J. K. McLeod was named to head a committee to co-operate with the local blood donor committee. Names of a score of members were submitted "as volunteer blood donors. Retiring President S. O. Furk delivered his annual report In Mrs. Amelia Larufe, Vlc- pected to take about a year to erect. As already announced, J Island where she was unloading lctured demur and severe hrr son, Ronald, four, I forehead. than half the number of votes posit cheques are returned if the -1 ..... more polled by the winning candidate. candidate wins or polls Fortin is believed to tiered Internal injuries. Plans fr a smoker party late 'fport was that the se-! in June were laid. The func- with further preliminaries of the project. '" ; "The whole project," Mr. Besner said "is based on the acrrptanre of the fact that a row era is opening up In the industrial development not only of the city of Prince Rupert but the whole of the north country, something which we have long confidently anticipated and which ran certainly be delayed no longer as evidewed by such evrnts as the coming of the ('elanese Corporation of America and other impending ' the overall cost of the project is estimated at about $2,500,000, a company with capitalization to this amount having been incorporated by important American and British interests. Olier Besner, Prince Rupert pioneer, arrived In the city yesterday afternoon from Vancouver on business in connection & crashed into a two- tion will be held in the third which he outlined achievements It which had pulled over week of June. of .the Junior Chamber both Mde because of light irlimiH ihmu.iim rimirnmn nf locally and regionally during building supplies for a new lighthouse. About half her cargo had been unloaded. The cargo was transferred to the Blrnle and the Berens at Safety Cove and later taken, to Egg Island. The Alberni proceeded north under her own power but fras escorted by the Salvage King which left for the south again shortly after arrival here. Department of Transport Marine Agent N. A. Beketov flew south from here Tuesday, Joining the Salvage King at Port Hardy. the current "gct-out-the-votc" , the iasi year ami nigra con mm B urn.' imuiwiBMiM-""""" Pi ' ' WiV :- v - s- committer, reported that a parade of cars carrying banners and tinned devotion to the aims of the Junior Chamber movement in the coming year.' M)K KASKIJALb 1 placards urging citizens to vote ' lc nliinnnH f.r tiwf ti.'onlr iiitif M'XDAY. 2 P.M. 'Trials vs. Men-hauls f lOlt IIASKIIALL prior to the provincial elections and that publicity material, received from national Jaycce Cubs vs. II raves 4 P.M. The possibilities of stop-over tourist traffic through Prince Rupert was also taken into con- cC -i' ' 1 1 ii ,; 1 sideiViun in the decision to THE UNION SHOP NEER-CANADIAN LAUNDRIES AND Job's Daughters JAMBOREE TONIGHT at 7:30 June 11 j'"'-- IN THE ARMORIES (Sixth Avenue West) FUN FOR ALL DANCING DOOR PRIZE Each Evening build the hotel here, Mr. Besner added. As the hotel plans have been submitted for estimates on construction a few weeks must elapse before the tenders are con 1 iXS- hV-v 1 - ' sidered and contracts let. -By DRY CLEANERS cs have advanced prices remain the same. This made by increased business from satisfied customers. r satisfaction, send your cleaning and laundry to us. Mulhpi-oofing free of charge upon request. that time principals interested DRIVES, TYPES, SHAVES WITH NO HANDS German veteran Karl Lastinger, crippled while fighting with the German army in Russia, hasn't allowed severely disabling injuries to incapacitate him, Lastinger lost his right hand at the wrist, his left at the forearm, his left leg and his left eye. In a workshop for artificial limbs in Ansbach, Germany, he had interchangeable limbs made for various purposes. He is shown shaving with the help of an artificial limb. He can also drive a car, he just passed his test, and another artificial atttachment allows him to type. This ex-soldier is planning to open an ice cream stand this summer. 1 i I ADMISSION TICKET $1.00 ' Admits Holder Each Evening SINGLE ADMISSION 50c CHILDREN 25c CHILDREN UNDER 13 FREE NEW RUSS "ARISTOCRACY"? According to a London newspaper, Vasilij Stalin, son of the Soviet premier, has become engaged to Svetlana Molotov :: Iti, the daughter of Russia's former foreign minister. Young Stalin was a pilot in World War II "NE 118 or 8 BOX 418 Prince Rupert B. C. and is pictured here at the controls of his plane. in the project R. W. Liversidge. of London, England; Frank Kaf-tel, of Toronto, and George Mulligan, also of Toronto, will be visiting Prince Rupert. The theatre, which will be incorporated in the hotel, will be a 750-seat house on the Second Avenue street level at the westerly end of the building. It Is this feature of the building which has interested J. Arthur Rank, wealthy British cinema producer. Mr. Besner expects to spend about a. week In the city. He is accompanied by his stepdaughter. Miss Agnes Roberge, former Public Meeting, Hear jack McH&ae COALITION CANDIDATE FOR PRINCE RUPERT RIDING OVER CFPR TONIGHT AT 8:45 MONDAY, 8:30 P.M. -CIVIC CENTRE Jiear u mi r t immcv ALSO WILLIAM BEYNON OVER CFPR AT 6:15 SPEAKING IN TSIMPSEAN JACK ROSS INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF LD.E.W. J. D. MCRAE COALITION CANDIDATE FOR PRINCE RUPERT EVFRVDrw 7iri rnwr SUPPORT COALITION director of medical illustrating for the Department of Veterans' Affairs at Christie Street Hospital but now making her home with the family in Vancouver. (it)