ture so tne experience and was a j. her propellor and has now returned to sea. WATERFRONT WHIFFS Prince Uuptil 2anp W Saturday, June IT, 1949 training of Capt. W. Redford ro!n lts ni,., Q and. L and Chief Officer R. Chaster of mated it tiv- dS the the fisheries fisheries patrol patrol boat boat "How-i "How-j 30 30 days days old old b1een n (Continued from Page 4) SMITHERS WEDDING )T WAS A SEA LION Young fur seals and sea lions may be look-.alikes to landlub ay" was brought to bear on the ' inz majority," opined Olier Bcs j case. There was no doubt in Advertise in the bers, some fishermen and even their minds and they declared It i You Saw it The N ing by the American vessel. Oa arrival at the location of the stranding the Blrnie found that the Pat B. had been successfully refloated by the Western Ranger, but the latter vessel had herself been disabled by having her propellor fouled with the tow line. The American vessel was then standing by to render assistance to the Western Ranger. The Birnie took the Western Ranger in tow and arrived with her at dry dock at 8:00 a.m. Saturday. The Pat B. is a power barge, sixty-nine feet long, with 107 gross ton some people who have had occasion to handle fur bearing mammal's pelt but to Henry a leak in Fitzhugh Sound Monday morning, narrowly averting sinking. The Alberni was taken off the beach at Safety Cove Thursday afternoon after she had been patched sufficiently to float and was escorted more her home port here for examin-than 200 miles up the coast to ation and repairs at the dry dock. 6.M U P.M. TODAY 'M EET frInktSD IS ALL OUT FOR COALITION Olier Besner sees Jack MtRae 'Natural" for Trince , Rupert " "In appreciation of what the coalition government's program is doing, particularly for the north, in the way of industrial development, the peo-plfhere should certainly lend their full support by electing Jack McRae with an ovcrwhem- ner in commenting on political ; SMITHERS At a pretty wed-matters following his arrival ding jn gt. Joseph's parish yesterdav afternoon from Van- church, Stanislaus Wozniak, son , . i of Mr and Mrs. Thomas W'oz- couver on a week s visit. j .7 ' . ,,. R,rtnilt . niak took Lucjna Barmm -It seems to me,' went on Mr - or Mf flnd Mrs wm. Besner, "that the people of thi, hU bdde ritv should be quick to avail,1" imselves of opportunity of Stanley Dizgl rooj ho came while the sending a real local boy, w ho , man -bride. has lived here all his life and is ; down the aisle on tha arm 0f in Mr. Doherc.ak. was attended by now engaged prominently their rcpre- Pauline Dobercyak business here, as seutive He most certainly. The bride earned a bouque their interests at of white phlox and asparagus have ' n " us black ., , fern and wore blue with t aland and accessories white-hat As for himself. Mr. Besner, ,'. Tihrrni sairi he had : The bridesmaid wore wine with SUNDAY MIDNITEOfffl Kill William llil . Brown of the Halibuttcr "Flcel-wing there is no confusion. Last week-end skipper Brown picked up a young mammal at North Danger Rocks In the Hecate Straits and brought it to port. From Cow Bay It strayed r'm iii.ii The Canadian Pacific steamer Princess Kathleen pride of the Barbara Hale in "THE CLAY PIGEON" Nai Leslie "INDIAN AGENT" nage. She proceeded to Ketch-'ikan under her own power, ap-j parently undamaged in the ' grounding. The Western Ran-1 eer was taken on the pontoons to the fishermen's new floats where It was taken for a yearling fur seal by wharf-side observers. Fisheries Inspector Harry "Burrow wasn't prepared to positively identify the crea- make her first northern cruise company's coastal fleet will of the summer next week, stopping at Prince Rupert on Friday, June 17, with a substantial list of tourists. Entirely re-fitted from wartime troopship service, the Kathleen is said to be among the most luxurious vessels on the coast. Her gross ton Wallace's"! to have the cable removed from not believed in the coalition government idea at the time it was under Hart and Maitland. Since then , however, things have changed considerably. Johnson and Anscomb have proven that such an administration can and does benefit the province. Under their leadership big indus-tires have been and are still being brought to the province. Naturally, these benefit the white and black accessories. i Miss Cecilia Hidber played; the nuptial mass, said by Father ; E. M. Leray, and sang alone and , with her sister Mrs. Herzog. Hymns included "Ave Maria" and "Pani Angelicus." A reception was held at the home of the young couple, who will reside in Smithers. After a short honeymoon in the district, they will return to work at the local hospital where both are employed. nage is 5,908 and for day runs she has room for 1.800 passen- gers. However, on northern! ' cruises, her capacity is confined ; to 294 for which she has sleeping accomodation in her 145 staterooms. Her dining saloon, ' can accomodate 173 at a sit ! mum 1 i"tr:!w ting. She will be under com- mand of Capt. Graham O. Hughes, who has been on the Princess Louise early this sum-' mer. Capt. W. C. Hubenet is taking over the command of Open For Business Salt Lake Tea Stand SANDWICHES HOT IHKiS CONFECTIONERY Mrs. V. MacDonald MON. TO WED. 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. t'AHTOON NEWS province as a whole. "Here in the north we arc looking forward to a big share in these industries, some of which, indeed, are already under way," Mr. Besner commented. id THE MORE YOU KNOW ABOUT WATCHES . . . .... the more likely you will be pleased by what we have to show you. Our showing represents the highest skifl in watch construction. .... We sell watches that stand for ycar-in and year-out service. Should last for 20 years or longer. , And yet in spite of all this our prices are no more than other places In Canada. We handle the famous Waltham. Hamilton and Elgin as well as.the other well known makes. The prices run from around $30.00 to $9000, and the tax Is off. Louise for the summer. I : , Z The American power barge Pat B. and the Canadian fish 1 ...... W..V.' FATHER'SDAY Attention Housewives Treat the Family to a Delicious Dish of REAL FRESH FISH For The Smart Set ; SLACK SUITS ; AND SLACKS CARDS and GIFTS Come in and browse around You'll find something for DAI) on his DAY. And when you have the gift choose Just the right card to go with it. TERRACE MEAT MARKET ill -"-.If ml ha . George E. Peters. Prop. MEATS : Kl'TTEK : EGGS -. I'OILTUY i packer Western Ranger are! both back in service again fol-1 lowing an accident at the-end of last week when the former vessel had a brief stranding at Herbert Reef, south of Prince Rupert, and the latter fouled her propellor while giving assistance, having to come to the local drydock under tow of the lighter tender Blrnie to have the wheel cleared. The I Pat B. grounded at 11:45 p.m. I on Friday. The Birnie," Capt. I Norman MacKay Immediately I left port for the scene of the j grounding. In the meantime, j the Western Ranger, under ! charter to the Prince Rupert I Fishermen's Co-operative . As-i sociation, reported by radlo-; telephone that she was stand- QUALITY SERVICE Tailored in the Western J Style. PRICED RIGHT QUALITY KIGHT. WALLACE'S 5 Department Store iVAW, W.-.-.w.-.'. rbunt FWI 518 3rd Ave. W. fflaUan? Ptannartj f 1 HOURS !) a.m. In 9 p.m. . . 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to U p.m. Weekdays Sundays . Planned for Summer Saving V Commodore Cale "better Th-n Ever" SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUE - feY I Bcst Food and Service in Clty JrPhon 17 for Send-Out Orders.; PHONE 79 . : -1 1 ... ItlTr. FOR CONTINUED PROGRESS AND PROSPERITY ELECT John D. Third Ave. . . " r. FATHER HAS HIS DAY- Sunday, June I 9 Send him a Suitable Card-one of Coutt's Canadian Cards, of course. 5c to $1.00 WANTED Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT THEM AT YOUR I)OOB CARTONED OH LOOEE WE FAY CASH PHONE 950 - .... . T "t . . V 1 ' Ti v I 7 . v i ' ' : )vj f fV '1 Hundreds of Barjaint and Big Values of Seasonal Interest in EATON'S Summer Sale Bookl Father's Day Suggestions A (iood Itook Playing Cards Address Book rocket I'.nok Key ( asc Pen & Pencil Set Photo Supplies Snapshot Album Desk Accessories A Trade Handbook Chess Set Poker Chips Burnt Leather Souvenirs Magazine Subscriptions His Favorite Records COALITIOII CANDIDATE for PRINCE RUPERT t CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, DC, Fh.C ST. EATON C" 21-22 Besner Block rhone BLUE 443 for Appointment IIOI'KA 10 30 .m. to 13:30 p.m. and a to & p.m. tr,MMi 1 Monday and Friday. 7.30 p.m. f' i those unahlp to come during the 1 day. RECEPTIONIST In ttend- ELECTION DAY WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 POLLS OPEN 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. . (DAYUGHT SAVING TIME) 1 PACIFIC 1 ance afternoon. V Stevedoring & Contracting COMPANY LIMITED AND VOTE EARLY t-. GET OUT AND VOTE PI i i i CK C COTTAGE CHEESE j New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ! ALL-WEATHER SERVICE General Stevedores and Contractors Stevedores for Canadian National Railways NOW AVAILABLE FOR THE SAKE OF B.C. MARK YOUR BALLOT THUS: HEAD OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. CABLE ADDRESS "PACIFICO" NEW ROYAL jSiA Ill Tyi HOTEL McR AE JOHN D. McRAE A COALITION Quality PBINTING A Home Away Trom Home SLTPLIES FOR OFFICE STATIONERY POR HOME GREETING CARDS PENS AND PENCILS LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND . WHITE , 50 Rooms Hot and Cold water o ' .'PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. DIBB PRINTING CO. GOLD SEAL LABEL r Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 BESNER BLOCK PHONE 234