"?J!3pil" Saturday, June 1,1, 1949 . Radio Dial 124a Kilocycles CFPR (Subject ta Changs) Stewart Tuesday ss Catala, a. na "--- VI jj . 9:00 Classics for-Today ... 9:30 Vesper Hur 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News, 10:15 The Scot m Canada l.Q3J3. Pr-elude to, Mid&ig&t l:0tV-Weather and Sign, Of MONpAY A.M. 7:00 Musical tnoc 7,:45 Singing "Sam." . 8:00 CBC NW8 From Ocean Falls YOU BET . IT'S IMPORTANT If you order your winter coal supply NOW, you're absolutely sure o( comfortable w a v re t h and good 4: 30 Arm dale Chorus Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert 10 a.m. - ' v 4:45 Memo from, Lake Success I 5 I "How are you getting on at home since your wife went away?" "Fine! I've reached the highest point of efficiency. I can put my socks on . from either end." . 8:15 Morning Sobs , :3 Musks for Moderns :45 Little Concert :0O BBO News & Comty. 9: 15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Coffee Time 9:59 Time Signal l,pallli for your family from the first cold nip and on through inkr. OUDER NOW! CALL 651 IIPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED mber Iluildinj? Supplies Pe VaaeouTM Sunday ss. Coqultlam, 10 p.m. Tuesday ss. Catala, 1:30 p.m. Thursday Prince Rupert, 11:15 p .na. From Vancof.-r Sunday ss. Catala, 11 p.m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 10a.m. Friday ss. Coqultlam 1 p.m For Alice Arm and Stewart Sunday ss. Catala, 11 p.m. from Alice Arm and 12:15 CBC News 12:25r-Progra;n Resume U:30 B.C. Farm. Broadcast !?.: 55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 i;ntermeiWO. -Afternoon, Concert 2:00 to a Lighter Mppd 2:1,5. Musical, Program. 2:30 Musical. Program 2:45 Com't'y Ranie and Me Q.:00 SUeo Harris . W.: 15 Morning Melpdle kllGSili 5:09 Music from the Films 5:30 Top. Bands 5; 45 Sports College :0O CBO NEWS ft: 10 Recorded Int. 6:15 Latin Amer. Rhythm 6:30 Ray Norris Quintette 7:00r-Pederal Political Talk car. 7;: 15 Piano Impresslops-7:3A-Ylolet MacDojia.ld AlW.tar ?:45Socl Credit Talk ft.aOr-Red. Riye BajO. Dw :.3,0-Pate With Music tj:45 Paecffg Tim 9,:Q0 Bob, Lyon's Orchestra, 9,:30 CrUlcotin Tray IQ:00-C8C HHTjra UMOr-CBO NewA W:15r-RC. Social Credit W: 3fr-C.C..P.-PtQ.xwctel 1ft: 45 PfQvirvciaJ Coil.tloi U:00r-Weather ud Fish Arrivals - SUNP,A-A.M,. 8:30 Recital - 0: 00 BBC News and Commentary. 9:15 Workl Church, News. 9:30 Quiff Music i 9:59 Time Signal' : v 10:00 B.C. Gardner 10: 30-Roundup Time l(fc:45r-Scardiiiavlan MJcdlg 11:00 Bernie. Braden TeVs a BWry, U:;St-opjgs, 4 Yesterday U:30 WeaMier ivrecast. 11:31 Message Period V 3 Receded Interlude 11 :-45 famous. Voice 12:O0-MicVdav Melodies - WOMEN PROFESSORS rV I Tkt Cror Matthew A.I.i,.. Servfca. Im. I ' m : - ' 7 kHOLM i The tirst Soccer Schedule "Oh, no . .-. it's crowded just right!" professor was recently j to the University of Broadcast -stiiblished in 1471. The t 's ti. ! t i ; i i i , f l! 4 i ! er woman professor In is on the stuff of the Ray Reflects . . . - ... and Reminisces Tonight Medical Institute Schedule for the North Star Trophy football series Is as follows: June 13General Motors vs. Heavy Battery. June 2u cai-.adian Legion vs. Heavy Battery. 9:00 p.m. VS. Angus Macdonald Is the name; Self's Texas sombrero was alao June 24 General Motors Canadian Legion. J. CEMENT- ui a man wno snould find it a frontier SDectacle. simple enough to see himself , , YALTEU re-elected premier of a province Winnineu's 75th anniversary l!lS-Just Mary I.AHI.E I.N CARLOAD vs. called Nova Scotia. For in parts, I of incorporation lasted a week 19 :30Muslc In Worship they will speak Gaelic, play the and nothing was neglected- 19:45 Bible Stories vs. pipes, consume oatmeal, read Reading the 40-page special pf 11:03 OBO News I Sir Walter Scott arid drink! j June 27 Heavy Battery General Motors. July 4 Heavy Battery j Canadian Legion. j July 8 Canadian Legion j General Motors. j July 11 General Motor. j Heayy Battery. ' LOTS Any Quantity imitate Shipment t.uotl Supply -j- 1 - ,..... --m-v a w waa muu " 1 b vs. whiskey. somewhat faintly, of forty years t U: 30 Religious Period ago in prince Rupert. The Free TUCK1ER Fishtinp Leader o( the liberal Oppusitioji in Saskatchewan CI PR TONIGHT at 9 m cuv BRICKS. MANt.VfE CEMENT Press makes mention of "characters" In the early days. Rupert had a few too. Both loved A sharp controversy and denouncing rodeos continues In British Columbia. (Vu. CEDARWHIS I.NKUFLAST ?M. 12:00 CBS Symphony Otck. 1:30 Church, of the Air 2:0O Capital Report 2- : 30 Critically Speaking 3:00 Alan and Ma 3- :25 CBO News 3:27 Weather Report 3:30 Harmony Harbor 4:00 Week-End Review 4:1,5 John Fisher PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDfc.RS AND ENGIN5KRS Se how many sons follow Dod's tastQ Intobqcco Old Chum I And it's only natural, Old Chum has the right, rich, fresh flavour for day;-in, day-out smoking. You'll find a lot of good smoking in a package or half-pound tin of Old Chum. !('( REFRACTORIES to sit in at election meetings and tell candidates what t$iey thought of them to the uproarious enjoyiaent of the pioneers, from whom no secrets were hidden, and who could fcot lIM ALUMINUM isdows sash Cruelty is charged. Spurs, it Is said, give pain. Shocking! We were Hoping to see the Calgary Stampede before long and never suspected cow boys were such a hardened lot. What a monster Buffalo Bill, whose sleek, glossy horses were a sight to see, must have been. Prince Rupert's own rodeo was staged on the Acropolis some years ago. Or did you catch that one? Ben Published by Coalition Organization i be fooled. Winnipeg's old timer i was named "Ginger" Snonk, B.C. Iron and Brass Oasnngs Electric and Acetylene Welding but Rupert never had anything as good as that! KS-McBRIDE LIMITED ill Main Street .NCOUVER, B.C. 4:30 Les Chansons ' de Paris SiOOr-Reoorc Afbura 5, :30 kittle Symphohies 6:00 CBC News ; 6. : 10 The Old Songs eO-Songs' for Sunday ? ' 7:00 Summer Theatre Halifax was founded by the SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY VOTE FOP J. D. McRAE Your Coalion Candidate British a couple of centuries ago this summer, but . the province looks back a hundred years earlier than that. Then, old J 7:30-Symphonic Band - KARLY ADVERTISING COPY 13 APPRECIATED Champlain was killing time in; 8:ft0 Musical Program llm t-j jij M,n.i-mi:ir i-ii ivj Port Royal, where ITe "InVeftted 8:30 Winnipeg Sunday Concert USINESS AND IPKQFESSJONAL RGBJ Im ROTO i the "Order of the Good Time," I a club that still survives, and a shade exclusive at that. Cham-plain's idea was for each man ! of. bis exploring party to take oyer the job. of finding and pre-! paring the next day's meals, i and, to put into the doing of It, ; a dash, of, style, along with good S fare and gopd cheer. Fcountant, Auditor, etc. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches Salt Lake Ferry Dail Service Except Monday . SCHEDULES Tuesday,.. Wednesday ..a n d Thursday Leave. Cow Bay floats, 4, 5, t and 8. p.m' (Extra trip Thursday afternoon, 2:30) Saturday Every houj starting at 11 a.m. Sundays Continuous .service commencing 11 a.m. Last boat leaving Salt Lake at 10 p.m. Thone GREEN 391 or BLACK 926 Tu Returns ComplM Block Phone 387 I x . V 5 ?- ', L 5 204 4th Street Phone 055 UAIHtt CLINIC niutactorx Service in IS as CALL 53, HANDYMAN HOME, SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Elections in Newfoundland, Nova, Sco.tia,, British Columbia and the rest of Canada, by-elections, municipal elections oh, it's a great summer for scrutineers, poll-clerks, return-iug officers and what have you! kond Ayeaue West HUNIEIPE .v.w.w.".w.w.'.wav.; 5 BuUdln and vepalrs of lu kinds pTKIN'S pealer a n rr r e Hoofy Chimneys. Oil Burners Meirth. Avenue West Advertise In tne. Lially News. I UKttK & 5 UCK, 890 Pox 290 PHONES Black 687 Rd 94 tvenlngs fHO TECHNICIAN BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Voicing ana Repays. P.a Box 1S70 BROADWAY CAFE KK COLUSSI une BLACK 758, 72 loth East ' m- V. J. CHENEY PENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK P hone 1C5 P.a Box 1401 '('"I . .... IJ.il. I L 1". I INDLINQ WOOD NV F 8ack Delivered CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIUS', "oA, Random Lengths $10 per load f B & W TRANSFER Green 186 MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERINO Phone BLUE 818 P.O. Box 52 330 Second Avenue Prince Runert. B.C. BEST FOOD BEST COOKING ARET McLEOU FLOOR SANDING A SPECIALTY PPTOMETRIST P.O. BOX 721 RED 551 'O, STONE BUJUDINO a n, wooriEn, PRESIDENT Or TCS CCS : 'The tSQmplete fdlure of both Liberal end Progressive Con-lorvctives to sense the urgency in such matters as housing, hedth Insurcnce, prices and socicl security makes it obvious that those who feel the sharpest impact of these problems will support thcT CCF. For this reason we are asking those cor.noctcd with our organization to throw their full weight behind the CCF and so send to Parliament and to the Provincial Legislature members who will truly represent a people's government." A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ,SNNV,",,""',w"w',s'V 1 J CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY FOR TAKE-HOME ORDERS PHONE 200 608 West Third Avenue REMODEL your cooking PHONE RLUE C93 p 0. Box 1184 U18 Melville Street VANCOUVER. B.C. for better eating 'Or Ynim ED CONCRBTE WORK CLUB 939 J- SAUNDERS Only in NOMIS WARE con yew btoin th advantage of flavor tovine VAPOK SEAL. vair fUonint SlAINliSS SUE I and KM titrting THOMIC RAT COPPI SOIIOMS oaern Equipment Work Quaianteed SIEDULE DYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX OAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts Boat Owners and users of In-dustrtal Engines are invited to our showroom to view our various engines and talk over equipment problems. fy- Wednesday, Friday, Easu- JUUC 15 AND JUNE 27 Thursday, Saturdaj Willi PRINCE RUPERT BOWLING ALLEY OPEN DAILY FROM 3:30 P.M. TO 11 P.M. Saturdays 12 Noon to 12 Midnight PHONE RED 709 ...w OUTICAL ACTICM COMMITTEE emic ,T REPAIRS UoQiroddi.n H..I. HOItll Wi GONGIIESS Of LADOUXl enrj JiDinr.' Wells Cartage Ltd. Complete Moving Service) ff. Wor Sole. Bowl In Clean and Pleasant HOE HOSPITAL Crating Tacking - Cartage Surroundings BLUB lit BED SIS I Iwai Ave. jfwi'mpfJfiwirWfWMi : tr?f re!