THIS AND THAT HIGH WINDS .VISIT CITY "FACT OR FANCY" Editor, Daily News: - Aid. George B. Casey's letter under the above caption -would nrrtiimriiv rail for no reply or 2 prince Uuprrt Oailp HJctos LtD. Friday, March 5, 1948 Kti Independent dailv newspaF devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert nd all communities compris. tg northern and central British ColumDia. i Authorized aa Second Class Mall. Post Office Department. Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunday by Print Kuoert Dally Newi Ltd., Srd Avenue, Prince Rupert. British Columbia. G. A. KVNTEft, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. MFMBER O-' CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS' CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION tiale f 42 Mite IVr Hour recognition but lest some young Continues Wednesday NiRht March weather got into stride since Wednesday night. Coming on early Wednesday THE YOl'XG JOBLESS DEFENDS LOCAL STOKES Editor. Daily News: Suitor, Daily Nev.-s: t i, tn a iiH nn ! We are hereailh replying to a I . V. ..m, II . s- SUBSCRIPTION RATES iv Carrier per wee, l&o; Per Month. 65c; Per Year, 7.00: By Mail. Per Month, 40c; Per Year, 4 00. and conunuiiiK uuu..- behalf of the "future leaders" letter to your paper which yo.i evening person, unaware 01 muurm uc- velopments in p h i 1 o s o phieal thought should be led to think, because no-one replies, that "silence" thereby gives "consent". I feel that some comment is due for the sake of th younger generation who have not yet had the advantage of experience. ! The outmoded antf long-discarded views ol Mr. Casey would i seem to indicate that his reading must have stopped with the late-lamented Robert Blatchford out the night, Prince Rupert experienced about everything in the way of plain and assorted breezes. People bowed before ijles, struggled with gusts, lonsht short and fancy blasts and. when morning came, the of our country. One of the chief 'published Tuesday. Since the topics of conversation around j .ctter was a d?finit ch.ii'ence town is, I believe, the unemploy- j to ourselves as well us any othe: mant situation. It is all very well , ousin ess in Prince Rupert, wv for people to say that former j kindly rrcjuct that you publish Hifch school siu-ents can live at our reply so that the same pub-hoir.e when there is no work to I lie who r?ad the original letter be had tut a man with a larpe'will also lead our defence ,r. Pathetic Hoodlumism THERE IS SOMETHING pathetic about the act I of perverted vandalism which occurred at Booth Memorial School during Wednesday night. Pos-sihlv the lawless hoodlums who were responsible wind was sti'.l going strong wltn occasional rain spells. The wind attained maximum ekvity of 2 miiea per hour between 7 and 8 o'clock Wednesday evening and 5 and 7 Thursday moi ning. or nerhatis as far back as th are more to be pitied than censured for the asinine Robert Q lngerson. To bring Mr. Casey up to date, and pointless sabotage. While the act could not be classed by any means as playful mischief but rather wanton stupidity of the sneaky, crackpot type, it is a sort of thing the community must be protected against. Every effort must- Kp marie to annrehend the perpetrators may I quote one of the greatest and most brilliant thinkers of today tnot yesterday! not 1S90 . Professor C E. M. Joad. than whom there is none greater a.- family cannot afford to support a grown son or daughter. A man without a job can draw cm in Uoy meat insurance but niott young people cannot. We are told that we left our job. lor little or no reason or thai we have not paid enough int the (,mnUinn. A hundred years ago a man would take his son into busi noss with him to learn the trad or else he mirjht send him M sea. Today a boy can't even ?n to' sea for evtrythiug is tightly unionized including ships and n. rebuttal, as you wish. The writer is connected with the Rupert People Store. Wallace's Department Store and Rupert Mens and Boys Store. all of Prince Rupert. . This ktter theieiore, can only be in defence of the above, as we hav .hi authority to write for any-i idy else. First of ai, - w re very ilcased to ste the uublWatian if Mr. Giestrich's K-.Ur Ir m Tltll. It has bun oui opinion Tor some years nn that many people both in Puisce Rupert and in the radius of Prince Ru- our prices will r-' the same and in some cases slightly higher. There is no firm anywhere, regardless of siae that can be lo- a thinker and modern philoso -Tin Uih H.iik.. I "I get goose pimples every time they thliv er at all Units on all merchandise, than anybody else. Theiefore. in reply to your ; letter from Tlell. we are pleased ! to advise that as far as this firm and apprehended, they should receive penalties oi pner. Fx Mr. caseys miorma-weight severe enough not only to be effective pun- tion, Proi. Joad has been to ishment but to. be deterrent to other furtive de- Si efficients ; ; who might be inclined to see fun in some poration,s ..Brain Tru,riead-sort of a depraved way in such acts. ing puniic forums on the air. is concerned, PrinceRupert For over thirty years. Prof. Joad i What is to become of our ; vert Iiavt, a nustuken bUitf th;.t pUces are nut based on the price ccinv' reopie? wiinoui joos. many will turn to crime for 't prices el'itwlicr? cue lower uian in Prince Rupert Our own (haj been a leading agnostic and , rationalist but last year he i threw a bombshell into the ranks ;of his erstwhile fiiends by bol1- liviiv Can yuu riahtfully blu.ii. stores have concentrated h It will be also interesting, if and when tne culprits are apprehended, to ascertain, if possible, just what circumstances, barring complete moronism, made them get that way. In the meantime, the important thing is that the cvlprits in' this case should be rounded up for the protection of the community and before persons of ?roh anvaient mental irresponsibility can get rovmd to doing further damage. to Vancouver plus freight to Piince Rupert. Our merchandise is purchased direct from thr Eastern markets and priced ac-coullnjjly. We are not eoncern-d with the lact that the Queen Charlotte Islands have only a few settlers. We welcome ani invite any business from any community, regardless of size. L. M KELSENTHAL. ly announcing before a larg'j gathering of Britain's leading thinkers that he had a confession to make. He said "Gentlemen, it is hard for a man to '.hem? A person can starve u j some years now on (ioiug diieC. vivath in Canada just as easi'.y to the same markets that th? j , in Europe, perhaps more so ' iurfcej-t retail firms in Canadi ."or in Europe the Red Cross , g0 l0. it i Quite obvious that ;-f('s the people. ja filul a prince Rupert will A word about the DP.'s from, have a considerably lower over- Gabardine Suits GREEN, OOLD. BIEOE BROWN AND GRAY WITH THE NEW LOOK DRESSES for AFTERNOON and STREET WEAP, Printed Jenwy and Crepe Sizes 18 ' to 24 NYLON HOSE 54 Gauge PENCIL SEAMS NEW SHADES stand up and confess that fo: 4.i. v,o h9 hum htmi'i J " j ej man u u.m mat .iv ai... mil ,J yDia fit xv. t....0 ecu hit; cheap labor for our but that is what I hav? to ao For thirty -ears I have been an agnostic with perhaps pardonable pride, I may say pe:h?p.-one of the leading agnosti'-s! Today I confess that I have been i f;ic! oi i-Perhaps if w br'u : i'W to Prince Runcit we can touch them lio.v to man the fish boats and Prince Run rt-U.-, terccle c.n take charity or starve A MICH SCHOOL GRADUATE. You read it in the News! Advertise in the L-illv TsVws WOILII r.iJ AN. THING Editor. Daily News: Here U the local girl back . to cheer the two people who wiote Thursday night' litteis. For a while I was be-cicninq to feel absolutely disgusted with the people of m :a;nt- town but last night's letters proved that there still O WATCH FOR ANNETTE'S FASHION REVIEW MMK'H & 1. CAPITOL TIIEATftT i on a much larger sea'". There 'ere. it is finite ohv'ous that, 'f ; a firm such as ou s bir- a f'vm j the same sources as the linns 2eratint on a LiriT wale, then we can also coir.p'le in t rices , o! to lh: puhhc wi'hout anv stretch ,f the imagination, i We ore pleased to advis? the c.blic that reads this column ar.rt their iri":ids the ov.- ; . !.. t! ices of -iir stores avcrct"' rs low as any firm in Canada or the same merch'-ndi. ' Flea " do n it mi -untl' rstand. e arc not fylrc; t.i t!l y.ia that e ere lov cr t!un anv other '.ir.'. i.i Canada. We are. how--v r. tellinK ;,.u thai our av-; rye p; ice s will be as low as COMMUNIST CHALLENGE THE CLANKING and rasping of metal can be I heard around the world as the ominous sound of the Soviet iron curtain slides farther west-v ard. Now Czechoslovakia has succumbed. Next it looks like Finland. While the United States dallies with the Marshall plan, the communists in Europe make the most of the delay, knowing that all the time they have in Europe is that which the deferment in the passage and application of the Marshall plan gives them. While there is dalliance about western aid, the communists do not wait. That is the point in the challenge of recent developments in Prague and v hat may be occuring in Helsinki, to say nothing of China. ,.re sfirie human .sensible K-ople i. 1 1 here. I'm :ifr:,id Prince Rupert is Walk Upstairs in Stone B , lii i iru. This town used to b ; known a'.l over for its friendii-' ness. Where is all that gone wrong. I now believe in a per- , sonal God!" j Truly a marfly confession and j how do you suppose. Mr. Casey, j that the great Prof. Joad came to believe in a personal God ? ! He said "Strange to say, gentle-' men. I have been led to believe in a personal God through fir;.; being compelled by the evideiu to believe in a personal devil." Yes, Mr. Casey, you are quite right the old give place-to the new. The old worn-out, discredited theories of unbelievers and agnostics be replaced by the new, the re-d:s-covry of the eternal verine-; of God, the Bible, and the Loi'd Jesus Christ. Mr. Casey hixd .better get up to date and far into line with some of the greatest thinkers of a!! time-a:i ample believers in God and H' ; ,now? Have we driven it out j Irupert marine m jun our srjpia ium mi j 'or have we still got it hidden the avr ra'.e any oilier f.nn. (J. CLAL'SEN li SON) We Take Ustlng of . . . rr a t c ct r c a I r flD m 1, th r u-tail ' mail order. Oay down under?, citizens. -st:r:!ay we ch: eked one item ir you nave -.ny syn,pathy or h is nc.v nroute to us to anderstanUing If tt at all shov; m uare our r; tail price, which it bv letting the unemployed .. v, ,,p .,..). Monrrrt. with Kin-'le nconle like myself find KKOKEKS IN BOATS. MARINE AND FISHING R TRY he price efff r d in t .vo eat.i- l ony kind of employment. Speak- i j KUPERT MARINE REALP FURNITURE REPAIR LOV! N'S BLl'E 818 330 2nd Ave. iNcxt to CFPRt CREDIT TERMS Prompt Mail Ordi r Service "k -i which vp have in the of- ing for myself. lm Mire l am j would I KOR QLICK SALES OR CRWTUS .Just Cast of Llpsett i W&lerfrasU ::(-. V.'e v. ere pleased to f.nd like a few others-we 'l '.t in both cases, our price to take almost anything. Hi.. Hum Ml mi PhoieM PhouM le custom:! wa.s lower than: ihiHiK you . -J revealed Word. G. R. S. BLACKABY. ' e.ihc I:i many ca . lor c:i " paato j TALKING OF FRILLS' ALL DUE RESPECT to School Inspector WITH Hyndman who like many of the younger school of educationists may be just a little over en- ' thusiastic about the new ultra-modern ideas on pedagogical methods, we still think there is something to be said for Mayor Nora Arnold, herself a veteran school tfacher, and those who believe there are some "frills" in certain aspects of education today. We do not think for a moment when Mayor Arnold spoke of "frills" that she had any idea of suggesting that there was not plenty of need for improvement in this . city's school grounds and buildings which every one must agree have reached a point where they are a disgrace to the community. Be that as it may, however, School Inspector Hyndman must know that, even under such difficulties as exist, good scholastic attainment and educational achievement are still possible. Nobody is going to suggest that good school buildings and good grounds are "frills" but we are going to say here that there is tendency today to silver spoon and pap-feeding methods in education and we . -also suggest that intellectual attainment, cultural development and plain thorough-going preparation to meet life in a practical and conscientious vav are not being achieved to any greater degree to-lay than in a generation or so back when conditions were certainly quite as rugged as they are life bv (Jrcirorv ('lark time, although he hsd , .... .1... mil no. He sat aown ai u i lightly over the kes. (,l,. r men In M Hp didn't come out f , . , . ,l i.u wKS. sunrise followed tlw i ,1 mllv W At first, he frHirmpnts frsgments fi of .Zn lt'i . " u..ll.ilu ot niwunioiii imu,.-- , , 1 ....( now l""1 smue ' less vm m . u" ..u uh,.r For otWf .iid the pu liegun to clusUr nroun Ixmg ago this young n"in The dcK'toTH, the nurwtH, his nwitlier, his sinters . . . they told him who he was. He, they said, was a musician. Ilia mother spoke of what a talented little boy he hud t'n a prodigy. Ififl sisters tried to recall to hiH ninmory incident of his shy youth, his gifUxi manhcxid concerts, dance bands, symplKinies . . . They told him, too, that he hud joined the Navy; ' srved in the North Atlantic; off Africa; off the Normandy iieaches. Words villuiiit tneuniiiK To his clouded mind it moint notliing. He was in tlie neuro-psychiatric ward of a great new Veterans' hospital. One day his sisters took this young man for a walk. Along bright corridors; down an elevator; through a great quiet tunnol. At ita end they came into another building, tearing no renomblance to any hospital. It is more like a comfortable attractively-furnished home, with pleasing decorations, inviting easy chain ana a baby-grimd piano. Flowers are thure, and girls in a well-remem-liered uniform. The Ked Crows uniform. For thin is a lied Crown lodge. Guided by hia siwtors, the young man came slowly out of the tunnel. He glanced vacantly aliout him. But, all at once, he buttoned his blue jucket Htrollod casually across the " room as though he had In-en there h hundred cured Would any piano have know, -ut tojf, ' . . . ..tiif-Hll'ii' A this miraculous """" mus.ciar. 8 tat - wurrouiKuiinn p.-- , the kwj by J fort of the atthcU'd, A'P f i h ""1 4 -40 i N in : '-! z h -J t ' f (vl r -i A i " : K pTA ' ' . at . i oa ay. Rel'-a speak for themselves and we.doubt very much, taking it by an large, that even Mr. Hyndman can say results are any better today than they v'ere then. HULL'S MEMOIRS 0 SPECIAL INTEREST to Pacific ports, and certainly to Prince Rupert, are the memoirs of Cordell Hull, United States Secretary of . te under Franklin Roosevelt. He describes that fateful Sunday when, even as negotiations with Nippon's two diplomats were still in progress, bombs were raining on the American fleet taken unaware at Pearl Harbor. Hull pictures the way Nomura and colleagues withdrew from his office. It's interesting. organization aiw. - w wherever Humanity Rod Cro Sm-ics f j Aid' HimwUiIh. Cnurm-H, Stumming The no, I; ( mvrvij nvier v.uls . . . iihv f tuv vAms men moss FINED $300 ON LIQUOR CHARGE six months' Imprisonment. Mary Wong pleaded guilty to a charge of intoxication and received a fine of $5 plus $3.50 costs from Magistrate W. D. Vance. In city police court Wednesday, John Maxymyshyn p 1 e a d e i not guilty to a charge of supplying liquor to an Indian. The case was adjourned until afternoon, when accused was found guilty LiM al Headquarters t' J l,C. FOWl NORTHERN H GLASGOW. Scotland, 0 Robert Carvly, 23, a laborer, who swam across the Clyde in a snowstorm for a bet, was fined 'f sty Trif ri fxiils on the uorh of the Red Cross , by hadn Canadian u t iters Besn r Block and fined $300 with option of $8 for a breach of the peace- -