4 Prittff ttuprrt Daflp Jftctos .t&. Friday, March 5. 1943 would ?ive it expanded authority i HQ II l A klTC under a plan by which the pro-j (rKIL UMNLL vincial office at Vancouver would ' . . f I If) delegate some of its powers to KV KIN I I lh AUTO' CLUB IN SESSION Enjoy Refreshing Staves will tJINORABUni at Civic Centre - Members to CampaiRn for Kiddies' Kamp Celebration -TIT YOUR Dnt,p,r.Z7K outlying olTices. A major point of discussion was that of lower insurance rates for motorists. The meet- 1 .U.W ii-V-lito learn II. G. Van tier tthiyt; New President Local Branch to Have Ci renter Autonomy For mwv mving ihovat The success of the Kinsmen MINORA Blad ing UKirru uiai, n ..v., Pnsprt ttil.h n drormin" miMl-l,!m mini wpi-p MR. EMPLOYER rifxirahle Arable iiiiL jiiiwap ear oum' AW iWi bership in the face of increasing BriUbh Columbia, efforts should j "le bachelor contest t'nrourap- Canada 'faoritdoubl. dq economy Blad. Thcy'ie the quality bladat In the low-prica field 1 problrms. Prince Rupert branch bP made to obtain full infonna- f memoM ' ' 1 Ih. nn Intnmnh I Adsil. i,;nko on1 Cic QHV ft of HI. i.v...v.w...- , LUn OU Lift maiiJLHUa 4.n UU" the club to approve the execu- ciation plans to' recruit new .katcbewan automobile insurance , recommendation to hwJ 8":.T"..T. " .I I; "ir -r L Bfi,!V wil Dance. Ray Mac ft nnnmv mr I tir nranr i ill it-- ... An I ivo hv i ik n i :immiiui:i - r Do you still glance at his lapel? SATURDAY Sports p.m. 2:00 Badminton. Itasketball Practices 11:00 High School junior boys. 12:00 Hieh School junior and juvenile girls. Basketball tianics 6:30-High School vs. Gyros. 7:15- Merchants vs. Morgans. 8:30 Savoy vs. Brownwoods. Special Events 8:30 Sports Broadcast iCFPRi. IS TRANSFERRED TO ALERT BAY Crttorge McKay Moving From Yukon in Government Telegraphs Service Passing through the city MINORA BLUES ALSO MlUBlMJ - - lUUM IV " ;lation to iU Vancouver head- government. quarters. N. E. Gcrrard told the meet- j Annual Mwetinsr of the -or- in that he understood that in jganization, held in the Civic ne (wo prairie provinces, cov- Centre last Might heard Us:pra!jp although at a lower pre- year's W'ork and ts ;iirrnt prob-! maim rate, was less compre-lems outlined and elected new j hensive than the B.C. minimum I officers for 1948. All officers policies. were elected by acclomation. ( Following the business session, i President. R. G. Van der sluys. . f:evt rai 0f the 45 persons pres-Vice-President, N. R. Gerrard.ient took out membership in the i Secretary - Treasurer, H u g o j Association after Mr. Kraupner Lean was chosen as chairman of the dance committee with William Long and R. E. Monta- . dor as his assistants. j Stan Saville, chairman of . May 24 ticket sales commit- j tee, reported on the progress of the campaign and suggested that, during the latter part of March and the first week i.i April, club members conduct a city-wide canvass. Mr. Saville told the club that it was up to Auto Logical! "T- k Ik. -4 -1 wr-. Kraupner. had outlined its benelus.. Directors jRobert Elkiu. A. G. every member to get out ami j ell to the best of his ability in nrrier to make the Kinsmen 1 .iV! 1 1 An .l'l car is hctter than noiic. Hut having no car is ln'tter than having one unsafe n tlii' road. V an' i'iuipiMl and staliotl to check vour car point hv iKiint, attl Bartlett, J. E. Boddie and Jack! Mussallem. j Mr. Van der sluys took over j the presidency from J. Harry ! aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon was George. W. McKay, who -was enroute (JOVEKNIWKNT SlHiTATVEf) OTTAWA y a -oe sf 173 to 38 the House of lontmvnti turned aside a C.C.F. motion of -non-confidence in the government in the lineerine From January, 1946, to November, 1947. 421,146 jobs were found for veterans through Ihe efforts of the National Employment SeTvio and the excellent co-operation of employers. EUT THERE ARE STILL 32.30Q veterans in universities and 8,800 more are still taking Vocational Training under the Canadian Vocational Training Plan. Many more are still in hospital receiving treatment for their war wountH These men and women have yet to stake their postwar claims in Canada's civilian employment field. They deserve ihe same consideration as was given to veterans during the i first days of demobilization. OWLET'S SEE THEY GET IT! Make full use of your local office of the National Employment Service. I"r,'t south from Dawson where he Black who had held It since thp ; has been living since leaving club's formation two years ago. : Prince Rupert some 20 years Highway improvement is the j to niaki' iii tvusary repairs reliHhly i )rivf in now ! He will join Mrs. McKay, major problem facing motorists Throne -Speech debate. The ago Kiddie Kamp the success it iFhould be this year. ; I President R. G. Moore briefly , outlined the duties of the various May 24 committees and an- j nounced that the sports event.; would run off in open or picni-style rather than in the group method used during previous meets ! Guests at last night's meet- ing were Joe Goscoe and Walter Morgan. who left the north some time in Central British .Columbia, iL. resolution would have criti-ugo for Victoria, and later will was pointed out by retiring i jatetl the government for Its -price fHirtrol policy. proceed to Alert Bay, Mr. Mc- president .Black in Jus Teport. Kay being transferred there in jie urged a iarger memhershio Advertise tn the Dallv News! ti.ovnti Y Ktxxa- RrKd . the .government service. j and a continual .activity by the j Mr. McKay was with the tele- association to keep the matter j graphs at Hazelton and here before the attention of the pro- for years and he continued in vincial public works department. ; this service after locating in the Secretary-treasurer Kraupner, ; Yukon. The city of Dawson, he uho resumed office for his sec- , says, is something of a ghost 0nd year, reported on the fin- j town in winter, but there is ancial condition of the Asso- j much more going on hi the way elation and on a convention of j of industry and population in the &C Automobile Association ; the months of summer. which he attended last fall at j ' Mrs. McKay is a daughter of Vancouver. life Department of Labour HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minister of labour A. MacNAMARA. Deputy Minister Mrs. K. E., Birnie of Smithers, I He told the meeting that ne- j formerly residing here, and who gotiations were under way for ! is now in the .city; the guest of the establishment of a regional i T- Mrs. .J. A. Lindsay. ! office of the B.CA.A. here, which i Business and Professional Breeding d Personality B'.ooci lir.i - a- many of ',iv Ur-.f ti. the Eas:. Ilouey Brero- e ceks ulii f iv.- jjj.;,. wre's wdc. unit v.. ; We huv- ; in Princf Hv,f Thee pupi Ji JONES NEWS STAND We handle Eastern and Western .STEPHEN ERICKSON PIANO TECHNICIAN TUN TNG AND REPAIRS Black 195 411 West 7th Ave. Papers. NANA1MO FREE PRESS NOW AVAILABLE Sixth Street Red BOB hunler- and hivf m SUPERIOR TECORATORS IMilCUi PAINTING :: PAPERHANGING Phjne: Blue D52 or Black 245 Ler Hitchens Bill Thornton P.ir:ii u',.i: reqiift. ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER Prompt Service Baggage Freight Expres-Phone Blue 2G9 322 Sixth St Night Calls Green 882 " fo Life J.C.K'I Bl HNS l.KF t HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches. 206 4th Street Phone 655 ' -- . 2 Margaret M DR. P.J.CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 Here's a career for youn t'.iiiiiliaiis an wiive lifi" with lrael. leulure mid the satisfaction of mt'iii Vour country in a fatuous uniform. ISever InTore in iU eii-i-time history liiis tin' Koyal i'-auadiMii Niny had n iniicli to oiler a ouiih m;in. Tliere are new ships with riKKlcrn eiiiimient . . . wide facilities fur porU and recreat wm . . . and alimhle skills to learn. This This i i a a Juan's juan's jih jtili wrviiiK wrviiif; with with the the Itnwil llnnl ('M,i(li;m ('n.idifin IN NEW 0FFK THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 253 East First Avenue ERIC SPEERS, Mjr. 701 East 8th Avenue DELIVERED FREE C.0.0. PHONE 654 25c per dozen paid for empties. Please have them ready when the driver calls. COAST BREWERIES LTD. SICKS CAP1LAN0 BREWERY LTD. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LTD. r HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Building and Repairs of all kinds Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PB4 PHONES: Green 48 Red 894 This advertisement is not published or displayed by t'n Liqjcr -Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. IvOOM 1 -lf A Saw . ... . . and iirofitttiion. . I ISavy a a hatihfjing untieing and st-i'iur W'l'iur jirolitttiioii. N stone 11 j V .-''i. $&Fff! BLUE J ! - nM 1&2ZL- -fj n,-.S GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled. Besner Block Phcne 387 JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 R.C.A. VICTOR AUTOMATIC RECORD PLAYER ATTACHMENT GEORGE McWHINNEY If It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yoursell fully Insured while I do the work. $79,95 PRICE rM..IIIJl'" ' PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING P.O. Box 1426 147 4th East Phone Black 489 Features: ... Up to 45 minutes of uninterrupted entertainment. Plays 12 ten - inch or 10 twelva-inch records auto 1 matically. Crystsal pick-up with re-placable needle. 8eraag tbe Fisheries I nd as try Wells (P.R.) Ltd. QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave Z : 'W FV) Station J - ! VANC0?i Cartage, Labelling, Weighing UI.TTE 780 BLUE 980 Ormes Drugs SEE THEM ON DISPLAY AT McRAE BROS. LIMITED PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS to) Mf ! cHTI5 yjjj loi f or 4M portioilort, oply . cjll f, IK. Novol K.cruiting Offiwi, Rool Canadian Nvy. Ollowa f"r lnf"3 -rf f IHE NAVAl RESERVE r"r city ......i.-i.ii-.iuMi.! OR TO H.M.C.S. CHATHAM, and ulilain. wild ly. ' .IMCilinx ,,,,,,, -mfB PK11" f i.m,H'. i.iu..,.4.ii.i. I'lUNCK IIUI KHI, lt . tiich Mikm mrf. fnntowi. FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE . , . . ' See Your ' GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Buick Che?. Trucks Pontiac Oldnmobiie (i.SI.C. Trucks MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE, B.C. Daily car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. and Sunday PHONE 81