THIS AND THAT printc tluprtt 5aUi? JHJctos JLtD. 3 Friday, March 5, 1948 . . ' Locdl News Items . . . Morgans Clearance Sale continuing for Friday and Satur day., only... Don't . delay Shop Now! ' (55) the Mooseheart committee, un-j der the convenership of Mrs. AH fred Ritchie. They were Mrs.! William Graham, Mrs. Henry' Dickens, Mrs. L. Hilton and Mrs. A. Hinton. Mrs. F. Chandler was the for-' tune teller and Mrs. William' Terry was in charge of raffles. The bazaar is continuing '"this-afternoon. $ j W. M. Watts returned to the city on last night's train from a brief business trip to Smi-thers. You cannot beat quality and comfort. See our Slater Shoes. George Hill & Sons Ltd. (56) YOITRE NOT TOO LATE. Hurry clown Saturday to the Tremendous Bargain Sale at the Rupert Mens and Boys Sam Joy, formerly of this city, i and now located at Vancouver, arrived at Smithers earlier in the week in the course of a business trip tnrough the district and reached the city last night. He will sail for Vancouver on MOOSE LADIES' SPRING BAZAAR WELL ATTENIDED First day of the annual spring bazaar of the Women of the Moose was highly successful with scores of ladies visiting the Moose Temple Thursday afternoon. The guests who thronged the rooms were received by Mrs. Percy Bond, senior regent. Mrs. E. Bond was convener of the function. In charge of the refreshments were Mrs. B. J. Bacon and Mrs. Charles Graham, assisted by Mrs. G. Foster, Mrs. W. Bailey ! You saw it in the Dally News! '. Store. SATURDAY IS BAR GAIN DAY! (it) the Princess Adelaide Monday night. Mrs. Gordon Armour arrived at Burns Lake this week from Vancouver to join Mr. Armour who has been appointed manager of the Royal Bank, of Can f?WC CLUBS DIFFER ada branca there. Mr. Armour I e I I J l A I ! It's HEW! Deaues Quality Cleaners, pick-up and delivery. Phone 283. (tf) R. H. Joyce, local manager of Kelly-Douglas Ltd., returned to the city on Tuesday night's train from a business trip to Smithes and other interior points. Meeting of Job' Daughters, was formerly on the inspection staff of the bank. " ROTARY REJECTS SKATING RINK FAVOR ARENA and Mrs. Ray Fossum. Cashier of the tea room was Mrs. Sam Haugan. . The home cooking table was MRS. J. R. CARR The weather and not a locally I Friday, March 5, 8 p.m. Initia- s a directed by Mrs. L. Tattersall iu'restiiiR Debate 1 recreational the form of and Mrs. T. Glenn while the candy tiooth was in charge of Mrs. William Bussey and Mrs. E. Lawley. Mrs. Harold Muncey flnanced rink will have to satis-1 tion, Silver March and Social, fy the skating and curling urges j (55) of Prince Rupert, the Rotary . Don 1 Iorget the Galloway Club decided Thursday after- lR,aPlds IOD E- tea at the home noon. Unswayed by the elo- g 1.1 limit i uuter ill "When you finish my tie, please see if you can find my white muffler, and for Pete's sake hurry and get dressed. We have to leave here in a few minutes." JANTZEN facial rink than in the contained In " an HEADS UNITED PRESBYTERIAL Delegates and members of the Prince Rupert Presbyterial of the Women's Missionary Society of the United Church con- of ' ' &"uus' tlD oin Ave-1Ws ""jquence affirmative speakers, . ,ih w i ; East, on Saturday. March 6, and Mrs. Oscar Giske were in charge of the fancy work table. Serviteurs were members of fc swimming pool Advertise in the Daily News! T . - -J I 2:30 to 5:30. There will be the negative in a debate on me cool"ng, candy and raffle. whether or not the club should Kiwinwir an W ... M i.i ""u UI1"6 your menus CARD OF THANKS I wish to xepress my heartfelt thanks and giaiitude to my many friends for their kind assistance and acts of sympathy tnd for the beautiful floral tributes and messages and calls of condolence. Especially do I (55 tinued sessions here Thursday lng rink here. 1 . . , afternoon, electing new officers Mrs. r R nr t m, Champion of the af firmative W Large of Toronto.' nd heari hearing reports frQm vari. dttiMon 01 a iuuuu-.iscusmou held at the , Club's regular busi-cunji litld Wednesday the Civi;- Centre, an expression of opin-n the club on the ques-an artificial Ice rink In Rupert, George Dibb tlir dwu.viion with a support of the idea. He Our spring swea- I ters will meet with ! your approval. ! ! was Martin F. Stuart, who in a wno nas Deen visiting here ous committee chairmen. five-minute address, told hls,wltn ner wnn. Dr. R. G. Large At the conclusion of the foil, Rnlorlnn. t V, t V. l..uland Df A W T .a rfrA Callr1 lact wish to mention my most grate .w.v, .vutu.iuuo WIOI LUC tlUU bvt " i mpptincr the nmhi.rt ininoH had proved Itself as "canable of nl8nt or the Prince Rupert for ;7v. . me,mers Jea,ful appreciation w Mr. and Mrs. rresuy- Rav e-u-.u ppv Rarhpr sparking various projects" and Vancouver. Dr. A. W. Large also that a rink would be one sauea Ior Vancouver i.-ison and Nanairao as "worthy of the club and worthy of the town." Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Ernest Sheppard, is due in port mparable to Prince Ru-re ice rinks were be--rssfuliv operated and tery. which held sinftiltaneous Mr and Mrs Fred Skaiundi Rev. sessions, in a dinner, prepared ;and Mrs John and by the church senior Women's' UnneVf for their tlreless Auxiliary. and friendy heIp in this hour o New officers of the Presby-1 my bereavement and sad loss tenal, installed in office by Mrs. I of my beloved and devoted hus-C. W. Hodgson, president of the I hand Anrirpu- ir2A ? J EM m as XI J.- I Cr VJ AS 1-2-3 Jl&y!llM ft He asserted that if Prince ,at 9:30 tonight from the south Button Cardigans, Zip-; per Jackets, Pullovers with Sleeves or Sleeveless. ; ' ; i Brushed Wools, Wor-' i:ik enormously to the Rupert 'wants to tie in with and will sail at mldni-rht on her nai betterment of the)801? national sport, it could do return to Vancouver and way- no better than promote ice points. B.C. Conference Branch, are: (Mrs.) VIVIAN GARTEN. 308 7th Ave. West, Prince Rupert. ilie.s Mun'uinor was not in mi lie rink. He felt hi, tin Imancial angle, nockey.' The recent cold weather indicated a great interest in skating here, he said. President, Mrs. J. R. Carr. Vice-President, Mrs. E. R. Foster. AIR PASSt:voE;iS Outbound for Vancouver JLl KTKPrl anrl Rntanv Yarn inu: rniK would noi De i Business men could put inspector F. Recording Secretary, Mrs. G. .... - "" . a . Woods-John- .. K . i J IYUUU8-JU1111-1 P"'Mtun. the money. When it cot eoine.Ut r, presented in a variety Freda McFarland. ! Treasurer. Mrs. G. Ciccone. JSMiMAS s sport in iclared. ti.a was the one l:uperi that click J J I j Inbound from Vancouver Christian Stewardship A. C. Lucas; l.-om SandsDit. H.tretary. Mrs. D. M jPm. kcu ttau Dr, o. E. H A. sinus mi: Relieved Fast This Easy Way! Put a few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol up each nostril and eel it go to work bringing quick, 9k-- soothing relief -T A from miserable VICKS sinus pain. VA-TRO-NOL IUCKWHEATS T rj f icauci ui Liie i etauvp tPflm ! .1 vMnrr -a r. Young. . . i - p " vuuft niiu ivxxa. V-M of new colors, these Jantzen Sweaters are particularly attractive Secretary of Mission Circles, Mrs. J. McLeod. upKiri io ai- , averred, would shat.tpr Good for you, any Secretary of C.G.I.T. Groups, Announcements 1 m uuiiuuig uu artruments as to the finanelal ' Miss Margaret McLeod. Digestible as foasf. All advertisement In this column 6 a rink. He stated nracticabilitv of an w rink for spring wear. :no:c m lavor of Prince :;avi:ip an indoor swim- will be charged lor full month t 25 cents word Women of the Moose Spring Bazaar. March 4 and 5. j Initial cost, before the war, I was estimated at between $100,-000 and $150,000 for a minimum Secretary of Mission and Baby Bands, Mrs. J. McLeod. Associate Members' Secretary, Mrs. Crawford Moore. Supply Secretary, Mrs. W. J Holt. Community Frienrishin fiw. to reply for the af- 1 Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions sized building, and to this Bridge Party, Civic Centre, March 5, 8 p.m. j .,' . j would have to be added the cost ",wun ov"! wnu-$so.m EXOTIC! . . Ul U tt L UU. Galloway Rapids I.O.D.E. tea. retary, Mrs. D. Santurbane. Marcn 6' ! Literature Secretary, Mrs. W to $50,000. "That was before the war. How much higher it would be now I am unaole to say." March 17 Catholie School Hall R. Cantelon I Tea. Home Cooking, Apron and j Magazine Secretary Mrs. J. S. J-!1' Moore pointed out W ,n u-e rink was put into f it-r, dozens, perhaps f the younger tecn-"fi-irrn would be provided I facilities to partici- ' liealihy recreation, 't&.i that is not available lit present clue to the To this "astronomical" cost j Novelty Sale. 2:30 p.m. Card; Irvine, would be added the burden of Party. 8 p.m. Temperance Secretary Mrs operation, he declared. Booth P.-T.A., March 17. I E- Dudoward. T. N. Youngs, Rpeaking for the Junior Chamber St. Patrick's! Press Secretary, Mrs. R negative, branded an ice rink Dav Dance, March 17, Civic i " llson- "impossible from a financial 1 Centre. O . 1 l I 'tit accommo- It 4 ili.-utfirlei M Hi clrew attention to m pi 4 A 7" ,r"' oui e.vS -..mue iu , presbyterlan Tea March 18, Our new SPUING PRINTS just arrived. Exquisite fabrics . . . exciting, fabulous, mystical prints . . . fashioned into the new look that's ever so beautiful. Select your new print here today. The seasons' signpost says EASTER is just ahead. Select that smartly tailored suit, shortie coat, topper or Easter bonnet at Sweet Sixteen. LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 sixtn street 1 f' ihat hockey is Can- $i ti.iiul spurt and that ' f children will turn ine devotional period was conducted by Mrs. A. E. Large. LONDON, 9-riome Secretary Eden is considering a deputation's demand for a Royal Commission inquiry Into the practice of present day vivisection. Advertise la tne Daily News. J f iiiance to skate or nlnv J :f the renuivprt fnciii- cues unoer ju.uuu j,aa inaicai- Presbyterian Church Hall. ed that expense, and refunding Easlef clyic costs would exceed revenues. . . , Ceptre March 19' William Terry, affirmative ueen Mary Chapter, I.O.D.E.. speaker, discoursed on the sat-i Daffodu Tea- March 29' isfylng pleasures of skating and ice hockey. Sea Cadets and Jobs' Daugh- The Rotarians voted a sub-lrs Combined Show and Musi-stantiai though unofficial nega-ical Revue, March 31 and April tive to club sponsorship of suchl. Navy Drill Hall, a project. Canadian Legion W. A. Spring Guests at the luncheon meet-'Sale, March 31. A B1LTMORE HAT IN A 1948 SHADE and a I'air of NORFOLK SHOES MILL MAKE VOI R OUTFIT SPARKLE FOR SPRING availuble. In comparing fits of a rink and a Pool the speaker said : hich has a large "I indoor pools, csti-at auout 4 per cent of '"'"on make use of the " Uie other hand, Pointed out, skating " i'"creation that ap-lW and amonir the SPECIAL PHOTOS There is no need to wait till pay day . . . just pay-as-you-wear on Sweet Sixteen's Personalized BUDGET PLAN. No Interest-No Carrying Charges DANCE ' Tonite - AT MOOSi; TKMI'LE 9:30 to 12 MOOSE ORCHESTRA for Easter ing, held In the Broadway Cafe, were J. Sims, Vancouver; Neil Ross, Col. C. Hoy, Pretoria. South Africa; P. Allen, Vancouver; George Zala, Vancouver, and C. V. Evitt, Departure Bay. f'.vs hi , 1 CALL AT Anglican Easter Sale, April 1. J.C.C. Smoker, Moose Temple, April 12. Presbyterian Spring Sale. April 15. Women of the Moose tea at the home of Mrs. C. Mclntyrc, 548 8th Ave. East on April 22. Orange Tea, April 21. United Church Spring Sale, "w''1' hockey leagues :il'lit lnanv uiw. t,i.,.. - j iiu bUUUf little In rl 1 Acme CLOTHING STORE (handler & CowgilK Fourth St. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. in mull '"'. I'Slllvi'llll, ...!.. 155) "'Olllhs. Curlincf SOUTHAMPTON, Eng., (P ! While police eadipued with r" as a snnrt ....i.i PACIFIC REPAIR waders and crowbars smashed ! April 20. through lee to reach a swan j st. Peter's spring sale, May C. which appeared to be frozen in ; SAVOY ""lulled in by older K'kt'-V and carnivals as money making at-tw the winter while a lake, the bird got up and walked away. Advertise in the Daily News! sunmier box lacrosse. 3 "'arnivals, sport f 111 various other exhi- NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Tl"u oe held. FK'ardown huh rhu.-w HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop.' 1 rhone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert M'oke in favor oi If nuk before the dis- lVi's Closerl A ...... SEE I S FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs in all types of printing work. Everything in high-class stationery. Cards for every occasion. Fountain Pens. DIBB PRINTING COMPANY We Also Service , WASHING MACHINES 32B 2nd Ave. West Red 367 the ch,h ,ii, fVul i... t - commiuee r- uu. uie w kinsmen rinh f'r "I the Civic rPn..u buI.V iiiv(.sn.rn Cities oi .'in", 'i Was I,.. j - ... THIRD AVENUE BESNER BLOCK "V f " v- U I Q l?ll 9 Look over the New Delivery of all-wool Pullovers, Zipper and Buttoned Sweaters also a lovely ranee of Sport Shirts and ' wu Wlin a Jl.,r,iv '11 ll'CtnUy Brl ri"! maltratcB dealt f and stipendiary ' 1 1, , " Suk1' clalt with KEEPING WARM? 1 Pants Gabardine t,11(' Per cent. Hollywood Cate PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST I'P-TO-DATE KESTAl'RANT OPEN FROM 4:06 P.M. TO 3:30 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 at the U Not Then You Had BETTER CALL LS! Prince Rupert thousands of other Canadians GIVES DAY'S PAY-Joining who are contributing to the Canadian Appeal for Children the here making his donation of one Governor-General is pictured made this contribution in a brief ceremony day's pay His Excellency at Rideau Hall. The check was received by C E Pickering, manager, while Donald A. Baptist, chairman national campaign of the eastern Ontario committee of the Appeal looks on. Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-op Men's and General Dry Goods Department Plumbing & Heating $ and Evelyn '' It-re' fW' tW0 -4 PHONE 108