Print UUptrt DafTp Hcta Thursday, September 29, 1949. r "71 slice is not dislodged from the Turtle's back. One of those who escaped the landslide and remembers Mrs. Enoch Williams, wife of the mayor of "nearby Blairmore. She was Mrs. Sam Ennes, then. TURTLE MOUNTAIN STILL THREATENS SLIDE DISASTER t-7 r LEAMIXGTOX, Ontario, Sept. 29th i- Such Iua ious harvest here of rosy, neb,-tomatoes I They've been specially grown for Ilein . . . anJ thousands of pickers are gatlicrinn them in for vear 'round enjoyment! You'll find them transformed bv Hein "magic" into HKINZ.TUMATU PKODT'CT-S at your uroecr's nowt- Delicious Heinz Tomato Jun-e Heinz Crcarrt bl Tomato S,ir K,trhun and Heinz Chili Haure! .J I 1 I Town of Frank Remembers landslide in 1903 When 66 Were Buried Slie recalls that the disaster struck at 4 a.m. when everyone but the men in the mines were in bed. She and her husband, with their four children, crawl V hat a wonderful idea to stock up now on these four famous tiav-ourites"! ... to fill your pantry shelves with thete taste-full treasures like a flouri-hinn "garden" from September to September! Truly Heaiz Tomato i'roducU will mean happy appetites for you and yours the year around! FRANK, Alta. 9 There's still an atmosphere of fear sur TV, ed out of the rubble of their i home. Her collar bone was! broken and her son's legs were' rounding Turtle mountain, In this Crow's Net pass country. broken. But they all escaped. (M MAKN Are You Happy With Your Pie. ... or are they sometimes a sad disappointment to you? If you feel you never can be sure about them I'd like to sueeest you try this CUUWN BRAND CORN SYKL'P recipe for certain success! . . . Apple Vw, And residents of this coal Gordon Munro This year for the first time tourists will be taken on a aucted horseback ride to the A'-: (P -Chancci- iermany ' top of old Turtle to look down I the long scar on liie mountain-, side, to the pile of rubble that mining town will tell you that in the spring "old Turtle" still roars 1U warning. Forty-six years ago the side of the mountain reil on Frank and buried alive 66 1 persons. Those tiho escaped in the early morn-ins of April 20, 1903, from the i' .ho three western Tinp: 45 inc. F. Time: -4S min. Pastry lor J-crust 9" j 4'i to i cups iliced. tart appHS 2 Upns. Benson s Corn starch 1 tspn. lemon juice cup uhite sugar la cup Crown Brand Com f rup Bash salt 2 tspn. cinnamon 'i tspn nutmeg Line a pie plate with pastry. Mix toeether Benson'a Corn Starch, near and salt and sprinkle on bottom crust. Add sliced apple: (pre ea and cored). Combine lemon juice. Crown Brand Corn Syrup ana spicej. and pour over apples. Dot with butter. Cover with pastry for ten crust, crimp eds;es and bake in a hot oven 1450 deg. F.) 15 rains Reduce heat to 350 dca. F. and continue baking until apples are Under 2a to JJ minsj. jiHpd to cut the ! - !" h- Grman mark 11 ' fVt he west ents to 23 30 cents In Prince Rupert Born Boy Trincinal in Ceremony At Vancouver Tonight VANCOUVER Prince Rupert-born Gordon Leslie Munro, el 4 -J ffr?i" 0 fV was once Frank. Mrs. Williams is not happy unless she is In the mountains. But she fears for those still liv-init beneath those threatening fissures. . "I wouldn't give you a penny for the life of anyone who lives 'My Hatband fill I . avalanche of rock thundering down more than 3,000 feet still i recalf the disaster with dread. ! Not until 1931 was the area condemned and the town of 1 Frank moved several . miles is one husbn-who doexnt com-plain about our weekly all-frrr.ale' bridge parties!" This ia what a reader writes. .She Hays, ''He's so delight .Arlllft ..: To nit nil.- there," she says. . WHISKY 1 away. Only a few, so accust omed to danger that they discount It, still live in the shadow of Turtle mountain. READY FOR ACTION Typical of scenes across Canada as the fall duck hunting season opens is this photo taken in" central Alberta. Waiting for a flight of birds as the sun begins to climb over the horizon, this hunter, with his Labrador retreiver, raises his shotgun in a lakeside blind. (C. P. Photo) der son of George H. Munro and the late Mis. Munro, who left Prince Rupert several years ago for Vancouver, and Miss Betty law Murray, youngest daughter of Mrs. Charles H. Murray and the late Mr." Murray of Kam-loopts, will be married this evening at Ryerson United Church here by Rev. Dr. E. D. Braden. Mrs. J. F. Braniff will be her sisters only attendant and Alan Munro will be groomsman lor his brother. What caused the slide Is still dvttt a matter of dispute. Mining en When dining oat Here' An Opportunity youll be happy you didn't mis! A very tpuctid offer of ft 30c-hott!o of KREML (SHAMPOO for only 10c! Such a splendid, chance to give vour hair the- flsrttery it deserves! You see, the'JJiew Krerul Shampoo has a natitinl oil base that leaves your hair tkitten-soi't ' nnd oh-W)-e:i.y to manage. And Krem- Shampoo contsrins a truly marvelous ingredient '.Culled "Eoli-ean" (Ja) that mukes ringing "wink-quick", yet thorough even in the hardest, of water! Send one dime in a letter to me Barbara Brent, 1U1 Crescent St., Montreal. P.Q. ond 17 tend your 30c-bollle of kreml Shampoo to you post-haste! glneers say that the removal of thousands of tons of coal from the mountain caused wide f sures still visible at the moun- but for the ed with the wonderful food news X come home with aftei these parties. For instance, many of my bridge-party friends have pwitehed to the new. improved TENDER LEAF TEA BAfiS that 1 decided to try them. We think their flavour is superb ... Oransre Pekoe at its tastiest! It musl lie those little top hairs that add that extra 'something' to the 'character' of this delicious tea! And another tiunR 1 liko loi:t Tender Lcoj Tea Bags . , . they re so very easy to serve Bo very eeonoinieal! For just one of the Tender Leaf ic lings gives mc two cups of extra-delicious Urange Pekoe!" ...nclMG Ray Reflects . . . . 'and-Reminisce champion I tain top. Others say the cracks" I GIN Ketchup Following the ceremony, a were caused by a slight earthquake and that spring rains caused natural erosion which wedding reception will be held for invited quests at "The Hoi Hueh McGlinchy, who served , recently, speaking of pioneer weakened . the suDDort of the lies" on the Crescent after as police- constable In Prince dwellings in Prince Rupert overhanglng rock above Frank. menuonea tne nome oi me tate DANGER PERSISTS Rupert when Chief Vickers was at the head of the department which the couple will return to Vancouver to take up residence. The groom Is about to assume Dr. J. O. Recidie, wno came w, Xne nssures are 150 feet deep Prince Rupert from Colorado. and 14 feet across In places. GlN This was away ahead of the com- f Geologists say they are unable hire, spent Sunday in the city. He had not been in town for a long time. He said he hardly Cake Making is an art every woman can master! With fine ingredients - ... a hot of tested recipes available . . . every cake TV should reach her expectations! 1 know choice cake 7 ' fl,mr ,.a,is the wav to successful cakes . . . that iSyX I 1 hy I alwi by SWANS DOWN" CAKE FLOLR. "CVvVw" l'"r Swans Down is made from soft winter wheat, 1 . :--T. eL'ted again and again until 27 times as tine as ordin- 'IV - ary flour. Years of experience by cuke flour specialists have perfected Swans Down to give liiditer, fluffier, more Under nnd moist cakes. I use Swans Down regularly and the tented recipes pletlon of the railway. The house, to understand why another If II HiTllllO IN CANADA was built near the top of Centre - the assistant managership of the Grosvenor Hotel with which he has been identified for the past year or so. ,,,, iy laivm knew Prince Rupert, and there were some who barely recog nized Hugh. Both had changpd a on the Swans Down package. WlAiww (,,niu,l Hmrd or riant t Hntidi Gilumbia lot in appearance. From here, Mr, Street, in the general neighbor; hood of where the fountain' now stands. Later In the de-j vclopment of the city, it was-I movt'd to Fifth Avenue, being j 're-crected not fir from Fulton CAutomat'sc Oil Heat V ' thilt RADIATES1.... Sore Your Clolhet Soe l our W V M a n . r save 7- vt' Before you pick out that dashing new Fall suit ... , go and be ex- W ",V CtTi pertly fitted in trlf' Yom saw it ;n the New! McGlinchy transferred south, and continued in the service of the provincial government, un- viursclf the botlicr j a OOSSARD VUV. , foundation 1 A VJJU i ton of freuuent trips til retirement. He's taken on' Street, where Mrs. Reddie occu- to tlie cleaners . . . fc'Tltltl vou can do all . ' ' ' wcUrht to a considerable extent. pled it. Thij home ranks among the oldest residences in town smoothing, slimming liossard will mold 'n hold vnu as no oilier F. J. Fuller, , whose eightieth but it doesn't appear generally liV'rtiSig.5.i;l was noted known. I ,yJ:U'.i ! birthday anuiverhary CIRCULATES!.... Coleman RADIANT-CIRCULATOR llt.j.j.t.yB;i5i'J,ti Cl Mazurek to determine whether lifpU-Jr'jU'! atar. ..rmn,..,.nir.v exists for her here.! fiU'tWta l.iU. Polish Oper tiii3 with I.NER- C.1NE Cleaning Fluid'. Yes, T.ncr- pinc is so very' simple to use . . . removes -. e stains from all kinds of fabrics and leaves no ,' tell-tale ting! Cleans hats dretses suits . aad upholstery in 8 jiffy! Just follow the c.iy :nsnictions for beat result! You'll .".n J that you can Keep your clothes and furniture looking like new with Energine and a', very little eipensc! Get Knrrgino Cleaning Fluid for as little as 2m ;MavSinpr In Cantfda T Matiime Massurck spent the hlhfMiif$ foundation ever Via . . .yet leave you feeling j,ractically unaware of any "restraining influence"! You pec, Gossard designers have spent veers oi study and research TH create their superb foundation craiinents that 'give you marvelous' Mipport tit and comfort! Thero is a Gos.-ard dcsiimea for you Goss.iru tor every figure type anil age group! Gossard garments are American in design and Canadian in manufacture so you can be sure of receiving the ultimate in design at extremely; reasonable cost. I ': Helena l.lpow ska in Winnipeg war years in i-oiana. one wa KMmiilill;iX a in concentration camp Model No. K32 After Concentration amp 1 five months in 1944 after Peautlful Gril.'e Cabinet! Automatic Draft Control! being Wfrm ri W Marie . m !&& t captured by the Germans making bc way from I,w Warsaw. A pupil of Professor ' Low Flame Fuel at vour drug or department store Duroplastlc Finish Automatic Fuel next time you're shopping! Eaverl A Real Value! WINNIPEG (P A former prima donna of the Warsaw Opera House, Madame Helena Llpowska is. in Winnipeg anx-j ious to start her singing career Bxain, this time In Canada. The leading operatic soprano' in Warsaw before th war, she C.utroll Lozlovvska, Madame Lipowr; has presented concerts in F.ntertaminm During The Thankseirint Season a happy, friendly custom and how nice to have your dinners be the , boast of your guests and laniilyl There will be more . Vfi than enough Thanksgiving turkev for folks to enjoy , DEALER'S NAME na, Prague, Belgrade, Zurich and ether cities throughout Europe.! on the "Big Day". . . co Id mat, mat . you Jf--jcV' ' )nmt dinner . main- uT7 serve a luscious .i..i:..;., ..ill, ST7IHHI KIF'S MINT . JELL1I. Its " r AJ is spending a few weeks here with her husband, Stanislaw ,.,.;iii,- iresk mint flavour is the thing to..innko As soon as it was pnssible for them to leave Europe, the couple did so, heading directly for Canada, where they both hope o start afresh. 7'ru Fruit o '....'U l.l-a ninrl Ynii'M 'ike rtt ot il Jel,cj tor they cap-ture all the flavour a no tiehnes oi nch ripe lrur-Red currants - rosy crabapples - tart black currant - luscious Erape, are combined with pure cane sugar to make sparkling jcllie That will add a festive note to every meal! Just a vrmr grocer for ShirrilT's Red Currant Jelly Crabapple Jelly Black Currant or Grape Jelly! .. lIAM-)pKWiNrerei SI I'ry a ClassifleQ Ad lor Results 1 Advertise in the Daily Newt Phone 31t CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS! I Mi-Bride Street MOM-GIVE DAD AND CHILDRN a spc A BRIGHT STAW TOAAORROW MORNING 8IG 8 OWLS 3f BRIMFUL. OF NUTRITIOUS, kind of DEUOOUS KEUOSG5 CORN fiAKES! CRISP,' GOLDEN, RjCH-WlTH- . FLAVOR KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES, THEY'RE NOURISHING! i SO id THey'RE KELLOGG FRESH I , Now! Own these amazing a 3-power binix;ulara! Bring ob-7 jects 3 times closer . . . make them look 3 times as big. Handy, durable, easy to carry. Fun for exploring, hunting, watching sports . . . looking at wildlife, stars, airplanes, etc. Hurry get your binoculars now! Just send 25 1 in coin and end marked "top" from pnek-age of Kellogg'g CORN FLAKES to Kellogg's, Box 538, Toronto, Ont., Canada. COW' $ee fioiv 3-pover lenses brina fiin -tfirec 4ifTi: i lb. Onned Salmon, risked; cup jtsted cheewj J 59 well btsten; 1 eup milk; 8 tbip. butter, melted; I rolled crackers; iulce of tulfc'aV lemon. Combine the Csnned Sslmon end cheese, dd besten ts9 nd milk. Pour mixture into buttered casserole. Cover with buttered ' : rcker crumbs. Over ill nam iuicc of lemon. ' . . i if" Cover, set cesserole in Pn of water and bake in mod tlrslsra isss smA iw binsculsrd tirplam ss without sw sisMiilm Ihsnd- o-wrap ronj ,d netviy we)(ej to J,eep l0od fttshw lonSr. No wte-tht letrtted metal ed3 erate oven, jjU- 37S dtsrees lor 30 minutes. Serves four. r piA? 4 ' jo'.f1 omcr$ 3 rmes clour.. t MMe 'en LOOK . V HURRY) Moil Ibis coupon todoyl Address ,vm in 3 riMSS BI6&rZl tvtn lear exactly Kellogg's, Box 538, Toronto, Ont., Canada. Yes, please send mv "TwinJet" Binoculars rush nnd uosfKiid. I enclose 25t in coin and one Kellogj s , .lt. hni too lend iliarked tup ) lor 4, fit Coeyright 194 by Ko Company ot Ciodo, U4. '' You wnt it! it's so econom J J each one ordered. My. r Oly. 1 " riEASI MINI PIA1NIYI SN I 1 j Ja"'""?.?SS lt'Vit.'liSSr'-' -.. illHM .,slttl " 1 I M riini.ei.-s