Monday, August 30, 1948 MEDICAL CARE SEX OFFENDERS avoid avoid "contamination" other "contamiating" other PERSONAL RADIO WILL SOON LINK PRIVATE OWNERS By PHILIP CALDER Canadian ress Stan Writer FINDS HER PURSE i ON BUS SEAT FAIRBANKS Mrs. Margaret Blankenship, formerly a nurse while riding ln a bus, lost her billfold containing $iqo a cheque, a money order her husband's pay Cheo.ue, 'bank book and other important data, including identification papers. Two weeks m ATOMIC FUEL HOT EXPECTED . minimum ohm: OOo. Birth HotLt EDINBURGH, S treatment rather than pun THE MARKETS ! Vegetable Radishes, 2 bunches 15 Carrots (New) 2 bunches .... .25 Celery, bunch .23 Cauliflower, head .40 Swiss Chard, lb - '. 15 Turnips, lb 07 Mushrooms, lb .. 85 Head Lettuce, bunch 15 Cucumbers, eaph If Clreerj Qnlpps. 2 punpheg 13 Australian onions, 3 lbs .29 tort P bSotiee Puxri Notice iiwrU " .. ,.mni nuiiv.- - - - - fi D . SPLAT. DOUBL FKICK S'hii in advance. Please retrain from telephoning. FOR 20 YEARS tOIl BENT Small portable .radio trans mitting and receiving combln hjT Mrs. Bruce areas. Too, there is a severe shortage of scientists who know how to work with these materials. Training programs are under way that will take time. Right now about 30 of the nations Industrial organiza tions are using radioactive isotopes In research. But reports to the atomic energy commision show only a few actually demonstrated practical uses and even some of these might still atlon sets civilian models of wartime "walkie-talkies" Urlll F 0 B ' R E N T- Suites for rent. Furnistjcd nlcp,, warm. J42 Parjf Aye.' Phone preen 224. . (2(JG) , Rupert ur..-, daughter, 3 30.1048. H Cabbage, Jb 10 soon be available in the United Biiinkenshlp was again a passenger on the same bus and happened to sit in the same seat. To her amazement she found the bill fold, with everything intact, under the cushion She had placed it there, and forgotten. Rhubarb, lb 1 Jpinach, lb 1& ishment should be the main ponslderatlpn in dealing with sex offenders, says a report by the Scottish Advisory Council on treatment and rehabilitation. "'''! When an offence appears to be a mere incident in adolescence, prosecutors should consult a medical pfficer or psychiatrist with a view to requiring the offender to submit' to medical treatment, the report said. In adolescent pases it recommended probation under skilled supervision. In other pasgs, when the SAL Isotopes, Important Tools In Experiments, Still Rarely lised in Production ' By FRANK CAR FY WASHINGTON (API If you have any idea that atomic energy already has aided Indus, try widely in the production sense pull up a chair It just hasn't.. The General Advisory Co.m- FOR RENT Cabin, furnished, nice, clean and warm. 1142 park Ave. phone Oreeri 224 I206i peels, bunch, 2 for 20 Tomatoes, No. 1, lb. .23 States. The United States Fe4er41 Communications Commission has announced that It will shortly begin licensing individuals for "personal and private communication" in this field. Large level rnui. Apply s. .be classified as Investigative. k gigoU Ave. TOURED WITH DOBBIN JOHN O' GROATS, Scotland FOR RENT Furnished 2-room suite. 1235 Park Avenue. (20ai In scores of labororatories Commission and university labs as well as industrial ones Intensive research is looking to- it John Penistan, 48, of Clee- Wartime room FpB RENT Furnished 4-room I thorpe, Lincolnshire, rode his 14- mittee to the United States At The set is described as a camera -sized .affair which may be slung over the' shoulder by a strap, slipped into a purse or carried in the hand. li Ave. west. Jlat, centrally located, for year-old horse on a tour of Dri New Potatoes, 6 lb 2M Canned Vegetables Dill pickles, gal i 1.35 Jut preen Beans, fey 17 q. 6 Peas, fancy - .14 Mixed Vegetables .lb )iced Beets, 2 tins . .25 Was Beans, choice 3 Aixed Peas and Carrots 18 Pumpkin v ... :.. .ifc Corn, choice -24 Corn Nlblets .24 'ard many other industrial us- omic Energy Commissipn says that even wJfrVi tVia Kul' trHni- es. j0 after u p (2U9i offender has proved guilty, the three months. Phone Red 812. 1 204 1 "The cal breaks it doesn't, see, how tain .starting at Land's End and arriving here recently alter 55 days' travelling. entire field of metal-says the Commisslno, cpurt should consider a psy "Personal Radio" will aid in chiatrist's report before mak i,t would be possible for ''any urey' considerable Dortion" of trie ' Is is ceI certain to be influenced - by Phone tfl supervising farm or other labor scattered over wide areas, make possible remote .control of already structure ing an order. II there was a chance pf cases responding 1j treatment, but not while under world's present power supply to lracer investigations be 'replaced by atomic fuel ln,under, wav on the LOST AM) MUMP manufacture, alloying, iluraliii- L1((i liOU-H, new . J3UU0. PlKJlK' (2U7i FOR RENT 5 rooms with bath, toljet, and Monarch rant;... Apply 10.5 1st Ave. West. (204 1 FOR RENT Two-room apartment, and Dingle sleeping room. Apply 221 5th East. (205) radio-operated deyjees, allow communication between j-wo prison sentence, offenders !an 20 years. CUIIOSIOII UIIU 11 ICUUIl Ol Tr,rl0lev.o r.tV,Q- nraat oo ry Ity, Cherries, lb. .30 nrimOQ In lha coma rtlnrHKjt metals. hood, or enable hikers in dan-Jpncou' the atomic field the isotopes", are being extensively used in 21 .24 lb l.iQ Bt-arh kitchen ruom suite; ono LOST Tuesday, Brown wallet containing money and keys. Finder phone Seaman Red 958 (U, FOJND - Case with 5 keys. Owner may have same at Daily News office and paying for this add. (tf. should be placed on probation ' under a cpmpetent psychotherapist. Cases, which might respond to treatment, put whk'h require restraint, should be committed to prison lpng pnqugh to ensure porppletion of treatment. Where industrial laboratories. But, despite thpir possibilities for the future, these peace .4? The Associated' press reports fmonfs' ff FOR RENT Sleeping looms. 80) Borden Street. Ufi Grapefruit, Texas (white), TUNA FEVER STIRS ISLANDS time by-products of alomic- that every big radio-set manu-facturer has been working on 00's, 4 ior ".. 27 (pink), 86's, 6 for .2" bonib development have so farl this gadget for the last two FOR RENT Flat In Rand Block. Apply Ma? llellbruiier, Jewels . (tfi found only a few uses on pro PERSONAL years and quantity' production Vranges (Naveli 2 doz .... 47-.G'." ln the U.S. may be expectecj in ;Dates' ib & the near future. I tresfc 3lta' plate, double .raters. PhoiK' 8th Ave. East. ( .:! Barrymore j-pifce sprjiu;-,,d. Both in ,o0 Green 81C. 1204) there was po chance of treatment succeeding, the sentence should be a period of preventive detention or committal to a mental institution. duction lines. They are being A fisherman wh omakes his used almost entirely on invest-1 livlng catching dog fish in the igative work covering projects J Hecate Straits reports that the to which the manufacturers of Unna fever is runnine hot in the Range of the sets sill mostly Local FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE in the Interior, stop at Telkwa Uotei, 244 miles from Prince Rupert, Just half way to Prince George. (tf) FOR RENT Que sleeping room. 850 7th Ave, East, phone Red 471. tf be limited to the horLaon line, Quart steel marhinprv rnhber. easn-' .22 .12 2 Pint blood of many Quen Charlotte Island fishermen. . , . FOR RENT 2 room suite furnished, Washington lilac k One night he walked into the The Terminal bp. sircooled Lara Pure, lb 40 PERSONAL -Lunch and seen by the normal eye. Power ranges from 100 to watts. The broadcasting frpqiiency will cover the 460-470 megacycle band. The "personal and private" Quen Charlotte City hotel and Cream, pin Eggs Grade A: large, cartoned, doz. 2nd Ave. Apply cottage at tyewstand Open Shortening , 46 all clay, every day, to give you rear, or phone Black 490. (20H) Une.oll, plastics, rayon, chemicals, drugs and other things are looking to get' better and more economical production. A wealth of fundamental knowledge is benlg gained, but you can count on your fingers the number of applications to every day work in industry to date. Glare Fruit the best we can in every way. (tf) Cherries, 2 lb. pkt .45 noticed a crowd of fishermen gathered around a table and giving rapt attention to something apparently being exhibited ln the centre of the human circle. By craning his neck the description of the service re KUK KENT-Furnished 2 room Bolter lrst Grade, lb. Ti MJIk Almond Paste, lb 4 fers only to personal and prl-j METAL. VVUHK Coconut, lb. 78 apartment. 801 Borden St. (tf) Adult and tl- ,; doors and ,.n Industries. (208. Hp lumber, ran- j:0 per truck $j(S3. 20il the thing for $, MeUl Pram-carriage. Large Evaporated Milk. stranger was able to see . what vate ownership nf Jthe . stations." Anyone who wants to tune In on a conversation may do so. Prior to starting regular li WANTED Isotopes are distinctive forms was creating the attraction. 16-oz. tins, 2 for .33 Cae f.7!) Cheese PLUMBINO Installations and repairs. SHEKT METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roofing. Letourneau it Sum, 629 Blxth West. Phone 543. (tf) of many common elements. One man was seated at the Fruit Cake Mix, lb 4b Dates (fancy), I -lb. pkt .3o Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs .39 Seeded Raisins, lb. 24 3helled Walnuts, 2 lb 47 Shelled Almonds, V'a lb 49 Shelled Brazils. V2lb .45 Some isotopes are "radioactive' table drawing diagrams of Canadian Cheese, lb 55 they emit "rays. When a tuna gear and explaining its Flour WANTED Bedroom dresser: also second-hand linoleum :n good condition. What have you? Apply to Box 378. Daily flews. radioactive form of sulphur is Pastry Flour, 1 lbs. ... 59 1 ,sy roiling on Newly over- mixed with sulphur instru censing, F.C.C. will receive suggestions on the proposed regulations up to Oct. 1. BROADCAST CALLOW'S STORY Walter Callow, blind and lour, 49's. No. 1 hard wheat 2.99 ments can "trace" what hap operation to the audience. Even operators of small boats that normally, follow the dogfish, salmon and cod industry, are said to be heaving their reg Jams Pure vaiifd. Phpne 1 1. Mill K .VU.K .4.TilK S-itled U'nticrs will be received by tin. MinlHii'r i.l purest at Victoria B C ., mil laur tlniii 11 am, Muiiduy. 27th Uiiy of SfpU'llibi-r. 148, Jor Vllf Flour (24's) 1.59 pens to all sulphur In some in trawberry, 24-oz .50 (200i Raspberry, 24-oz. 48 purchase of Licence X4S2I8. to cut dustrial processes. I "Tracer" Research paralyzed First World War vet WANTED Car Datterles, car radiators, brass and copper; paying good prices. See B.C. FURNITURE CO.. Black 324 ular gear ashore and rigging Tea n Coffee Coffee, lb A9 DeLuxe Quality, Jb 1.14 Jjutces 3.WHJ.ODO Ibm. of Spruce. Hemlock. Blackberry, 28-oz. 46 Cherry, 24-oz 9 nn with t.h RVnrr. linpa anri tViP t bed ar d i DfW. Phoii-.jiU. (tf) eran, famous as the originator of the Tobacco Bank for fight Cedar, Cypress, unrt Balsam, on an hrejt litluated on the North shore jI A second kind of isotopes is) eathered hooks that.take the Tomatoes, 20-gz 15 ing men overseas in the Second WORK WANTEP Steamer Fa:uae. Itane 5 Coast Land District Hve (5 1 yeurn v111 be allowed for removal of timber Further particular of the Chief Foresler. Victoria, B.C., or Dl..'.rlcl Forester. Prince Rupert, B C. Peach, 24-oz. 4a .prlcot, 24-oz. .48 Soups Canned Soups, .13 to 19 Meats Ham, boned and rolled, lb. .. .75 Ham, reg. lb. .72 PAINT turpi us U ana up. .ibie Uicludi.-i.: :urei bjc.I.L . Moore. Hwiin- WORK WASU'ELi-Experienced bookkeeper can handle one or two part-time accounts. Box 389 Dally News. 20G called a "stable" isotope. It s Tuna Qf lhe wegfc coast of he not radioactive, but it can al- Quen charlotte Tsand3. , f so be used in "tracer" research - -,..,.- - because it has a different! weight from the ordinary ele- THOUGHTFUL FIRFBUG ment. I LONDON CP Charged wi'h Why are there so few appli- setting fire to a lorry recently, cations when isotopes at least John Nelson, 24, told police.' "I radioactive ones have been , only wanted to show th; tiiii- , 40 oz. ;. Zi gallon in Apples, 20-oz. tin, per tin 14 . 40 oz. .., Jo Orange, 20-oz. ... J5 Blended (orange and grape fruit, 20-oz. ..: 19 ' 48-oz. 3$ Canned traits Strawberries, (New Pack) 3) Peaches, 20 oz .11 HELP WANTED S;eel nails, all drpn a big fire." He was remanded for a medical Bologna, lb 33 Welners, lb. ... 12 Garlic Sausage, lb .45 Bacon, pkg., lb. .45 Bacon, side, piece .CO Cottage Roll, lb.. 7Q Illy. Write ...r rman's. PimiI lift Can. (205 1 WANTED Housekeeper and " cook for small , institution State .salary. Live ln or out. , Phone Black 500. Box 418 (20C) World War and inventor pf a special bus for .wheel-chair veterans has received a Golden Rule award from the Mutual Broadcasting System. The story of Callow's epic struggle against overwhelming handicaps was read by a woman ln Tacoma, Wash., who submitted his name to Mutual's "Tell Your Neighbor" program for the Good Neighbor award. The result of the broadcast has been a flood of encouraging letters and offers. of assistance for the Walter .Callow Aid For Veterans' Fund. Known as the "human log," Callow was a flier the First World War. A Diane crash led Pears, 2 doz 33 repeater &ho'.- excellent con- Apricots, 20-oz 33 Liver Sausage, lb .a Cherries (fancv) 20-oz .38 Spare Ribs, -b. .50 I AMI Kl l.l-JHV .4(1 Rer Certificate of Title No 27642-1 to blocks Eighteen (IS) and Nineteen (IB), Townsite of MaRset. Map 4i. excepting Lot "A" of Block Nineteen (IB), Townsite of Mas-act. Map V49. as thnwii on Heicr-euce Pl in tflOO. and Lot "B" of Block Nineteen (19). Townsite of Musstt. Map W48. as shown on Kef-ernce Plan 1001. WHEREAS aatlafactory proof of loss of the ubove Certificate of Title Lssued In the name of Nootka Pack-Ini? Company (ll).'i7) Limited ha3 been filed In this office, notice Is hereby lven that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be nia'le to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Of tBux 3a Daily available i n ever-increasing quantities for some time? The rays from radioactive isotopes are dangerous to humans, for one hing, and may prove to be damaging to some valuable industrial materials and machines.' Special shielding against the rays must be planned, special instruments designed to handle them, detection apparatus installed to Fresh Pork Ham, lb 8 WANTED A reliable housekeeper for a short period, for small family. Apply Geo. Little and Son Ltd. East Kwln-Ua. P. P. '205i ART TO TOUR U.S. -STOCKHOLM, HP Art, treasures from the museums of Vienna, on exhibit at the National Museum here since early .sprpig, have been viewed by more than 150,000 persons, officials estimate. The exhibit will mak a tour of the United States. fiif 662. (205) l-size crib, with tiod condition. hl 204) Reaches, choice 29 y Soap Soap, face, 2 for li . Laundry, jcake - 2o Sunlight, cake 10 Soap Powders, targe 35 Pork Chops,. lb. .65 Pork Tenderloin, lb &( Pork Sausage,: lb. ,43 Steak, T-Bone, lb 20 Steak, round, lb .70 WANTED Reliuble Uixi driver lor 123 Taxi, Cow Bay. (Up to a disability which has left him paralyzed for the last 17 1 btfyie, iii ex- j o. phono; (2041 W A N T E D Girls for general laundry work, also one man. Apply Pioneer - Canadian Laundry. (tf) fice. Prince Kuper.t B.C., this 2th day ol July, 1948, AD ANDREW THOMPSON, Deputy Registrar of Tlttas. (211) MONETARY UNIT . Honduras' official monetary unit is the lempira. rtlJ be re- undersigned mi . Saturday, Sep- " purchase BOYS WANTED Boys deslrirv' News routes gliould leave their names at the office as vacancies may be occurring any dav 2 of Lot 1005, "Wn Charlo,'.e A. MacKENZIE : FURNITURE I t : LTD. A Good Place to Buy years and blind for seyen. Currently. Callow Is making plans for a $500,000 campaign to build 50 wheel-chair coaches which he thinks should allevi-at Canada's invalid problem Through Canada's trade and commerce department he is trying to interest the United States government in a $15,--: 000,000 - to - $20,000,000 -bus-building order which would send a fleet of from 1,500 to 2JJ00 of his special buses across the border. - ller with im-1 uted thereon l.M m.lilSTKY ACT He: Certificate f Tide No. 3.WII4-I to lot I i, llloi k SI. section 1, City of 1'rlnce ltllert. Map WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Joe Pook, has been filed In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate unless In the meantime vulld objection be made to me ln writing. DATED at the Land Registry Of- I hfst or any MAIDS WANTED for kitchen and ward work at .Miller Bay Indian Hospital. Some positions are for relief work and may 1 845 and Now! Our Plant t PftthoIpgit says II, C. Potato Crop warily accept- "s. Official Ad ministrator pt ?frcy Sliarne. be made permanent If services are suitable. Regular Clvir MAPLE, OLD COLONY DINING SUITE, Refractory Extention Table. Atmosphere of distinction to live with. : phone 775 327 Third Ave. ' At A 1 .1 B u. tnis vm Riirvleo lj.mii erprilts fice. Prince Rupert, f House, Prince w. .fv I QAR AD threatened with IS 1 ,207 granted. Apply: Matron, Miller Bay Indian Hospital, by phone or letter. (208) Deputy H Registrar of Titles. (215) f 1 I1. Owner HELP WANTED Christmas Late Blight Chandler & Cowgill Photographer Developing, Printing Enlarging : Box 645 218 4th St. JN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PETFIl CONRAD SHEREMETA TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Jude W. O. Fulton, ihK 17th duv of August, AD. '5' .Reasonable 9i'ed or unfur-five roomed and pantry, b Quiet location rbor. ideal for or Dept. of Call at J East, after 6 3e1 728. (205) Card Agents Let "Style Craft" be your guide for larger sales and commissions. Write Style Craft Greeting .Cards. 2166, W. 5 Ave., Vancouver, B. C. (209) NOTICE The Dally New wlshej U draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising Ja'payable'ln advance at the office at time of presenting copy ior advertising. Those desiring to ad. vertlse in this manner ln the Dally News are. Askjd to assist the office and respect ttils rule by refraining from telephoning classified 1U48 I was appointed Administrator Apply of .the Estate of Peter Conrad Bhere- jn piapy areas in the interior fpr the first time. Prompt action, even nqw, can do much to protect tubers from WANTED Dispatcher. The ame disease that caused the famine in Ireland ajjowt pne hundrerJ years ago. Jate Plight, a vet weather djsease, is widespread (tf ) nieta. deceased. 112 Taxi. ALL PARTIES naving r W Used Fur- Inst the said (fisiaio 2' k UTt'll . T T ,, 1. .... r., f f , " A)!!! to luriusn siiioe uu..j f e. Slight) tWO weeks middle of Septem- ,erlfl.'a to me on or before the 30tn 1948 after "ues, Kitchen 5; Bed. com. ber, Please phone buick wi y .:"'",", ",. mBy be paid id of y,,.e." r - , .,nlm. ( 200 1 or write Box 1CG4. Carpet In good 'aland k-iii,- 2 - WANTED Dispatcher, 537 Taxi. " ' (tf) Wash Bashu typewriter ln which I then had no knowledge ALL PARTIES indebted to the said hereby required to pay Fsute we it? .mount of their Indebtedness L)ATED 'a 'the City of Prince Ru-oert of British Col-PM in the Province of August, A D .this IBth day 1M48' UVASER FORBE3. SCHQQLS AND COLLEGES JWtoe Chair,; Jl&ok Cases. ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY Com CONSULT District Agriculturists, Horticulturists, Agents of the Marketing Boards and the Provincial Department of frgrmltiwe, Viptoria. Listen to the Farm IJrpacJcast on CBR each day. British Columbia Department oi Agriculture VICTORIA, B.C. RNITURE CO, OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. (207) mercial Classes. Day Class Tuition, $13 per month, opening Sept. 7. Night Class Tuition, $7.50 per month, opening Sept. 16. (205) fs and bath Your Best Eating Place FILL COURSE MEALS t '11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Banquet Hall ; for Luncheons, Dinners and Tarties Chinese Dishes ' BROADWAY ) CAFE i I C1. loon. MACIIINEttt KJK SALE a Ollnlll.. ... . Sealed tenders will be received up to Noon, September 17th, 148, by the Chief Forester. Victoria, for the construction of a four-car Oarage at Smithers, B. C. Plans and specifications may be obtained from District Forester, Prince Rupert, Forest Hangers at Hamitan and Smithers. or the Chief Forester, Victoria, on deposit of five dollars, which jfvlll be refunded upon return of plans. fU;., ln good condition within thirty days. The lowest or any tender hot necessarily accepted. Tenders must Je submitted ln an envelope marked "Tender for th construction of Four-car Qarajp t Smlthtrs, B. C." I "-y uiftir r 'or six-r.u.n. Sea.ed tenders will be received by EnS-8--' 5 a"8 f b m. of Spruce, Cedar and situated on the Hemlock, on . area Land District. will be allowed auowea for Two (2) years removal of timber. of the Ch e Further particulars PHe 782. (205) Hon. Frank Putnam, Minister. J. li. Munro, M.B.E., Deputy MinisU'r. sPeed boat IO 6AW better lumber more economically use the modern ,arjd up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, yancouver, BC. (tf) i ' be seen 139 808 3rd Ave. W. Phone 800 Apply m - B.C.. or District ! (205) foraater, B.C, n Rupert, Forester, Pnuce J