Prince Ruperi Daily Hews rnfrERBOx" i-n n l hi . CLACIEE3 P.ESPpN-SlSLE j The tocu.o.' gMa Jam. 80:1 rwt4-f Cans i resulted irrmi . ceMortes ; gisclAl action. etvice$ii Friday. November 10, 1950 rains. ; if shse rrrs Whst kind of mnnby-pmbT j . An independent da"y ue-srjpaper devotea u the npbu"dig of Prtnct ; Rupert and Rofitem and central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulation Canadian Daiiy Newspaper Association O. A. HUNTER, Managing Ecitcr. H G. FEHEY. Managing Director J SUBSCRIPTION' RATE3 WEEK-END SERMCN THE REAL NEED 1E7 CAPTAIN W. C. POULTGN. Sanation Arniyi TEXT: "I will work a work in your dys, which ye not believe, though it be to.d you." Habakkuk 1:5. DIRECTORY ! In til rhnnhf at II a-m. h4 1:M am.; Sanriat irtumt ac 12:1 erapt as k.Kin ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL A. W at DuiiMTiUir St Holf Corr.munlijii 3tl III Sunday School 2 CO p m. Caoua 6fci 8. Prur t nr. B A . B I. Rector: (Blue TSJ worUr.n nave we got In this community? Where U the trvt ccnlrBcticr-irt that wont drrii that be U "h&ppy-go-larfev, free spending, and rekie fluster" at vour editorial sta!. Il'i )ot thi'se kind ct irvfi that B7 Carrier, Per Wetfc, 20c; Per Month, Vx: P-r Ycir, 00; By Ma'J, Per Month. 50c; Per Year. So 00 Ce CUssiTd, lor Result RARQ Year in year out qua!;f, . Sfcspi been and f?fT3 AH nn J can build th "iron tnantir" and e.-. , , i , .t- i bo many weird and unforeseen things happen that get th job dime. Thn ti t these days that we have become blase and hardened , ro u 'ar rtiUe Mr wurthy- '-" fowl a!oi ! r h i whi;e . i j i i to shock and surprise. ri The strides made bv seien: eo!Ur - j-a-. 1 liV ' aivJ nilV4V. aJf 1 V- II .-, VU! Mali d-tuii.h S I v 1 i VI ' 1 s 1 cluf !iy It hard are such that we just accept as fact the next stens ' . ET ,i , , . t tn wine h i tney plan to ...i take. Our grandfathers had lived who biowt it HtOft- t th n iir- tdl a m Mr. Worthv- throiifrh -a nprinl ih-it -u lar.rcli. ctot; n,, f.,U.. . Citiatn cn rvt on the C"ilat O" I -" v. t. t f-V J VLI . VUI 144 Lilt; -5 , hore, or Is it Mr. WjrthyCit fix saw the beginning of the grea FIRST MAPTIT sth Att E. t Young S Btluiru-r: R-t Fred Antrortua (Grn tilt riRT PRESBYTFkltS . Ul w!) East ReT E A Wrlgtt. DD iGrwi ea first iMtro M ex a Are st iCtwn tlSi t FI LL OO-KFI. TtHt.RVArLE 2lf2 6in Av st Pastor: C Fan-wtt Stnlca 11 a m. and 730 pm. Sunday Sthuol 12 IS. (Green 331 1 I i she resjjvtab! soe tv In that very suffering and Ha out - -o - lu-ty b-rrrr-i t inventive age. We have become SO ILied to it that Wn Hcmar.rl t--7 BUt jat the ron- j .... . . . ' ator.emenL God shoxed n a Scmi-Drcis Ponrs All sizes from 32 ui Now !Ue .ami yeiBiiuciore. 01 wnal . .,, strurUon hcr- kicki up h'? he we choose to call "progress." ork h,ch far 100 many w!l f M ,vrT wrek-end I am often reminded of a very njl brieve. . J oi1 r-overb say: "If sh'- fil old but very true saying which The mind that w ill readily ac- ! wear it. suns thus: 'Because it is old it cept Mr. Einstein's theory of' MTfHw. HI .MAN. is not necessarily good and be- ' nen.' Deiiv-rv. reaUvtyi or the feaslw,y of cause it is new it is not neces- , i Prince R-i-rt f C sarily better for there is good in focket lrlPs to the Moon and the old and bad in the new Just ars, finds it imjxssib!e to lie-! EQUAL TERMS as there is vice-versa." lieve that the death of Jesm ' Leader of the dominions t The need of on equal tPrms mRh Brtu-sn Ce- greatest man to- Christ atones for their s n and uay dav is is still s.ui bpvnnfl ceyona the Lie mtnrlp miracle ,j . ., . 'npt Ministers for the first time tnem of lhe fc gu t of u j men of science to provide. All sjns , n lf- f the K, Sarin Covered Comforter bed. Now SALVATION ARMY Frt-.r f:i". CO.: C4t. W. PoulU-n CMnvVjry lana 2 JO p m Sunday Sctujut 3 00 pm (B.aca ,2HU frT. fl lS M TH1:R Sib A... at fcJcBridt Et Factor: fc Suluoid (Biack 610) pillows Jo match the comforters. 50c t Comforter Double bed sap Let Ls Remember TOMORROW, as we pay homage to those who laid down their lives in two world wars in the hope that those who survived might live in a peaceful world free from tyranny and oppression, we can not hut view with uncertainty and concern what lies ahead. But in choosing our course of action, the sacrifice of those we honor on Remembrance Day must he considered and the goal they had before them must b2 our goal Today Canadian seamen and airmen are engaged in a struggle to keep alive our ideals of opportunity for all and least possible restraint on the f rfefcdom of the individual. A ground force has completed its training, and the advance party has entered the Korean theatre of war to prepare for active participation. Once more loved ones at home are suffering the uneasiness and anxiety they feel fod those who are exposed to danger. For the third lime in the memory of many the citadel of our free vkvf of life is being assailed by armed forces of aggression. But tomorrow we take time out from our Worries of today to glance back with pride and sadness on the accomplishments of fellow Canadians on the field of honor, to pay tribute to those who ended their lives there and to consider those who, although ;not killed, have had their lives and bodies broken ;by the evil forces of war. I It is not enough to bow our heads in prayer 'for them for a few moments. We must pray for the strength and guidance that will be required to bring Uie iMiiS ol Uie lecluiottal, uie "Having eyts tliey see not, j tnechar.ic, the man of state-crait. Want Ads, Sure Results! selection, from V$Wo$' First Presbyterian Church .the laboratory technician, the menjber ,t WM Jesus ; physicist and others fail in the w n preat particular of which I He also said a ,nU111 apeak The solution of this need t f n Marvei !ould make it possible for all nnt ,ha, . . SI. PI.TFR-H ANGLICAN Seal Cow StrodaT firhoc; 11 M a m. Evening Prayer 7 :3t p m. (Blue aV7 ! juy the things that we accept as KFIil't.AR BAPTIST 829 6th Aw E. Blu 803 Patnr: kr. liurU A. IIiijt. Vs. normal ia the Western world. The settlement of this require be .born aain.' "Behold I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you." It is still the outstanding marvel of our day. What is? This great plan of Salvation ment of man would release mil-; lior.s of man-hours for further research and invention. That, m-ed is the paramount thing occupying God's time on our be-: Rcte of Poy For Mounties for man's soul CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT COURT OF REVISION OTTAWA Recruit3 enterini j half. It is the need for man to j the service of the RCMP draw , be able to iive as God intended $3.75 a day and board and lod?-I he should iive. There will bej ings for the first year. The pay j those who will say there is no scale thereafter is $4 Der day the ; settled plan of such living. They j HOTEL ARRIVALS are wrong. God gave os a de- RE MUNICIPAL VOTERS' II Prince Rupert McCarvill, W. Traecer, second year, and arter that a basic rate of $4 50 a day. Higher ranks bring mors mney ! finite plan ... To Glorify God, yj. louixiue me tarui, Be uur w 1 Jones n J Mruwrln .rr ' j Brother's Keeper. and Mrs. Huffman and j. D. In 1948 vessels engaged in sea-: Man's failure caused God great Waddington. Vancouver; , J. O. Notice is hereby given thot c CcJ the world through this dangerous period. We must Revision to correct and revise the A.VI 231 Fourth A Eist , Minister: Rev. E A. Wright. DD. Organists: Mrs. E. J. Smith John Currie. November 12, 19M Murnins Worship 11 o'clock. Sunday School 12:15 Evening Service 7 JO Kememoer Uie Sabbath Day i to Keep It Holy." ' ;We extend a cordial Imitation . ... , ... , . , Kuing anu iniana international ouncmig auu ynuu, ma ynui nuuri. nujtc vieoigr, v-. ;back Up Our prayers With eitort. V e must CUt OUT I service entered Canadian port3 i best seen In the suffering of Leaslt, Metlakatla; 3. W. Good-; Voters' List will be held in the Council O: 'petty differences with neighbors as the first step fcltne rate ot His sn Jesus Christ on cai City Holl, Prince Rupert, B.C., on Wjr.J REMEMBRANCE DAY, THOUGHTS in cutting out international differences. We must 1 try to understand the -other fellow's problems that i ve may know better what steps to take to settle i disputes with the least chance of open conflict j Novrmber 15th, 1950, ct 10:00 A.M. : H. D.THAIN, City Clerk. to visitors to worship with us. - - i neart, u. w. Kogerson and a. Jensen, Ketchikan: Philip Bishop, Sandsplt; H. E. Eergu-; son and C. Leard, Victoria; C.i P. Bussinger, Telkwa; Miss B. Weir. Masset; Betty Moore, Wrangell. ! Joe Moe. Ocean Falls; A. A. Sangster, J. E. Wood. M. W. Mar-lalt. L. F Smith and F. Ashdowrn, Vancouver; J. 8 Stokes. Victoria; "G. Martin, W. M. Caron. Mr. and Mrs. Hart and R. J. Bone, Prinee ; Rupert: M!.-is D. Ramshaw. Prince White crosses standing row on row. Earth's grave-scar markers grimly show Where youthful h'-roes, strong and brave. Laid down their iives this world to save. This we owe to those we honor tomorrow. ! In the words of John McCrea's famous poem: i "If ye break faith with us who die, We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders' fields." u'-ore; h. Buchanan, Smithers. i t I t I a a SCRIPTURE PASSAGE FOR TODAY "Then opened He their understanding, that they might understand the Scriptures." Luke 24:45. i Tedoy ia 7 prtvfan la Connie, 4 4 regular poynents g t awry nwA J I I I tt te wioewi whose nxxhrfai keseonas J.M CHlllll loekad aher the htmt thraeaa 1,1. r-rl l tntarawa pelkie wtth... ""'. , . ' I J FT USE YOUR CREDIT - DONT ABUSE IT tannaru . I know your meh&age. little cross: You speak of sorrow, pain and loss; Of luneiy hearts, yr.t aching still. Of empty chairs that none can fill. O valiant souls! who r.avc your all To kep U3 free fro- t 3 thrall: Yours was the sacilri h pain. You died that we rnith'. fnedom gain. Your eight more clear on yonder shore Where scream of bo-nb is heard no more; Where war and slaughter madness seem, You know how vain U mankind's dream , That war can harvest yield of peace, From strife and hatred bring Naught hut good -will fro.n heaven's abod? Can lift fiom man war's crushing load. Could we, like you, more clearly see, This work! from war woukl soon be free, And man wi'.h man would brother be To live in peace and harmony. And none would covet n i.her's share, Much pain and loss his brother spare, Man's inhumanity unknown And kindness rule men's hearts alone. If you pay your bills promptly, any merchant or professional man, anywhere, will cheerfully say "OK." when you say 'charge it " CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT rvfn i iunK u'J i: hours Weckdoys 9 cm. o9p.m, Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p m 7 p.m. to 9 p. - aGEM- i rScib W r? - : I , . Ov'ir r' '. ... 11,1 1 :J Ilniii a- aj j.i'a mill g I SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENl Performance Heating The New FAWCETT TORRID-OIL HEATER Representatives t.ciiard Sep-iton, District Agent, 475 Howe St., Vancouver, BC R. E. Mortimer, Representative, Prince Rupert, B. C. Will Robinson tE, T. Kenney Ltd.) Representative, Terrace, PC ii.C. Webber, CJU.. Branch Manager, 475 Howe St.. Vancouver. B C Golden, B.C. W. E. SIEBER a Ja it Economical Hr t A I Clean Efficient When and Where Convenient You Want It! Attractive CHRISTMAS IS COMING! LET US BAKE YOUR CAKE PHONE 643 vmik mm NOW UNDERWOOD PORTABLE TYPEWRITER Junior and Senior High School Steocnfe ia firrtbh Columbia, hcrc'f year chance to awn a portable typewriter. Jwt write 150 woret cwjyf Your choice of other fine pritei if Sec Them Today At McRAE BROS. RUPERT BaKERY LTD. yoa donl need a typewrKat, For full details about the f3!yAVlj;"'7a.-,f r;i..a,i,B.5..-,,.i,i.,,aii.xj.i.,j1il,,),,,:.11.,,,jiS.i. hWrtur. t. help !(Jf-,n ' J 1 K, 't L ConteA, free you jet atarted 7 SERVING THE B.C. C0Ai QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS FROM rRINCE RITKRT TO: MARKET I'ORT CLEMENTS ALLIPORD BAT CUMSHEW 5 LtlAVE: PRINCE RUPERT "c''m't"" Except Thursday and Sunday FROM PRINCE Bl TKKT TO: ALICE ARM STEWART . SO LEAVE: PRINCE RUPERT THURSDAYS J( LEAVE: STEWART FRIDAYS ' TICKETS - INFORMATION - PHONE 476 -f j QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES I pletc IM of For BUDGET MII'DED pnrrt yoer name Furs tn tofm below and mt ' 4 " "53 " Jf W0ME1I! into mw cmtM aponaorarf by K Pulp , i. '"''""' Columbia to ramlrul tAa YounTZ f rt tuiint, a thm inrrmailng Impartanca a cKa InAutrv I iX ? t, ""'" '" Ply " daily ail fca lit II Extra corrfort and less work for ' you with a Coleman Oil Heater Low in Cost Efficient in Operation Available now at 3 Ways lo PA Y j Easy Payment Plan . it Lay Away it Cash PuiPtmniBffiS1 mm IN B K 1 1 " - I.ANAMAN PULP PAPER AS8 N (WESTERN BRANCH) BILL SCUBY FURS rnuww, p.c, BMd CoalMt InformalfaM n Utaralora kH QV Ki"as& Christopher B f ... r..:.l.t on oil Fli3h Phone 974 Prince Rupert Bo 1362 Nam 1 LI iVL4 Air rreiy Addreu McBrlde Street. Phone 311