Prinrp Ri inert Daily News Friday, November 10, 1950 Inquest Is Adjourned lot HOME IMPROVEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS Bridge, whist and cribbage Catholic Hall, Thursday, November 16, at 8 p.m. Eastern Star Ball, Nov. 17. Conrad School P-T.A. Card Party, Nov. 17 at 8 p.m. St. Andrew's Cachedral W.A. Fall Sale, Nov. 18. Fashion Craft l-e your home. ('turn' L unued roomf, L, or attic with Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Dance at the Valhalla Hall Hail Saturday night from 9 to 12. Music by Mike Colussl. (It) P inert MCrvsney sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver CSC II Is Fire Proof Wall .u IT" VAU salled last nigl't on ! the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar afternoon and evening, Nov. 16. (264c) Kobert H. Parker sailed last night on the Prince George for a business trip to Vancouver 1" mit' Inquest into the death of Mrs. Jennie Josephine Ritchie was adjourned yesterday until Tuesday afternoon. The body was viewod and identified by Mrs. Willa Ray, who hid been with Mr." RUchie,just before tha fatal-accident. R,v -; 1 - -"'l ip'f '-nrp'l ""l,?id" th? J Lome Mac-M-en Ltd stT-e on Third Avenue between 20 and 15 minutes to one Tuesday. She described how Mrs. Ritchie was dressed, all In black i fa ' x f- V nalli m Will not wrp, Mb Mrs. J i. McMillan returrM II. Take! any S.O.N. Whist and Dance, Fri- Vancouvei' on the Prince km1 TOWNSMAN Suits from fabrics in the tradition of excellence. The WORSTEDS from which TOWNSMAN Suits are tailored',' are of brilliant fabric achievement from the Empire's finest mills. TOWNSMAN brings you a suit that bespeaks all that is fine In fit, comfort and good c ;uay, nov. io. Whist, 8 o'clock. ; Music by Mike Colussl. Refresh- "cui6c ia.-i mgni aiier a vi.-.n hf-rp ith her sister, Mrs. C. II. Elklns, Fourth Avenue Fast Canadian Legion Card Party,' Nov. 22. j I.O.D.E. Fall Bazaar November 23. ! Port Edward Anglican Bazaar at ' Community Hall, November 23, 2:30 p.m. , i Nurses' Annual Ball, Nov. 24. Lutheran Church Lutefish and fishcake dinner. Sat., Nov. 25. Annunciation Home and School Association bake sale, Lyons Corner, Nov. 25. L.O.B.A. Bazaar Dec. 1. Job's Daughters Bake Sale, Overwaitea, Dec. 2. I with a fur piece and red g'oves. menu, everybody welcome. i (263) Faying his first visit here since ; Friday night, 8:30 FOR ALL BUILDERS' NEEDS. PHONf 116or117 BERT & McCAFFERY LTD. P-m. Brlng-your- Kfv i-8 Missus night. Saturday, t"3$t 9 p.m. Dance. Navy Drill Hall, . . a new conception $1.00 per (263c) J I l . i i. . ; 5 f i g In a word I !' 'xj of value. couple. She said she remembered the fed gloves as it was Mrs. Ritchie's custom to wear black leather gloves. She identified a pair of gloves produced by the peace officer conducting the Inquest. Police asked for an adjournment until next week as the case was still under investigation. Jurors are David Abel, fore-nan, Ed. John Arney, George Ferguson, Charles Young. Charles Dixon and Patrick Bolton. I . ft. 355.00 " S85-00 NOW SUITS United Church Fall Bazaar, 1 TAi ,1 appointment to the post of gen-eial bupeiintendent of Canadian j National Railways with head- quarters in Vancouver, R.H. Robertson is here today. He arrived by train last night and will leave by tonight s team on his return 'u Vanjouver via Jasper Park. He is accompanied by S. J. Mon-j roe, district engineer lor British Columbia. C A." Berner, divis--onal superintendent, and it. C. Davidson, divisional engineer, I came in trcrrr Jasper with the of-;'ii:'lals F. H. Kesfe. whom Mr. December 7. j JARKAS PnH orH dun Mnvpltv FlnrP ' 5 Band Concert Charms Many Naas River Musical Organization Acquits Itself With Distinction T qdies in civie f sew ins tables at the Canadian Legion bazaar on Tnsday were Mr3. M. J. Keays, Mrs. George Currie, Mrs. E. Ganton, Mrs. J Taylor. M"s. B. Russell, Mrs. F. Marsha'l. Mrs. M. Ritchie, Mrs. W. J. Lineham, and Mrs. V Scherk. C. P. Bussinger, well-known Telkwa merchant and hotel December 15. (p 1 to 6 years NOW AT Legion Raffle Prize Winners Prince Rupert music lovers Rotertson recently succeeded as Proprietor, arrived in the city last night were eiven a rare treat KL' "14U superintendent, w?3 re- last mgnt irom tne interior, oe-hv th ,h,i n.Z Jl t."t centlv transferred to Winnipeg lng here to attend the annual ORK SHOPPE RYERT I! J 303 3rd Ave. W. Fifty skilled musicians, expertly lLIl woven into one unit by Band-! Winners in raffles at the Canadian Legion bazaar Wednesday night were: Grand First, W. Baker; second,, D. McRae; third, George Graham; fourth, Doris Allen. ( Luncheon set Norah Watson. master Fred McKay, deliehted , over w AiIreQ McKay, fatner of Thirty years ago, he contin meeting this afternoon of the Skeena District Liberal Association. Beside routine business, Valhalla Lodge last night discussed plans for the New Year party for children. Plans were left in the hands of the entertainment committee. Following the business session were films and re !N - GLO s & High Gloss their audience throughout a two hour concert. Outstanding on the program was the rendition of Rossini's "Semlramide" overture, a delightful piece with many Intricacies which the band skillfully mastered. At times it seemed as If Mr. McKay, through his own personality, drew the tones from the Instruments. Friendship quilt First, Mrs. Ron Facey; second, Pat Anderson; third, N. G. Nelson. ' Candy Colleen Hogan. Runner Bud Berry. Kitchen set Mrs. P. Lyons. - April Mrs. C. Boulter. . Shawl Elizabeth Bird. Apples Myra Gilchrist. JVJ'C Ijfegai iPffamteiro l PHONE 21 222 SECOND AVE. JU l"TXi 1 HOLLYWOOD CAFE freshments. beautiful tints or decorating. ued, at Vancouver, the band had taken every musical award. "The Indians," he said, arje moving inevitably into the full life of Canada." Mr. Anfield told of Commissioner Arneils pleasure on hearing a concert by the band on his recent visit to the Lower Naas and of , his going-away statement that he would see to it that the band played at the Canadian National Exhibition. Mr. Anfield said it made him very proud to have such a band. Prince Rupert, too, would be proud that such a band came from their district to play at the 1 exhibition. K DRi ING Rotary Hears of OMPSON " Martha," by F. van Flotow, was another number that caught the fancy of the enthusiastic audience. The many difficult LTD ARE CO. Thi, advertisement . not pJSZi m J1 Wf SpCCiolize diplyed by the Liquor Control Board o sPT"-n .(Nfl?-. ln W, Governs ol Q WMit DKHFS j passages In the arrangement 1 were taken in stride by the band. I "Old Timers' Waltz," a medley of FROM THE FACTORY TO YOU Native Culture ! Indians Have Capabilities I Equal To Anyone Else 1 Rotarians at luncheon yesterday heard an interesting address on the culture of the northwest Indians, illustrated by slides, delivered by Frank Smith, who has for 25 years interested himself in Indian matters. I Packing, Crating The band last night wore smart ind General !!)( if and Storage CHOP SUEY CHOW MElM ' I For Outside Orders PHONE 133 .1 OPEN FROM 7:30 P.M. to 3:30 A.M. 1 new uniforms, which were dedicated last spring during the Vic BABY CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Lowest Price ln Canada. Beauti-f ull first quality, completely tufted. No sheeting showing. Ah colours double or slnele bed Who Says that movies aren't better than ever? SEE 'Stars in My Crown' AT THE CAPITOL-soon such favorites of the Gay Nineties as "Bicycle Built for Two," "Sidewalks of New York," "Annie Rooney" and "The Band Played On," carried a few back to the "good old days" and reminded a great mafly more of songs they remembered their toria Day celebration. At Van 1 couver 30 years ago, Mr. Anfield said, they were dressed In animal skins just to prove they were ReliaDle and Effl-e. Also agents for -quid Air Co. Lta., , Acetylene and all pplles. Y'S CARTAGE sizes. Flowered or solid patterns Mr. Smith started off by outlining the different groups of $5.25 eacn. sent u.u.u. pius Indians. . Following is the program play-, inaians 10 ae iuuiiu m uie piu- postage. Immediate money-back I guarantee. Order one, you willj order more. Town & Country! ed last night: KAGE LIMITED Mfgrs., 6330 Mountain Sights St.. Montreal, Quebec. hp ad Park Avenues Phnp 60 and 68 vjnee. ne expiainea mav me mild climate and abundance of food at the coast gave the Indians more leisure time in which to develop their culture. Barrens and more severe climatic conditions, tended to retard the culture of interior Indians. Advent Electric Blankets GENERAL ELECTRIC "DUAL CQ 50 .... CONTROL" OU'vv Healing Pads parents singing. The "Gippsland March" by Alex F. Llthgow was a hey day for the clarinet section and horns. r INDIAN SUPERINTENDENT ' F. E. Anfield, who was master of ceremonies. In Introducing the: band, told of Its inception 70 years ago when Rev. A. Green, a missionary pioneering the Gos pel on the Lower Naas, first felt his people had a heritage in music. On a tsip to England, Mr-Green was so enthusiastic about the musical capabilities of the natives of the village named after I IS & pry Steamer of the Europeans at the end of 1 ( '-;. the eighteenth century brought great changes In culture, Mr. Smith said. Previous to their 9-50 I GEORGE SAILS FOR GENERAL ELECTRIC arrival, the Indians had a stone age culture. He had slides to il "Salutation" march (Roland Seitz). "Two Moods" overture (Clare E. Grundman). "Gippsland"" 'marcrr (Alsx T. Llthgow). "Martha," selections (F. van Flotow). "Old Timers' Waltz. Quartet for two alto, tenor and baritone saxophone. "Amparito Roca" Spanish march (Jaime Texidor). "Semlramide" overture (R. Rossini). , "Kilties" march (S. E. Morris) "Honeysuckle Polka," trumpet solo (J.. O. Casey). "Intermezzo" (A. Coleridge-Taylor. , "Chimes of Victory" march (Joseph Bergfim). "Jennadean" (Carl Frangki-sen). The band Is playing another concert tonight before returning to Greenville at the JHCOUVER WAFFLE IRONS COMBINATION WAFFLE IRONS lustrate some of the instruments and weapons from those days. The Europeans introduced metals to the country and gave the 12-00 12.00 Inltrmfdiate Ports , him that the people there sent I back with him twelve musical instruments anl a retired band master. Within ten days of their arrival at Greenville, they had a and SANDWICH TOASTER h Thursday 11 15 p.m. NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. KETCHIKAN KSHY MIDNIGHT STEWART, B.C. I PRINCE RUPERT band with twelve musicians and twelve Instruments and played the doxology and the German "Hymn of the Evening." Some members of the band last night, he said, were the third generation to play In the Greenville band. When the English band natives a much wider field for development of their art. Naas and Skeena Indians, Mr. Smith described as traders, acting as middlemen between the seagoing travellers of the Queen Charlotte Islands and the interior Indians. The local people were fine carvers, he said, and left many examples of totem poles and other carvings. Mr. Smith showed the difference between the woven baskets il coast lndiar"- and th PHONE 210 for Keservauona Write or Call CITY OR DKfOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. master left, he turned the band MR. PILE SUFFERER baskets of the interior. He told how the people did their cooking Hiring 1!).'(I, tli- iipw I'VI.TOM; has brvome svinhol of nurt-etui nmons n thp sewn baskets, first filling pllr Miffrrrrw from iwst to coast. --ver to our Kiiowiru-e a- iirim mu nem wlth water and then adc' Den Backstay was a boatswain, A very jolly boy, No lad than he more merrily Could pipe all hands ahoy. For over a century Lamb's Navy has been the call of those who know PVI.TDNK bwn poimllrd In the tlw results It lilvps everywhere. 1'Vl.lONb ine hot stones. He also showed Diamond Price Boost All Diamond wholesalers were notified of a 15 to 20 increase in prices as of October 15, 1950. Manson's Jewellers were very fortunate in purchasing a real large selection two days before this increase and all rings now in stock will be sold at the old prices. We have now on hand over 200 rings, giving you by far the largest selection in styling and prices offered in town. Come ln today. Easy Credit Terms Available TRKATMKNT. 8 liquid tiiken by nuiuth, l roniMnnided from Bpeelal guniH, ' halMima Jiid hfrlml eMraots. It eoes directly to the Inner trouble, reninvlni; the vawte ot ille, retorlii lnriiinied and hroken tissue to a normal healthy some hats with their strange designs, many of which he said were copied from bird hides cut down the middle and spread out. Art in those days, he said, was . state. Koine dislike the taste but reiill fount. First bottle Rives results or price refunded at onre. 11.13 at jur drusfilsfs. (H) fATHALL'S good rum. Smooth and mellow ,1 FINISHING is matured, blended and bottled in-Britain of the finest Demerara Rums. decoration of objects. Other objects shown were canoes, a cooking box,, ceremonial staff, a drum, club, etc. One was a picture of a person with his head bound ln order to de ; Kodak Camera Line-up. tachments for all Cameras. r nd Kodachrome Film. ' MANSON'S JEWELLERY MANSON'S JEWELLERY I form it. The speaker said those ft Lamb's Maw ffiimi unnatural deformities did no armarent damage to the brain. Pn?. Printing and He showed an Eskimi mask and I enlarging. i Ave. W. h K A some mechanical masks. COULD FIT IN In conclusion, Mr. Smith said it was partially failure of new arrivals to appreciate Indian culture that had led them to aban- This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor C Control Board or by the Governmcm of British Columbia. An olj sea shanty I I I n 1 1. tfwc&'neM "T 1 from $298.50 V WfrV Vwrl " j f.o.b. Vancouver 7v TsVi VArtV I lWVlr ! ' Taxes extra where v. 1 1 VT dV' W ) I applicable. f; SV J 4 t- " fi 70.00 TOKEN OF LOVE that given the same opportunities as others the Indian would fit into alj aspects of society as well as the next person, it is j diamonds, w . I M I e J jar.vv Jill I : our duty to assist them to be- J I come true Canadians." he said. 5 CHOOSE . HER RING NOWJ S We will lay it away for Christmas, jj? SAFE FAST - CLEAN - ECONOMICAL SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL g SELECTION TODAY " Token of Love p Inning Gilding PAIRING Coll 363 THE PIONEEU v 19 pleas lend mt more information: TODAY'S SAV Name- . The speaker was introduced by JS President Bruce Brown. Ij Ed. Gladding was accepted in- Jj to membership. S . One visiting Rotarlan, William Trotter, Prince George, and two s ot her guests, Frank Clark, Prince George, and Mr. Strccby, were S also present. A letter from Gor- 4 don Durkin, formerly of this city and now secretary'tof the Regina club, said Sgt. Lance Potterton had been a guest at one of their meetings. FUEL FOR COOKING Sole distributor for Prince Rupert & District Ward Electric & Marine Supply 300.00 i i w i w . Mi Are ail guaranteed with Free Insurance 9 and registered for your protection. P.O. BOX 78tf PHONE 680 -8 MANSON'S Your Friendly Jeweller CURRIE Appliances readily available thru your .favorite dealer 263 Other business consisted oij dlstribupting names of corres-.v pondents in the Poole, England, UMlTfrv Sold and Serviced by Distributor: , RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Purvis E. Bitthie & Sons Ltd. r t Conf, club for exchange oi unniamaa . MANSON'S JEWELLERY MANSON'S JEWELLERY racton greetings. P.O. Box 1730, Prince Rupert, B.C. 1 608 Hornby bi, vauLuuvc.,