t Prince Rupert Daily Newr Friday, November 10, 1950 REMINISCENCES (Continued from page 5) TODAY and SAT. Eves. 7-9 p m. Sat. Mat. 2-4:20 B0B Hope i "FANCY PAe,. I Itors they appear to enjoy life. A gootl many have even discovered how to lauih. They must have a sense of humor, little short of amazing. r3i a? J: y c MB it 1 Sunday Midnite TRESTON FOSTER JOHN IRKLAND in "I SHOT JESSE JAMES" KEN Cttrrt "CALL JP Every day Is a liUIe shorter, but it is equally true that tV-r another month or so. lengthening evenings will be coming our way. Blessings on them. Even as late as five p.m. in April, or THE FOR WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE YARD GOODS TO SACRIFICE AT Cut Prices WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE a a v a a ii n u ii M tl U 1.4 a u M U ri ii ii u u way, or June, twilight Is still a long way off in Prince Rupert, or anywhere this far north. Thr-e is not the slightest necessity to perform saving" of any J M i r J fcUiiL ,. , j h08 mnrl tnnr... whichitUproud-crr'01 Wphin Street". "Mr.. MiZr"?V corn, from great .tone.: Now, YC' once book ha. been mad. in. again 3 m. : 0 U'1 By ELMOKi . NORTL STAR POET T AM SOPwRY to say that I had never heard of Gus Sigurdson until his new 91-page book of poetry arrived the other day. But unless I am badly mus- ken we are all ging to hear Gus's name quite often in Canada. For Gus has writ ten people's roetry. la the t:uc sense of .hit term. , Tt. t ranndian as,corn-on-thc-cob. In fact it is WESTERN Canadian. (.0u GUS CALLS his book "Pencil SUU- Stanzas." He publishes It himself (address 4333 Parker 1 NIIBIDSBDSEKIDIIIOGIIIiaBI i '.-.. "'uiuoi movi. Harold Winch . Coming Here ! A business session of the CCF Club this week made plans for the visit of Harold Winch, leader of the opposition In the provincial house, next Wednesday and Thursday. In addition, routine business was transacted. uer Gur... Cards JVfrrjf a mm SUtdion ci , i gutte; His "Man in Room 17" Is eerie: He sits in his room with an anvil and hammers away through the night I lay In my bed and I listen, and shiver a little from fright. There are deeply religious poems too and this masterpiece called "War." SMBSwMvCRor CHRISTMAS GREETINGS CANADIAN MOTHER Mrs. John Beasley of Ottawa, who lost, two sons in the Second World War. has been chosen to represent a!l Canadian mothers Nov. 11 at Remembrance Day ceremonies at the National War Memorial in Ottawa. She will place a weath in memory of William Harold, who died in an R.C.A.F training crash in Canada, and Roland, who died in Belgium. This photo Is by Malak of Ottawa. (CP PHOTO) I NEXT ATTRACTION 1 1 uMb ftim(iia) $xq?&aj Street. Vancouver). He tells mc he Us "lust a laborer." But his book tells its own story: Born In Manitoba, shoved around from pillar to post In the Great Depression, served overseas with the Royal Canadian Engineer, travelled (via- box car across Canada, reached the far north,! loeced, fished and what not in! B.C. 1 The rea.'-rn v hv I think yomn I Monday to Wednesday i If you hellUh You demon swine devil's daughter N Mi 3rd Street Prince Rupert Prmiie 234 PR! VITUS !W. 'i"J"W,UHJWW, '" UM.t .niTlM With rosy checks and lips all red with slaughter, STATIONERS OFFICE SL'H'UKS 1 - I ! A A of I I I VV alert rant Painted from the blood simple souls Oozing from their wounds bullet holes. You prostitute of pain and Of (mist on E1" ' cgf wmgiti oi uns bigurdsons poems ere destined to become "folk poetry" ; is because they are the kind that I will be re:itd at plain folks' i patherlnps. He sings of Lundar town, in Manitoba, where he was BUCHANAN'S 111 --Whiff, disease You horror hussy doing what ! you please. No mind can picture you in full disgrace Nor show in vulgar words your ugly face. A PULP AND PAPER WORKERS Applications are now being considered for shift supervisors, bleachery operators, cooks and acid makers for modern high alpha pulp mill. Apply OPERATING SUPERINTENDENT, COLUMBIA CELLULOSE CO. LTD., Box 1000, Prince Rupert, B.C. 264 is L.V SCOTCH :A WHiSKi i F New Navigation Lights to Aid Log Delivery to Watson Island Lakelse Lake Salmon Direct result of the new towing traffic in waters contiguous to this Dort has hppn thr The Secret born. Again Get some gas and start the flivver, Take me back to Arrow River Oh the moonbeams shine anl quiver On waters of the Arrow River When my love is in my arms. oOo THERE ARE BITTER, BITIN'J poems of protest in the depression, but others which Big Business or the Ford Company might buy. There are several "riding the road" songs and tales. One incidentally is pure Hollywood corn about two boxcar pals, one of whom turned out to to it in the Blendirt, -.establishment during recent months of five new K 1 . This advertisement is not published or disDlavtd b th Control Board or by the Government of British ColiinJ inavigating lights on the Skeena River, which for- I 1 1 V ' Ahead meny nad only one, as well as a sixth at Khutzama-teen Inlet north 6f here. Fifth of the lower Skeena liffht.S IS ATI pTpptHnallv ntupqta t with JOHN T. FOWLE ..j u...va. . mit of a long straight course be For Clean, Courteous Service Late for Work )CALLC Kiddies to School J UW "Eventually, Why Not Now" flashing .beacon off DeHorsey Island marking the entrance of Inverness Channel throunn Bus For Sale Modern inter-city type bus, also suitable for school runs . . . contractors .- . . or oilmen . . mobile " . offices, etc. Now in regular service . . . steel body "" '. . recliner seats . . air brakes .v . adequate : baggage facilities. Seating, capacity 28-37 passengers. Inspection of bus can be made at Calgary. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Write or Phone Western Canadian Greyhound Lines CALGARY, ALBERTA which logs coming down the Skeena River to the Columbia Cellulose plant will pass. The DeHorsey Island light will per- to be a girl!) I There are army songs (patterned on Service) where the I Sappers get roary-eyed drunK, and Sifrgy pets loaded twice, oncp , I into a truck. j The war pcems are all serious.' , Some of them are ringing enougn ; to get themselves recited arrS. TOY HEADQUARTERS ing set from Raspberry Island, allowing shipping to keep clear of river sandbars. The four other lights established this vear in the Skeena include two nfar Telegraph Point marking jhe channel towards the mouth of Scotia River. Two other aids are lighted buoys on Ayton Bank and the other near Kayex River. The new lighted beacon at Khutzamateen Inlet Is at McGregor Point half way through the Inlet. CARDS rCk Doll Mi, i "Better late tnn never" Is a aytrtg- which do, not apply to life assurance. Too often late mraa never. If you delay in applying for the proper amount of aasurance protection you may ultimately find you have fallen below the required medical standards. Each day medical examine are obliged to turn down applications for lnnuranre from people whoae need for it is great. Many of these disappointed people could have qualified a year or to earlier but the development of a health impairment makes them sow uninsurable. Statistically speaking:, 20Cf of men are already uninsurable when they reach the age of forty. Keep this figure In mind. Don't be too late applying for your life assurance. Call me todaj-l. Bloc k LIGHTS KJfi .BOOKS CfrjPS FIT-STYLE RVALUE is Compls Get Your Toys While Our Stock sung in any future war. Me -we'l who am I but one of . many more : A Of common soldiers in 8 world s war? What counts my strength? It counts but little, true Yet holds the bolt, the nut with but a screw ... A Canadian soldier's prayer Is really beautiful: O, Pray for us at home to make i us brave That we may face this foe and , free the slave i Breathe through your prayer. that breath so truly ours 1 Of pastures green, and fair, Canadian flowers. oOo I SIGURDSONS POEMS ON Vancouver's Skid Road are classics, of their kind. He tells the THE VISIBLE Fitting System ik OWI " -PAT. 112 you exactly how they fit Research operations of the Nanaimo biological station and the Vancouver experimental station of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada are brought up to date in a new progress report of the board which reached the Daily News office this week. Topics covered include several of particular interest to the Prince Rupert area Including oceanc-graphic survey work in Dixon's Entrance with reference especially to the temperature of ocean water, spawning sockeye salmon enumeration at Lakelse Lake and a study of the flesh of halibut Including the "chalky" type. niflii ITtr7BtT John T. Fowle SUN LIFE OF CANADA 142 5th Ave. East 3 WONDERFUL WEARING QUALITIES JTackandJfill ' tale of the trail that leads to the HEALTH SHOES IT shoe MM All stages of the freshwater life of the sockeve salmon are 7 ji sly. ttotk Pool Ur Write . mt IHOCHUKE Holliwtod, Calif. . Stands Sup'ULmz - 1 See our complete showing of these popular $4-95' $5.95 FAMILY SHOE STORE CHARLIE ROBERTS PHONE 357 170? included In the Pacific Biological fetation's program of lnvssti- TANQUERAY, GORDON I CO. ITD. larg.il gin distillers in the world 1V49 Speciol Deluxe Plymouth 90C This aUvertlsomtiu is not puoltslvd or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of If.-ltish Columbia. 1941 4-Door Plymouth One Maple Leaf Truck Motor (Oood condition, complete, with J-spe"' transmission, radiator, battery) PHONE 566 RIIPFRT MOTORS LTD. ANOTHER" Thor First ! gaiions at Lakeise Lake. Since the termination of seasonal studies on fry production attention has been given to the enumeration of the adult fish constituting, this year's spawning run. Up to the end of August this run was very light. Physical, chemical and biological conditions in the lake are being recorded throughout the year and the relations between sockeye and other species of fish are being studied. Construction of a large new counting weir, for handling both adult and seagoing salmon, has been, commenced on the Lakelse river. THOR AUTOMAGIC f Second Avenue anil First Street , W;av.wwav.v.w;.v.v.w,.W' REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) INK o serve something new and gheful cocktails and long drinks made with Captain Morgan Rum. There arc two brands. Gold Label is rich and full-bodied . . . llcOTOlMlllM V iViC wan Union steamer Chilcotin, Capt. Harry McLean, arrived In port at 1:30 this afternoon frcm Vancouver and waypoints and will sail at 9 o'clock tonight for M-i-set Inlet points whenre she 's due back here to sail Sunday at 8 a m on her return south. Black Label extra smooth PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE f HANDLER'S STUDIO 211 - 4th Street Box 645 Phone Oreen 389 Prince Rupert In .. anu iiavourtui. Both brands make taste-tempting drinks I NOW is the tin M ils. nj to icy Expert SIGN WRITING Christmas- JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Ml A GOOD SIGN IS A SKiN OF A GOOD BUSINESS ANDREW WASEND Graduate of Detroit School Lettering BLUE 836 I WW NOW ON DISPLAY Saanich Plumbing & Healing I . .GEORGE COOK I L.orner 4th Avenue and McBride ES .r-D 55 JEW ,Kja This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia.