Prince Rupert Daily News ' Friday, November 10, 1950 ISTRICT News Ray Reflects f Immmr iZ ,f-' land Reminisces Teachers Are !n Auto Smash Funeral of Terrace Man r ! f-fc," v. V ! M 75 ' '.'II ',ri U" t i -1 ill Disregard Korea! Forget Mos-' cow! Refrain from further worry ever Tibet. Deny the right of marching Communists to put any more gray hairs in your thatch. Think not ot Comrade Stalin. He isn't wasting a tinker's darn on you. In other words, let's come back home and study local problems for a change. Isn't the City Hall, election hope JUST ARRIVED! BOYS' FUR TRIMMED Parka Jackets Sixes 618 in Beige, Brown and Green S "J' S- LaIrd' H ' TERRACE. - Funeral service . ,Mreau and Miss for the late Jam Cauthers was Mr Lips returned to Terrace by train conducted in the Knox United Saturday, having been forced to Church on Saturday afternoon cancel their trip to the teachers' last by Rev. P. M. Mallett pas-convention at Prince George tor, under the auspices of the through an accident to the car ; Canadian Legion. There were in which i they were travelling.1 many beautiful wreathes and Leaving Telkwa on Friday, they flowers and a wreath of poppies were rounding a coiner of a hill on the casket. The hymn "Jesuj when they swerved to avoid a Lover of My Soul" was sun witn car stalled in the mud on the Mrs. D. L. Norrington at the road. The car turned over three i piano times and landed topside up. No I j Barman and S Kirkaldv of one was Injured but all were j thJe Sn w f lflPr- SCUt,Vler re-, arge and interment tcoic Z rL Z f 7 h tl:eCf'' Pce at the Kalum Cemetery, the ret n, of the party coming by, ' Jallbearers were H. Houlden, , . Fred Hampton, H. King, Ted v. J t. The slippery condition of the ; Johnston Wilson and B. R. roads was blamed for the acci- nHfu FRASER AND PAYNE I Beverley van norne, the heiress, Isn't called that any longer. She is Mrs. Beattie of Joviet, Quebec. Great-grandaughter of the man whose resourcefulness, and "punch" helped build the' CJFH, when cash was scarce, she recently wed the young man of' her choice. But that should not make her any the lsss an heiress, j Perhaps the old railway baron is admiring her for her spunk. dent. I -. ; ... V . ' .JK ueceasea, a veteran or tne First World War, was a resident of Terrace for the past 40 years. Cffiwrs and men of Cayusia. Atnabaskan and Sioux, f oliowinsj , News Classiliuis :.:': Sales. 'making his home on the a spell of hard enough work in ' MMMpi a mn mm. ji'iu n mnj j 3 2. " ""J "Bench." Since the opening of the "Home for the Aged" he has been a patient there where he passed away on Wednesday last week at the age of 78. He Is sur- Korean waters, will be a week around Hong Kong. Nowhere i'l the Far East is there a port with more poignant memories lor Canada and Canadians. But that need not nor will it prevent the sailors from having a sojourn of enjoyment and deepest I L I Ivivsd in Terrace bv one nephew Litiscmcnt is not puoi snea or ly the Liquor Control Bo.rd or I' ..,.., - British Colunbiti Charles Cauthers. ttUI"'V - You've more to enjoy at the Sylvia its gorgeous scenic getting its hospitable service I "WE WILL REMEMBER THEM" Mrs. Maurice Stevens and her children, Norling, 12, and Maura, 7, of Overbrook Ont., pause in the Memorial Chamber at Ottawa before the Book of Remembrance in which are written the names of ail those who died for Canada in the First and Second World Wars. Their husband and father died over England with the R.C.A.F. (CP PHOTO by Malak) interest. By the time they re- turn home, they will be much ' better acquainted with Asia and t Anniversary Celebrated her ways. 4 its convenient facilities where you "dine in the sky" ." do your own cooking or both! All at pleasantly easy rates! Sylvia HOTEL Overlooking Vdncouter'l famous ng!h Bay 1194 Gilford St. PAcINc 93)1 Hilliord C. lyW, Mano8lna Director i ITiE MOKE COLOR IS YOL'R HOME i tkkkace. l wenty-nve-years .-.; ,. 4 nn m ,. Conservative Leader Drew has been telling London that Canada could feed, clothe and house a hundred million people. Thii Modern color treatments for ()r. I Il likllHI IHI I'H S home Interiors are the finest nfinnlar nnstmnNtpr nnH hio wif Blackwood On Bridge By Easley Blackwood , ever developed. Science ha Mr and Mrs s N G. Kir'kaldyi much would be reasonably J cer tain. In the Pacific fisheries ies VGl-l in-T sal-1 dustry, more than halibut, t, wiuwu umi. coior Kreauy lnnu- celebrated with a large dinner ences our dally lives. Warm, party in tne private dining room cheerful and restful color schem- of the "Motel." They were the es with accents heln un ti re- ii( .. ii.. ,. i f t. mon and black cod would be con- i ks Prompt and Courteous, Wild and woolly bidding featured this deal. Mr, t Here to Servs VOU - - r ui many iuvciy gui . - y-. . TT . , spond more readily in winter including a purse filled with l-ale, the master 01 bridge HumaniCS, illustrated ail- sumed. Oh, there's room for a hundred - million but not for any waste.. Ever notice it? jnmodore Cafe What is known as the Interna monms wnen many ot natures suVer. Among the guesU was otner advantao-eous of the Pt? TTw rorlnnMp " duVtlIll'dt;,Ju use CI Uie t ass. HIS reQOUDie r.n On finest colorings are missing from their daughter, Mrs. J. Arsen- the landscape. Color Is necessary eault of Prince Rupert, who the first round of bidding was a little Out of ths in our diet because it energizes came up by bus for the event. orinarv The hand East would not be Uerl in text-our ulumal.V iuc nmiu wuuiu nut ue Ufctu in a a u;.i- nervous system. Other guests included Dr. and pian now to use deep tones Mrs. Stanley Mills, Mr. and Mrs. book as a typical redouble after an ODi)onent's takc- rVA ' f . If V of tality and Good Food" tional Association of Pipe Smok-; ers has admitted women to mem-! bership, following rather protracted deliberation. With the . ui , . ., r . , i. HATER fels the truth about... VJlllSKY lr IT for Scad -Out Grdetsi and color accents in all color D. O. Little. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. out double But in actual nlav ' t.'t Davla Chow. Mgr " ntIlS,:,aCking ute, this is real news. There is diamonds doubled. schemes. Dodds, Mr. and Mrs. Peter van you aren't always dealt those See your dealer for suggestions Stolk, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ,.tvr,ir!l,t h8nds You jtist have and paint selections. Mlchiel, Jean Kirkaldy and Mr. to do the best vou can with what up five something about pipes and tobacco smoke that discourage Call in your Painter and Dec- Kirkaldv's mother, Mrs. Anne you have and use your best judg- strife. The Indians knew that, ment as to the proper call, V The old boy was right as usual. He scored a total of 75't points on the hand and five spades would have been set only two tricks or 500 points. Mr. orator for advice and service. Kirkaldy. Enjoy color and make the beet 1 I West dealer. centuries ago. A pipe smoking wife and mother should go far Masters admitted that he would ln aavancmg ana preserving have unnc to fiv snarles if Mr. harmony in the house. That, in! Terrace Hospiial Nearly Paid Olf Both sides vulnerable. North (Mrs. Keen) 8 K Q 6 H Q. 8 6 6 2 D A 6 C A Q 7 use of it. I'REE! "Why Paint Peels j This is a special bulletin obtained for home owners troubled with paint peeling. Get your free copy by writing to the below address: B.C. Paint Club, ' Dale had redoubled. ltself 13 promising. Two pipes Don't redouble just because in every home would equal, if you know your contract can be not surpass in importance, two I made. If there is danger that chickens in every pot. Timely '.the opponents may be driven and fitting, the following com- .NCOl'VER VICTORIA TERRACE. The Red Cross wet Mr- Ahelj- East (Mr. Itale) ill S A 3 - 88 executive meeting was held into a fairly favorable contract mem trom tne Journal or Ot 520 Shelly Building, 119 W. Pender St., . day, 8 p.m., Chllcotin Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun tawa: "the harried housewife ! of their own just pass! Vancouver, B.C. could welcome home the harried business man and together they Put Seagram's '83" to the water test. For water (plain or sparkling) is your most ; reliable guide to the whole truth about any whisky. Water adds nothing, detracts nothing, but reveals o whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Say SEAGRAM'S i i: ARM, STEWART AND Try a iJaily Ners Classified. H A K 10 1 3 -,i H-J..9 ... D J 10 9 4 3 Dr-K Q 8 5 2 C 4 C K J10 9 8 KiiiiHi Atr. Musters) 8 J 10 9 7 5 4 2 H 4. D 7 C 6 5 3 3 The bidding: ! could sit and watch their "S3" the Nurses' Lounge last Friday evening with Mrs. I. Frank in the chair. Others present in eluded Mrs. Harris, Father Ra-cette, Mrs. E. Brooks, Rev. Mallett, Miss Stewart, R.N., Mrs. C. J. Norrinfrton. Mrs. W. Robinson, Mrs. Newhouser and Miss E. McVicar, the temporary matron. A letter- of thanks for comforts FORT SIMPSON lay, Comosun, 11 p.m. OR NORTH QLEEN thoughts grow long and calm in . tobacco, the remedy to all dis- ' .ifjl Tr. uonlH miipt thp srwiM and tame the shrew. MRLOTTE ISLANDS West Norlli East 1 H Dbl. Redbl. Pass Pass 6 C Form No. 16. (Section 87) LAND ACT ''' NOTICR OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Land Recording Dis.rict of Prince Rupert. In the vicinity of Useless Bay, Porchcr Island. Take notice that Columbia Oel- Sontll 4 S Pass hiltuiiii, Nov. 10 and 2i 9 p.m. while in hospital was read from and be SURE . . j of fiie finest 5 D Dbl. All pass Mr. Masters' four spade bid Mrs. R. Thomson, a long-time faithful member of the execu pR SOITII QUEEN plARI.OTTE ISLANDS A majority of wage earners in the United Kingdom are drawing between fourteen and twenty-seven dollars every week. Ac-cordipg to returned overseas vis- (Cont'nutfd on page 6) WOUld lnlose Company, Limited, of Watson was good. He figured it tive. A report of "Operation effectively interfere with the Island. B.C., occupation cellulose Mnufcturers, Int.'iici; to apply for 3 Mercy" was given by Mrs. Nor plcotin, Nov. 17, 9 p.m. East-West bidding ana, It Mr. ieasp Qf the following described lands Thi. advertisement is not published or displayed by trie liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. rington in the absence 01 me chairman, H. M .Wlghtman. Mrs. HtASK J. SKINNER ?rince Rupert Agent 'i Avenue Phone 568 Keen's take-Out double waJ and lands covered by water: maximum, it might even ba il.Com1nnclnf ttt a P05', Plated n , ' I the high water mark of the south makeauie. I shore of Useless Bay. approximately When the four spade bid came 12 chains westerly of the southerly nrf tn r ndo v,o rnrhor corner of Lot 5506. Range 5, Coat Robinson announced that the hospital collection fund would start on Friday, November 10, and that ,this year's objective is $1700 which will pay off the CHIROPRACTIC FOR HEALTH . TONSILLITIS THE B.C PAINT CLUB lUW.Mffft VMMVr, fc, C T, , rj V inline, tnence Mslt.riv 12 chains j 4 wished he had started showing more or less to ,he southerly cor- balance of what is owing. There his two suits on the first round TOYS - TOYS TOYS ner of Lot 5506. RanRc 5. Coast District, thence N. 41 lG'E. 15 87 chains more or less to the southwest corner of lot 4447, Ran Re 3 Coast District: thence northerly 10 chains, thence so .therly 15 chains, thence easterly to the high water mark of Useless Bay, thence In a southerly and easterly direction to was $5000 to be raised in five of bidding, instead of redou- years but, if this year's objec- bling. He decided to bid five tive is reached, the money will ciubs as that call would leave have been raised in three year3. the way open to play at the five range in either minor suit. re fstate of thomas had- Mr. Abel didn't like clubs at DE" all Hp bid five diamonds Which ; the point of commencement, and DON SURVTI.I.E HARVEY, CEAS1SL). INT-STATE. 23 acres, more or less. Mrs Keen DromDtlv dOUbleU cuniaminE Your body H a permanent battleground. Poisons and bacteria are constantly present, ready to attack whenever the resistance is lowered. In the body, certain glands and ontans, such as the lymph glands, liver," spleen, kidneys and tonsils, are constantly on the defence. Their job is to tackle the invaders, render them harmless, and eliminate them through the normal channels. Under today's sanitary conditions, the tonsils have the easiest job, as the other defences can usually COLUMBIA CELLULOSE KKP TOUR CAR Mr. Dale experienced a warm and comfortable feeling over this contract. He felt it could COMPANY. LTD. Dated October 28. 1950. R. . MORTON, Agent. SHOP EARLY Choose them now from our huge selection Ik 1 IV, I TAKE NOTIC1C that as Administrator, duly appointed by the court, of the estate of Thomas Haddon Survllle Harvey, deceased, who died at Lower Post, British Columbia, on the 25th day of May. 1950, I require all credits and others hmring claims aiialnst the said estate to send the same to me. properly verified, at the address mentioned below on or before the 15th day of January. 1951. after which date I shall proceed to 1 I ( Htm U WINTIR WINTIR IU Set Ms corners easily be made even if his part- ner had a rock-bottom minimum. Why not redouble, then? The answer is that a redouble would be tactically wrong. It would almost certainly drive the enemy into five spades. And Mr. Dale figured that a double of that contract would not make 1 p::.7i handle the enemy. However, in an emergency such as an epidemic, all the forces of the body are required to operate at peak efficiency. Chronic tonsillitis does not necessarily mean that the tonsils are entirely at fault. It may be that, over the years, they have become distribute the estate to those entitled by law. having regard only to SPORT SHOP THE such claims of which I shall tnen have been notified. And further take notice that nil diseased or permanently degener- at.ed to the point where their re- persons indented to me sbiu eim nre required to pay their Indebted mnval mav be advisable. On the ! other hand, it will usually be found ness to me lormwitn. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 1st day of November. 1950. ERNEST EARL ALLEN. Official Administrator, Telegraph Creek, B.C. if 020 .at01' c"2 PRINCE RUPERT DRY COCK AND SHIPYARD 'SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Old rye whisky SERVICE that a constant overload nas Deen thrown on the tonsils because one or more of the other defence glands and organs have not been operating efficiently. ince the nerves control the function of all these glands and organs, the Chiropractor first ex-, amines the nervous system to del termine whether or not a spinal misalignment is causing pressure, on the nerves In question, interfering with the controlling impulses; If so, an adjustment is given to free these nerves, resulting in restoration of normal function to the areas involved. When all the defence mechanisms are operating efficiently, the tonsillitis will disappear. Consult Your Chiropractor Inserteil by the Chiropractors' AssoclatlM ( H.C. i "k th n.,.:.i.! . . .ttnMj.VWiGfiO Modern styling plus deluxe features usually only found en higher priced models. VITAMIN SAVER BURNERS. VISUAL-TE OVEN . SIMMERSET VAIVES . DIVIDED TOP CLEANQUICK SMOKELESS BROILER OTHER MODELS Iroffl 1159.50 ;.hi. our n,mi,i.u k erf """'"ng will assure f projection all winter The Pioneer Druggists DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 ttftJJP.MlI Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding la nd Genuine Ford f i CJw SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor ft System i ! , - Control Board er by the Government of British Columbia. MINING MACHINERY w on system i them today at '"t'hltlMI Rupert Radio hh Parker & Electric Ltd. r-.