McDonald. J. Frew. M. M. Prfnre flupert Daflp r3rtos Friday, July 22, 194!) W4 5 "f kt" . - W?.a.I ' - f I .1 t i 4n teocpeikdent aallj newspaper oevotea to n upbuilding of Prtcce Rupert and ail communities comprising northern and central British Columbia . (Authorueo u Sucono Ciua Mail. Post Olllje Department. Ottawa) . - Published eTery afternoon except Sunday b? Prtnoe Rupert Daily News Ltd., Srd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Q. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS ATTDTT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILT NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION BOBSCRIPTION RATES rO?rt Otty Carrier, Per Week. 20c; Per Month, 75c: Per Tear. 8.00. ESa. ftTimD By Mall, Per Montn. 60c; Per Year, 5 00 July 22. 1939 Tie barnstorming Zulu Giants baseball team had little Jiiflculty defeating a Prince Rupert all-star team In two baseball games here, both of which were featured by their ntics. A third game was called jlf because the visitors were behind schedule. F. W. Hart was mentioned as a possible candidate for mayor, in case Mayor Newton resigned as a result of his controversy with Alderman Collart. The argument was over a telegram sent to the government by Mayor Newton criticising estimates for the grain elevator here. "uBKi:Ajr Special JA( KETfUAj, . at .s i A i a '- i j' -1 4' 4 v. ; 1 ts :.rJ Work of reconstructing a wharf a cannery site near Seal Cove, recently purchased by Frank Millerd, was begun. Cannery buildings were to be put up after the wharf was comiilctod. MEN'S ana t(l Sl-ITS-Wor lluul)le-lreaslt(j fls. Spetial M EN'S TROl -.i dines, tweeiii,,, assortment, ,, Sieiul MEN'S DKp.t Annual Port Day, sponsored ;y the Junior Chamber of Commerce, went over successfully. Prize were awarded at a dance held in the Moose Hall in the evening. A. S. Nickerson, president of the Junior Cliumber of Commerce was in charge of ,he day's events. A move on the part of the Chamber of Commerce, Junior Chamber of Commerce, Retail Merchants' Association and Trades and Labor council to have a city manager in place of the city commissioner was apparently meeting with some success. SHIRTS -L Irum B(VS' T SIEl1 HIS Latest SJ sortment Spm, BOYS' Wnni .. ; ITALY'S POLICE DRAW NO CHEERS Celebra ting the third anniversary of the founding of the Italian republic, the Italian government sponsored parades all over Italy, but none quite as impressive as the Rome parade. For the most part, military equipment consisted of well-kept, freshly painted Allied surplus Sherman tanks, sporting clean guns and a fresh coat of green paint, are shown advancing up the avenue. Half the persons participating were police, and while the regular Italian army members were greeted with scattered applause, the police members were greeted by silence all along the -line of march. PANTS-St-mi.,!,; surtment. Spni, BOYS' SCII 01, Blue and kb, Russell J. Bulger of arrived in me city Thursday Special W Ray Reflects . . . . . . and Reminisces afternoon by air from Vancou- j ver to spend a couple of days visiting his father, John Bulger. Supervisor of costs for Trans, Canada Airlines, Mr. Buh;er has' July 22, 1924 Semi-annual meeting of the ' St. Andrew's Society elected the following officers: President W. Reid; first vice president, Thomas McCIymont; second vice president, Charles Taylor; secretary, J. M. Campbell; treasurer, J. 6. Irvine; directors, J. McKechnie, B. Dalgarno, S. D. branches of city and district' police are working day and , not visited Prince Rupert for some 15 years. Shortly, his office will be transferred to Montreal with other company offices. He has been holidaying in Vancouver. Vancouver - Victoria Seattle Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Alice Arm, Stewart and Port Simpson 8unday, 11 p.m. Frank J. Skinner Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 night. Some mothers are on the verge of nervous collapse. It has been noticed, possibly, that in recent years, governments and misguided individuals have not been over enthusiastic concerning continued enforcement of capital punishment. They might find perusal of the case, interesting reading. SMITH & HAVE HAD YEARS OF PLUMBING AND HEATING EXPERIENCE PHONE m Most of the published pictures of Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, show little more than a quarter of the whole. That's shortchanging the beholder. The first city council and the first engineers might have been able to have graded Third Avenue originally with more of a long-range view and fewer inclines. Anyway, there's no harm in mentioning it. It would be gratifying to look from Seventh Street away off to the corner of McBride to watch the jay-walkers and mutter "a d--d close shave for that - . tSV &" SKI . I :.a ft ' I 'V- j 4 fX 0 V4 r i II BALAGNO Florists Phone Green 7KI Box 1193 There is a type of tourist strolling Prince Rupert's streets that somehow makes you think they are from sertain steamers.1 If you're a good guesser the j chances are your judgment will be right. There is something l-T ANYTIME 18 TIME TO about the clothing its quality and style the walk, and een- Hon. Harry Bowman TO AGAIN be represented by two ministers in the provincial cabinet will be a matter of satisfaction to Central British Columbia. It is particularly appropriate that Harry Bowman, the new M.L.A. for Fort George, should be choice as minister of agriculture to succeed the retiring Hon. Frank Putnam. In his capacity as agricultural and colonization agent for the Canadian National Railways, Mr. Bowman has been long associated with the de-Vs""V5lopment of agriculture in a practical way in the area tributary to the railway line between Prince Rupert and the Alberta border. This area in the ne.xt few years will be an important field for new land settlement to keep pace with the industrial development that is undoubtedly in the immediate offing for the whole centre and north of British Columbia. No one knows this country and its problems better than Mr. Bowman. ; It can be recalled how previous cabinet ministers .. from the north, including such as T. D. Pattullo, A. M. Manson, H. G. Perry, W. J. Asseltine tmd " E. T. Kenney, were able to achieve important things for their own districts, at the same time ' , carrying out their duties to the province as a whole. Hon. Harry Bowman, in his position as minister of agriculture, the first time that portfolio has come -. no,rth will be in a position to do likewise in his par-t iicular sphere. A good choice has been made in his appointment. EFFECTIVE PUBLICITY A NICE SPOT of impressive and colorful pub-:rj licity is given the entire district between Prince Rupert and Prince George in the Government Travel Bureau's travelogue "Highway Six-teen" being given premiere showings in Prince Ru- pert these days. All concerned with its production ; are to be complimented on a good job well done. : The scenic beauties and the attractions of the area from a tourist standpoint are effectively set forth and the film should result in further atten-f tion being centred on this area when it is shown ' abroad as is the primary purpose. ; The beauty of it is that there is no exaggeration but it is an accurate record. Prince Rupert people should take the opportunity to see it for it is entirely of local interest. inheat of battle BRITISH PARLIAMENT has been arguing over .., the wisdom or otherwise of the "unconditional surrender" talk regarding Germany which was a popular catch word during the last war. Mr. Churchill, although some of his vitriolic speeches about the, wicked Nazis still ring in our ears, now repudiates any agreement he may or may not have had about "unconditional surrender," saying now that it was the late President Roosevelt's idea and his alone. Jt may have been unwise or ill-considered to resolve that Germany should be reduced to an "agri- cultural state" but that was the way the most of us : were feeling in the heat of war and it ; probably the same in regard to the enemy should ve;have another war. In the heat of battle, indis-!, crept and impracticable things are sometimes said ! and done. When the indicretion or the impractica-! bility is realized, the view and the course could and eral personality!' They all have a certain "It." And you're not; often mistaken. Was a man, years ago, better off with his own business or is he more prosperous working for wages today? It can make a good argument, and was debated in Vancouver the other evening. One of the points emphasised was the immensity of certain business groups and the relative smallness of the little fellow, as the situation stand. CLEAN YOUR CHIMNEY .W VaVrVa ... Let ui Inspect, repair and clean your rhlmney now Re prepared for Fall. We also specialize In repair of gutters, down pipe and roofing. aV.V.VAV." hotel arrivals Prince Ruprt i Dr. oand Mrs. S. F. Guldaeer. Eugene, Oregon; n. Baker,' "Vancouver; P. R. King, Vancdllver; J. S. Graham, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. D. Yearwood, Vancouver; M F. Hughes, Victoria; V. now. This might be mentioned. The list of minor enterprises in Prince Rupert and district that changed ownership during the past twenty years runs into quite a respectable length. INTERCITY CHIMNEY W Free Estimates Phone Ited 241 Re.isor.. Authorized Licensed Chimney Service. All Wjis I The number of personal letters received by Prince Rupert people can only be guessed at, MODERN DRUIDS AT STONEHENGE - Witched by a thousand spectators, members of the Haemus Lodge of the Ancient Order of Druids conducted their annual mid-summer 'ceremony within the stone circle at Stomhenge, Salisbury Plain. The Orand Aroh Druid of Sussex, Bruther J. J. Price, who presided, stood by the altar stone as Druid:;, each representing a sign of the Zodiac, formed a wide circle behind which s..itrpjieed male voice choir san. Stonchen-jie is a collection of hui;e prehistoric stones arranged in two rings 10,000 feet in circumference. It is associated with the Druid religion practised in Ancient Britain and dates from the bronze ajte. Modern, which claims to be linked with the ancient faith, is a movement "working for health, happiness and harmony for all on earth." and the quantity of what practically is propaganda, is some Abbott, Vancouver; R. son, Tacoma; H. Anderson, Tacoma; Mr. and Mr; J. Pur-ych, Hope; T. Mokry,; Edmon- ton; ,W.-; G.v Cliinnick Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Mower, Portland; A. T. Barton, Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Home, Los Angeles; Mrs E. Yeltatzie, set; Miss M. Colwell, Dawson Creek; W. E. Dorner, Vancouver; Miss J. Close, Dawson Creek; Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Rowebot-tom, Victoria. thing else again. The latter is not becoming less. It is not an over statement to say millions 8 Qualitty j 1 PBINTIJSC I SI PPMF.S Ml fc STATIONER? f of tons of newsprint can be considered wasted, unless it is GKEETING Vi the form of skilled labor. PENS AM) PI ni Cover Your House To design, embellish, print and distribute means plenty of high DIBB PRINTING C class work and wages. You Saw It In The Mews! GREER & BRIDDEH CONTRACTORS AND IH'II.DKUS BE.SNER BLOCK There was at least one citizen in Prince Rupert who, on Wed l SUFFERED AGONIZING nesday, found a picture in the Daily News Of special interest. ARRIVED This was the view of Carton FAfM (ias Oporalt House in County Kildare, a mansion presented by Prince Aly Khan to his actress bride Rita Hayworth. Major Lahiff grew up in the neighborhood, which is not far from Dublin, I 4iKtra4 oJ.rfl. ta Vuwa N.uhtii Capiiibs, Cu.ll.rtt ta f SciMica, N.grilj,., Umkaaja aitj RKwm. '. Al all 4,., CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS XT VANaA.. and gradually becoming a great racing centre. Profoundly shocked by a best 6 U V with Asphalt Roofing For Year-Round Protection For Estimates Call 3G3 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors EASY VACUUM CUP WASHER $206.50 EASY QYRATOR (GASOLINE) WASHER $196.50 ial crime, Ottawa parents are keeping their children at home, COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Madi FLOOR SANDINO A SPECIALTY when they should be playing in the sunlight and fresh air. All VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE RED 581 P.O. BOX 721 should be changed. l!!inill!in!!llllllll!!nin''nilfll!ll!imiNimillll!lnii m, ilil!ll!l'lli:UUIIUI!lll!U!li!!ll IlllUlilllllllllillilUUiillUllibillll faWyWkVWaVWNWAW IMo. Ties RE: CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO 8042-1 TO LOT TWENTY-FOUR (241, BLOCK TWENTY-NINE (2B. THERE IS REALLY NO ABOl'T IT DO IT THE " EASV" V X n SECTION SIX ), CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, MAP 923 WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In ftie nama of Nell MacLean has been filed In this office, notice EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.II.A. Phone Green 883 Box 586 Is hereby given that I shall -at the expiration of on month from the date of the first publication hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title in lieu of said lost Certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B. C, this 19th day of July, 1949. A D. ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. (194) h OR Ml NOW Q.C A. OFFERS A DRUGS nnvi HOUSEHOLD NEEDS ONCE-WEEKLY 7f QFDVirc STEP LADDERS CLOTHES DRYERS KITCHEN UTENSILS CLOTHES LINES IRONING BOARDS GALVANIZED WARES Flight ft Y lt - to- Departs Prince Ru PRESCRIP1ION CHEMlST-p STORE II0UP.S WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TU T0! k SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS-12 NOON 7 P.M. TO P.M. pert at 09:30 D.8.T. Every Friday. For Information SATIN-GLO VARNISHES ENAMELS PAINTS Reservations CAM, 47(1 or Call at the Q.C.A. Office Killas Christopher Block Emergency DW jr from 7 Pm.t Dally car delivery service from 0 a.m. till 6 p.m. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. and sun QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES "Ehr ... I beg your pardon!"