Ptfnct nupfrt Daflp r?etos Saturday, August 13, 1943. : ft . -. I KIM; i TODAY 6:55 - 9:05 of Taeomi, rns of the partlci-! pants In the Capital-to-Capi!al cruiser race last month, arrived here southbound Friday. TneJ in "A CONNECT! Waterfront ' Butedaii Mine area nil close to all net fishing with the exception of Gardner Canal which rill remain open to sockeye gill-uexs. The Butedale section is the first of the seine areas to be closed this summer lor con Evelinda carried her skipper, Arvid Jensen of Tacoma and two SUNDAY MIDNITE CHARLIE CHAN HATi Whiffs passengers, Albert B. Jensen of Portland and Andrew Jensen of Big Harbor, Washington. servation reasons. Built of the seine catch on the north coast has been pink 'CHINESE RING' The 343-foot private yacht JHE big! salmon, and results have oe?n unifwmly good throughout the district. I i Ail "r r inrK Net Fishing Being Curtailed Western Trader Leaves Local Dry Dock RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE j Sale of Men's j And Boy's Wear Now! RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE nuN. iu wtu. sowSAT700 The Naas seine area, where 28 Corsiar, now cruising the Alaskan coast, sailed Into Tracy Arm recently at a minus three tide. Drawing 21 feet, the Corsiar had 16 feet of water under her keel. This was the first known time a vessel the size of the Cosiar had ever entered these waters. There A PERFECT CAST IN A SENSATION J : Conservation measure, resulted in the closing of lm net fishing in several areas in this fisheries district I fish daily per boat, while in this week-end, some indefinitelv, some for specified ;sdon CnanneI- nine have i averaged between 1.500 and 2.000 I-enofb. ci-iV.rl feockeye gillnettmcr on the l Naas v- and i Skeena r, .:, , was floating Ice in the bay and. , . ii.i uaui. iiuuic 4 1 li i . 1 1 1 i cave fnrth a riailv patch ctmilnr to because of this, the shin was un ANN TOID CIIAKI.KS LACCII TON CHARLES COBI'KN ETIIIX BARKVMoke "THE PARAD InFcASE" iid Leuiuiiaieu xor me season. Closing of the Skeena to sockeye gillnetting at 6 p.m. Fri- due to weather and other far- able to sail any nearer than three i Ogden Channel this week. Seven-. teen boats operated there. oay brought an end to a waning tnr. c,t,. . 1 Averages in the Bella Bella- miles to the Sawyer Glacier. Captain H. E. Nedden said the glacier was a notable sight and much more spectacular and beautiful than Olacier Bav season which reached its peak' ', " " lne , Bella Coola area on Monday were a week ago when the crest of ' e .c'e less succiul thU.j fi,h val. Tnis droa. year man in"l!H8. . I, . , - the migrating population pass ent in Miss Mitchell's camp. Preceding the girls' camp was a boys' ca...p recently. The girls range in age from i; to 14 years. The well orsan- When the cruiser left Tracy Arm MATINEE WEDNESDAY 2 r.M. and held that level for the rest of the week. There are about The Skeena will reopen to gill-nets at 6 pm. August 21 when 6 1 z-inch mesh will be allowed. This net is too large to catch there was a strong tide running COMBINE FUN, BIBLE STUDY kluch irr.pres.std with the character of the work being carried out under interesting and pleasant coditions is Mrs 40 boats in the two areas. I It was because of this that the (buoy, marking the channel kept ized proceedings start off each morning with devotional exercises followed by camp duties. One hour each morning and ed the river mouth. This week has brought anti-climax to the fishermen. Catches this week dropped to about 25 fish per boat daily after averaging 100 last week when the run reached its peak. D'lrln? f h early part of the season, the catches were irregular aucKeye ana is designed b for coho .. t. . , Trollers in Caamano Sound re- tv, v -. bobbing. ! " John Linney of this city who (evening are devoted to Bible .... . ,ucn nas d d caU;hes we.,k been only fair as far as gill- in beUeen 30Q ftnd nctr. are concerned, closed at ,, , pinks and 6 p.m. Friday until further notice. Other areas which rir..rf sPnns- has returned from a visit to-fctuay sessions and choral sing-. HOLIDAY Pi! CFPR Radio Dial 1240 KHxycIe m v m " ttt sockeye gillnets until further : .,. ... . (Subject to Change 1 Miss Gertrude Mitchell's Bible i ing. Nor is healthful outdoor Camp on Braun's Island at Ter-j lecreation overlooked including' race. With Mrs. Cecil J. Carter; u"h diversions as swimming of Prince Rupert in charge, a in the river. The girls also gar-group of 50 giris from various ner their own fruit, berries and Mi June Warner of Terrace notice are Principe Channel. Jf em into into d ary y who is awaiting an assignment which closed at 6 p.m. Friday' , , , ,.,., , j ... ... ... . 3 dock here on August 1 after M it II lrlM.ll) T TO EAT from iuil-ibu iiiissiuiiary ors nu me irisi-azioie ana and Price .... Udlliab'iiS uri uuuuiu aim jjiu abroad, Mrs. N. Bedford of Islands and Higgins Pass re- pellcrs on a reef In Grenville parts of the district, as far west vegetables from Mitchell's as Masett and as far east as! garden. VancU-rhoof and including fifteen Assisting Mrs. Carter are' from Prince Ruper;, is at pres-Anna Beketov of Prince Rupert, Terrace iVp?S George E. Petcni, i vJUALITY Si Prmce Rupert and senior girls, gions, which closdd Thursday The camp breaks up on Aug- evening. ust 1S- 1 The northern section of the Channel, sailed at 5 o'clock this morning for Ketchikan with her MEATS FISH BITTER EGGS rnil cargo of dry foodstuffs The Western Trader scraped a rock at full speed, knocking SATURDAY - -PM. 4:30 Malcolm and LeFrois 4:45 Unesco World Review 5:00 Music from the Films 5:30 Top Bands 6:00 CBC NEWS 6:10 Recorded Int. 6:30 Musical Varieties 7:00 London Dances 7:30 Songs by Simone 7:45 O'Connor Trio 8:00 Red River Barn Dance 8:30 Current and Choice 9:00 Bob Lyons Orchestra 9:30 Musical EU-.hlnes ' off a number of rivets from the 9 9 15--Quiet Music 59 Time Signal alter part of her hull. One propeller was severely damaged and 10: 00 - B C. Gardener , Ay i E 10: 15 -Morning M' 10:3pR()undup T. IU:4ti Scandmavii 11:00 Strike Up t; 11:15 - Songs of T 11 30 Weatner f 10: 15 Frosia Tells a Story (he other one bent to a Iwer extent She was abe to make 10: 30 -Music in Worship 45 Bible Stories 10: 11: 11:31 -Message t port under her own power The tug Shinn left port here at 7 p.m. Friday with her cargo 00 CBC Newa 03 Songs and Singers 10:00 CBC NbWS 10:10 -CBC News 11: II :33-Rccuided I 11 30 Religious Period P.M. j in tow on her regular run be-' tween Prince Rupert and Haines. 10:15-Dal Richards and Orch. 10:30-Plantation Jubilee 11:00 Weather and Fish 12: 00 CBS Svinnlionv Orch. The scow carried 12 carloads of 1 1: 2: 30 Church or the Air 00 Capital Report for the intericr perishable food EBY & S 1 of Alaska. t. ? 1 i. i. . J - i 'f . i J Tk. . 2: 30Music I Like Arrivals v BVNDAt A.M. 8:30 Recital 8:00 BBC News and Corr.oientary Contract! 3 00 Musical Pictures The 24-foot cruiser Evelinda 3: KKPAIKS-REM' i - 5 CBC Newa KOINDATKI 3: 3: 27 Weather Report 30 -Harmony Harbour ICt us help SHERIFF'S SALE 00 Woek-Knd Review 15 John Fisher Reports that now homi 4 4 4 30 Leg Chansons de Pails One for the AWfte V the N.H.A. Phone Grrfn IR 00 Record Alburn 5: 5: IN TE COUNTY COURT OF PRINCE RUPERT i HOLDEN AT PRINCE RUPERT BETWEEN LEMUEL RAPP. PlainUff and DUNCAN C. WING. Defendant. ! 1 1 Vlrtue f a Warrat of Execution Issued from 1 the h. above Court and to me dirertH orai( .v. . . . 30-Little Symphonies 6 iv7''--':- 00 CBC News 10 The Old Sonps 6: 'lf)"HI?l"fii"')Mt'f.,-F-'iit-li(nil!i,m,;1:. lU'liirk, V Your House i 6 :30 Salvation Army Program No. 9 7: 00 Summer Theatre 7: :30 Summer Symphonies 00 Al Bollington, Organist -30 Winnipeg Sunday Concert 00 Summertime 8 8 8 .An.l hImI a show! . . . .V- it. feel it, hear it all ihis rear! ... the tom-tom Ik at of the f,ayway . . . the roar ami clatter of thrill ri.les . . . the Mure of uil.l iiiumc an.l the i-hufflins erowri . . . the full muM. al rvtravaKanza featuring Charlie M Carth v, KW-ar Beraen Mortimer Sner.l anl a hoM of p.r.oU, irls AueuU 21th to Aufrut -I.tli . . . the epeelaeular free outdoor sh..s . . . an.l the MranBe e.cHement of the I'.N.K. Shrine Cirri. i,h jungle M-atS an,I lareWe,,! a. rial .eU Anpust 2)th to S,,,((-,Iht 3th. UiaB,.P, hri-hter lKtter lhan e,er. thi jearV I'.N.K. Hill r,reHent a thrilling mi,"r,h of hu'"'in me mAi8 aria cna.L 4 i tels of the Defendant DUNCAN C. WING. I have seized !r IrUCk' m0de' IC Englne and serlal nunibers Rlstra'ion number 213975, License Plat No C17734, mounted on trailer with pneumatic tires' and 1 Roofing tar heating kettle and on Monday. August 22nd, 1949. at the hour of 10 o'clock in' fn, interest , t J r Sale by public auction a the right title and of the defendant in the above goods Terms of sale, cash, and this sale is subject to the Social Security and Municipal Aid Tax M. M. STEPHENS, Sheriff of the County of Prince Rupert. (195) 9: 30 Vesper Hour 00 CBC News : 10 CBC News 10 10 10 : 15 Kerry Wood, Wm ,,, arm iiKiusirv. Home ru .....I it 10 11 Licturing and Agrieulture MtfMAIN VALl'E ... VI :30-Prelude to Midnight :00 Weather and Sin Off ' MONDAY A.M. :00-Muslcal doc it : 00 CBC News : 15 Morning Song :30 Music for Moderni Don't mi this flii teriiia ertale of ISritish ColumhiaV crowth and achievement . . . eleven magnifuent davs, narked with interest an.l exeitemerit ! Han to take time . . . make lime . . . arrnw V NOW! ... . i. i i.f N.H.A. DESIGN-OF-THE-MONTH :45 Little Concert holiday at hihihition time. KEAJE.MI1KK THE DATES! AUGUST 24 TO SEPTEMBER 5 INCLUSIVE :00-BBC News At Comty. : 15 Morning Devotion :30 Sunrise Serenade For Estimates and PHONE 2 MITCHEL CURRIEL :45 Coffee Timr :59 Time Signal mm Builders and I'm 00 Deirdre McEachran ' iiiimiiiiiiifu't'tiriti-t!'"""!1!" "!!!''' jllfftii; ill imiU'illnti ,!Wt.. - A. 1. HOLLYWOOD cafe " hL IT l 1 mwi ur-iu-UATE CAFE I.N Tllblij OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. To J:33 A.M. ft We Specialize In Chinese Dishes X Avj CHOP SUEY-CIIQW JMK1.N L For Outside Orders PHONE" 133 L? I : LPM- i : -' 1 .. 'i5", , i " """ rA tlllMlllMllllilie" -lhu- i,,.-. ,, " ' V J5 REDUCED RAIL AND BOAT FARES TO THE P.N.E. See jour Travrl Agrnl. EXHIBITION PARK VANCOUVER AUGUST 24 TO SfPT 5 H. M. KING, Pretidenl V.BEN WILLIAMS, Gen. Wgr. NOW AVAILABLE AW ! A v.rr " & I t'fCt ' ' . WK ATI! A I. I.N PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlarging QUICK SERVICE Economy, convenience and Ut ability are ppirnt in th desirt w thin attractive two-bedroom bungalow which should appeal particularly to small f.mihw eager to build but who must keel a careful y on conatructiol costs. By reducing hall areas to minimum and making maximum u?'"!1 vilb' P. h architect ha achieved a floor plan which offer conveniently located end good-siied rooms. Th kit-chen provides an adequate area for dinette use and adjoins the living room which includes dining alcove. Both bedroomi have ample closet spare and pri. acy is assured by their eomplet nffi 'rm th ' ' i: ' ' -'tH -l . Amateur and Professional Supplies Salt Lake Ferry Daily Service Except Monday SCIIEOCLES Tuesday Leave Cow Eay Floats 4, 5, 7 and 8 p m Wednesday. Thursday and Friday Leave Cow Bay Floats 2:30, 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. Saturday Every hour startles at 11 a.m. Sundays Continuous service commencing 11 a.m. Last boat leaving Salt Lake at 10 p.m. Phone GREEN 39t or BLACK 92G & ELKIMS ThP rertAntnilnr oh a no r? f Via Un,,M i 4 .... TRAVEL THE EASY, COMFORTABLE V Regular Trips ... To Queen Charlotte Island Pom (Daily, Except Sunday) To Alice Arm, Stewart (Every Thursday) CHARTER FLIGHTS THROUGHOUT 1 For Information and Reservations, Call QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES I arrangement for the kitchen and bathroom ffiCfA are W Vhlch nmlX ubstantial savings in construction cost, PRINCE RUPERT BOWLING ALLEY OPEN DAILY FROM 3:30 P.M. TO 11 P.M. Saturdays 12 Noon to 12 Midnight-PHONE RED 709 "BOWL FOR HEALTH" FREE INSTRUCTION LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 '.ntrf'",Ce t0 the T P'oted hv flat roof which nnU M atended to form a sun shade over the dinin g alwiv. ' IaZa wlndow- Ulr 1 toeet is located off the vestibule. J As the gable end of the house - faces larly adaptable to a narrow uT . the . street lJ1rj fh tkl. " k..M "" t I parUri ... j GOLD SEAL LABEL the house illustrated, brick 2 i mi 0 veneer, stucco or anv '-, Outside meSTo 7171 lH ruAl faS betes-and the area, Joestimating, M0ua feeft jj ' (. I t : .4- "'"IMlKtH!,,,-