Prfnce Huprrt Daflp r3ctos Saturday, June 4, 1949 era cm it SCkrtchtl f an independent dally ceirspaper aerotec to -j upBuiidlng of Prtno Ruprt acid all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia (AutburueO m Second Cui Mali. Post Otflx Department. Ottawa) Published ererr afternoon except Sunday b rrtnc Rupert Dally New Ltd.,' 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. Brltlah Columbia, O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY. Managing Director. tUnibER OT CANADIAN PRFSS ArDTC BIT?EAD OP CIRCtATIONa . CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION - flTTiSCR IPTION RATES &9ft SERMON OUj Carrier. Per Week. 20c: Per Month. 75c: Per Year. 8 00. SgpS' t. r uii pee unnTn Mir- fer Tear, aa.uu ' 1 SATURDAY MUSH FOR dpw rastt. s prdtkter Tnh thp nld-fashioned not universally popular as t v - i - . A 7 j- 'V .,1 a. ih: fact that the industry for providing iancy ureaiviaM foods is a very big and profitable one. However, there are still a great many people who find that, if thev have to work hard or undergo physical exertion and privation, the best thing! to start the day with is the good old-faahloned mush. Men In sed r; entary occupations qulckl switch to something more sub stantial than toast and coffee they go on hunting trips. This looks like a good Illustra tion concerning the belief and practice of the Christian reli- gion. When we are really upi 1 yiti iS-T.&V agaist it, we need the good od I Annunciation Church was '. substantial food which looks so i njJed to "' capacity lat evening! indigestible and uninteresting . ' food' mhen ReSJnald - Geen nt of Tor"i but is in reality the only that meets the need. We en-)onto Conservatory of Music, counter it dressed up In part ; pave a vary fine recital of dedl with milk of human kindness j cation on the new organ. Father' and the sugar and art and cul-' F. Rayner in opening the pro-, 10 DE CONVENES-One of the 5ocH! h!sh!!Shts cf the 13th convention of the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire new being held at Victoria, B. C. was a reception by Lt.- Gov. and Mrs. Charles A. Banks at Government House. Here Lt.-Gov. Banks chats with Mrs. Frank P. McCurdy of Toronto, centre, national president, and Mrs. George Black of the Yukon, a national life member of the organization. t C. P. Photoi BREAKFAST (Canon St. Andrews Cathedral i , kind, for breakfast is can easily be seen by the Orgm Master Delights Many Memorial Instrument Dedicated at Annunciation Church , gram, explained that the or?an; had been donated to the church : by G. W. Nlckerson in memory "Berenice." and on to the gay; lilting "Spfing Song" of Hollins where one could conjure pic-' tures of birds among blossoming j trees and young animals at play. j The Mendelssohn Sonata show-; ed solendid contrasts In mood and tempo and Mr. Geen's fine interpretation of this comnosi- tion brought out the lovely mel- ody and beautiful harmonies to 'the satlsfatcion of the audience. Tne versatility 01 tne organist was well developed in his playing of "Canzone iLa Vita Nuovai" by Wolf-Ferrari. The strong melody at the opening of the comnoRitlon with mood con trasts throughout were molt. effective. ! ture and learning Sometimes ; plenty of milk sometime very little. Sometimes lots of sugar . sometimes none at all. . But of his wife. the middle of the bowl is this Mr. Geen presented a pleas-mass ( of theological truth con- j ingly balanced program ranging cernlng God and the human from Schubert's beautifully re-soul which seems so often 1 ligious "Ave Maria." through quite incomprehensible. Many .Handel's stately "Minuet" from May Be Record Vote POPULAR VOTE may hit a new-peak CANADA'S it could roll over the S,000,000 mark-in the June 27 general election. It will be the 21st general election since Confederation and a steady increase in the number of voters has taken place in every contest since 1900. This year, a new and historic factor has come into the picture. Newfoundland has entered Confederation, bringing with her another 175,000 potential. voters. In addition, there has been a steady postwar flow of immigrants who, after one year's residence in this country, may exercise the franchise. The popular vote in the 1943 general election totalled 5,246,130, including 359,078 service votes, out of a potential 6,952,445 voters registered. Based on natural poulation increase, immigration and union with Newfoundland, preliminary surveys indicated there would be more than 8,000,000 eligible voters this year. Though the rise in the popular vote was slow in the early years of this century, there was an increase of 4,293,634 in the number of ballots cast in the 1945 election over the 1900 election. " In 1900, a year in which women had no franchise, the vote total was 953,496. The increase since then reflects the extension of the vote to women, the heavy rise in the country's population and generally-increased interest in government. In 1904. when the main election issue was the trans-continental railway problem, the vote rose to m,ftl0,lS6. It jumped again to 1,173,856 in 1908, "when tariff problems joined with the railway issue to sharpen voting interest. The thorny question of reciprocity with the United States pulled the voters - out again in 1911 and the vote total climbed to '. -1,307,523. , . " Three factors in the war election of 1917 the ; proposed union government, conscription and the ; women's franchise resulted in the sharpest rise ; in the popular vote up to that time. The ballots .' totalled 1,883,329, including some 250,000 or more -soldier votes. Women voted for the first time in the 1921 ..g?neral election and their ballots swelled the total ; to 3,119,306 1,235,977 more votes than were count-' ed in 1917.3 '. The raie of increase slowed down in the 1925 and 1926 elections, in which the main interest stem-med from tariff, trade and constitutional questions. In 1925, the popular vote totalled 3,168,412 and in 1 . Ir t : . " 1 v- 1 w ? - jMir. . Hon. R. W. Mavhew. federal iiihiUter of fisheries, left by this afternoon's plane for Vancou ver after spendln? a couple of days in the city in the course of an election campaign tour. " VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 pm., Chilcotln Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Coqultlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 pm. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coqultlam, June 3 and 17. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coqultlam, June 10 and 24. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 Phone Red 4(10 early and he sure of your I "he render-lBC,. ing of Liszt's "Ave Maria d Arc-jc. adelt." I - gro. Vivace; Mendelssohn. '1 "Fugue In G Major" J S. Bach. "Ave Maria d'Arcale!t" Llsi.t "Spring "Song," (Hullinsi. "Minuet" from ' "Btrenire,"; Handel). "Barcarolle" from "Fourth Concerto" (Sterdale-Benneti. "Funeral March" and "Chant Seraphique," (Guilmanti. "Ave Maria" "Schubert t. "Canzone iLa'Vita Nuovai" (Wolf -Ferrari. "Meditation," Brow.skit. Grand Chorus "Salome." HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert N. Fiddler, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. J. Hill. Vancouver; Mrs. G. Anderson, Vancouver; E. Maustad, New Westminster, Olga Johannessen. Trail; Swuianeii, Trail; U. GrU wold. Rowland: J. Parker. Chilli Advertise in tne Dally News' SAILBOATS These boats are well-built and are fully rigged with sails and rudder . , . models up to 20 inches in length. "Make the Young Sailor's drearn come true." Regular Price 6.73 EXCEPTIONAL VALUE AT - , . S2.89 518 3rd Ave. W. DIRECTORY Serrtre In all rhnrrhe at II a.m. and 7:30 p.. ; Kuiulay School at 1J1S rirept as ahown. ANGLICAN CATUFDRAL 4th Are. W. it Ounsmuir St. Holy Communion (30 am. ; Sunday School 3:00 p m. Canon Basil 8. Prockter. B A.. B D. Rector: (Blue 733) FIRST BAPTIST Its An. K. at Young St Ml Ulster: Rev. Fred Antrobua (Green U FIRST PRrSBVTERIAN 4th Ayenu East Minister: Rev. George E. Sendall (Green 8M FIRT VMTED 63 th Ave Weat Minister: R. A. Wilson. M A. (Green 6I3i FILL GOSPEL TABKRXACLE if 202 6th Ave West Pastor: C. Fawcett (Green 630) SALVATION ARMY Fraaer 8u?et CO.: Major W. Yurgensen i Directory Clau 2 30 p.m. Sunday School S:00 p m. (Black 368) ST. PAl L'S LI THF.RAN 6th Ave. at McBrlda St. Pastor: E. Soil and (Black 610) i ST. PETIR S ANGLICAN Seal Cove Archdeacon B. Hodson Sunday School 1100 a.m. Erenlng Prayer 730 p.m. (Blue 437) In of , . . v. .r, n. l-irstl resbytenaii Church Minister Rev. G. E. Sendail. 1 B.A., B.D.' to Director of Music: Mrs E. J Smith ; 11 :0d "Joseph." I Duet by Beverley Mattson t i and Isabelle Taylor. ' 12:15 Sunday School. 7:30 "The Third." REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCH (Fundamental) 629 6th E., Near High School Phone 369 SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 1949 12:13 p.m. Sunday School. Classes for All Come!) 7:30 p m. Gospel Service. Special Speaker: SEN. MAJOR C. N. WARRENDER Subject: (Div. ' Com. Salvation Armyi "MOUNTAIN PEAKS' Come and Hear This Message Special Music-(Lord's Supper follows Evening Service) Wed., 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Fri., 7:30 p.m. Young Peoples WE BELIEVE AND PREACH THE OLD-TIME GOSPEL Christian Science Society Second Avenue West Prince Runert, B.C. Branch of The First Church of Christ Scientist, In Boston, Mass. Subject of Lesson Sermon: "God the Only Cause and Creator" Services Every Sunday at 11 a.m. Sunday School convenes at 11 a.m. Wednesday Evenjng Meeting Second Wednesday of each -month at 8 p.m. Reading Room Open Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" See Our Window Display of SIMMONS and RESTMORE Bedding 327 3rd Ave. West Phone 775 Plumbing Trouble? CA1X BLUE 846 or us are like the children. We scrape off the sugar or lap up, the milk and leave the rest. But that cannot really meet our fundamental need. And .when the hour comes, when we are really on the ropes, weary and laden, we know so well that the , only thing that will really re- vive us and keep strong lor the Ugk of the iourney ls the swal. rtfr ,ui, v,o do with Forgiveness. Justlfl-. cation, Immortality and the Compassion of Almighty God swal- lowing it moreover at God's own breakfast table, the Church. So it comes about that- some ti." ri r 1 1 iroS f rvr muno trAiva cVmiH. 1. 'I ' ."r ". ir'" J" .ryri r I think of living for even one day without a bowl of the same. We may think them strange. But they learned its value in the school of hard and sometimes bitter experience. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Large returned to the city on the Princess Norah this afternoon after making the round trip to Alaska. FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 202 Sixth Ave. West INVITES YOU TO ATTEND Morning Worship 11:00 3unday School and Bible Class 12:15 Ivangelistie Service 7:30 Tues. Praye Meeting 8:00 Friday, 8:00 Young Peoples. Pastor, C. FAWCETT Mr. Geen. a thorough master , wacll; E Her.n, Vancouver; Mr. of his Instrument, called the ancj j,irs Chapin. Kelowna: moods and the organ responded h. Cappozzi. Kelowna; C. Cheek, in turn with a haunting melody, chiiliwack; D. Harris, Chilll-or clear bell tones, deep throaty wack; A. Bell, New Westminster; chords, and again with a song. B Main, New Westminster, simple yet beautiful. Once it Sneri.1 ' """"H ' " n " Fuiaj MEN'S - Special ' ft' i DRESS iK Perfect S'al 11 hrunk. . s - Fur tt shirts OVKRS sds,J 1 "I. '-MTV-Wen and tood fit. C . R.:s I mm Chandler & 0 PORTRAIT 8TC Film FinShinr - 1 Flash riiotfu Tik , Phone Green 1 2; PRINCE RUPERT SMITH & ELK HAVE HAD YEARS OF PLUMBISQ AND HEATING EXPERIENCE PHONE PI REAL ESTA INSURANC INCOME Tm RETURNS PiXl'A R. E. MORTO 5:4 2nd Ave, Ner BALAGN0 F Phone Crwn "8' Advertise in the Pi iiiiU.KVlAl I'M1' Niitlrf id .tipllra 1' Nolle U lwrrtT ' (liV 01 JUM try .-h-venti) si'-nni Brsnch K-.M nt th CanMan IflrKM m tr. th Liaiior Con a CM Liwtic m Ofllfrt quani-ni. f : amc mmtrttctioa. utc 1 36' Tit 11 add.'-sK 1 . .. a.ii.rt' I 1 U 111 W ul of th uii!m!'n 01 P" 1 mill Run i. I Brm . trirt. M:.p ,nd 1 , Uliwuii .,.. ... f l&ck 3 o! hl.x-K E as shon on n, ! .. H.ininK . r, mml ..-..I lili-. Distnrt. in tW Pr';v' ' C.,lumbl. " o tlw i1 Cl'b 10 rofcws a rfiw'!'.''lf . .,,.! nullum?.- '-'"J ' i.'HM purchase ! ... hv ihf Bias !!'' . c..iiumpU'n on tnj W -Oivrrnment th ,hP ITKUlaU.HU P'"U'F . . ... Prince W-i1" Kin ,EU0?. B!T.:'ti iPhil'P - ..MNMIST iKif'l ... Il ti.- f im- :,, (l I ! Trailer of . . .IOi. . I N()r s eleventh M, "1,J"; ' iv t,- C.ntru. B,nrd f t Vrt."n. CI'.tiJ,( B.,1, Isstiwl lnr3;4 at J' 3rd A' ml.-w-s situn Prmc Kujr. ""difS 2U, -c""n,L'id l"" fl"d ''""a St rat- :, i or v .wbdlvlslon ( the . pnif 'V M P B1"flt ' Lap K MP shown on crfS. J 3 proximately oii 0 ,ert I."'"1 Brit' 'th Dated at 10th Mffi LEO'0 CANADBn-ch fff ubU hcoi iBei -A A was as if a flute played in the " distance, once the subject of a fugue romped over the key-' board. Finally a full chorus' filled the air. ! At intermission as well as at the beginning and e'nd of the' fine program, Annunciation J i combined choir sang hymns with , , a depth of reeling which car-; ried over to the audience, Th?! 1 choral numbers were "Come, ! 1 Holy Ghost" (Lambillotte", "Holy ! I ' God, We Praise Thy. Name," j (Rltter), "O God of Loveliness" j (adapted by Montanii and "Ye I ' Sons and Daughters of the Lord" , j (Palestrina). j t Organ program was as fol- j lows: ' j j "Ph mtasle (Rhelnbere;er). j "F.orata (Grave. Adagio, Alio-! CAFE IX THE CITY J:30 A.M. JU SLOTS HOLLYWOOD cafe ; 1926 it inched up to 3,273,062. '.. The depression years brought with them the -: simmering problem of unemployment and focussed .' the attention on Canada's domestic economy. The " popular vote climbed to 3,992,481 in 1930 and then swung over the 4,000,000 mark for the first time in ; history in 1935, when 4,406,854 ballots were cast. The 1940 election was Canada's second wartime ' election and 4,620,260 voters turned out to cast their . ballots. ; PRINCE RUPERT MUSKETEERS WHO SAYS the movies have not an influence? Sword play and field strategy appear to be ; engaging the earnest attention of Prince Rupert ; youths. Almost any afternoon groups of boys, I grasping their side-arms (in this case, just ordinary sticks) can be seen doing a quick march, executing a turning movement or, in sudden emergency, doing desperate fencing all same "Three Musketeers." ; -The open spaces of the railway reserve offer ample ' opportunity for tactical advantage. 1 1 i - i - '. 'CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS! HOST UP-TO-DATE OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. TO We Specialize In Chinese CHOP SUEY-CHOW DONT MISS THE FUN AT LIMBERLOST For FISHING, BOATING, HUNTING, SWIMMING HANCING . . . AM) MANY OTHER SPORTS hgr t i I rb j t ! j Tu I fc I i 1 f ' .a i 4 6( c !: For Outside Orders PHONE 133 Fun for the Whole Family at LIMBERLOST! Make your reservations Happy Holiday in the Bermudas of the North. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT LIMBERLOST LODGE LTD. . PHONE " 5C3-OR UNION STEAMSHIPS OFFICES-PHONE 508. THOM SHEET METAL LIMITED wishes to announce that the Latest in Portable Welding Equipment HAS BEEN ADDED TO THEIR ALREADY EXTENSIVELY EQUIPPED SHOP 253 First Ave. E. Phone Black Ig4 "Jayeee" Convention City Prince Rupert ORMES DRUGS DRUGS Wiilliuiilii!ii;ll!l;:illll llllililliflll GUESTS ARE USUALLY IN AN EXPANSIVE MOOD AFTER A LUNCHEON OR DINNER DATE at the ' PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOUPS WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. 8UNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 2 P.M. 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. ' mini BAPCO FLOOR ENAMEL For FLOORS, LINOLEUM and WOODWORK Supplied in nine attractive colors IT DRIES IN FOUR HOURS THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Civic Centre Dining Room For Reservations afid Chicken In The Rough Phone Red 705 Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. and Sunday Duily car delivery service Trom 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. SAAN1CH Plumbing & Heating