6 T BURNABY MAN ptfnce Htipcrf DufljJ T5effi3 Saturday, June 4. 1949 SOFTBALL IS OPENED HERE BLESSINGS OF Reminiscences By W. j. and REFLECTIONS W. L. Mackenzie King spent! a miserable May, and June, so far, is believed to be a time of discontent. The sound of battle hn been in his ears all the noats. 4 si " . ..." ' and . BASEBALL SCOPES ; FRIDAY j National Cincinnati 3-1. Philadelphia 2-3 ! St. Louis 2, Brooklyn S , . j Chicago 5, New York 15 Only games. j American Boston 1, Cleveland 8 ! Philadelphia 3, Detroit 4 j Washington 12, St. Louis 3 j New York 9, Chicago 7 j THURSDAY Western International Bremerton 11, Salem 0 . Spokane 3, Victoria 0 Yakima 4, Tacoma 2 . Vancouver 10, Wenatchep 6 Pacific Coast 1 . hen North 8tar'8 entry ln tne time but. for obvious reasons. he could not Join in combat. He!"'8 leaue soundly trounced LISTEN TO THE LITTLE BIRDIE! a Don't let winter weather creep up on you unawares. Play Safe! Order your coal snugly CALL 651 ' PHILPOTT, Lumber supply now and .be sure of a comfortable winter ahead. to place your order. EVITT & CO. IWINS SPEAKING 1 CONTEST HERE i Ernest Crampton of the South ; Burnaby Junior Chamber of Commerce was awarded the ', Vancouver Board of Trade tro-J phy la ;t night afwr he had been j judged winner of the provincial Jaycee oratorical contest in I which he and four other youna j men spoke on the topic "We Are i For Freedom" at the Junior j Chamber convention yesterday. I The shining silver trophy was presented to Mr. Crampton at tth Jaycee installation banquet j last night by National President i Phil Pugsiey who urged him to ; carry his talent to Calgary and I Toronto where western and na tional oratorical contests will be he'd later this month. Part of the reward for his prize-winning address will be a paid trip to Calgary for the western competition and to Tor onto if he wins at the prairie city. The regional contest was held in the Civic Centre auditorium Friday afternoon, where, before an audience of convention dele-Rates and four judges, Mr. Crampton. Norman Parkins of Virlona, Ron Oriswold of Ross- land. Herb Capdzzi of Kelowna and Bruce Harvey of prjnce Georae. spoke on the same topic ' "We Are For Freedom." The panel of judges consist- MAYOR "SELLS" CITY TO JAYCEES Prince Rupert was "sold" to delegates to the regional convention of the Junior Chamber of Commerce here Friday by Mayor Nora Arnold in an address before a luncheon sponsored by the city council in the Civic Centre auditorium. Feature speaker following the noonday meal, Mayor Arnold took the opportunity to tell the LIMITED Building Supplies ?Brcuron$fcr Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boddiei R. W. Beecher of Terrace sail-sailed Friday night on the Catala j ed Friday night on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. for a trip to Vancouver. First Game Louse Auair But Better Things Expected Prince Rupert's 1949 Softball season got under way Wednesday evening at the Gyro Park the Gordon and Anderson stal warts by a 15 to 2 score. Al-j though the final outcome indlc- ated a cribbage score rather than the results of a Softball game, the fans had an enjoyable evening and will be back tonight I to see the third entry In the I league Oeneral Motors play Gordon and Anderson entry. The game was a typical early reason effort with errors galore and a good many more walks than hits. There were two two-base hits during the evening but no circuit clouts or three bag gers, uordon ana Anaersoni were pretty well demoralized throughout the game and, if it had not been, .for the brilliant ! nl.ivin of their catcher, the - - 4m score would have been even worse than it was. Another game or two could see the teams rounding into condition which will mean plenty of enjoyable summer evenings for the fans. The Oeneral Motors entry this year will be made up entirely of young fellows, and it is a completely revamped team from last year. North Star have many of last year's C.N.R.A. players on their roster and are early season favorites to cop the silverware. Tonight will see how Gordon & Anderson stack up against the young fellows of the General Motors entry. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Ayenue BBBvHHHHtfMMwwMww"M Quattys PHINT1NC i San Diego 11, Seattle 10 (10 innings i. Hollywood 8, Los Angeles 0 Portland 10, 8acramento 7 Oakland 3, San Francisco 0 RAINY WEATHER STOPS FOOTBALL Ruiny weather is Interfering -ith the early season soccer play. League - game Kn General Motors and Battery was j postponed from last evening and j a friendly exhibition between) Port Edward and Prince Ru- j pert, scheduled for this evening, has been called off. Battery and Canadian Legion are billed to meet Monday night. Advertise in the Dally News! NOW AVAILABLE LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL All Types Sirri-IES FOR OFFICE STATIONERY FOR HOME GREETING CARDS PENS AND PENCILS The hiQhlW't of f, J)e Old V VurionlAk ihe finest ot tine aks. I Jack McRae. Coalition can- I dldate for Prince Rupert in 1 the forthcoming provincial cl- ; ection, has received the blss- ! ings of Former Premier T. D. j Pattuilo, staunch old Liberal j and for nearly thirty ypp.rs i M.L.A. for this riding. I.-i a letter to Mr. McRa. Mr. Pattuilo Rays: 'I am pleased you are in the campaign. I have followed your imivwnls from the press and nil expecting to hear good ncv:s June 13." PLANNING BIG LABOR MEET LONDON (!' The Criti.sh Labor party yesterday outlined a program for the largest annual conference in the paii'.s 49-year history. Morgan Phillips, secretary of the party, said that 14Sa delegates Will attend the five-day session at Blackpool starting next Monday. 'The previous top attendance was 1374 at last vear's conference. i I I r- v t i I k 1 ALL TIMES i 1 I 111 III' w ' mmmmmi " " visitors some of the background the greatest document since of the city and to extol the tne Magna Charta. spirit of its clti;:ens whom she J ..Man is at nis best wnen he described as "a fine group who has a maximum amount of free-have what it takes." dom," he declared. "Without She also paid tribute to the . economic freedom ajl other free-community work done by the dom cannot endure. We must Prince Rupert Junior Chamber be free from fear of tne futUre HAVE A CASE IIASDY AT UiP Th aft Saturday"' ; Sunday commencing n Last town I,. CltrtX 391 Onl, i NOIUS A TV VAPOt Hl, st'iNim Sim and nesting THI.M.CIAt COM( tOIIOMl r :': r.DCtDQ BRIDDfK CONTRACTORS A.Y lUlIllllIS CONSTRUCT!! ALTERATION KEPAIRS FLOOR SASDINC A SPECIALTY RI D bSI P.0.Bfl P phone GreeM has frequently as much as said he deplored sitting on the side lines. Well, when a fellow feels he must do something or burst. 1 he can always write to the editor. We're in for a good old-fashion bawling out if a friend man- 1 ages to remember what it was 1 in this column he so strongly disagreed with and now Is un-I able to recall. Here's hoping he ; will recollect every last little de-: tail itnd bring on Ills storm of criticism. A free and forceful argument now and then, Is i good for the soul, anyway. We don't like "yes, yes, yes" people. They are not in teresting enough. That's why we live in Canada instead of Russia. ed of F. E. Anfleld, J. T. Harvey, Allan M. Hurst and Canon Basil S. Prockter. In announcing the decision of the judges, Mr. Anfleld said that, because of the i competency of all the speakers, a oecision naa Deen anncuii 10 make. Mr. Anfleld particularly commended 18-year-old Bruce Harvey of Prince George for his address, which the Judges considered exceptionally good for one so young. Commenting on Mr. Cramp-ton's prize-winning address, Mr. Anfleld drew attention to the stress laid by the speaker on the responsibility of individuals for maintaining freedom. The con cept was one which had partic-i ularly impressed the Judges, he said. Mr. Crampton had described the Four Freedoms promulgated by the late Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill as and from fear of the errors of the past." EVERY SKIN TKOl'BI.E is a case for X M R OINTMENT No skin trouble however far gone can withstand the irresistible healing power of XMR OINTMENT. Where the skin has been ravaged by terrible eczema, boila, acne XMR soothes and leaves it clear and healthy. The agonies of ulcers and 'haemorrhoids are quickly and permanently banished. 65c box at druggists or XMR Co., P.O. Box 967, Vancouver. PRINCE RUPERT BOWLING ALLEY will be open daily from 3:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. Saturdays 12 Noon to 12 Midniffht Bowl In Clean and Pleasant Surroundings BROADWAY CAFE BEST FOOD , BEST COOKING CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY FOR TAKE HOME ORDERS 608 West Third Avenue DIBB PRINTING CO. BESNER BLOCK PHONE 234 - - - , . .--, i. i W LIMITED which she said were .a "grand burfh who have done a great deal n foster a right civic spirit and a pride in this city." "The thing I like best about j the Jaycees Is that they are not glmmees. We have in this country too many people who are phvays hanging back and want the government or the city to do it, people who have lost that fine old pioneer spirit when men 1 worked from dawn to dusk to create something for themselves. There are too many who are ready and willing to hand over all the responsibilities of life to the state and become not men. but parasites." she so id. With Mayor Arnold at the banquet were Aldermen T. B. Elack, W. F. Stone and 11. 3. Whalen. Mayor Frank Goldsworthy of North Vancouver thanked Mrs. Arnold for her address on be- i half of the delegates, decrib- i ing her ps an able and outstand- j iiv; civic official whose qualities i are recognized by municipal! 'leaders throughout the proving"1. Chairman of the meeting was S. G. Furk, president of the Prince Rupert Junior Chamber. By CHICK YOUNG 4-4-? CAI HE) ) Ilea flflTrw net He: I : ,, HIT ,.Th (ki: WH ttss o fisuprl Joult lotlce it tl Vom Inn .1 'jftcat rUl alld vritln . DW Ire, r22 t i G !ubU ncoi ' Be: 54E hdr I rjo i i b i ' i j CK Ii: Li!: fTHE PPPE OF IK NEW WESTMINSTER, VICTORIA published or displayed by th Liquor Control Board or by th Government of British Columbia Iff &r -is to A fly; fttt -J . . A VANCOUVER Thii advertisement ii not BLONDIE I'M FULL 0B FEr5 ) TODftV-I THINK LL GO O'JT I VJOHK IN THH T-- ' V'' I n 'WHAT5 ALL ALEVANOER i I : fr The Salt of the Earth. fM A PAPMEC? . AT HEART I LCAt ) THE SMELL OF r, FRESHLY FRESHLY J f"--? TURNE.P Ump In a Slump. X 10 BETTER A Jj WARN THEM NV i '. . to be CAf?erjuri vlL w'i IN IMMEDIATE DELIVER 16,000 Pounds Gross Rating 150 and 165-inch Wheel Base Replace That Old Truck With One of These Fine New AND wis FP1ENDS pHE RACKfcY ARE PLAYING ri iTCirse 9 Ai i BASEBALL THE YAPO 1 T raff- 'r WAS Coins - t ( T0 tellvouto ee tjy Careful or t YOU'LL BREAK ) it a wincow V I JV.'X'-- "'- WMm? ! T T 1 1 a SUPERIOR - AUTO AND BODY SE KT.'rf M Third and Park Avenue PRINCE RUPERT Vi7 I ifavSiJ tij, i