Prince Hubert Oailp J3cto Saturday, June 4, 1949 Local News Items . . . level Cedar Siding " IS HONORED BY S.O.N. Dance Tuesday, June 7th. Music by Mike Colussl. Ke '2"x8' 'C" Grade per 1000 f.s.m. $75.00 SEE IS FOR YOIR LUMBER REQUIREMENTS Cash for old gold. Bulger's A new shipment of Gladlola bulbs has arrived at Balagiio Florists. 130j Monday, June 6 being a holiday, the regular meeting of the Chamber of Commerce is postponed to June 13. 131) Work Clothing at Prices I.O.D.E. CHAPTER Mrs. Tommy Fraser, a popular and long active charter member of the chapter, was honored Wednesday night when members of Cambrai Chapter, Imperial , carry complete stocks of finish and dimension lumber FLOORING, SIDING, SHINGLES, LATH, etc freshments. Admission $1.00 (132) Mrs. E. C. Thomas and daughter, Miss lone Thomas, of Vancouver are visiting in Prince Rupert in the course of a northern tour. This will include Alaska and Jasper before returning home. MORE PRAYER (Continued from Page 1) Order, Daughters of the Em that will stand Baseball tomorrow, Roosevelt pire, gathered at the home of 1? I No 1 0 .. Tipping r- ?&G(s- Th Thi Citric Cane Hmtirr Mitikew Wum ftilr-r f'-, frwW, J" K I jj Li. J ilBERT & McCAFFERY LID. Park (It) "EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" PHONE 116 Mrs. Sydney Elkins, Fifth Avenue East. Bridge playing was the order of the evening and, when refreshments were served, Mrs. George Mitchell poured at an attractive table centred with lilacs and yellow candles. A Moose whist drive and dance every Saturday night 8:30. Baseball season opener tomorrow 2 p.m., Roosevelt Park. Savoys versus Merchants. Junior baseball, Scherk vs. Anderson 3:30 p.m. it) Hcrvey Lees of Glendale, California, who deals In a typewriter keyboard device for In Comparison . . WORK SHIRTS In Chambrays, iSuede Cloths and Coverts r 2.25 to $3.95 each DUNGAREES AND WAIST OVERALLS Made by Western Glove, Q.W. fs being searched. Crew of the Canso la part of the air-sea rescue unit which aided in the rescue of Pilot Bill ive branches with the message that the greatest work in life was to teach the Gospel which means good news. 1949 OFFICERS Officers elected for 1949 were as follows: Honorary Vice President Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh. President Mrs. J. B. Gibson. Grant and Sheila Cure, student piR STILL MISSING ntinucd rrom Vagt. 1) tFtls"plloted by Fly-Jjiucr Rene Lemieux. ijround search party ha3 l"o two groups, one head-iConstable Jack Fletcher 'provincial police at Queen g:e City, and the other tporal Jamieson of the gift of jewelry was presented to Mrs. Fraser by the regent, Mrs. Bert Withers, on behalf of the members. Conveners were Mrs. William Noble, Mrs. Robert Parker and Mrs. Stan Saville. Mrs. Fraser is leaving shortly for Terrace to make her future home. stallation on linotype and inter- type machines, was a caller at the Daily News office yesterday while on his way north to Alaska nurse, passenger in the state of Washington a month ago. In addition to Flying Officers Lemieux and McLeod, the craft is manned by Sgt. T. Backman, LAC A. Yeatman and LAC D. Asher. "Watsa matter you believe In signs?" First Vice-President Mrs." B. S. Prockter. The whole - area' be- on a holiday trip. . He was ac Second Vice-President Mrs. Mrs. W. Le Huray, Mrs. H. Clos-ter and Miss D. Clarke of Port Athlow and Tartoo Inlets E. Hodson. and their hostesses were: Mrs. Da vies, Ocean Falls (Mrs. E. Hodson), Mrs. E. Bird, Hazel-ton (Mrs. Prince), Mrs. G. Martin, Hazelton (Mrs. Louis Janze) companied by Mrs. Lees. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sawle of New Hazelton were In Terrace recently. Mr. Sawle has purchased an automobile and, now Open For Business Salt Lake Tea Stand SANDWICHES HOT DOGS CONFECTIONERY Mrs. V. MacDonald Edward came in for the meetings. Mrs. K. E. Taylor of Vancouver and Mrs. and Miss Butter-worth of Croydon, England were at Bishop's Vodge with Mrs. J. B. Gibson. G. and Headlight 33.25 to $3.95 pair BIB OVERALLS ' Made by Western Glove, G.W. G. and Headlight $4.25 to $4.50 pair CARPENTERS' OVERALLS Made by Western Glove, Headlight and G.W.G. $4.75 - $5.15 - $5.25 Rupert Motors that the Omineca Herald has been bought by Thomas Fraser, Mrs. Dimsdale, Telkwa (Mrs. C. C. Mills), Mrs. Maxted, Terrace (Mrs. Wm. McLean), Mrs. West, Terrace (Mrs. A. Rlvet't), Mrs. A. Hinchliffe, Smithers (Mrs. B. S. Prockter). Mrs. Robert David Ltd. formerly of Prince Rupert, the former owner. has more opportunity to enjoy a change of scenery. .' son, Old Masset (Mrs. B. Eyolf-' Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. A. L. Holtby. Recording Secretary, Mrs. R. E. Mortimer. Treasurer & United Thanks-offering Scretary, Mrs. Nora Arnold. Dorcas Secsetary-Treasurer, Msr. G. S. Reade. Educational Secretary, Mrs. S. Darton. Girls' Secretary, Mrs. H. C. Flood. . Juniors' Secretary, Mrs. L. Potterton. Little Helpers' Secretary, Mrs. C. J. Currie. ! Living Message Editor, Mrs. G. H. Mead. . Living . Message Secretary ASTHMA Baseball tomorrow, Roosevelt Park. . . It) son). Mrs. Tate, Mrs. Charles Mor-vln, Mrs. Herbert Morvin and Mrs. Beyon from Aiyansh were also present. Mrs. Woodcock, Mrs. Medley, AND HAY FEVER BREATHF.A8V OF CANADA. Ltd. Vancouver, BC. Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 OW OPERATING FROM NEW PARAGE BUILDING, FORMERLY JNDSAY MOTORS, SECOND AV-LNUE AND FIRST STREET. WILL AID FOR BETTER RADIO COVERALLS In Khaki, Express Stripe and Blue Denim : , $5.25 - $5.50 - $7.25 LEATHER GLOVES In both Gauntlet and Short Wrist type $1.50 to $2.50 PHONES 566 and 866 Assistance of the minister of , Treasurer, Mrs. F. E. Anfleld. fisheries, Hon. R.- W. "Mayhew, Prayer Partner Secretary. Mrs. OF TASTY MEALS AT THE EexCate Chinese Dishes Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN DeLuxe J. M. Collison (Smithers). THE VISITORS Delegates coming from outside for the Annual Meeting of the Caledonia Diocesan Board in bringing- about an improvement of radio broadcasting service from station CFPR of Prince Rupert through fuller use of Canadian Broadcasting Corporation network programs such Delivery Phone 383 Phone as the National Hockey broad Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 am. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 lor Outside Orderi Cast, World Series and other T, r. f Prince Rupert Florists- Store Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Prompt and Efficient Service programs was enlisted by E. Id Advertising is payable in advance. Please refrain from ANYTIME ANYWHERE Liberal candidate 1300 3rd Ave.' Box 516 Tel. 777 1 Applcwhalte Classifieds, 2c per word per insertion, minimum 30c. Birth Notices 50c, Cards ot Thanks, Death Notices, for Skeena, during the minis-Flowers lor All Occasion M Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: $2. I STAMP COLLECTORS Eytcheson & Pondcri SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE ' ' ' 1 . Booster stations along the line j ' - - - of the Canadian National Rail-1 , ways to Improve radio service ) PRINCE Mr lkl RUPERT j We have a very Urn selection LOST AND FOUND WANTED PiENTS WANTED Three ur rooms. Box 1000 Cel- ; THE Skeena Construction & Cabinet Co. Builders and General Contractors FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORK CONCRETE WORK AND REMODELLING in stock. Also F.G. and Scott Albums, etc. Come in and look them over. KEN WILMOT 718 SECOND AVENUE LOST Four month old terrier, white with black and brown markinns. Missing since 23rd from 2181 7th E. Notify 13 Taxi. Reward. (133) Plant. Apply Howard 1131) to various . communities and long distance communication to the Queen Charlotte Isands were othr mattrs discussed between Mr. Applewhaite and Mr. Mayhew. DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND i ENGINEERS WRATHALL'S PnOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing ' Enlarging ' QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies ID-Bv man, part time HELP WANTED eveniims and wetK-Box 520 Daily News. (130) The minister gave assurance WANTED Housekeeper to live in. Phone Blue 767. (130) Iron and Brass Castings Electric and .Acetylene Welding ID-Three salmon eill- that all these matters would have his personal attention when he returned to Ottawa. Advertise, in the Daily News! ' M a Minus riinurr iirmiri jtender captains, musi WANTED Boy to apprentice at electrical trade. Opportunity for smart bov to learn traae Skeena area and know rieties salmon, and could Houses built under the N.H.A. Plan 20 down payment-balance in easy monthly payments over a period of 15 to 20 years. ' Free Estimatees , FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PRUNE BLACK 224 P O. BOX 167(5 rLANhiNU jUMMtK rrtnuji. 5 own deck hand. Give SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES k or address. To be lnter- on leaving, school this term. Applv Box 530 Daily News stating age and school grade attained. (132) SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY ti Wednesday. June b Box 531 union scale. You'll find what you need at the CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Summer (132) News. Examinations, write ivi..i. BOYS WANTED Reliable boys desiring Dailv ews route should file their names at tne Dailv News Office. (tf) FOR SALE School. 301 Enderton Bid B-Y MARKET ldp., (hi Winnipeg, Man. lALE-Ncw Delux 32-foot I! boat will be on viewiMAlDS WANTED for kitchen T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT joii June 8. See this nrst if looking for the Groceries Fresh and Cold Meats' Produce PHONE RED 441 FOR FREE DELIVERY and ward work. Salary to start $81.00 per month, less $30.00 per month maintenance. Uniforms provided. AddIv to Miller Bav Indian Hospital, Prince Rupert, B. C. (135) Announcements All tainnHtmmm iw column vlll b chrgd for t tall month M M Mnta wurt United Church Tea June 8 -M LE 28-foot cabin cruls-I Blue Jay" completely ied. Can be seen at tt "lub. For particulars WANTED Woman to do light ! at' the homc of Mr3- Kickerso.i, nilllNr will K. ailU tkiv-i w jro-Y MAISLKETT f year old boy week days. Phone Blue 128 alter 6. (tf) Borden Street. Catholic Hall, June 9 After ilue 103. (tf) ' E 32' x 9' combination er and trolling boat. Palmer engine, some ready to fish. Blue 639. (131) noon .tea and homc cooking sale; SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call I v - - - yv evening, final card party and PRIVATE room, board and re' muneration to elderly lady or girl for care of two boys age 7 and 5. Mother nursing. No objection to one child. 208 9th East. (130) distribution of tournament pri' zcs. T.ntheran Tea and Home fALE-30 ft. Gillnet boat f'fk II. in good condition. J Floats. Box 517. Daily (132) Cooking, June U. AT YOUR SERVICE . . FOR THE BEST IN ... . FOR SALE FOR SALE 1946 Mercury sedan 20.000 miles. 801 Borden bt. alter 5:30. Anderson. (132) Strawberry Tea, Presbyterian IALE Oil ranirp In pnnd Aircraft Charter To better serve you we are basing a second aircraft at Prince Rupert Charter Flights of All Types Carried Out Three Regular Return Flights Per Week to All Queen Charlotte Island Points FOR FULL INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS TIIONE 795 C.P.R. OFFICE CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. REAL ESTATE Church, June 16. H.M.C.S. Haida I.O.D.E. Tea, June 25. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. GAS - OIL GREASE TIRES BATTERIES WASHING Hun, $160 cash. Can be jjM 1440 8th East. (133) lALE 1942 Chevrolet Se-nn very good condition, ply owned. Can be seen ng Motors. . (tf) fcLE-oTM C. 1-ton trucks, Pick-nns anH Psinpls. FOR SALE 4 room wartime, lully furnished all modern furniture, like new. such as custom velour chesterfield -,,,10 ,.nmhinnt.ion radio, wal nut, 'veneer bedroom suite, 17. I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday. Whatever your car needs, you can always be sure of top quality products and helpful service with a smile. HOURS: Weekdays 8 a.m. to 12 midnight Sundays 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. electric fireplace, electric rang tin r,ier riiinnff suite etc. Ke I dollies, lumber carriers, I jURcy. Applv Midland Phone Black 739. (134) IlE 32' x 9' combination uer and trolllnir boat. decorated inside and out. Ken-tile kitchen floor. Fenced m Advertise in tne Dally News! I i Palmer engine, some ready to fish. Blue 639. (tf) BOB PARKER'S H UPTOWN SERVICE STATION It's Here lawn. APDlV o-look between 5 and 8 P m134) FOR SALE 5 room house and furniture, $5,000. 724 Fraser St. FOR SALE 4 room furnished rHONE 791 Second and McBride FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS REGAL PRINTERS house close in. rut k"".'-" (tf) lars Phone Blue 909. JjALLY KNOWN NAMES b(,lt Speeder Shovels. Draglines; Adams Graders; Littleford Bros. !op Road Maintenance Jrnont: Owen Clamshell fW and Rock Grapples; i Hjiiith Concrete Mixers; f Porklift Trucks: Nelson ln Loaders for Stockpile bnow Removal: Rice Port-intrifueal Pumos: Na- PERSONAL rHONE 24 THE GREAT NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHER! YOU GUIDE IT, TWO COUNTER-ROTATING BRUSHES DO ALL THE WORK! The wonderful new G-E Polisher gives a gleaming polish to hardwood, linoleum or tile floors. Weighing only 16 pounds, the G-E Polisher is easily portable . . . yet it is just the right weight to do a thorough, speedy polishing job. Bos 423 222 Second Ave. UNWANTED HAIR ERADICATED from the human body with Bnco-Pelo ointment. The remarkable discovery of the age Saco-Pelo kills the roots of any hair! Lor-Beer ' Laboratories, 679 Granville St.. Van-cuover, B. C. PERSONAL DRUG SUNDRIES (rubber goods) twelve samples fAr rop nnstnaid In plain SCHi- Dragline Scrapers and National All Steel !''ne Hoists; National oie Sawmills; National jry Screens and Convcvors. ;, '"formation from Na-Machinery Co. Ltd., uuver, B. C. (tf) BUY GENUINE . . . Bustisafiie; for greater economy and saving on your Dust Control problems t in 70-lb. drums' 150-lb. and 250-lb. barrels! PRINCE RUPERl SUPPLY HOUSE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR 712 gecond Ave. Phone 632 P. O. Box 772 , ed wrapper, catalogue included. General Novelty Cc Dept. 'PR,' 71 Major St.. Toronto, Ont. U0J Complete with two polishing brushes and two lambs wool buffing pads. ALEsunsnine English $59.50 BUILDING ALTERING REPAIRING For Supplies PHONE 3fi3 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors none Black 489. (133) SAVOY HOTEL W. L. WOODS, Proa PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT METAL WOrt !fr' Hardware and Office Jr. Underwood Tvpe- PLUMBING Instaiailg?rBAn? Repairs. SHEET METAI. WORK. Tar and Gravel Roof- I otnnrilPBU & SOBS. D4 Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. s Vn. ia d 1 o s. Bedroom Chairs, New Floor Cov- (tf) Sixth West. Phone 543. fro . iila, UUUS ttllU BESNER BLOCK PHONE 210 MlTURE You Saw It in The News! J