PROVINCIAL LI2r..-.? urn Any IIS VICT33IA, 2. C. onr.iEs DRUGS Daily Delivery PHONE 81 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XXXVIII, No. 130. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS TUTH FOR GTY ' : : 3 P MARTIN ULMER FRANK GOLDSWORTHY, NORTH Two - arid C!lalf Uilliosi irn To Office Of STILL MISSING VANCOUVER MAYOR, JC PRESIDENT da's Best Gov t Weather Hampers Search on Graham Island for Fishing SUpoer Two ground parlies of five men each started searching yesterday from Seal Inlet and U I UQDVi&atavu seen Bv Speakers British and American Capital Interested In 165-Room Hostelry Contracts Let 1 ' Skaloo Bay on the west coast jeral Cabinet Minister and Skeena Elected at Friday Session of Junior Chamber Convention and Installed Last Night Mayor Frank Goldsworjthy of North Vancouver was elected president of the British Columbia region of the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Canada at its annual convention here Friday afternoon and was formally installed in office at an official dinner Jast night. The 37-ycar-old civic leader I and electrical engineer replaces Dy retiring regional president Brent. W. Murdoch of Victoria Brent W. Murdoch, who acted as and will head the provincial or-1 chairman. The threat to liberty of Graham Island for Martin Candidate Express Confidence Ulmer, skipper of the gill net Mishaps At Coast Reef Charles M. Hays, whose tragic death in the of the Titanic in 1912 retarded the growth of the boat Atomic, who has been miss ot Uutcome Un JuneZ ii. ..i it. t :i i I.. U...1 ing since May 22 when he set Grand Trunk Pacific terminus at Prince Rupert, will out overland for a distance of thirty miles to the Canadian jtUon mut uiu liiiwim party mm given and after the war government of such be commemorated with the construction of a magnifi- Fishing Co.'s camp at Tartoo rdanl that it might be rated as the best gov- Inlet after his boat had broken Onn Vessel Strands Another Fouls Wheel All Are Safe ganization of the Junior Cham , 1 in Canada today, he declared, down. The search has been is an insidious one, not the fent eight-storey, lG5-room (all with private bath) hotel in this city. This information is announced in Prince Rupert and Vancouver i 1 today by R. W. Liversidge of Lon- Majestic and Phoenix all oper-don, England, who represents' ated. hampered however, by contln the Dominion had ever had and confidence administration would be given a sweeping of appreciation and return to office in the forthright type of tyrany which ber 01 Commerce lor tne next year. Newly-elected vice-president is ucd stormy weather and Ulmcr's The American power barge Pat B was proceeding undamaged to Ketchikan voday with earlier patroits struggled against. rate is still a mystery, it wa3 I ion on June 27 were Frank Kaftel. Mr. Kaftel is. Mr. LiVersidire was acconwanied her crew of seven following a vitally interested in the devcl-ito Vancouver May 30 by S. Cig- Jerry Hilton, of Vernon, who was not present at the two-day convention which closed this afternoon. Councillors for the seven grounding on Herbert Reef night when Hon. :icw of Victoria, fed- r of fisheries, and jjiwhaite, Liberal can-4 Skeena, addressed a. jjtmR at the Civic Cen-kij'liew and Mr. Ap- opmcnt of central and northern ;en prominent Toronto lawyer British Columbia and is a large j ani mining promoter, on the shareholder in Yukon and Bri- occasion of placing cotracts for tish Columbia mining and the ne work to be done. They state districts which make up the B.C. Socialistic philosophies which carry the threat of economic restrictions must necessarily carry within themselves tne danger of detriment to politl cal freedom, he said. t Following the Inflation addresses, Bert Morrow, presidentelect of the Vancouver Junior Grenvillc Channel, south of Prince Rupert, late last night. The fish packer Western Ranger was at the Prince Rupert reported by Flying Officer Lorn-, ieux of a Royal Canadian Air Force Canso flying boat which landed at Prince Rupert late yesterday afternoon to refuel, returning to the Queen Charlottes this morning. The only trace that has been found of Ulmer since he became missing was the remains of a region are D. H. Holmes, Vic the subject of cold calculation and regulation by tlv; state. By unity and liberty could be assured security and a fuller and better life for the Individuals. The Liberal faith was rot one of compromise but was based on a positive outlook oa life. Liberalism rejected privilege, be-tConiuiueu m rage 5 Alberta oil and coal Industries, t.hev "hone to build a hotel toria, Don Harris, Chiliwack, Len MacLeod, Vernon, Frank Witt Title to the former Grand . worthy of the city." Apart from dry dock for repairs after having had her propeller fouled in a tow line after assisting in re Trunk hotel site has been ac-'the Inevitable industrial expan- ner, Penticton, Edward Batt, quircd by a new company, now j sion now taking place In the Rossland, Rudy Kaser, Prince Chamber of Commerce, present - gwere agreed Lliut it likely that Cana-i choose to turn out 1 1. mrnt which had campfire and arrows In the floating the barge. The West being Incorporated, and the city, the principals were Inter- George and Walter Burns, Smi-jed Mr and Mrs pUg.ey wim ern Ranger was Drougni 10 structure to be erected will be ested in the project largely thers. country to a posi- such Prince Rupert by the lighthouse tender Birnie which had also gone to the scene of the strand war prosperity st t - dared to hope f sand about half way between Athlow Bay, where the boat was abandoned, and Tartoo Inlet. These signs were found by Bob Trashcr, who had been Ulmer's companion on the Atomic and who set out after him on the The councillors are, In effect, a board of directors which assists officers in co-ordinating the work of member units and known as the "Charles M. Hays through the endeavors of Olier Hotel." Directors include: Dav-:Besner, well known pioneer of id Mulligan, director of the Bilt- the Klondyke rush and of the more Hotel chain, New York; 'early history of Prince Rupert, his son, George Mulligan of . The numerous adversities of the and a silver tea service from the members units of the B.C. region. The gathering then er.joyed dancing with music by the Four Dukes orchestra. ing and towed the Western Ran me time had main- ger here. act as a connection between the principles of true de-ixl free enterprise, iiwite went so far ai Toornto, a director of several 1 years following the first world Canadian hotels; Thomas D.'war have not diminished his local organization and their overland trek. The two had be Calls For More Prayer Anglican W.A. Learns About England Officers Elected At the Thursday session of the come previously separated when Mr. May hew, Bn' can Hotel Association; Olier Bes- Kaien Island. ncr of Prince Rupert and Van NIMBUS WINS ROYAL DERBY Trashcr' essayed to cross Skaloo Bay in a rubber boat which swamped. The Atomic, which had suffered a broken clutch when it federal cabinet inin-Skeena would return al fold as a support- CS.U. Is Suspended Mr. Liversidge states the promoters have had the full support of the Prince Rupert city council. The projected structure, when fully furnished, will represent an investment of $2,- a.cwiy ffiandau a gov- couver; and J. T. Harvey of Prince Rupert. J A large sharehoicer In the undertaking will be the interests of. Arthur J. Rank, British Caledonia Diocesan Board of the ter the ballots had national officer. . :.. Electioiv of all officers was unanimous, the 40 delegates present approving submissions by a nominating committee' which had acted on advice of local officers. i Sw-ring in of Mr. Goldsworthy as regional president took place at the official convention banquet held in the Commodore Cafe last night. The oath of office was administered by Mac Armour Drake and Swallow Tail Second and Third Respectively, in Famous Itacc motion-picture producer. In. 500,000. conjunction with the project a The site of the hotel Is on ci following the fed-it's meeting, attend-hieh was probably disagreeable wcath-lumber at ac- Women's Auxiliary of the Church of England, Canon W. F. Rush-brook reminded the members that they must pray without ceasing. "If a thing Is worth while do It well for, by constant self-denial, reward will be yours in the higher life," he asserted. was abandqned, went aground but has since been towed Intact to Tartoo Inlet. The Canso plane Is also engaging actively in the search but the heavy weather has been hampering its operation. LOCAL BOY CO-PILOT Flying Officer Jarvis H. (Mickey 1 McLeod of Prince Rupert is co-pilot on the R.C.A.F, plane in the search for Ulmer. Thursday, the plane set out Second Avenue near the Canadian National Totem Park, exactly to the west of the Christian Science Church. Purchase of ten lots has been completed. fully-modern, large theatre will be constructed, thus reviving memories of Prince Rupert pioneers fo 1912 when four theatres, the Westholme, Empress, s presided over by Chapin, of Kelowna, national vice-president after the new regional head had been intro Its, president of the Army! EPSOM DOWNS (Via Signals! Nimbus won the 170th running of the Epsom Derby today in a photo finish with two other horses. The French invader, Ardour Drake, was second while Swallow - Tail ' was third in the mile and one-half classic. Nimbus is owned by Mrs. M. Glcnisteg and was ridden by The address of the President But T.L.C. Refuses to Recognize S IX. OTTAWA 'Q The 6,000 man Red-influenced Canadian Seamen's Union was suspended last night by the 400,000-man Trades and Labor Congress of Canada but a special T.L.C. committee refused to recognize the Seafarers' International Union, the C.S.U.'s bitter rival In the east-west coast strike. The committee said that the CS.U. had violated the constitution of the Congress and had failed to accept Its responsibili duced by Phil Pugsley, Montreal, Mrs. J. B. Oibson, followed. She told the meeting that the theme Pugsiey told the .meeting tnai it was based on a"bottom-up" principle with the individual lor the meeting was taken v m.ttn "THiwinrrh T-OVP MAYOR GREETS J.C. DELEGATES the two five-man search parties 'rit-t Liberal Associating to Mr. Apple-Watts asserted that ate was thoroughly giving the con.'tku-kind of representa-led at Ottawa local units being in authority. which are continuing to invcstl be Servants one to Another." gate the area where Ulmer dis A major project of tne Junior This was the theme chosen by national president. Mr. Pugsley introduced Mr. Goldsworthy following an address to the Vathering of 120 delegates and their ladies in which he urged young Canadians to accept responsibility for building a greater Canada. Charles Elliott. The horse took Chamber of Commerce of Can Miss Margaret West in the summer of 1907 when the W.A. was formed in Caledonia. v appeared apparently while attempting to walk the 30-odd miles from Athlow Inlet to a Canadian Fishing Co. camp at ada, he said, Is its magazine "Action" which is distributed to Delegates to tne B. C. regional convention of the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Canada, which opened at the Civic Cen whaite, who was In and in the: pink of 10,000 Junior Chamber members ties as an affiliate. fighting condition, Branches throughout the dlo-1 Tartoo Inlet, tre yesterday were welcomed by "Sir Wilfrid Laurler once saidl that 'the twentieth century be-) fflcomed thj oppor- down record first money of $56,680. Two Canadians gained modest fortunes today although nobody in the Dominion was reported holding Irish Hospital Sweepstakes tickets on Nimbus. Alex McKee, Toronto seed cleaning plant worker, had a The three-man committee, which sat for five days, found cese rportcd on their activities xrasher turned in an alarm during the past year and it was aflcl travelling for eight days rvc with suca a line lie present federal Mayor Nora E. Arnold and then embarked on a panel discussion of the aims of the international young men's shown that pledges were met on foot. longs to Canada," Mr. Pugsley declared. "It rests with ourselvesthose of us in the Junior Chamber of Commerce (Continued on Page 3) ' He likened 'he I the S.I.U. too -willing and ready 1 "to man ships of the men on I strike with Inexperienced crews i ntt.h f.hp full siinnnrt nf the and the United Thank ouermg of over $270 was the largest amount that had been raised in I and key persons throughout the, country. Civic, beautification campaigns, national affairs and tourist development offer wide scope for young men's constructive interests, he declared. While the movement In Canada now has about 250 member units, there Is a potential of 700 units. This offers a 'rich field for Jaycee extension, lie said. Halibut Sales age group whether or nut this struck companies, to say no- Mrs. Arnold's brief welcome address followed an invocation and prayer by Canon Basil S. comes true. Canada has the re ticket on Amour Drake and won $40,000. Nelson Macranand of Tor- Prockter. i :iar"lmldors in a great lie director of which' 'jinembers of t.;-,c cabi- I It that, Canada and iwnt, itsclt c-iuM wrll I"! the record of the f '. "I have discovered," rPPlrwhaltc, ' after my f'-'ugh the riding that is will carry Skeena by ial maioti'v nn June The panel discussion, led by Philip Pugsley, president of the the diocese in any year. Following the luncheon, Mrs. Buttcrworth of Croydon, England, spoke of the food, the moral life and spiritual aspects of present day England. Her remarks impressed and saddened ' her listeners. sources and wealth. It depends on us to use them If our land is to make substantial progress." The job facing the JuMor Chamber of Commerce is "to ensure a maximum of freedom Delegates then took over the Junior Chamber of Commerce discussion, explaining their iripns nn rlcveloDment of the Canadian Relief, 11,000, 19.7c, 176 and 16c, Booth. Mitkof. 5,000, 19.2c, 17c and 16c, Booth. Betty L, 11,000, 19.6c, 17.2c. and 15c, Allin. Cape Sun, 5,500, 19.5c, 17c and 15c, Bacon. Invercan, 3,500, 19.4c, 17c and 15c, Storage. r ontasuburban Long Branch won $20,000 with a ticket on Swallow Tail. Florian Deneault or Montreal won $38,655 with a ticket on Nimbus in a Canadian sweepstake operated by Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans' Association. Myrtle Hebert of Tor for individuals in this country," thing of questionable methods used." , The suspension will come up for review at the annual convention of the Congress In September. It may then be lifted, extende dor turned into outright expulsion. In Vancouver James Thompson, western vice-president of the C.S.U., said the action was a "stab in the back," brought on by American Federation of Labor pressure. The S.I.U. Is an A.F. of L. affiliate. In Montreal a spokesman for the CS.U. said the strike will Questions were ansvereu Mrs. K E. Taylor, vice-president for Western Canada of the Do of Canada, brought out ideas I and, problems of member units on such projects as civic beauti-fication, national affairs, tourist development and extension of new units. Outlining the national and international structure of the Junior Chamber movement, Mr. f people, he believed, I'Tintive of th.; cxcel- f the government in various projects and the problems met in such work. Chairman of inn session was Bert Morrow, president-elect of the Vancouver Junior Chamber of Commerce. Thirty delegates were present. minion Board, who had come from Vancouver to Prince Ru 11 pei 100, a record vj onto held a second ticket worth $23,193 and W. LeMarquand third, $13,462. he asserted, and in this the extension of the Junior Chamber philosophy can do much to Implant the seed of freedom. ; "It is up to us to see that our rights are not taken away from us by any government, provincial or federal. We also have a vital duty to seev that those In other lands who wish to serve Mayhew had con- fwi, Invercan IV, 5,000, 19.3c, nc and 15c, Royal. Helen II, 22,000; D(cky Boy, 3.000: Pauline V., 5,000; Shirley, 8 000: P. Dorecn, 6,500; Atli, "h prominent and pert espcially lor mis pui.. The subject of missionaries craves came up for discussion decided to under- fiiy service. 'didal e for Skeena re-. ! his allegiance to the dint take the care and upkeep of( tv.otf Tvitiv be . 24.00(1: Anker A., 6,000; Kaien, I faith of Liberalism-J continue "until victory is won despite the suspension. He said the Union's executive had been given a vote of confidence to continue the strike. their communities and nations as free men are given that opportunity." THREAT TO LIBERTY A similar theme was stressed same wnerevei uj 1 found in the diocese. Notice of 1 motion had been given at a previous meeting that membership fee be raised and it was also decided to bring the present: constitution up to date. . 12,000; Island Queen, 24,000; Strafen, 14.000; Five Princes, 14.000; Mother III, 28,000; J. R-, 5 000; Panama, 21,000; Balsac, 14,000; Teeny Milly, 20,000; Scl-ma It., 5,000: Convenant, 14,000; Vanetta Prince. 16,000; Gony, t'liily and freedom. He 'jiii the sanctity of the I' isonality and its right I'y to work out It? own Mu-r than to be made Tninrost.lnc accounts 01 u.l 13,000; Viking I, 11,000, an to Co-operative. LOCAL TIDES last Dominion Annual meetings Mrs. Lionel Holt-by were given by and Mrs. Basil S. Prockter. latter emphasized the conferences at Bonn and Amsterdam that were attended by the Dom- (niim Prrsiripnt. Sunday, June 5, 1949 HEAR . . . In 11 1 os N.-Forman OVER CFPB High 8:16 17.1 leet 20:54 ' 19.3 feet 2:19 7.4 feet 14:31 5.9 feet ttrr nf noolins fares of Low j NOTICE ! STa! Meeting of the I Rupert and District j;uul Drama Festival ition will be held In , jWVlC CENTRE esday, June 7 ! at 8 p.m. plON OF OFFICERS, pORTS, BYLAWS jfnlativcs of interested delegates to a Diocesan Annual .c thmnph1v cone into on in PUBLISHING MONDAY formation and findings submlt-tA r. riiKPiission bv Mrs. Prock m MONDAY, 9 P.M. ter before the policy was partly In order that the local and telegraphic news as well as the advertising messages may be brought to its readers, the Daily accepted by the Board IN SUPPORT OF COALITION at at the STUDY IN SYMMETRY AT HEARST REGATTA A study In symmetry are these three bear class craft as they compete in the 16th annual William Randolph Hearst all-clubs regatta on California's San Francisco Bay. No. 28 (left) 13 the Brer Bear, entered by Don Presco. In the centre, (26) is John D. Cassid's Scalawag No. 14 (rightl with its crew on deck is Gordon K. IleUwKs Willi aw. The gala display of sailing craft and power hn lasted Mvroigh M.v, dtfy. Archdeacon Hodson, be DUDllshed as usual auons are requested to i... f tvio meeting, sent Is . . . (131) Mnndav next which being on members home to their respect- pt. (Hi observed as the King's Birthday. Conliiiued 011 Fuse J'