TRADE LICENSES !lcKiHE2gd Prfnce Hupm Dailp f3ftos Wednesday, June 23, 1S49 ARE CANCELLED Rlp! i of figures on voting at' ne lower, .. mainland where they jci!l snr-nd ' n,kl ."-u provincial polls all an uuj"v" ou'sfanriing s v . l ... the next rounle nf mrmiiu t- Ray Reflects ... . . . and Reminisced McRae a total oi Z.b-i -City council moveu , Hm-n J. D. . ' - I and Mrs. Chell will visit Van - - J (ugm U cancer: wi rc a- - vuvri una t iriona. wntie Mrs o n u "INDEREAK, " I to independent dally nMrsparxw dTota to B uptut!dln? of rn Rup northern and cenml Brtiub umbia ud moram unities eotr.prsnng (AUtbonaed aa Second C!m Mail. Port Of Department. Ott Published tttj tfnnon ecept Sunday by Price nupert Daily News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British ColumB'-a. Q. A- HTTNTER. Manaalns; Editor. H. O. PZRRY. Manmrlnf Director. tfCUEEK Or CANADIAN PRESS AFPrr BUREAO OF cmCTLATIOHS CANADIAN DAILY NTWSPAPER ASSOCIATION subscription rates TTt,y est Carrier. Per Wss. 3c; Per Mon th. 7Sc; Per Tear. MM E By Mill. Per Mood. 60c. Per Year. 5 00 Mead plans to holiday at Salt Spring Island and in Seattle. 1 JACKET-All ites. " an uou. ... ... ? their ti drivers following tWo lwo feel. There are some . in reporting, provincial Return-, in have not fid to Fwuons skeena i ou t-J f muSy hadT dieting things a fellow cannot, explain. ; r-ent convictions a, Bruce Brown said: SIS through the fact of the " .upplym, liquor to Indian,, .-a yesterday. Mr. McRae. who will successful candidate and the Speaking of public men. Tru-j action was aimed at "clear. sel Jn the proVidal legislature patv in power being on opposite man managed to spring a stir- Bp a type of business which has at Victoria as Coalition member. 'sides not that it made any par- prUe in the United States not ten marked by numerous infrac- had a majority of 587 votes, Of-ticular difference, yet there were so king ago. and just recently Uons of liquor regulations. ficia! count of ballot, at which 1 those who professed to think so. up in Canada a few others also; Tne m0Te ws made on .-"com- time the absentee vote will be at louble-breasud; u? Safe For Capital -1 r nTFP thare was a timp when capital had less But there was nothing ilice tnai puiiea a iui vuc. jmendauon oi me my ibio cuumtu. - - "j in 1949. If the "ayes' cid not ; 'committee on grounds thai ' they Last poll to report was Hunt'! it oil thev skirted Dretty ! Joe Nelson is Ottawa's police h ve convicted of an in- inlet where two votes were for chief and, when BrazU Min- rraction 0f Section 216 (a' of McRae and 14 for Brett. (close. Uter to Canada ignored his the Indian Act supoiyl::g' Special j MrS'S DRESS m I order to stop driving at sixty, Anc'y Mar-kenie Kine savt he is de- A conv1etion against I lighted. Of course he is. No miles an hour, Joe thought to B!mberg fard'rra;:;- KING ED. CLASS irard was rtcen.iy up nvc nrrMir VANCOUVER VICTORIA SfATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 pro., ChilcoUn Friday. 5 p m., Catala matter which way he looks, every nimsen mi w n.y al Port Edw InrosDect pleases and he can't buckaroo.' ine Minister tow hpk, ,n Coumy Court liMV on LiUJWl J 1 iv-lil- BOYS' T SHfRTS Uee a man, anywhere looking , he wou.d drive as ne iiKea, iwjappeia BiTTly Turbiit vas re- Tfle Mr King would not stoop diplomatic immunuy Pku cenlIy convicted in police court thim. And then Joes Irish did to use such v a word, i anyway. - , J .. here. sortmertt Special Grade Elx class of King Edward elementary school enjoyed i. term-end picnic trip Tuesday, going by bus to Port Edward BOYS' WOOL an, w, gel up ana aance. inert Letters to the police and lrer.- an election Monday and Joe l-ANTS-Semi-d, Last Monday dawned cloudy visited the Nelson liurtnient. Spniii si- hls case to headquar- v. here they unsettled and chill. It had been head of the cHy ters. WW SCHOOL like that, If not worse, for weeks. - tuu" j during the canning sea-' feurs' Dermit of both men have M nl' and khaki Tuesday, with practically all the; 8unday, 10 pm., Coqultlam ALICE ARM. STEWART AND TORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p-m. FOR SOITH Ql'EEN CHAR LO TIE ISLANDS s.8. Ctxjuitlam, July 1, 15 and 29 FOR NORTH Qt'tr.N CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam, July 8 and 22 FRANK J. SKIN NEK Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 . r special ballots religiously counted, the Ci I Y ArrKU V E.O been cancelled by the puiiee. son. ine group, numwriiig ou. t were under direction of Joe Gos-coe of the tearhing staff. '; air was softer, the sky turned gL. OF LOTS Council's action indicates a a delicate blue and the air had . tiehtening up of its authority You Saw It In The News! Advertise m the Dally News! a warmth and clarity delight-! City Council Monday night ap-;and aC!ded support to the poiicV proved sale of the following city-1 ln their campaign to eradicate in the 8CPRFMB. covrt op br i-: owned properties as reported by e sale of liquor to Indians. I TISH Columbia fthe finance committee: 1 Aldfrman George B. Casey Lots 2 and 3. Block 3. Section j raised objection to the move u.i ; IN PROBATS IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMIN ISTRATION ACT" 5 Fifth Avenue West! to Mrs grounds that it was not cm-; sistent with previous policy of! the council. No trade license J cancellations canceiiauoi.s had iu followed iu..Uu su-h1 iuJ Anna Johnson for $850. , ,he Mauer r..u,e (erulii. nereaxrd. Intestate j LoU 9 and 10. Block 13, Section o SMITH & ELK REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARIX) i ' ' Amoro ei.ur - iu -u.... tnOvr. will be received up HI. His Monour Honour Judge W w O o. runo Pultofl a. . ,.i n,,n Julv lath. 14, fcv the convictions .,u.f.lnnfi in in - the Uie nast. past, ' tl tv. de- de-! ; Local Juop oi me ouprrnir luuii . o ' - ' I f British rniumtoia I was o the a i and fi Riock II Spc Li 'Chief Porester. Victoria. lur the con-; -,,. J. J V nil- i v A IX reason to feel apprehensive concerning security of funds so far as Canada is concerned surely it is now. Monday the nation spoke and what was said was both loud and emphatic. Earlier this month, the voice of British Columbia made it clear how the Pacific province, favorite field of investment, was feeling. But it is not at all surprising. The record shows Canada gives outside capital protection as a sort of national policy. NO POLITICAL TRIO "THERE'MUST BE something contagious about I precept and example. Premier St. Laurent travelled over Canada and, wherever he went, said with- out heat, gesture or excitement "the government will be returned with an increased majority." He said it just once and passed along to the next stopping place. And he said it with sueft an air! Who could doubt who could question who could even dream of such an absurd possibility as Canada without a Liberal head? And yet the people have been suggesting that the Prime Minister knew only the cloistered seclusion of the law office and was a stranger to the clamor and rudeness of the hustings. tat - Well, . he must have had a good teacher. ' WEATHER AND TUNA E VEN the fishing industry depends upon the favor of the Almighty. Last year it was found that the albacore dkl not inhabit waters colder than 57. rJThis year the Canadian fishery patrol cruiser Laur-"ier, prospecting for tuna, has found no water above 53 degrees. Sunshine is needed to warm the Pacific - and westerly winds to blow the Japanese current closer to the Queen Charlotte Island shores and bring the tuna along. With the halibut season nearing its end, the f ish- ermen are looking for something more to catch like , the tuna which came last year and rounded out the ; season to make it good instead of mediocre. TJAVrrnt,l .First Avenue Wesn to j Mayor Nora Arnold der.W " annexed, of Julea Seguin. late ot. Robert H. Hoban for $1,550. ! that council was discrlminotir.g ' Plana and pee.fici,tloT i rnay fee !SWd.e"PruTp?IS?tbi2;l 19 and Block 12 against the two men. The policy shTt 9nd nf 5 SixUl Avenue West'- to which was being instltued was Forester. Prince Rupert, or the a.h-f HAVE HAD YEARS OF PLUMBINQ AMD HEATING EXPERIENCE PHONE m R. E. M0UT1MKR $24 2nd Ave. (Near CFPRi arv. 1M9. aii persona ftrfeMM to I A. utourneau for $1,050, subject one which would be pursued Im-: f',,.)'',' rrtutS?, u". th. the aKl id kum estate are re reaulrnd required to to Dav pay ... i . .. , i laOO.whKh m De re.u.iu to ex-servicemen's rebate. partially in future, ST.e Cl ciaieu. , relurn nf plans, etc.. in &ioa con the amount of their lndebtednesa to Florists Rot 1193 BALAGNO Phone Green H't dition within tniny ay Lot 15, Block 33 Section me forthwith and all persons be,v- The !owt or any tender not nec- , ins elaima against the aaid estate are .-,. ofr.,, , Marljrul and eriuired to nie them with me Drop-' w.vv . ewarlly aewpted. OM ; Tc-nders must be mibmltted in an Pnrirlv Gorman, local erly wlfted on or before the 31st -Ray for S675. tne h,.nit!l enr.'looe marked "Tender Utt day of July. iM. falling which a- Tne -..w former . doe a pound i build -- Timer. nu rmcitu v.,u..v. - c,.,inn . . , . ., . ,. , ..i ' .... i c.-nnntrueiion o. rv n i r i 'onfv toauc clalma of which 1 shall ing at the end of Comox Avenue a few days last wee is ao.e iu B11lmgs ,t Terrace." 054) he been notified. j to H. O. Helgersort Ltd. for $10. be up and about again. this 15th day of June. 1949. . GORDON FRA8IR FORBES, official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B C. (152) ell ANYTIME - CLEAN YOUR CHIMNEY ... Let uk inspect, repair and clean your chimney now Be prepared for Fall. We also specialire In repair of gutter, down pipe and roofine. til, V 7 B TH BUPREME COtRT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA in PROBATE lis the Matter of the F.-tate of tir- hy Mittired Cttvltas I'ereaseU, Intestate TAKB NOTICE that by Order off His Honour Judge W. O. Fulton, i Local Judge of the Supreme Court ! of British Columbia. 1 was on the 10th day ef June. A. D. 1949. ap-1 pointed Administrator of the Es INTERCITY CHIMNEY SERVICI Free Estimates Phone Red 241 - Reasonable P. Au'horiej Licenced Chimney Service. All Work Guari PITY THE DOCTOR! tate of Dorothy Mildred Coultas. late, of Atlrn. ln the Province of British Columbia, who slied on or about the. 12th Uy of January. 1949. at Atlin Britten Columbia. All peraons In-; ' deknetf to the said estate are re- j quired to pay the amount of their. to shorter : THE TREND OF THE TIMES is I working days and weeks, to mor more Indebtedness to me lortnwun ana All Types- leisure SHI persona hating elalma against the said Estate are required to ill tnem with me properly rerlfied on or before the 31st day of Jtrly. 1949. fail j Quality j 1 PBINTINC I SITPL1F.S FOR lni' STATION! RT FR 1 I, RUTIN. fAM ing which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall hare been notified. DATED at Atlin. B. C, this 11th day of June. A. D. 1949. ALBERT , EDWARD RODDTS Official Administrator Atlin, Brlttsbr Columbia, (1S2) PENS AM) PEWWI DIE B PUNTING CO doctors may well ask why they should be an ex-Z ception to the general rule. They see retail stores shortening their hours, Z barber shops closed one day each week, government J offices showing the effects of a general tendency. They see a steady curtailment of working hours. - A worker who demands overtime pay if he works an hour a week beyond his prescribed 38 or 40 hours -expects his doctor to respond to a call, at any hour, ;day or night, complains bitterly if he is kept waiting 2 and would protest if charged double for a night visit. Z Ottawa Journal. BESNER BLOCK SHERIFF'S SALE A LARGE SELECTION OF f ; -f WHAT IS IT? - rV' - - 1 WHERE IS IT? - . XSj ' 1 ' W; RAW PORTABLE and BATTERY r DON'T MISS THE FUN AT t):,.,.,1 Vfi,m Limherlost In the County Court of Prince Rupert, Holden at Prince Rupert between PATRICK HEAGNEY Plaintiff and WILLIAM D. MULVY " Defendant Under and by virtue of a Warrant of Execution Issued from the above Court nnd to me directed against goods and chattels of the Defendant, William D. Mulvy, carrying on business as a Second Hand Dealer, I have seized at No. Hit picture above It one of series of scenic highway ittrsctiont which Home G invites you to Identify from clues provided. Get out your pencil nowl Test your B.C "I.Q." This ye.r, "Let's Explore B.C.!" 2.r " m mm For FISHING, BOATING, HUNTING, SWIMMING, DANCING .... AND MANY OTHER SPORTS Fun for the Whole Family at LIMBERLOST. Make your reservations early and be sure of your Happy Holiday in the Bermudas of the North. HCA VICTOR ICLUE VA ..KCTKAHOMK Situetcd t tht most northerly point on tht highwty from Princt George to Prince Rupert, this 200 foot high suspension bridgt boasts an unututl name serves growing community. On your way here, as everywhere In your own beautiful British Columbia, Home Helpful Service makes motoring a pleasure. Quality Home Petroleum Products 515 Sixth Avenue West, Prince Rupert, the stock of. second hand goods and chattels in jive you extra protection, extra power and mileage keep you "out front in the B.C. picture." If you'rt stumped, your Friendly Home Gas Dealer has the answer , . Just as he has tht answer to all your motoring problems. cluding furniture, tools, implements, household equip . FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT LIMBERLOST 'LODGE LTD. PHONE 563 OR UNION STEAMSHIP8 ' OFFICES PHONE 568. ' ment, stoves, and miscellaneous chattels, and on Thursday, June 30, 1949, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon at No. 515 Sixth Avenue West, That Happy) Head-in-the-Clouds Feeling I I 1 ft SIX POINTS BEFORE YOUR TRIP Sec your Friendly Home Gas Dealer for these services: Crankcase, chassis and gear lubrication. Battery and ignition. Cooling system. Tires. Fuel system. Safety Features. 0 Jl 31 E; mi in the City of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, I will offer for sale by Public Auction all the right, title and interest of Seems to come naturally to those who dine at the Civic Centre Dining Room ... the Defendant in the abovo DRUGS goods. SEE YOUR FRIENDLY HOME GAS DEALER REGULARLY Terms of Sale cash, and this 1 sale is subject .to the Social CHEMISTS r.rr.Or.irTinM liearl Art Jndrp nilrnt H.C. Kuiunrnntmn. Security and Municipal Aid Tax. Treat yourself to Lunch Treat the Family to Dinner Take home Rough Tht highest or any bid not STORE HOURS WEEK DAY3, J 12 NOON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 7 PM. TO ' necessarily accepted. . 1 Dated at Prlnee Rupert, B.C., Emergency ' rMAJ'j,TTiMma iff -tir-'iinrr----iit'jry-"r-'-"" this 20th day of June. 1949. M. M. STEPHENS, S7SC . T n .m. r fm ' e.,ndJf Dally car delivery service from S a.m. till 6 pm Civic Centre Dining Room For Reservations afid Chicken ln The Rough Vhone Red 703 and Sheriff, of the County HOME OIL DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED THE 100i B.C. COMPANy 1 Prince Rupert. (151)