'1 MARKETS' T.tfritt Ilmvt? 38tli Jaeu-J V - m- - - f !' It rWedrw"sdayr June 29,- li49 he Experts Fresh Fruit Strawberries, box Bananas, lb. , . ADUles, cooWn? lb r Say... !, V ft Soccer Schedule Salt Lake Ferry Strawberry Cannin- Princi Uunert housewives are getting Tosher Vcrunchler in mlfk.1 Daily Service Except for can- strawberries . for the North Star plenty of Grapeiruii. v 0. 100's. 4 for os.'vi 28-.S7 OrWes .Navel Dates. 2 lb ,a Vegetables .Celery, lb. : c Trophy football series Is as fol- r this season. Tnere nar hppn fine souuici" - . RhuoarD. i ,j Batiery Terrace" supplies dd ies wui - Beets. Dumn July 4 Havy soon Monday SCHF.UVLES Tuesday,.. Wednesday . a n d Thursday Leave Cow Bay floats, 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. (Extra trip Thursday afternoon. 2:30) wee ami Parsiev. Duntu . Radishes, bunch ,Z"Z -.2 evaiiauic. . i Home economists have aevei . j r.,vA nf canning straw- Canadian Legion. July 8 Canadian Legion vs. General Motors. j,iv il--General Motors vs. the berries do 'berries so that Green onions. - 0 Turnip, lb. 8 Mushroonw. D i Head Lettuce -1K-: 2 :rw on ons. 3 lbs. Saturday Every hour sUrt- ... v- r,., r ' . bowl fw iiny rtK&. v-yv- -,u i Sundays Continuous service Cabae. 4 7 ' MllOIm cereal K neav' wv Juiy 15 Canadian Legion vs Heavy Battery. July 18 General Motors v? Canadian Legion. not collapse. The secret is in letting the berries stand to the hot syrup until they fill out. This also helps to set the color. Wash, hull berries. Bring to commencing 11 a.m. Last boat leaving Salt Lake Tomatoe.. . - New Potatoes. 5 ID. .j Canned Vefcttal.les Dill Pickles, eai. Cut Oreen Bean. Icy ; No. 5 Pens, fancy ; l .t " Bl-ia .. ..Ah? r a I Kit Kri8Dle, at 10 p.m. Phone GRFF.N- 391 or BLACK 926 '. i,-. cvnm Cover, re- kffitvS.vi you'll lov tmi Mivmi veieiau-i ,. Miss Barbara Johnson and heat and let stand me l ronx Miss Wynne of the Prince Ru- ? nert Genera! Hospital nursing from u one-half inch EM- 1 Diced Berts. rr tin 5 Wax Bean, choice Mixed Peas and Carrots pumpkin 2 for . Baked eBans. 20-oz. Baited eBans la-o. tm. ta. ' Tomatoes. 28-oz staff sailed on tne umwui. Partially seal and spac- yesterday afternoon for Van-.head LOW RAIL FARES TO rmv rip couver. 1 ,; m hoiline water or 20; CALGARY l.i I if ' minutes in the oven, at 275 deg-j irees Fahrenheit. Process med-j tresn i Quart LI a .22 12 .23 MOTHER-KMOWS a BESI1 " I Pint I Cream. ? Pint f-ea EXHIBITION 63 i ; Large canoneu. uu z.y Medium ol. .641 f Bullet .' 'First Grade, lb. .. iium juart). sealers la minute in boiling water bath, or in the oven at 275 degrees, for 25 minutes. Strawberry Shortcake i Strawberries for dessert just naturally mean strawberry i shortcake. j Ingredients: cups flour (siftedi: 2li teaspoon baking- jMarKarme, 10 I and STAMPEDE July 11 to 16 Milk 71 o ! Evanorated Milk, mier and Foreign I i6-oz. tius. 2 fcr .. toy Madam Soong, Case rw,'-'"" LFAVE WAR-TORN CHINA BE2EHIND-Ex-Pr . . - -n m o,wri wfimnaniecl 33 7.7j 55 From .11 at.n, in Albrta. Sasktr.he- Minister oi cnina, . . ' Il - -v from Paris Canadian Cheese, lb. Hour ' powder; one-half teaspoon salt: wavei to newsmen following ar is.mw v ' 0f, nd h hu II .who no ,ongerhead8the , Bank ol Chlra. .-W , .58 fl'two tablespoons granulated su- .lf or. in the u.S. to visit theint-ir W os" ' -.1. 1 Flour. 4 s. wo. i ii'u ..v. - -. -Flour. 1 8J 24.s f , . r'.'. Tr. rool shady Tea ana imr h M Km 1 v- -oo srjoons milk; three cups sweet- i . t one time can end t3 IsUiesame-iiS spot as soon Prince nuperi ONE WAY FARE AND ONE-HALF FOR nOUND TRIP GOOD GOING: JULY 9 TO 15 F1JC.HTS TO THE as you feel a slight . UeLuxe auaiitv. lb 1-14 nausea. In the ,AaTa IS Mened berries (crushed i . a painfui and daneraus 12 ' headache o Sift flour, baking poaei. , . fX QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANW n collapse the lnd- 28-oz. Z.: : " ' and -'ugar Cut in shortening , uiiuu... - rnHi mixture is like a coarse posed only for a short time a . lvidual shoild be carried to a ca Hon NOW 2 for and cooled off with Apple. 20-oz. tin .29 .30 .18 DAILY Phone 654 and on July 16 for trains arriving Calgary not later than 5.00 p.m. 1 meal Add egg and enough milk first, gradually lengthening me m plice ' to make dough which can be i periods as a tan is acquired. ipin or ' easily handled. Roll one-half , The health experts warn. stj CM, drlnks ! inch thick Cut in required ind- j against the two hot-weather -3--r mtelwel iividual size and bake on a ; dangers sun-stroke, which is-ris .15 by an elecUrc fan.: ---; ;-;:Z .. also should be ad-; Biencied toranee and i erapefrult. 20-oz. . ... I t anned ItuiIs ! Pineapple, crushed and niwK 20-OZ KXCEIT SUNDAY Standara i imei RETURN LIMIT nr. . Jiixtbatla. Cumshfwa. Q.C. City. Alilei iu , - j w.i.;....hut in a nnl oxrpsslve fXDOSure 10 uit . - m .33 july18.ecptifnotrainJuly18, .33 greaAeu ujhus-o""". - , . . . . Ln fr is minutes rays: heat exhaustion whk-rv-rlrh whlcrv.rl-hl , Apricots, 20-oz 1 Cherries, fancy. aO-oz. mm Wlvit-yi f -j-JLCS - lur .41 Ubtltd hy n p v Bnr first avanaoic watrh Sun Health and wel- comes from too much ictlvit Vat Information or Reservations CAL i LoaanDernes. u-ut. .. roi,,-hp rhoice r"Ji inl.rmetin from A trot .28 .25 cmper xr- . i fare department officials warn ' in an excessively high te H dxiUxaitai b not pubtd plyd by lk LiKH Cwrkol UM m Pure. lb. C-,-,rtp!linff 'all "tan-worshippers' to waicn aiure. .32 Queen Charlotte Air Lines Ltd In both cases the treatmen ... . rr . . U nf f thfJT. Clin! 1LHJ IllUUil Ul "it , .10 . -. Ifll I ' 1 mm. . r mr m 2 for 25 iaunuiv. caikc - ; Soap Powder, larae JJ Cherries. H lb. pkt $1 Business ondProfessioi Aimona t'.iste. iu pkt 34 bs. ... .t... -Jil ,y ' 1 l, I IE if I I I I a..ii Bnikins. ! if -Atf II LX-J Ml! Kll Heeded RaT.Ml. 1 lb i lb '1t I I 'Mi- If .41 IT. II IY w tr kh.w Wm.ts. Shelled Almonds. 6 nz 39 HANDYM Shelled Bra.iis. 10 MARGARET McLEOD H0MK SER'i If. T,Ti S f . V fv1$ WWwwv Jam.- rure Stranberry. 24-n 5 GENERAL COHTF. OPTOMFTHIBT Room 10 STONE BUIUINO Building ar.d F.ff- V . J --ft to make good J i-ks Rasoberrv. -2 Biackberrv. 4-lb '! Cherrv. 24-oz - 55 Peach, 4 lb. , SJ 4-lb ' Apricot. - Soups Canned Souix 13 to .20 Meat i Chicken, lb v v. 77, ROOFS - CH OIL BVR PHOSES . rilONE BLUE 5 P.O. BOX 1184 . It till, I Uim rt.3 m Blai k K7 R" i mirr? u,ih. nabob 1 rfrfiii 49 Baloena. Ib. PO & I ' ,;0 47 Weiners. lo ;, Garlic Sausaee. lb. Bacon, uk?.. lb Ricnn. side pifce I Cottage Koll. lb . Liver Bauxane. id iu WeWA r fi it- 1 IrTrrrr W .7S .50 .55 .70 .75 .55 .85 .90 .75 WKLLS CAi UMITi-H S- 'han. ;;i Complex M'ltinS Crating - P'kin? FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE w33 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed j Sparr 1". Fresh P.uk Haul. lb-Pork Chops, ib 0,rlr e. tb. Rteak. T-B;mc lb. .. Pork Tenderloin, lb. I Steak, round. 10. BLUE 730 havmore than $10 S. cash you should HELEN BEAUTY ! Beauty Cu"u' s branc 204 4th S'.reet QUALITY REPAIRS For Iwntrodien Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. it in to your bank, z:hang lor Canadian -s, without delay. Ex- K "y-Ttr5?! ifr 11111 u. u ! r-i 4 slincy regulations make it BVT0WNM illegal lor any Canadian george u noniK Public Accountant, Auditor Income Tux Returns Complied Besner Block Phone 387 a 1 v 1 111 .. 11 1 w 11 11 . t. y 1 a j- . resid snt to retain in his M -I ISfi II I A I I . I rfJ poss aio - ssion more more than than $10 $10 I f SZt Aitents W and CUMMINS DS in Ua-iited State cash. HEF-r'STHE REASON 1 VI M d must have th SuK-s ServW ni B.l dutrlM ,0 our sho-w various eng rquipmeiit pr KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service CALL 53 718 Second Avenue West U.S. dollars spent here by iour-sts in order to make I PUTT lherr-a available for the pay-mer- of imported goods and. services needed to teesg production and em-pkrZirmtrA at a high leveL A. r- n 1118 Mv' VANC0U PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phor BLAv-iC 758 72 10th East :n 11CH1H6I contiei seassi lOltl ' irve the finest cup of coffee you or your suest ever tasted, follow .akiefl If II . tt - II Mvn LPllOL limple steps: btart with Nebob ... end reiiow correct conee-i3 procedure carefully. The result is rich mellow, full-flavored i every tim . . . truly satisfylns refreshment everyone can enjoy. Dry Kindling Wood 50c Sack Delleved Scrap wood Random lengths $10 pr load PHONE B & W TRANSFER v II these Il maki ' ' 1 I ft eoffe 5 r ft Phone Blue 81 330 Oreen 188 OP TASTY MEALS AT THE Chinese Iish a Specialty CHOP SUEY 1 hi 1 FOS FREE BOOKLET 01 HOW TO MAKE GOOD COFFEE I1AB0B FOODS LIMITED TRAIN SCnEDUL? DR. J df. SUITE 5, S For the East WIIIIFEI CHOW ME1N 765 phone B.rmri Avenue onnasite Prince Rupert Hotel Monday, Wednesaay, 8:00 p m. From the East . D Satorda. Tuesday. Thursdsf. 10:20 p.m. :00 ijd. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 1T3 for OuUlde Ordera