a Local News Items . . . Wednesday, June 29, 1949 BRIDE FLIES TO WEDDING No house to house riiiivpr POLICE OFFICER IS TRANSFERRED Transferred to Pouce Coupe where he will take over the duties of Inspector O. J. Duncan, one time 'city chief at Prince Rupert and now moved to Chilliwack pending retirement in a few months. Staff Bergcant O. A. Johnson is leaving the city on Friday of milk July i. 0rdcr extra milk Thursday, June 30. Dairy open as usual. Northland Dairy Telegraph Creek Nurse Married to Cannery Storekeeper An aircraft flight which be Miss Bern ice Man is sailing tomorrow night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where she will attend school. Mrs. Oscar L. Carlson who has been on a three weeks' holiday FOUL PLAY DISCOUNTED Recurrent suggestions that there might have been foul play In the case of, Martin Ulmer, skipper "of the Vancouver fish-Ins boat Atomic, who set out (151) Mr. and Mrs. C. H Saalp nt Parkhiirst ALL - WOOL New Hazclton are expected in gan at Telegraph Creek yesterday had its climax at St. And the city Thursday to SDend tho trip to Vancouver and Victoria, rew's Cathedral here last night ; night's train for Prince George holiday week-end In town. returned to the city on the when' Miss Marguerite Fitzger- wnence nc will ny into his new aid, R.N., formerly of Belleville, 1 duties in the Peace River. Mrs. May 22 through the bush of the J 'H 4x8 panels ity5 5-44 each Albert & McCaffery Ltd. f "Everything f,,r the Builder" PHONE 116 Pullovers Ontario, became the bride of Jonnson win De moving to Fouce west coast of Graham Island ' Prince Rupert today.--. Another Instance of vandal-1 ism has occurred at the Christ-1 Mr- anci Mrs- w- B- Gcor8e lan Science building on Second nave arrived at Stewart from Avenue where a trim little cn-' victorla and will be engaged closure was placed around the during the summer on the Larry Hennine. storekeeoer at,0UPe later. for help after his boat became I lawn. Part of it was torn Hnu;v i George Entercrize in the UDDer disabled ana nas not, Deen ncaiu from since, are discounted by the provincial police. Thorough Investigation to date has convinced the police that there was no foul play. Meanwhile Bear River area. and scattered around. Mrs. Sam Haugan and daughter, Shirley, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Camosun for a trip to Vancouver. Robert Gordon wil be returning to Lakelse Lake this Friday, Inverness Cannery at a quiet ceremony performed by Canon Basil S. Prockter. The bride, who was at one time on the staff of Miller Bay Hospital, was 'more . recently government nurse at Telegraph Creek. She flew here in a plane piloted by G.C.P. Dalzell, north Constable E. E. AUen, provin cial police officer and mining re corder at Telegraph Creek, ar Francis Faught sailed on the Coquitlam Sunday night en-route to Alameda, California, where he will attend naval school. After completion of this course he will proceed to New Orleans and from that port having spent the past few days in the city. the search has been given up after weeks of operations by air, land and boat. A final report on the case to date has been sent In. rived in the city yesterday by air and left today on his return ern flyer. Accompanying the north. bride-to-be were Mrs. Dalzcil ' Mrs. George Hills and son sailed yesterday afternoon on the Camosun for a trip to . , , . r- 1 and Constable E. E. Allen of the Assistant Commissioner Roger .ti ,, , ,, Advertising is payable in advance. Please refrain from au io points in Europe. He was Classifieds, 2c per word per insertion, minimum! accompanied bv his f'ahtr iPeach?y ot the provincial po r J "Ji as ,. ., , ...... ... .. ... Birth JirtVi Notices Nfltipps 50c, (r- Carrie Cards n( oi TV,.r,lrD T- i,.,; I. .ng. lice, who is visiting the district kjc. Thanks, Death Notices, far as RraHii. f Ny'.lces, Marrlaee and Enuaeemsnt Announcements: $2. Cl Mrs. G. J. G. Macdonald and family sailed yesterday afternoon on the Camosun for a holiday at White Rock near Creek, detachment. For the ceremony, the bride wore a suit of light blue material. Her attendant at the nuiet on Inspection duties, disembarked here yesterday from the Ca- brfcciALi uiarLAi, uuuble rtiivz Mrs. Percy Bond and three children sailed yesterday afternoon on the Camosun for a vacation trip to Vancouver. HELP WANTED I i LOST AND FOUND Vancouver. AGEMENT NOTICE .1 1 Mrs. John T. Kasper, LOST Black wallet containing mosun after making the round rite was Mrs Dalzell Charles trip to Stewart and left by Queen. McKlnncll, manager of the In-Charlotte Air Lines for Queen verness Cannery was grooms-Charlotte City and M a s s e t j man. whence he is returnine here this , pert, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Dalzeil and Constable E. PeachevLnt.inn 1,1. Allen of Telegraph Creek, Dr. afternoon. He and Mrs. wa. j,m ,t th. nf ! f the engagement of sum of money and important I .ncer daughter, Helenc papers -at Cow Bay. Please Mr John Stromber?' return to Daily News Office.' son of Mrs. Fred B. " Reward." (151) i and the late Mr. John The marriage will LOST Pair of white shoes.1 f on August the fourth 1 . Finder leave at Daily News, i o'clock in the evening! (151) CARETAKERS, Grade 2, $1,560-$1,800 for Government Departments at Prince Rupert, B. C. Application forms, obtainable at Post Offices should be filed with the Civil Service Commission of Canada, 701 Yorkshire Building, Vancouver, B. C. not later than 9 July, 1949. Posters outlining duties and qualifications are available at the Post Office or the Purvis of Miller Bay Hospital English Type Pullovers with sleeves, in a soft, all - wool material and smartly styled. Parkhurst Pullovers are made in a wide variety of shades . . . Serene Green, Powder Blue, Light Fawn, Light Grey, Cherry Red and others. will sail by . the Prince Rupert Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Macdonald, tomorrow night on their return Fifth Avenue East, where a to Victoria. Insneet. nr F. B. small urnnn nf fripnris fol1nlt.at.ori Canon and Mrs. Basil S. Prockter and Charles McKinnell of In- fi. Andrews cathedral. ,0cTAt pnl(,hnmm(1 ,.v;, o,1 Woods - Johnson accompanied the bride and groom. Guests verness Cannery. Winchester rule. Model 68. The couple plan to make them to the Queen Charlotte , at the reception were Mr. and Phone 610 or Green 767. National Fmnlnvmcnt. fiorvirp I Mrs. N. A. Pett of Prince Ru "Prince Rupert, B. C. (lti Islands. WANTED I ) -Standard typewriter! I condition wanted. Oreun 297. (1501 I HELP WANTED their home at Inverness. Mr. and Mrs. Dalzeil and Constable Allen left today to fly back to Telegraph Creek., ANNOUNCEMENTS Advertisements in tms column will 1J 4-WAY I BOYS WANTED Reliaule boys desiring Dailv News rout? should file their names at the Dailv News Office. (tf) i TO RENT 2 room - housekeeping room. Blue 84. 9 to 5. (153 1 j " ' y s TV-ei i ruva S(k50 t -Two or three room WANTED An apprentice to the r d suite Christian ,snt,et mpU trade Apply Xnom J 't 1 1 I I I I I I Vk... ..v . k. ::::..:,:;:' Apply R ark RR4. I vr VVm rfa I A A Sheet Metal Ltd 1 no children. h Daily News. FOOD SAVINGS WITH A Westinghouse "TRUE-TEMP" REFRIGERATOR be charged for a full month at 25c per word Port Edward W. A. Bazaar, J)-To rent furnished WANTED Cook maie or ie-' . -v i lammmi f . im, n i v v , August 8th, Community Hall. irnt or housekeeping male, for Three Sisters' Coftee Phone orecn 3() Mil- Shop. (156) Mrs. I. H. Johnston. (152) Catholic Bazaar October 5 and 6. St. Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, WANTED Taxi 112 Taxi. 'l -il W&ILl OTTO -To rent 3 bedroom -villiim to pay substan- WANTED Girl to mind children. Apply 1318 Piggot Ave. (152) B.t. Phone Red 325 or (1551 Nov. 3. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 17. I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24. - Student will looks WANTED Woman dishwasher. Apply Broadway Cafe. (155) hiklren for working! Food in your Westinghouse Refrigerator is like money in the bank! It's safe, protected, ready when you need it . . . and . . . West-inghouse cuts food costsour ways: 1. By eliminating waste and spoilage. 2. By keeping leftovers fresh and tempting. 3. By making desserts for you at home. A. By allowing you to buy food at quantity prices. And ALL your foods are protected hy exclusive Westinghouse "True-Temp" Constant Cold. See this money-saving, beautiful Vesting-bouse today at our store. Phone Green i;27. (151) FOR RENT r ! SAVt IIHE-SAVE LABOUR- mi r I Advertise Jn tne Daily News FOR SALE Rooms. FOR RENT-Ave. West, St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, Nov. 20. Saturday. IE-Used shingles, sel-jpar $1.00 per bundle. 41. (160) TOURIST accomodation Red 471. j and pa Plumbing Troubles? Panel FOR RENT Rooms or Board Con-j and room to rent. Men. Phone (til Back 660. (tf) U.E-1947 Ford a Apply Kaien iCu-op. A. MarKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY SPECIAL Continental Bed. Full Size, Rcstmore flat, ribbon spring, full size. Ace Spring fill mattress, full size $71.00 See our carpets lust arrived Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue BON Colancse workers FOR RENT Sleeping room, PPuntiac fur sale. En-; comfortable, quiet gentleman fe.r. Four new tires.: preferred. 427 5th Ave. East. 6 j46. 153) ' Blue 967. (155) CALL BLUE 846 cocker ! il.E-BcauUful REAL ESTATE males and Phone 311; McBride Street a puppies 4 blinks and golden, all liiixUEKd marked "Tender lor rrouei'iv furcnase win oe re- eh. Glendewar Too-j tfived uy tne undersigned up to noon Frioav. July dth, lor f ;cecl reasonably ireg-j r. extra i Mlnsmere : SAAN1CH Plumbing & Heating the .P3 COOK ELECTRICALLY i :'"..i" and enjoy the difference! ' 1 : tne purchase oi Loi 1U and 11, Biock ti, Section 1, located on tne north west corner of Third Avenue and Ninth Street. The hmhest or any tender will Skeena Construction & Cabinet' Co. Builders and General Contractors Francois Lake. Burns: C. (It) lE-34 ft. trolling boat, t'lnflition, ready to go. 8)00. Phone Green 913. i (156) I156i -New and used fum roofing paper, lirst ( Diiint, loup'.ns jacks "cks, good bicycles, tod typewriters, bat-) -.linoleum, new electric fc toasters and clec-Siis. new rugs, brauti-ttenis. new cups and I Everything at the prices See H. C. Fur-pi. Black 324. Ufl ' Moving, Tacking, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For. Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues' Established 1910 t Phones 60 and 68 FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORK CONCRETE WORK AND REMODELLING Houses built under the N.H.A. Plan 20 down payment-balance in easy monthly payments over a period of 15 to 20 years. Free Estimatees Enjoy coffee at its fragrant best, omelets that melt in your mouth prepared electrically. Enjoy cakes and muffins, light as a feather carefully, evenly cooked electrically. From kitchen to bedroom, attic to basement, electric appliances add to the pleasure, comfort and convenience of every-day life, with- not necesarily be accepted. II. D. 'T1IA1N, City Clerk.; (It) FOR SAL&-We haVt a six room house listed with a two room suite; immediate occupancy, only $1800 down. Then there is a lour room house with basement going for a song both these houses are very close in. At Seal Cove we have a very choice property for anyone looking for a home and additional revenue, two houses, one six-room, the other three, set up on a hill nvrrlookina the harbor, land FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Si , I ! II I 1.LY KNOWN NAMES P.O. BOX 167B PIlUNE BLACK 221 Pt Sueeder Shovels. Draelh.es: Adam: adding to our normal budget. U(lors: Littlrford Bros. scaped grounds. We also have 1 " - l out 1 i'0 Road Maintenance DcLuxc Delivery Phone 383 Phone 1 Let v Prompt and Efficient Service 'it; Owen Clamshell and Rock Grapples; with Concrete Mixers; jrklil t Trucks: Nelson 'Loaders for Stockpile Remcval; Rice I'ort-P'-rifiiRal Pumos; Na-Pragline Scrapers and 5 National All Slcel Hoints; National I Sawmills; National o'reens and Convevora. torniatlon from Na-Machinery Co. Ltd., 'fr. B. C (tl) Us ANYTIME ANYWHERE other properties which may be just right for you. For inspection call or see Armstrong Agencies Phone 342, Evenings Green 997. (J50) FOR SALE 5 mom house on 9th Ave. East. Two bedrooms with large closet space, oil heater and' kitchen range included in full price of $3000. Apply R. E. Montador Ltd. FOR SALE -House 2135 Seal Cove Circle. Call Black 825 (151) FOIt"sALE-4 room furnished house with 2 lots. 15 x 20 woodshed and good garden. Eectrlcitv and running water. $35(10 full price. Box 28, Ter-r n r (152) 5f Eytcheson & Ponder Before Setting Out On That Motor Tour We are equipped to Vulcanize and Repair your Tires Prompt Guaranteed Service Ml tE 1941 Plymouth 4-an. $12no.()0. Can be fiupert Motors Ltd. 1 (tf I - 1941 Ford 1 ton f w motor. 2 new tiros. FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS SEE (H I Wit S ALT. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS REGAL PRINTERS 5-ROOM house on Beach Place. 2 lots, greenhouse, garden, harbor view $5800.00. SMALL FOUR Wartime house, 2nd Overlook St fenced. lawn, and completely furn PHONE 24 223 Second Ave. Bos 123 euve- West. (lali 1-28 It. trolling boat, I'nped at a reasonable fl'Dly 500 11th East. 1 : "as -Dod(te Sedan, dol-fber carriers. Apply I plnes. Phone Black P- Box 988. tl51 J- 1945 2-torr"chev. deck with ealllon "'ludes transfer lic-S Insurance. Phone (152) 7 I 1939 Ford, good Vendition, new motor. 5'een 587. (155) A Representative Warehouse Stock to Save You Time and Money YOU BET IT'S IMPORTANT If you order your winter coal, supply NOW, you're absolutely sure of comfortable warmth and good y oma now ished througnoui. n. modem little home already to move into for $3250.00. j SMALL FOUR Wartime house; on First Overlook St. Price- OUR STEEL STOCKS ARE NOW IN OOOD SUPPLY AND WE ARE IN A POSITION TO FILL ORDERS FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS. from: NEW ROYAl HOTEL $2100.00. SMALL FOUR wartime hou w on Eighth Avenue East $2300.00. For further particulars phone w n P Tinker & Co. Lta., Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. General Dry Battery Co. ef Canada Ltd. v Canadian Westinghouse Co. Ltd. (Lamp Division) Imperial Wiping Rag Co. Ltd. G. II. Wood & Co. Ltd Dustbane Co. of B.C. Ltd. and others at " -WestlnoVinnsp radio Besncr Block, Real Estate, In (tf) surance, Rentals. ficalth for your family from the first cold nip and on through winter. ORDEK NOW! CALL 651 : y'ayer, walnut bcci, ,1'iiattress, chest of . A Home Away From Home 1lnL?Ur"e'. c'oiito : FOR SALE Cherries will soon 9 5' i be ripe, also variety of applet.. 'P-leaf kitchen table, 50 Rooms Hot and Cold water ....i .... nnri n 11I11.N. WLIbb "tttea lwni i; r nrices " . A. Bernardson, Romnrdson. Box For Estimates . Contact Thorn Sheet Meta LIMITED Phone BLACK 884 253 FIRST AVE. E". PRIKCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR 712 Second Avenue Phone 632 P. O. Bos 772 (155) (151) 254, Terrace, B. C. WoitK PHILPOTL EVITT & CO. LIMITED Lumber Building Supplies FOR SALE-1942 Dodge Sedan B.inorlnr Auto ana I PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. (155) staliations and E T MKTAI Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Body Service. . ' 1 n.,nh.n and and f.rouol Gravel Roof- nnnf. Purneau & Sons 629 FOR SALE One smau t- Phonf 343. (tf) heater. Blue 100. - Ho-) J