several ladies nf Ihn r, their names and different des jprtnrc Rupm Dails TJtvos Monday, November 14, 1949 ..... lwrrnoon (craft class which meet WednesAnu igns on leather. Judy Lloyd, Janet Taylor. Pat Pierce and others day and Thursday for a social thfeadlnr of ?,' Seen "IVIC At Centre guests and Kinsmen in attend; ance The principal speaker of the evening was R. E. Montador, lieutenant district governor of Kinsmen, who spoke on the grbwta of the club in recent years. He said that the Kinsmen number craft hour, were quite busy work. were very busy. At the same time the more for FRIENDLY ; ing and planning gifts for Christ OFFICERS INSTALLED tunate ones were busy on their mas. SERVICE1 no,nen of " bead projects learning to secure Starting tne same evening, the craft room was again crowded 'Ha 8 1 ho President Eddie Garner and Others Take Over for Kinsmen ed eight thousand in Canada today with more than '234 Clubs charterea. Mr. Montador installed the of-! YOUNGSTERS VERSATILE The versatility of the Wednesday's craft club members with Junior, Teenage and Adult mem enthusiastic Teenage boys num- to beilng 20 were feverishly anxious NovLV " to learn the tricks of the leather also ture. , u AT ISLAND CITY BlILDERS' SUPPLIES General Builders' Supplies and PITTSBURG PAINTS afternoon were disappointed at not being able to have ' their equipment. However, quit Undaunted, Uiey took to the art of weaving and leathercraft temporarily and put in a profitable afternoon. Book marks and pot holders were the projects com ly fasten each bead on with two threads or darning in the final threads of a wrist bracelet. Mary-lin Farmer started a new bracelet. Donna Mosley .'inished hei first design showing flying birds on a colored background while Julie Prockter and Suzanne Ker-gln, working together, shared beads and design ideas. Combined with all this activity, The Kinsmen's Club of Prince Rupert held its annual installation banquet and dance at the Commodore Cabaret Thursday evening with more than ninety iraae ana accomplish as much freshrr, neat' in the short two hour period al- hosier We lotted them on Wedneday nights mitt Membets These classes are open to all Civic TeH ,PrC5ent Centre members. g,aa' Mrs Th.,; Volunteer workers would t u.r' Irs T Glen: 05 McBride St. Blue 820, bers participating at the Civic Centre knows no bounds As there is a shortage of bead looms at present owing to a delayed shipment, many of the Mile girls who attended the class in the ficers of the Club for the ensuing year and presented the badge of Past Presidency to George Dibb the retiring president. Executive installed were? President, E. A. Garner Vice-President, R. C Barbour Secretary, H. F. Swaf field ' ' pleted and several young members excelled in the art of tooling most welcome as greater progress Carr l!". H Harn nQ Mrs M 'i ' Treasurer, W. Long r - ?rvS N x - -s J :i f -xiy o IX.; J5 IXt v-V 'J: i Recorder, J. Mellor Directors W. S. Noble and S. H. Savilie. New members of the club are E. Barton, J. Sneddon, J. Good and R. Rudderham. One of the guests, H. Kraupner, presented the club with a cheque for $25 for tKe Kin Christmas Fund. TOO LATL iO CLASSIFY Will the party who received a tweed coat identical to their own but wth keys in pocket, -s ... after Armistice day dance, please return promptly to Canadian Legion as keys urgently required. (2G7) v C3G I ' .rWl CYI Ih'purtiiiiit of Agriculture I'rulrie Farm Krliahilltatidii Art ."1 -h8" o-p. by ceodY tecU.c I A 1 tkmi:ks Sealed tenders will fee received by the undersigned until 2 00 o'clock p. m. Regina Time. December S, 1949, for the construction of pipelines, pumphouse, and other works on an Irrigation project located about three miles east and two miles south of Keremeos, B. C. The following are the main item of work and the approximate quan titles of each: Jolly old St. Nick is here with a pack full of toys the kiddies have boon longing for a roller coaster for Junior, a China tea set for Sissy and a host of other merry-mak-' ers. Help Santa make good his promises to the children. Shop early! Come in now while his pack is full for your youngster's Rifts. 1. Steel Pipe, 4 inch up to 22 inch 35.055 ft , 2. 4 Inch lot outlets (elbow and ' riser) 51 ' 3 10 Inch Gate Valves 5f j 4. Pumphouse 1 5. Timber 28.5 MFBM 6. Rock Bank Protec- ( tion 4.200 cu. yd. i Pans. sDeclf ications and tender I forms for bidding may be obtained Ite Wise Shop Early 1 Iron' the undersigned at his office in Regina. Saskatchewan, or from the P.F.R.A. Office, Victoria Avenue, ' Kamloops. B. C. upon the deposit of leu Dollar ($lo.o) a-li or a certified cheque for the amount, payable' to the Receiver General of Canada, which deposit m be redeemable upon the return of the plans and specifications in good order within one month. after tenders have closed. The lowest or any tender not ne-1 cessarlly accepted. I By Order j L B. Thomson. Director of Rehabilitation I 810 McCallum Hill Building' WHY BUY A POLISHER Jf TOY TOOK! THAT DOES HALF THE JOB? UW-J regina, Saskatchewan. ' I Ogives yob Fr? &Mffi TRAINS w dhiipd SKATES TOY COMPLETE FLOOR CARE Se what it will do nd you'll not b tiified with anything but this new EASY Electric Polisher. Two-speed motor waterproof construction set of special scrubbing brushes waxing and polish- ii n ft n5 orusnes reit butting pads steel wool pads PRINTING SETS All $ for 3 For. demonstration see 3 v'1t COWBOY GUNS DUMP TRUCKS "MX VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday 1:30 p.m., Catala ' Sunday. 9 p.m., Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SKV1PSON Sunday, Jl p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun November 18 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QL'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s s. Camosun, Nov. 25, 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 TOY PISTOLS FOR BOOKS TO READ AND COLOR V Janitors' Supplies See PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE i f i ,'i. , h.v.. lux i - - Agents 'or: TOYS NOW AVAILABLE ;i2 2nd Ave. I'honc 632 CRANES STEAMSHOVELS WAGONS TRICYCLES DUSTHAXE CO. OF 1J.C. S. C. JOHNSON WAX (X). G. II. WOOD AND CO. HRODIE BRUSH CO., etc. ORMJES DRUGS At DRUGS LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOWjEAUM JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue DOLL GAMES - - PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M ' SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 1 P.M. , 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. . Box 998, Prince Rupert Manson's China Store Across From Govt. Liquor Store Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 o.m. and Sunday