- ''VfflPlSWP'V ' LfcGION IICASS i (Cozrtinuea iroin Page 1) Monday, November t. 198 ulo; violin solos 'if BefE Cameron; balancing acts by Leslie Parkes, and community i-tging Mn. J. 2 Blsefc as piano McLeod COAL River &yy v. ing solemnly in rerurmbrancc of those who have gone and In thanksgiving that we, the more Hugo Kraupner left by air wuh afternoon on a business fortunate, are still here." Col.'iary who looked after th? seiv-Johnston indulged in some in- jng were under the direction of terestlng reminiscing. Jvuls. c. E. Morrow. Iney were PROGRAM Mrs. Charles Anderson, Mrs Owen Browne took over as Hugh Killin, Mrs. Wright Davies' master of ceremonies for the Mrs. Victor Dupjan. Mrs. C. Mich- Ladies of the Women's Aux!'.- aloff, Mrs. Rai Bean, Mrs Will- IT'S HARD,. HOT CLEAN-BURNING Now 1 ) f v uie v(ueen cnarlotle Is lands. Community Ratepayers' Asso- auon General Meeting being held . caai tna Mali, Tuesday, No- vember 15th. at 8:30 n m ah 'program of entertainment which ,ert & McCaffery LIMITED 1 included his own rendition of iam Wallace, Mi Andrew Hardy, .'Warsaw Concerto," J. A. Teug'j Mrs. A. W. Wats n and Mrs Wili-I singing of ' In Flanders Fie'.cU" iam Osborne. Mn of the Legion and "Boys of the Old Brigade," also assisted. I comic songs by Leonard Sykc-s, The banquet was arranged by members invited to attend. ' (266)' Ronald Jones returned to 'the ... jcitv recently from Kelowna Victor Grant returned to the where he was called to attend city on the Coquitlam yestevday the funeral of hs father the late afternoon from a trip to Vanccu- j William A. Jones, well known for PHONE 116 ,0ALLlMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES vocal solos by Mrs. Ralph Smith, the Legion enteitainment com-accordion solos by Mike Colussi mlttee consisting of Charles An-with, his pupils, Stella Chaprun derson, Neil Cameron ana Mrst R. and Robert Wood, forming a P. Smith. m WAR Lutheran Church Lutefish and Fishcake Dinner, Nov. 19 (270) m AM Cirri fr a 7kt Jn 1 at $3.75 per sack must be placed by Tuesday Nov, 15th. SHEAR - DOWNS (lt) I mer city businessman and resident. Among those at the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. W H. Derry. Mr. and Mrs. N Mussallem and Major M. A. Burbank, all formerly of Prince Rupert. M. A. Bur-bank, also a former city resident acted as a pallbearer at the service. LEGION ENJOYS SOCIAL NIGHT A capacity crowd filled the Canadian Legion Hall on Thursday night at a popular "Bring Your Missus Night." .The program included, among other items, songs by Mrs. Ralph Smith, Mrs. B. Dougherty, and an accordion solo by Geo. Elliott, but the feature of the evening , was a "black-face show," a fast- ' moving musicale in which Mes- dames Elsie Hanley, Jean Nixon, Jean McDougall, Rose Speers and Rose Marshall and Messieurs Harley Lewis, Don Nixon, Chuck Anderson and Vic Duncan, performed Accompanists were Mrs. Nellie Anderson (violin), and Owen R. Browne (piano). ron saw it in tne Newsl official visit to the local lodge. This afternoon Mrs. J. n. Curr, Borden Street, is a tea hostess in her honor. Tomorrow afternoon Mrs. Frank Ellison w:ll be a luncheon hostess and tomorrow evening there will be a oawjuet in th Broadway Cafe Mrs. Gill will leave on Wednesday night's train Prince George ta pay an official visit there. Miss Jeananne Crawford was a passenger aboard the CoquiUam last evening returning to her home at Stewart after a two wmiks trip to Vancouver. Adverup: :n tn uuiy News' ver. If you are lnu-reoied In seeing the Women.? Institute continue in Terrace come to the next meeting at the home of Mrs. Lloyd jonn.sione on Thursday, November 17 at 8 p. m. (2G8) P.-T.A. meeting, auditorium Booth High School, Wed. Nov. 16, 8 p.m. Topic of discussion "Art Appreciation." (2ffi) Mrs. B. Dideck, wife of the Government Telegraphs agoi;t at Alice Arm, was a passenger aboard the Coquitlam last evening returning north after a trip to Vancouver. William Stone, travelling supervisor for National Employment Service, is sailing by the Catr.la tomorrow afternoon on hi? return to Vancouver after a tui clay visit here on official duties. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones and family wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all the friends in Prince Rupert who sent floral tributes and condolences during our time of bereavement in the loss of our husband and father, at Kelowna. ) m Hi Jnmviki trs JTSMM If f CINMED F00DS.492 ui auvuuue. ricasc icii.uu uuw word per Insertion, minimum Cards ot Thanks, Death Notices, A NNQUNCEMENTS Pr-i.?byterlan fa:; Bazair, Nov. 17. W. O. T. M. Card Tournament, Nov. 17, All welcome. Women of the Moose dance, Oddfellows' Hall, November 18. Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra Concert, Nov. 18. J Civic Centre Bridge, November 18. I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24 Third card party Catholic Hall Thursday, Nov. 24, 8 p.m. Old time Dance, Conrad United Hall Nov. 25 Admission 50c St. Andrew's Catheural Fall Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday United Church Xmas Bazaar, Dec. 1. Cranpe Laiies Sale, Dec. 7. j Salvation Army Home League Sale of fancy work and home cooking at Sons of Norway HalL ' Dec. 8 at 2:?0 p m. J Scotch Dance Oddfellows Hall December luth. Moose Christmas Tree, Dec. 17, Moose Temple, 2.30 I . Ik 1 -Jbtm0 m:iT Just one coat of B-H ' "Fresconelte" covers unsightly kalsomine. wallpaper . . . give you fay walls with satiny washable surface. Dries to the touch in I couple of hours. McBride Street Phone 311 iAVOY HOTEL W. L. WOODS, Prop. . PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT aptone 11500111111. anwunwutwii.i DOUBLK PK1CK LOST AND FOUND LOST Will the gentleman who received a new fawn trench coat In error after Armistice Day Dance Navy Drill Hall, "Ul.f ' Dashing for the office, or strolling on the avenue f ' vou're dressed right for the bright city in this smooth and , snappy Stetion. The sleek; -' graceful lines of the Whippet, , will help you go places in style. Advertise In tna Dally News. Classified Ads, Get Results...' GET YOUR INTERIOR PAINTING DONE NOW SPENCE & M ATI UK Painters & Decorators Phone Blue 215 P.O. Box llii PERSONAL XMAS CARDS From vour own Sniihnt. , .Ml,, '..) 1 Come in and See our Samples ! iuc t. 25 FOR $3,40 WRATHALL'S PHOTO FEVISHING Saddle Oxfords f . ., 30 Pair only-Reg. Price $6.95 FOR t for $4.95 AT THE FAMILY SHOE STORE LIMITED rd Ave. Box 638 Ph. 35 IW. H. picaro "' " meaiaw!iy 10 uie iaimuuu Letrion. (2t;7) WANTED WANTED Two neat appearing young ladies for national concern. Must be free to travel. Box 614. Daily News (263) HERE jill, who came to n 1918 from Scot-idcurid made her "ax yt-.trs there-lg the city in her mcial siiand mis-jim' Orange Bunion. She arrived crday afternoon from Vancou-no makes her :ng litr stay here, re of a round of Gill i!l Pay an rising IS payaaio -usiiicds. He uer 5,-h Notices 50c, Marriage miu kclAl DISPLAY. ,1ET NOTICE Ford Smith an- anient of their w irvaret Ev ffibhEf Sla- Wilt UlKe ;r Nov. 18 at trt. ral at 8 p. m. saU Walnut finish, 1 table-brown or heater. C. . white enamel Ave. East- '"' 1. cla circulator ; Cheap, ouo m. Phone (267) Meteor, four-, 1. Radio, hea-a and backup terms. Phone (266) I Ford 4-door mint, snap lor Ms Motor Scr- 3nae St. (268) id removal one d cabin 740 Ful-Biue 849. 266 iron circulating and wood, as w. Phone Kea (266) slibrf. specially nvfr'.id Mark 3 id-shot Sporting each onlv $41.00 Munition $3-00 delivery. Limited tor J.ixo and Monev refunded tiiry Sco ip Sales mi St, Ottawa (USUI KNOWN NAMEf- 8weder Shovels atlii.es: Adam' 1: Littleford Bros. mi Maintenance Own Clumslw Knrk Grano s: Concrete Miners: It Trucks: Nelson wj lor Stockpile-! meval: Rice Port-U Pumns: Na- ine Sc.rnnprfl iinrt National All Steel )is'. National milla. National WANTED To rent small apt. a f viaiic iinrnrnisnea nv Save Money on Meals - this Delightful Vay young married couple. Reward. Phone Blue 995 (2flj) TENDERS TENDERS For dismantling, loading and transportation to Terrace by truck and reas-KPmhlina in snring of 1950 in cohnni huilrtliiEs at Terrace two No. 40-9 Gurney Bright Idea boilers with vulcan draw coal stokers will be received until Monday, November 21 1949. These boilers are located at Seal Cove and work is to be commenced immediately contract is awarded Lowest or anv tender not necessarily accepted. Apply tp School District No. 53, C. w. Alcer Secretary - Treasurer, Terrace, B. C. 267) FOR RFNT FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping suite, suitable for quiet working couple. Fhone Blue 638. before 1 p. m. FOR RENT Sleeping Room, 221 5th E. (2('.6) FOR RENT I.arsre housekeeping room, 613 Third Avenue. REAL ESTATE Recent Listings of Interest 5th Ave. W. 7 room house, hot water heating: Plastered concrete foundation: imme-dlateoccupancy, easily convertible to duplex for investment purpose. Priced to sell Ambrose Ave-7 room house furnished; harbor view; 3 lots, basement 9th E. near McBride f our room bungalow basement. Vacant only $2500 with $1000 down. 8th W 7 room house, concrete fmsement. new'v decorated 110 down, full price only $3B00. .... For the"" & rtnr wm!,r See Armstrong Agencies Fn. 342 or Green 297 (eves) FOR SALE 6 roomed house on 1 lot, could be duplex, good foundation, new J''"'1"?,' Cash 9th Avenue West-$2400 or terms. H. G. HELGERSON LTD. (267) FOR SALE House 1136 Hays Cove Ave. (270) FOR SALE 5 room fully fm-nished house fenced In, wltn lawn. Apply 9 to 12 a.m. 1214 FOR Sm!E FOR SALE 1940 four-door Chev. Apply Box 612, Daily News (265) Dries Quickly with a . beautiful flat finish. Paint today move in tomorrow. SI. 40 qt. $4.50 gal. 6f 'tis and Conveyors. . tinn from Na-'ry Co. Ltd., . C tf THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Se & Used Furnl- i Office Fix-, c toasters, Cups ' anger Sewing China Cabinets Cribs, Disston; Np-iv LoirBin2 HARDWARE Kaien Co-op "J 3-rly Roofing Tel. WnoniYC Jw, Tvpewrlter, wte, Battleship i Ehtly used Ra- e lowest nrlnes Co., Black 324. fopd doors, wln-.f. Phone 543, Call eraTused Cum-" and Tnriiisti-ioi , "vernauled and 'Bytown Machine WINTER TIME IS SKI TIME Skis from $3.75 to $34.50 See Them Today COME IN AND CHECK OUR FULL STOCK OF SKI SUPPLIES SKI POLES HARNESS SKI WAX SHELLACS LACQUER REMOVER LETTNER TYPE EDGES SOLE PROTECTERS ' f-2-3 fo fa . 'lrJ I O ADD MILK 0R WATER I , w ' ' . y I SI,R POP 'EM ON THE GRIDDLE I IVCI XV GET BOTH KINDS! L S'Ctfi The red box for fluffy-light PANCAKES nd , 'cHr , 'ce , U S'rJ WAFFLES; the two' box for taste-linglingBUt'Jl "O, "i!0" WHEATS. Reg. Size or 33 ii ib. Economy Bag. v-.,,'-1, , "d ' ., f ' Th Qooker Oat Company of Canada limited '"'" y j (tf) Ma ml f I rA.W "Buasp Marlln -ter $35 981 7th (266) pr Trenrile I sfthnpR?luC- FOR SALE-1949 ,ij j. immih (26) Monarch, new condition, radio, heater etc. Snn for- cHh. low mileage. See Smith & Elkins or Phone Red 549 evenings (269) bi!namel Inter- r,,- -."3C-. iKe for SAT,E-rni McLarev rante 251 THIRD AVENIF BOX 1127 PHONE 179 Dflllv, heaters, (265) one coal oil heater, two double H The" News. couches. Apply 221 5th w-,w (2691