Ptfnce tlnpcrf Dallp 3t3eto5 Monday, November 14, 1949 HOTEL ARRIVALS looked after the refreshments;, with Mrs. Vic Duncan and Mrs. W. Morrow In charge. Check room was in charge of Mrs. W.Ut!h-well and Mrs. W Wailacef . Rupert N. Burnett, Vancouver; J Biai-k, Vancouver; V. Abbott', Vancouver; Mr .and Mrs. C. T. W I If L IIUniALU I ATTEND DANCE i 1 1 . 1 "One of the finest dances ever ft 'iff i . ,rnvot, Vancouver; F. Mob,,, Salmon Arm; A. A. McCrea, Port j Eisington; II. L. Gray, Vancou-, Moose Women Enjoy Whist held on the spacious, floor of the naval drill hall of H.M.C5. Chatham which has been made even more commodious by the re- j After business was diapossd of cent removal of the large stage, the Homemaking Committee of took place on Friday evening un- the Women of the Moose enjoyed der the auspices of the local three tables of whist at the home branch of the Canadian Legion 0f Mrs P. Welter. Mrs. J. Kasper and proved to be a fitting cul- won first prize. The consolation mination to a highly successful prize was won by Mrs. H. Muncen vfi ; l, Orge, Vancouver; M. McKay, Vancot ver; E. S. Goodrich, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. K. Mc-Mahon, city; C. T. Anderson, Port Clements; Mr .and Mrs. W. J.', Campbell, Juskatla; J. Taylor.-1 Edmonton; T. Woods, Smithtrs; 3. R. Williamson, Eamouton; Mrs.' G. Cogswell, La Crosse, Wlscon-i sin; Mrs. H. H. Gill, Vancouver; j Mrs. E. H. Simpson, Masset; W.' HamL'ton, Vancouver; H. Holt, Difeby Island; Mr. and Mrs. J Mellow ... noftly fragrant . . .. and robul of Ixxly, Old Inspector in first choice in B.C. with men who really know fine Rum! ou Dion, city 'Legion Week" which opened with joint hostesses, Mrs. P. Weift Poppy Day on the previous Sat- and Mrs. C. H. Collins served re-urday. freshments. Mrs. B. Blair was & A crowd of well over five hun- guest. Those present wer; Mrs. dred persons, many of them Vet- o. Stegavig, Mrs. P. Bond, Mrs erans of the two world wars s. Haugan, Mrs. M- Field, Mrs. J danced to the strains of music Kasper, Mrs. J. Hoskins, Mrs. W. provided by Andy McNaughton's Terry, Mrs. V. Foster, Mrs. C. Col-Dukes Orchestra. i lins, Mrs. H. Muncey, Mrs.- -R. B Vic Duncan of the Canadian Skinner, Mrs. P. Welter and Mrs Legion performed the duties of B J Bacon. ; master of ceremonies'. P. M. Ray . . . and Alex Haig were in attend- j Mrs. G. Hamlin of Temi lAis i ance at the door while the Ladies been the guent of Mrs .;;1 Auxiliary of the local branch Thompson In Prince Ri'pert. Mr. and Mrs. H. Benin Port Essington; W. H. Crocker, Prince George; Mr. and Mrs. R. Kirk-wood, Edinor.ton; Mr. xnd Mrs. A. . ROM M. Collins, Burns Lake; D. E. oiTPDpiqii. runvknv Tvtr,iot mnq u-re hnn Tnpri9v to Mrs Edward Cook. 32. of Toronto . uau, t-.. uuujpy, Tbe confused, excited father said that until shortly before their arrivei ne ana ms wue cxpeci sr FOUR Y EARS OLD Watwrfi Uiai.d; J. W. Wiley, Fort ed only one child. The still-unnamed babies, left to right, weighed 5 pounds, 11 jounces; six pounds, 134 ounces arid 4 pounds, 104 ounces at birth. The nurses, left to right are:Mrs Jean Scofleld, Supervisor Miss Laura, Trusdale, Miss H. W. Hersberger and Miss E. Barr. Q, Photo iieipent is not published or displayed by the Liquor Board or by the Government ol British Colun bia Sii!ij un; E. Johannes, Vancouver; T. A. V. TiiTuuJay, Victoria; Mis. J Adams and son, Ketchikan; Miss L Monekton, Metla-katla: W. MacArthur, Edmonton; F. Polly, Digby; A. Palo, rtot. Tprrace- Mr and Miss Kathleen Wiiiiscroft, who Mr. and Mrs, A. G. Nellsoii. Van- 'Mrs. J. D. Houchen, Brown's Mill; is nursing at Essoudale, has ar couver; Miss A. Brooks, Vancou-'Mr. and Mrs. C. Teodosiu, Miller rived to spend a holiday with her In Canada whpre the average ver.; J S. Ryan, Vancouver;' ft.' Bay; G. McLeUaa, Vancouver; R. father, Mr. W. WillUcroii. etail price is 9 8 cents per p'jund, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, Little have returned to Terrace from a i they l:av in- Port Essington; A. M. Mt'Rae, Port Essington; M. P. Houston, Rivers Inlet; Mr. and Mrs. H. I Smith, Terrace; E. MoGettigan, Ryan, Vancouver; A. J. MacDon- Carson, Ocean Falls; Irene Find-aid, Smithers; J. Lyons,' Sml- ley, Victoria; Marjorie Bill, V anthers;. R. Rldler. Port Essington-, couver; Etta Treadgold, Vancou-C. S. Dixon, Vancouver; Mr. and ver; R W. Foreman, Vancouver; refined sugar is the chi-.'.pest of all foods In terms )f caloric two weeks' trip to Vancouver and Seattle. 00k W. 6. Arnlel, Vancouver; H. Cran-dall, Vancouver; J. Duquay, Vancouver;' J. C. St. Dennis, Ocean of British III The Supreme fourt The whole secret is this Columbia Iiv Probate In the matter of the "Administration Ai-t" And Falls; D. MacLean, Vancouver; I. V. Hopkins, Vancouver; Mrs. B. Elliott, Vancouver; A. Chapman, Vancouver; J. Rice, Vancouver; Phillips, Masset, H. P. Cahill. Vancouver;". C. Clarke, Vancou In The matter of the Estate of Matt Alfred Anderson. Otherwise Known As Alfred Anderson, imeaned. Intestate, TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge W O. Pulton, Local Judge of the. Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 8th K lit vvriR ver. ' Advertise m toe ua-f New- clay of November, AD. 1949. appoint ed Administrator or tne r-siauj ui Matt Alfred Anderson, otherwise known as Alfred Anderson, deceased lit Th Kuuri-me Court of Brtlli late of Bella Bella. British Columbia Cohinioia In Probate . M.J In The Mattw of the -Administra who died on or about the 6th day of August, 1949. at Bella Bella, British Columbia. Alt persona indebted to the said estate are required to tion At" Anil In the MUer of Ut F4aU f Iavid nay the amount of their Indebted ness to me forthwith and all persons ( W Ukuii, lMrear4, Intwtate TAKE NOTICE that by Order of 1b Honour Judge W. O. Pulton. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. 1 was on ttte having claims against tne aia esiave are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 16tl day of December. 1S4B. falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. 7th da"of November, AD. 1949 ap . Kar Wj OR TASTY MEALS AT THE Dated at Prince Rupert. B.C., tnis 8th day of November. 1949. Gordon Praser Forbes Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B. C. (273) paHrtoAdmtnlstmtor'of -the'iestate of David Wilson, deceased, late of Shames, British Columbia, who died on ttte 5th day of September, 1949, at Shames. British Oolumbia. All persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith, and all persons having claims against the said estate are required to file them with me properly verl- Mm. mm r) Men Caie j fled ou or before the 15th day of i December. railing wnrco m- Chinese Dishes a Specialty CIIOP SUEY enow MEIN REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED trlbutlou will be made having regard onV to such claims at which t shall have been notified. Dated at Prince Rupert. B. C. this Sth day of November, 1649. Gordon Praser Forbes Offlctel Administrator Prince Rupert. B. C. .' ,. (273) decond Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel a in to VSO it m 173 for Outside Order. R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) She'll Settle for a Smacker! -By CHIC YOUNG P'.ONDIE ' - . . . : - tsvii-niiiiiiiiiur; ' I niiiiifiiiimi i i'i in I iHHiilllillihliiiiii 1 1 IP nrnTi W : Mli I'" I In ;11 1' - I t i 1 JRH i th i i 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 rt i"' - 1 Biuu uac'i-i- i n: '." I n People who enjoy fall and wintrr weather and good health have learned the secret of dressing for all-weather comfort. They know that comfort starts at skin-Jevel with Stanfield's linsiuiukable Underwear. Tailored for smooth fit and perfect freedom of movement, Stanfield's provides a range of under . wear styles, weights and fabrics for every member . of the family and for every individual need. All art soft, warm and durable ... all proofed agatast shrinking by Stanfield's exclusive process. Make sure of your winter comfort right from the start combinations or separates at leading stores. s- if 'l---v- I E wELL- NiGMTViGHTT) I IEATOERYvvORD) 1 B . : i ' - y, I . v I swEETie-Pie I fe wow much wiu.'vou f La . MV FOLkSAPE) I SUPE.I LCVEYOuJ I HEPES A KISS j : f Give ME NOT J ' in thefcontS sweetie I'M s " --(smack)- ,, vs , to tell't-' vftf, ROOM. FlOPWS") COMPLETELV GONE ) ' AND ANOTHER ) -4c " I'LL HAVE TO ' sd ON VOU-VOUREi. .. (SMACK)- r-lXv- tIZkx "vW - TA'wtr SOFTLY J y -( MV DISH r-J. It' f -i eve-ey V)'H if JVv - OR They'll v ''s ri-,-Vs BV V1 "" ' ; m ' i&ariPak; Kzdpibz-, gs-ftjaA, - 1 tn.--JHt spssssjsjwm,,: i- , k i ' J L mmm m ir c, : ; . , ; v r O-O-O O, Just Ducky! ; i' III1' I'll 1 'I' you WORKED SO V "v v- , , v y s. I: f HAPD TOW MOt-O (tmATSAGOOD 1 , BLONDiE.IS) L m SO TlPEO VVHV OON'T OU IDEA-I'LL I , . v V f IT CW IF V? J-, THIS EVENING. PKOtiANPT C PHONE HIM A'rtNO W 1 BRING THE Mu f E V ! KNOW ASK HIM TO -N RIGHT NOW U. BOSS HOME lW- V V HCWIMvl EVER TAKEMDUOuri . VX V vV" ' FOR SUPPcR1?) (ft? Bu mAv suppEf? Siwfa zJM. rJkSJi? Bras Fft fH Pi HPS UVJB AQ TRURO LIMITED FOR ECONOMY and j Not in the Contract. i I : I . . , , . , , ii... i in- mi ii : I 1 1 i i 1 1 , i 1 , . , 1 1 i'i i i , : I " ' DOWNRIGHT GOODNESS Iniral '6 They all II ' h JTT7 "( OM.GOLLV-l FORGOT j!!- - ' III I ' f- 1 II I L C-l' flO KISS BLONDiE Jup,,0... CUIACX 14 V KASN "N I II P-1- WHEN J LEFT THE, ,sWTV vbuJ fS lyES SM s"37 M ( APPKX -'fc Tl,?) (H veril USED CAn. PRICES enjoy i MARCEtlE (t GOOD USED CARS IN STOCK RlCED RIGHT FOR QUICK SALE rrrains at . . ,0 IIV FT k i m n THE NEW MARGENE HAS A NEW WONDERFULLY EASY SPREADING TEXTURE ASK YOUR GROCER FOR NEW MARGENE TODAY Another Product 'of Canada Packers Limited - UHHttr Ik vriiiTi7 rr?"