r i tftfnre Utipcrt Dailp j;3clus Monday, November 14, 1949 CAPITOL art and other northern points 'whence she will return here tomorrow to sail south at 1 :30 p.m. Since she was last here, the Co-quitlam has been undergoing annual overhaul at Vancouver, ( rs NOW I th'.s time, arrived In port yesterday morning for supplies and is clearing seawards again today. Capt. Sheppard reports no sign of herring in northern waters as yet, the last run having been seen around Alert Bay. SHIPS and WATERFRONT Principal feature of the work was the deepening of her hold by five 1 feet which will give her capacity for another fifty tons of freight. Officers of the ship report that the alteration has, If anything,; SI m i using over me run irom ine ; irnproved the stability of the ves-Catala, Union steamer Coquit- ! scj CGS. Laurier, Capt. L, Sheppard. which is engaged in fishery lam, Capt. John Boden, arrived . i i. ..i j.. . . t r . v. i pauui uuues in wains m. mis jn t 4 oc,ock yesterday af. part of the coast and is on a par- ternoon from the south and sall-Ucular look-out for herring at ed at 10 p.m. for Alice Arm, Stew Union steamer Camosua, Capt. Harry McLean, returned to port at 4:30 yesterday afternoon from c'-l'i'tium Albert Mah Is Visiting City ( RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Fall Snowsuits or Girls Of All Ages Massett Inlet calls and sailed as 5 9 p.m. for Vancouver and way- ! points. , j Once the Orient can achieve ; peace and stability, It is -reason- able to assume that Its demands for the products of Canada will reach high levels and Prince Kl pert, being 500 miles closer to thvi i Orient than any other Pacific J ; Coast railway terminus, will b a principal port of departure. Soft- j I wood timbers from Prince Ru- Capt. Albert Mah. recently biiek M.Mis WJl ' ' "le from China where -.? has Inn'i' eneaced fir veurr ... mi m,. 1,1' . ''"ruliiiiii: 3 m China flying, arrived In the . iiy on the' his re I there U K..i' .... :. ... T i-n r"i i" J J- -j T II hit iri mm mil m from $5.95 Sizes 1 year through 15 years WORST MISERIES OF CHILDREN'S I FLORAL FOOTBALL Dr. A.P. Chan arrangeses a floral football display for the annual chry- T'Dert and the central iuteiio ft A-dV ' Chinchilla, wools and gabardines. Two piece J and three piece styles. Priced right naturally. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE should find a ready market ' in sHnmemum snow ai ine govcrniueiii cunai cajki unciiiai rami onawa, une veam is 01 the Orient mauve "Orchid Queen" 'nnnns. the other of yellow "J. S. Symonds." The ball is a "Red Rust." 1 ' Dr. Chan, chief of the farms horticultural greenhouses, says you can do anything with 'mums v:--;M:0imemmmmMm I but make them talk. Oh, the umpires? Well, naturally, they're "Peace" 'mums. (CP Photo k ' . - v 0 ' " A a .7" JTtm WE 1 m it 11 r irmUie. RioMiinK n'tl-f from t:r trlrv ri ri ,t,,v,-. CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles 9:30 - Piano Playhouse 10:00 -CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15-On Mike Tonight 10:30 -Musical Moderne P.M. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast ciMs comes qiili-Kly hen v'i nib on Vi k V;,i,ii h .t brdunw. OfUn bv morniiiv mnM f,f t ic (j .si ., , (Subject to Change) I'om is r;f)n. V:i-nllul is to WTwiiv bi- -iuv- n uk , ,., ,j ' ronwMul bronrhinl HiIh s to n ln vp cuiiiip.i inn ANNOUNCEMENT Sidney Gonkk, Optometrist Graduate of Los Ang-eles HTlUiUon. At the nume tim, it tt'mukit,- riw aaj linck arfa.i like n rm-iw, rnnilorini'.' iwrii in. 1 m ' Oesf-Known Home Remedy to f Q Relieve tistre$ of Cold V3 12:55 Recorded Interlude ' 1:00 Afternoon Concert 1:30 -CBR Presents 1:45 Commentary A. Grunt 2:00-B.C. School Broadcast 2:30 Records at Randuin 2:45 Let's Read About It 3:00 The Music Box 3:15 Western Five 3:30 U.N. Commenary 3:35 Diverniento DELIVERED FRES Complete Visual Analysis (lasses Prescribed When Necessary College of Optometry is p!6ased to announce that he has opened permanent' offices in Prince Rupert for the practice of Optometry in Rooms 23 and 24, AVOID DISAITOINTMF.NT . OIIDEll YOUU Phone 654 I 10:45 Bob Bain Quartette 11:00 -Weather and Siyn Off TUKSUAI AM I-"-. Musical CIock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 -Here's Bill Good 8:15 Morning Sonn 8:30 Music for Modems 8 45-Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comment. : 15 Mni nins Ih it.tii-lrf 9:30-Morning Concert 9:59-Time Su-na' 10:00 -Ellen Harris 10:15 Morrin n Melouies 10:30 Melody Time 10:45 Sranrimi.v.dn .lelodlc 11:00 -Air Kindergarten 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30 Weather rnrecast 11:31 Message Per'.uo 11:33 Recorded Interlude 1:45 Personal Album MONUAt -r.M. 4:00 Bernie Dradeu Tells a Story 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int 4:30 Magic Advertures 4:45 Something is Harmony t:55 CBC News 5:00 Little Concert 5:30 To be announced 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Martial Airs 1 ;ij Musical Varieties 6:45 "Saddle Rockin' Rhythm" 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Wally Peter Show 7:45 Tales of Trucks 8:00 Alberta Ranch Hcusc 8:30 Guy Lombardo Show 9:00 National Farm Radio Forum and News pevsoPa Xutns (Bar rrr 1 r I Besner Block. Office Hours: Evenings by Appointment Daily From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Telephone 212 J. D. Patterson of Prince GiHTge , drove into Terrace reently to' look over that district wi'h aj view to setting up a lral Na-; tlotial Film Board Council In Ter- j TODAY race which will purchase the I equipment for the r.howiug of I he films. Mr. Paterson is the successor to Alex Wilson. Tki idvcrtittintnl it mo! publithcd r 4iipUytd by lh Liquet Contoo! Board m kv Ik GotiiMn W B"lnk Celuatbi. Uoxcd Assortments ,Tltat will be sure to jile;u-e every member of the family at . . . BROADWAY CAFE . . . BEST l00U ' VphiOOto' j FINEST COOKING WHAT'S COOKING? a M MMHTill 1 1 -1fcfcfct.fct FOR FOR ' TAKE-HOME ORDERS t PHONE 200 Hours 7 a m. to 1 a m hKSNER BLOCK, 3KO AVE. If It's Your . . . v.- RADIO, Take it to . . . HOLLYWOOD cafe ' .MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE i -TO . . nun Ken's b mo CL(N1C OM 3:30 P.M lo 30 A.M. A We Specialize In Chinese Dlshei 118 2nd Ave. Phone x . nnouncing our COOP SUEY CHOW MEIN For Outside Orders PHONE 133 Few people can kill il . singlchaiidcd! Moving, Tacking, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable ana Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd ana Purk Avenuer Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 -V True! Fargo PI an AVAILAHLE FOR IMMEDIATE DEUV !-Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" 1 F BALAGNO Florists Phone Green 781 Box 1193 I with reinforced frame & 2-fpeed r' 3-Tnn Chassis and Cab, 170'' ' or Ihc convenience of our customers we have several easy ways of paying. I .. .... .-... 1 Hr 5-snccd r This is tbe Pit-Off Bird. He usually appears jusl wlien you're fir. i.ln.- i ,1 sonictliing that hl.ould be .lone without delay. Thi n lie Iries to talk you mil of it. : When you're planning a trip, lie'll tell you ti..t to lmll.rr making r.-rrvali.m. Or wlieu you have a slilit toolliuvhr, l-l 'limit : it'll ,ay worry, j.al - m.oii go away. Besides, you're loo busy to fio to the d. iilinl today I" Oh, lie', a sly one, thi- Pul-OtT Bird ! Ami mi. I, ;l in.iil.l.-iiiaker lht I..- rv.11 li i.- to pet father to nv i th. ir family's iim.n. , i,v. 1! r.,rl..UHl. ly a deadly enemy of tlii bird often appear ut ueh rriliral inoineiil.. - amUives the .lay. This enemy of the bird -and friend of fal her - i, . ,; insrrr re,re.,,. lire. Aiming a few realUtic fael at the hi, hum .llt. ereatu.e. be kill, il deader lh..n iu coiiin, tbe Uodo, lis. daiijremm. jtropafiHudii i silrn. e.l. And uhvavs lb.; father ll.eu realize, why be should act to pr.ile.-l hi, famiK i,nmvdi,tl.-ly. Thus tbe life insurance representative help, prevent eownlle., people, from Ii.ning to depend on charily or relatives f..r their ,up,...rt in year to eon,.-. Life underwriter, help people in olhrr w(.ys, I T h.-v are train. -.1 I., n...,lv,e all the fact, re ated to the family' future needs . . . ,!. I, ,,,1,1 a'oimd bfe ins.,, ,,. e' plan .bat meets thoce needs exiwtly. More than a million Canadian families baxe benefited by tbe rviee, of th.; ,:,.;d. cru life underwriter. And he's always la,l to help you ! Rupert Motors Lt . , . " CI?! f Shop I Will if.6 Phones: 8GG Office, EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let lis help you plan that new home under the N.I I. A. Phone Green 8X3 ISnx &R6 III ' T- ' Lay away till Christmas with no duwn payment. Lay away.and make part payments till all paid. Down payment and weekly instalments. Down payment and monthly instalment. Charge account or all cash as desired. NO INTEREST OR CARRYINO CHARGE A good time is now when lots of things are here 1 - it-Ar-cm 3 11 . Mtr ;. jt, j?.y r,)i rill m m.w Mr ,v mi t j--s it... u-vi j r:i- i me MM QIEEN CHARLOTTE AIKLlViS LTI- ANNOUNCE A helpful citizen in your commiuiil v V lirn a lif.- insurance r-pic.,-nlative wlU you a poli. y. In- nho hrll lo im,,rvv your mmmunily. I or a larjic pari of ea.-li (if.-inmiran.. dollar put Kr tlrouli iiiveliii.-iili9 lo l.uil.l M-l.o..s, l.ri.l-.-,, highways, in.luslriuJ planN an.l many ..lli.-r proj.-.-li. lliat 4-r. ale jol. an.l make f..r I. lter liinji. You U.,rr. in the improvement, nia.l,- pi,(. il,,-,,,.-!. ll.u i-Jio'i of yo.-r helpful fellow-, iliztu-ll.c life nn.l. i writer I A change In fures Between Prince Rupert ,in" tlve Oct 15, 1049 by "authority of the A.r 1'"' of Canada. Commodore Cale "Better Th-n Ever" LIFE INSURANCE : . . New Fares Will Be . . . . Single Fare Iietur 1 Fare Freijr'it, per lb .SI l.dl) ,07c iinrdinn of Canadian llmnes A me!r from the more than fijiy l.,jc ,;, e Cu,VauU; in Canada ?Best Food and Service In Clfc Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES ' ... n n R C. Phone 4.i l-ir,?p Phone 17 for Send-Out Order5 J Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr.J DUX ow Illiuc u H- - - .