JL2 , r Prinrr Uupcrt Dtiffp jQctug Monday, November 14, 1949 'Thriller In in the iast minute of the game Thompson 7, Owens 2, Arntsen, lost out although they wero In Davidson, Sunberg 3. Total 56. possession of the ball at least' Bo-Me-Hi Spring 11, Carlson ijiree times. Scherlc 12, Webster 2, Moor 6. As in all senior games this year, McChesney 4, Ratchford, Sharpe, play was wide open, with sur- Kristmanson 2, Bill 9, Total 57. prisingly few fouls called by ref- INTERMEDIATE err-es Comadina and Slatta. The Xne fans who attended the last time these tams met 64.foul nms eftri had more than one IT PA YS Sr. League TO ROLL YOUR OWN WITH life C-wt TEMPERATURES GOING Jr BE WISE AND MAKE SIRE OF YOl'R -WINTER SI PPLY OF COAL ,.r cauHa, oauiraay mum, in thHn u, watch for North Star j spits of a terrific forty minutes wcre tne ant kulers ln the ln. ; of .speed there were only 31. Reg ,,,,mediate division taklne the D O vv N Close Play All the Hay ThrougH, Saturday Basketball fans continued to have thrills dis.ieu out to them in large portions Saturday nijht at the Civic Centre Gym. Four, games were played and throe of them finished with the final issue in doubt until the final whistle. The scores were: Senior- 3i Me Hi 57, Brown - j Lavigne. for Brownwoods was Uw much heavier Fashion by a 42-40 player of the evening. He scored score xrnrp in in all an overtime overtime thriller thriller. Cigarette Tobacco 1 17 points and kept Spring, Bo-I Me-Hi's driving force, well chwk- ORDER TODAY FROM Wesch, for iiortil Star, went berserk in the last few minutes to take the game for his teammates when h scored four points in the overtime, and fifteen fcr the evenint? North Rt.nr Irnrvf. tnn jed. Three High School players i garnered 34 points between then. iSrherk, 12, and Carlson and I Spring 11 each Call 651 MUD, SWEET, B R t G H T Y t R G r H I A PHBLP0T1 vVoodi oo Int-.'-wiUat!' North Slar 42, i'.ishioi) -!0 Junior- Rcpert Hotel 23, Stones 18 High School 27. Sea Cadets 25 Of the five senior games played mPn on Wg Bob Gill's tail ail this season, every one has r.ckd eVening bt he couldn't be held with a thrilling finish, wide -jpen down and SCOred 18 points, two play being the future of eaeh Qf ,,., ln the owUme. It wa a game Each team has averaged good game and only 22 fouls w-re just over 50 ponU per game and, called by Referees Slatta and if the league keeps up at this Husoy. Hebb for Fashion started tempo the "sold right out" sign to hit his mid-season stride ratals liable to hang on the box office ing up 10 points. j mm 3"- & Co. Ltd. In relation to p0lfe adas export trad .., cent greater in , n 19 8 than in 1933 ' Consumption of woMta eloth inearth,', was 3.4 yards p,.r capUa j The Brownwoods-Bo Me Hi fea-j dire was packed with excitement and many a fan lost his voice in j the last wild minute. Brown- Atkins 2, Marshall, P. Parneu Stewart, Jeffries 4, Antone. 18. High School Clark 6, Flewin 2, Nlckerson 4, Smith 2, Brown Rhodes 2, Tait 2, Sheppard. 6 Peterson. 27. Sea Cadets Davidson L. Tod-eras 2, Leighton 2, Black 4, Drake 7, Wing S, Leignuin Christen sen. 25. LIMBER BUILDING SITPMES woods looked like sure winners with a 56-51 lead, possession o'j fast breaking Hotel squad. Norm Sather wound up as the game's high sourer with 11 big polrsts In the second game. High School, was the victor over the Sea Caiiets by a slim margin of 27-23, The Cadets played their best game of the season, and held the edge in flojr play but couldn't find the basnet enough times to get into the win column. Peterson, for High School, was outstanding at guaro although he went scoreless. Shep-pard for High School led in scoring with 9 points, and Drake made 7 for Cadets. Rupert HotelMorrison, Sta-ccy 1, E. Stacey, Sather 11, Donaldson, B. McFarlane 5, A. Mc- fhonx lit DeLuxe Deliver! uuur any ingm. now. . , , I , North ... Star Wesch 15, Smith 7 Co-op hold the league leader- Hartwig 9, Young 2, Simoiw-n 1. h.p wuh two wins and one loss. KeUheson 2, Hamilton, Parnell 6 Bo-Me-Hi has two and two, and Sedgwick. Total 42 Brownwoods have 1 win and two Fashion-Gili 18, Hebb 10 In-losses. but on the present basis termela 4, Lien 2, Hill 2 Jones of play anyone can be in the Watson 2, Drake 2, Total '0 ' lead two weeks from now. Tomor- JUNIOR LE AGl'E row night Brownwoods play Co- m the frst of the two Ju 1ior op and a win for Brownwoods will games Rupert Hotel continued tie up the league with equal their .mHpf . u - 16 TABLES AT CARD PARTY Third of the bi-weekly sories of :ard parties sponsored by the Catholic Women's League saw 10 ables'in Catholic school hall, vft-s. J. Garon was in charge of he scoring and Mrs. L. Doiron as c&shier. Ia charge of refreshments were Mrs N. R. Young and Mrs. A. St, Amour, insisted by Mrs. J. Formal). , j Winners were: Whist, Mrs. F. j W. Grimbie, C Scherwood. I Cribbiyjo, Mrs. R. Letourneau, J Bugyinka. Bridge, Mrs. George Cloutier, Oscar Johnson. November 24 was set as the date for the next of the series. Advertise ai i;ie ai;i ,ew.' i the ball and f 0 'fronds to play In I tlicit .hoi t ninety seconds. Bo Me i Hi set some sort of a record, seer- I ling two field goals and two foul I shots to emerge victorious by ai ; 57 to 56 margin. The core was all : I tied with 6 seconds to play when ' i Carlson was awarded a foul shot , land swished it through the tie;' for the winning point. Brown -j woods had an 8-point lead going 1 into the last quarter but they I couldn't do anything right and i OTTAWA CP -Two men and a five-year-old boy were burned to death early yesterday In a flash fire that turned their flimsy tin-covered home Into a blazing Inferno, Kills in. the blase,, believed, to have started when an oil lamp owttirned, were Patrick Conlon aged 40; his son, James, and Jack O'Neill, 49, who was visiting the Conlon family wand at 1089 Ambrose AT( Daily Hours-9 a m - 6 Evening Hours-7-10 pm onMimduy, Tuesday, Thu.-Friday BotUrs Cu!lertd S-P.-R--.c. Anyday-, I -n, nujj UJT HIIJ- points for all three teams. ning on a 23-18 score. The game l I Farlane, Forman 4, Marki 2. 23 Stones Parnell 8, Phillips 4 uurvicn Lav- was well played by Doth teams igne 17, Shier 8, Pieree 9, Bill 3. but Stones could not catch the i a r 1 1 1 1" 1 FINE PRINTING at rm REGAL PRINTERS if it f 1 1 m (cz cr m m m n n cn nn iat rn rvr cm " . - w iiiUfa U J Hi i CI a 18891949 PHONE 21 222 Second Av "4 ProfessioiuilamjUiisinei , many Wlrs. 7Wav the sean h for new oil dwZ'-. n th? . ""' 0 druK on ,he markt ..machine uhuh drill! de"p inX"Lfn f tt''rrt indipmmbl in th MATTSON'S CPHOLSTOUNQ Phone Blue 818 PQ Bos Best for Walls and ECONOMICAL too! 1 Thnt thr rrport f I mir anl mora wumtii f nho arts uninii Muniwoal ill's . . . UW .H MTY al prirra lowrr than any I comparahle fini-li It'p I mnrr Hanhulilr . . . raxii-r H i to krrp rlran . . . rmrrn B i more in one mat aver ! prartirally any Mall 1 uiaterial. I ' ... -L- It. - CATITEHIN2 LAUEIE PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 40t Third Ave. West tJrinee Rupert Realty Co.) Phones: Oreen 667 Days Oreen 412 Evga, 330 Second Awnue Pr'Jica Rupert, S.C B. & W. TRANSF. DRY FIR KINDLING W 50e Per Sack Iiiven PHONE GREEM 13 BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS AireneB for SIMPLEX OA8 and CUMMINS DIESEL, ENGINES Sales Service and Parti Boat owners and users of Industrial Engines are lnvltad tu our showroom to view our tarious engines and til over equipment problems. FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDEF.i New, Modern Equipme All Work Guaranteec If tW-f-j.! a..if I A. P. GARDNER k Cordon & Anderson I dr.. garnet e. h. CHARTERED ACCOUNTS MONTGOMERY 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER - B 3 V DENTHT Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Bo. i21fl Prince Rupert Florists Mower for Ail Occasions 1300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel 77'. MARGARET McLE' 01TOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUIDINC- PIANO TECHNICIAN. Tuning, Voicing and Repair MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756-972 10th East NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Hume 50 Rooms Hot and Sold water PHONE BLUE 593 j CO BOX 1184 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavingr Beauty Culture ln all its branches 204 4th. Street Phone 055 Canadian Nickel sold Abroad brings in US. Dollars GEOKGE L. R0RI PRINCE RUPERT, B C Public Accouitant, Attdl'j ho.ie28I P.O. Box 1 flft income Tax Returns Comr WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H. S. Whalen, Manages Besner Bloc - Phon -1 wmmmmmmm Modernize your kitchen Complete Moving Servlc Crating Packing Cartago I BLUB 78ff RED 519 . Since more than ninety per cent of the Nickel produced in Canada is sold to the United States and other countries, it brings a constant flow of dollars back to Canada. In fact, Canada's Nickel industry is one of our chief sources of U.S. dollars so essential at the present time to maintain our foreign trade and make available products not produced in this country. These dollars help pay the wages of the 14,000 Nickel employees, and help provide the dollars which make it possible to pay millions in freight to Canadian railways, to buy timber, steel, coal, machinery and sup-plies amounting to many millions each year. These millions, flowing into all industries through the length and breadth of Canada help create jobs for Canadians. .' DR. P. J. DENTIST B.rTTS- -i SMITH BLOCK! Phone 765 f-0- ' QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heel and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Boa 774 Second Ave. tt a vrnVTvTAN TT-VHCTT' H-.j,v,fW tOfair GENERAL CONTRACTOR of s Building and Rep"'" kinds 1 CHIMN'1 ROOFS - Hti fmll, illMf C "alii, will c itm t'ft rrfmil It mnytm imtrrtuti. 11 your auDscnpilon is ln arrears and you do not receive your paper, please do not blame the publisher, the new boy or the post office. Juri do a little straight talking to yourself. Co-operation of sub FIRST PRODUCED IN CANADA IN 1889 THE INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, 25 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO Make your kitchen. Modern at, Vrery Reasonable Cost For Estimates and Supplies PHONE 363 MITCHELL & CURRfF l Tn OIL BUR" oirnES scribers in this regard would n,n, ru P.O. Bo" '1 P.O. BOX 15'" be appreciated. It would- ave a lot oX trouble and. everybody would be happier. Subscriptions are payable in " - - a . Builders and Contractors' " Advertise in" die v1