Sons of Nona) Honor City -Man A Mmn. .. rfnre Rupert Oaflp r3etos Friday, September 23, 1949. ' 'Pf SitSi' . ? f' : ; J an todeitetideti daJIJ w!pip dtMrtea to ne uptjulioliig of iTlnw Rupert u til eommunlttea omprlsiog northern nd eentraj British Columol (AutoorUsed Second Class Mali. Post OfflM Department, OtUW) Pubiuneo eer alwrnouo except Sunday t , mac Rupert Daily News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, Brltlab Columbia. PRINCE GB err,...' CONGREGATION MEETS PASTOR "Get Together" Dinner af United Church Friendly Affair The "Ot-togther"' dinner In the First United Church hall last evening under the auspices of the Women's Association was O. A. HUNTER. Monaetng Editor H O PERRT, Managing uirm-ur. aUBtCRIPTION RATES or.KI On? Carrier, Per Week 20c: Per Monto. voc: "r , -&,-W By Mall. Per Month. 50c: Per Tear. 5 00 South EachTj North WtrM Pacific Arena Fur Reservaiio; or Ca' For Outstanding Wartime Work Although he is not a Scandin- tiom of the close kinship and avian, J. A. McNaughton of 220 common aims and aspirations of Sixth Avenue West will cherish the Scotch and Norse peoples in a memento from the Supreme centuries pas; and which was, Lodge of the Sons of Norway and In a way, symbolized during the an honorary membership In the late war by the hundreds of Prince Rupert Lodge of the fra- craft that linea ine enlire east ternal order. shore of cotland and out of Mr. McNaughton, a retired which stepped younir Norweg-iailway employee was hono'ed lans who had taken their lives ty the lodge iast nig-ht for hU in their hands crossing the North outstanding work in aki of the Sea to join the fighting forces and wartime "Help Norway comnilV who were received with open tee" when he was presented with arms by the people of Scotland, a framed certificate of merit "Whenever the opportunity and an honorary membership presents ltstlf, it shall be made button by Rudolph Olsen. known to people of Norwegian j The certificate signed by the stock that in Prince Rupert they j president and secretary of the have a good friend . of 8cotch j Supreme Lodge in Minneapolis birth." ! is in "deep and sincere apprtcU- In receiving .the certificate tlon of your incessant efforts to and honorary membership, Mr help Norway ana her people In McNaughton expressed his pleas- CITY OR mn rnnce RU, I mast successful with upwards of a hundred and forty mem-1 bers and adherents sitting down to enjoy one of the dinners for which the women of the church : are justly famous. i The guests of honor were the , recently inducted pastor, Rev. Lawrnce Sieber and Mrs. Sieber and their two children, Roy and Allan. Mrs. Sieber's father, Mr. Gulley was also Introduced to the assembly. 1 Following the dinner and a short community singing programme Mr. Sieber toW of the gracious welcome extnded to $ - . .. 4 I " In .i' ' ' - - ' 1 i n ii in" n r DELEGATE to the British Empire Service A League Conference, Lieut.-General Sir John Brown says the Atlantic Ocean has been declining in importance since the Second World War, 'and that the arena of future world events will be the Pacific. It is true the position of Japan, while not the powerful island empire of former years, is not reassuring and inspires much conjecture. The problem of China ,ows in grave possibilities. There has been no peace in China since long before the second great war, and now, Communism spreads. The far-reaching plans of Soviet Russia are not forgetful of the Western Pacific and East Indies. It is toward Russia and Siberia that Washington looks. Australia seeks more security, and the western shores of North America think, not so much of the Atlantic as they do the greatest of oceans, and the shock and slaughter known as Pearl Harbor. their sorry plight during the ure at having been of service to five dark war years and the dif-' the "Help Norway" committee ficult post-war period." and his pride at the recognition in the ; INTERESTED IN SCIENCE A snobbi. looking pig Is the fascinated onlooker as U.S. army private Joe McClendon of Modesto, Cat., uses an aspirator to capture disease-bearing mosquito In a house at Okayama, Japan. t.T.C. McClendon Is a member of the 207th Malaria Survey Detachment, now engaged in capturtng mosquitoes for use in Japanese encephalitis research. "All the Information which offered, has come to us in regard to your i ; him and his family by the mem-! bers of the ehurch who greeted j them at the boat. It had been t a most heart-warming experi- , 1 ence. Since then he had ex- ( perienced the friendly welcome DRYLAND SHIPWRECK HALTS PLANS P.E.I. FAMILY COMING SETTLE HERE of many of the congregation, a quality that he had keen told the people of Prtnee Rupert possessed In a very hiirh degree. He complimented th women on constant efforts to promote the relief cause, pictures to us a man with a big heart pulsating In unison with suffering humanity. "Although we do not wish to intimate that your Scotch birth and ancestry have any Influence on your acts in this connection, we cannot do otherwise thao look upon them as manifesta- II your subscription Is In arrears and you do not receive your paper, please do not blame the publisher, the new boy or the post office. Juf do a little straight talking to yourself. Co-opera on of subscribers in this regard moult? be appreciated. It wr.uld ve a lot of trouble and everybody would be happier. Subscriptions are payable In Four Prince Edward Island fishermen who made J the banquet that had been pro- vkied and said that he and his a 5,100-mile motor trip from their home to Prince Ru family were looking forward pert are probably the only people in these parts who uith nlrasurp to the rest of tiipir CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS! stay in the city. Working in uni- i ever had a boat wrecked on dry land. air if ftlnnkr tu it-i,ri 11 " unnkr mil a. IHUM KhKt.f Ml 'larln in Honlt Rti Kftirl. ! lien ty they could make the church ; The quartette are Beecher Court, mustaehed ' tnrouKh the no.them states Bla.k tt s.c. sC.jr iui u u,amr- - , - , , ..M J VI.. tl o t In VI-,-., a, .nd It Pay? to Aoverilse! Advertise in tl fi LraUy News! ment of Christianity in the mailer vx uie tuun mmuy im nis wnrc xuvvu m...f.. - I into Alberta at Sweetgras Hi ey Qontin, Emard and Veard, of- community .,,,, , coiiimuiiuy. to Tlell. , This, for the time to Banff comin" tu go pntererl BC a- at " Thanks were expressed to the North Rustico, and they eame : , 'wmtn.n nllt ,enterea women of the association west to see what Is doing In the ' lne wo.,to,n ' over the Big Bend Unthway to S ' Curt XP" convene? ad through their Hshlng line. Things, according ! may become a permanent base for tnst traln wreck A. Thompson. The introduc- to the elder Court, are slowing ..Except " things go right. arrived her Uon of the members to the mln- down a bit back east. . . . j We wouW nave ister and his family was carried So on September X. they put' "Haven't any fear that we; about the same time 03 our Relieve ' - '4. t 7 DISTRESS OF Catarrh jgT out by J. S. Wilson who later led their bedrolls in ineir 1941 Olds- 1 can make our living fishing. ; boat, Mr. L-oun. saia. inenwe, the audience in some spirited mobile and headed west. And said Mr. Court. "The boys could have sailed it aero: to Put a few drops ol have been seamen and fisher- lieu, now, wun me weauier so .. 1 T W,. rt community singing with Henry , they meant westas far west, as the rnen since they could wik. ; unceruam, x gurao v i . w a. riuym at tne piano. they couul go. iamely VicRs Va-lro-noi in each ne.tril. It lluslie eut mucui and makes brt uth-ing easier. Try it Things are a bit different out , ship U across on a sieamei ure 'Queen Charlotte Islands, here but it shouldn't tnke us , nope n s au rigni. swnu !'. Tl..4-n laff fhati Innla to ship it that fa: and have it damaged ..." JINX VISITS SOUTH SHIPPING of it." Impressed VlCKSVATtlOriQi Ilea lon8 to the their 32-foot boat, the Linda, aboard a railway flatcar just soj Mr. Court was VANCOUVER Of Nineteen they would have something to' with what he termed the great s ' v' ' r4 . - tit fish with when thev eot here. ! amount ol regulation mi me v r Americans were rescued early today from the grounded U. S. I army tug BT C2 off Camp Point in Johnstone Strait. 125 miles That's where the shipwreck ! fishing industry on the west came in. Seems a landslide hit coast as compared with the east the flatcar in the interior of j coast. B.C., knocking the wheels out n , h it j,.lVC Foreign Secretary 'NO FURTHER LOAN" CRIPPS British Ernest Bevin, left, and Sir Stafford Cripps, chancellor of the northwest of Vancouver. The Americans, 18 crew members and one passenger, were takn off by the B. C. fishing boat Haida. No one was report ed injured. A l- .ilA) Don't exchequer, now in Washington, for the Anglo-American-Canad from under it. Up to yesterday, tQ have ncensM or ee-vthmg Mr. Court hadn't heard how t'- an(J the isning Umc ls rtgll. boat itself had made out. Uated too Back thele n0,.t ln0 The Court odessey was n-.i:onjy thing that is rBUlated in spur-of-the-moment migration. I any way is the lob ft .v fi.--heiy," ian dollar-crisis conference, told newsmen that Britain will ask no additonal grants from the U. S. Cripps emphasized his position to devaluation of the British pound as a possible solution of his country's dollar shortage. In another marine misnau, it was the Droduct of care'ul:v,o ,f,mmnt(.rt the Dutch motorship Maoeran planning after canny prelimin-rammed the United Grain Grow- ary investigation. If ti hadn't er Elevator dock during a heavy bf.en for the diy iand shipwreck fog early today, causing extens- thev Dr0hablv even now uould ive damage to the dock and be wetting their long-lines in grain handling facilities. No one, tne west side of Heca,e 3l,.ait llU W 1 IL I . 5 I I I MEN'S DliFSS AVll ( A SOX-Now I Sparkling Whit Table pZZf S 1 MFN 8 SP0KT S1"l Linen ...thanks to V: S Z"fmi A RECKITT'S Bluet f if ; i I i i nw Robert A. Wenner was injured. The cod fishery. w;-.:c'.i has been the Court's economic mainstay. Ls open all yar roiu:d and no one requires a license to takj part in it. he said. Incidentally, the family noi only ftshPS. but they also operate a fish curing business and a retail shop which markets their products. The family Isn't, cuttiiv", itself off from its solid at North instead of waiting around Prince Rupert. B.A. Twenty-four hours earlier, 20-year-old Arvid Green was drowned when the North Vancouver ferry and th fLsh packer Betty k. collided In Burrard Inlet. . ,' I ! J MEN'S WORK t ANl kf, , 1 Now l jf. I ,'. 1 ; nines "Things aren't as lively In the fishing industry in Prince Edward Island as they to Lie," Mr. Court said. "Not that they Your precious white table linen . . . your white sheets, towels and clothes SEV EH TL KS YELLOW whin you ue Rc kilt's Blue. And it's so easy . . . just a quick swish or two of Reckitt's OPTOMETRIST 1012 Vancouver Block VANCOUVER, B.C. r il I ' IpiEVs'ut-WKIlJ ! Advertise n tne Dally News! Try a Classified Ad lor Result! Blue in your final rinsing water does the Irak! Use a Heckitt'a blue Kins to make your . crystal and tlUss sparkle too! are really bad, mind you, but Rustico. Aware that tr.ry ar-they are slackening off a tit. rived here too late for fishing So just in case things really be- this season, Mr. Court plans to gan to go down hill we decided remain at Tlell a few weeks, to invesigate some 'other part then return east with ore of the of the country." j boys. The other two will re- "We had heard about the ; main here and get thins m Queen Charlotte Islands so' last shape. fall, I decided to learn about j' "Maybe, after we get going them. Subscribed to the Prince; out here we might establish per-Rupert ' Daily News and read-all manently. It's a little eariy to 7 niomrMKlim t. malt. V but. Out V ' Ulu: hint mmt it ddd ta mmk. Irm. S hit.. til: MEN'S RAINCOAT-fitting MEN'S (iABARHIM Full lir-l MEN'S COVERT CI COATS Tops in ta fit MEN'S SLF.rvr.LIS' SWEATERS HOYS' ALL-WOOL c it' I? ITl S-NO 1 Wishes to announce that he will be available for eye examinations at the Prince Rupert Hotel from Friday, Sept. 23 to Thursday, Sept. 29 Evenings by appointment (H POLES When your pU ftrc at iMr wont, driving ynf Msriy trwiy with iMia and itchinff . . . gt FVlroNE. You'M appreciate tha bieaninsi n( mdara arirnc in tht New PYLTONI TREATMENT. Huodredl ol iMtera ten aa Only una botUa waa naadad. Otbara uaad Baora but alwaya with amaiinf reaurta. PYLTONB, liquid taken by mouta, foea diract ta ha taternal trouble removing Ilia eaue. Keeulul you expect with one boltte of PYI.TONK or Bclaa aaftudad. At all aiodara arun-ela. It S t HMsWs mm I could about the district. The tell, yet . . ." village of Tlell struck bur fancy I The family came west on a ' so we wrote a letter to Mr leisurely tour, camping out of; en, Gigerlch there and we entered occasionally staying at a tour-into correspondence." 1st camp. They travelled through As a result, they have a house New Brunswick, Quebec anl On- , .ii unnl. f BtHS iSS-a--""- i... M M . ,.i BOYS' SCHOOL r.- 'nll mail f HOLLYWOOD cafe BOYS' RAINCOATS for the household BOYS' AIX-W00L MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY JACKETS ae" i-H - - fcyp raj. . vi I pkI i il OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. TO S:S0 A.M. We Specialize In Chinese Dlshei BOYS SCHOOL m BROOMS DUST MOPS PAPER TOWELS . PAINT ROLLERS BRUSHES GALVANIZED TUBS CLOTHES DRYERS CARPET SWEEPERS Special -BLANKETS f"n CnOP SUEY CHOW ME IN Duo-Therm is Back FARM AND ORCHARD 5.74 Acres HOUSE FILLY MODERN WATER FROM MUNICIPAL MAIN FOR QUICK SALE $3,000.00 Cash E. T. KENNEY LIMITED TERRACE, B.C. (223i RelT- SU-W SUIT CASES THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. For Outside Orders PHONE 133 VJ 255 THIRD AVENUE PHONE 101 K1 Iesi lel i !; Bie selection 1 ; TRUNKS.-'. JOHN H Fargo Trucks AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ORMES DRUGS DRUGS f BUL0 The world's most famous oil burning heater is again available for immediate delivery. Easy terms may be arranged. Models $79.50 to $179.50 " See them on display at ; Gordon & Anderson 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" Wheelbase with reirsforeed frame St 2-speed rear axle. 3- Ton Chassis and Cab, 170" Wheelbase with reinforced, frame ft 2-speed rear axle. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, t A.M. TO 9 P.M SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS--12 NOON TO 1 P.M-7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. . - EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.H.A. Phone OTeen 183 Box 988 an lf John tu'- Dally ear delivery service - . from 9 am. till p.m. Rupert Motors Ltd. Phones: 884 Office, 566 Shop Emergenfy bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 cm. , and. Sunday '