prince Rupcrf Daflp Htw3 Friday, September 23, 194S. Ta i Motors win Benefit Shield IT PA YS TO ROLL YOUR OWN WITH iff! iiii Defeat Canadian Legion l-l In Well-Played Match Last evening's football game In the final of the Benefit Shield produced a very hard-fought match with the youthful General Motors winning over the Canadian Legion by two goals to one and thus winning their first trophy. The Legion kicked off with a strong wind in their fnvour and Smith capitalized a neat forward Cigarette Tobacco MILD, SWEET, HlG HT VIRGINIA move with a good ahot that Boulter saved. The Legion pressed equal to all efforts. Motors equalized when Owens, getting hold of the ball after Krause had saved but failed to clear shot it through. Legion attacked but were driven back. Smith tried hard but was balked and John Wilson was very sure. Price took a free from thirty yards out and rattled the Crossbar. The Legion played now wl't. but the Motors' defence was giving away and then their forwards took up the attack and forced a corner from which Currie shot pnst. The high wind interfered with the play. Bishop . broke through and forced a cor-'ner but a handball against him j nullified the advantage. Eby's well-placed free was ' picked up by Armstrong who fed Pitching Averages IP ER H BBSO Dahl (Merchants) 11 0 8 o 13 Clccone (Merchants) 11 2 10 4 12 anibie (Merchants) 28 5 23 5 32 Toews (Commercial) 44 9 32 23 ifj Bill Savoy) 62 12 46 17 51 Lindsay (Savoy) 41 23 4i', n 48 Letourneau (Commercial 1 98 34, 104 19 gj Maundrell (Merchants) 17 2 14 5 u Rcsedale (Merchants) 80 15 85 21 83 Sharpe (Savoy) :.. 42 17 51 7 39 McKinnon Commercial! 17 5 18 3 j Corn well (Commercial) 5 2 843 One loss with Merchants. Earned run average based on nine Innings. Only pitchers with won-lost record listed. I iip-pf- - 1 r' ten men and Pat Wilson sho' a neat pass to Murray but the:hlird but Kr(U!,e gaVed W(,,L The WINNER OF CANADIAN THOTTING DERBY Ma Believe, owned and driven by Clarence Lockhart of Collingwood, One, seen above, won the Canadian Trotting Derby at Orand Valley, Ont., before 5.000 spectators. The three-year-old won the final two heats after placing second to Enack, owned and driven by Parker Locke of W'illiamsburg, Ont., in the opening heat. All faces had the opening heat 9-16 miles and the last two heats one mile each. latter shot past. Baxter tried This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board T by the Ciovt-rnjiient uf British Columbia Motors were now definitely on top- and forced another corner and Pat Wilson put the Motors-ahead with a good drl.'t?. The a first-time shot .but was wide. John Wilson checked a Legion i ttack effectively. Boulter saved long shots from Murray and Motors were now out for blood and foced another corner but no more goals .vere scored aid Armstrong, f rom another shot by Murray, Boulter saved at the expense of a corner with Smith. the game entlei with ire heme, like a blanket usin? Jiu Imant' series of benefit ruti and speed very effecti"eiy Rob-. funds fur a player .in close attendance. Then with Boulter beaten, Lien cleared from off the goal line. Eby wa: prominent in defence and from BUMS SWAMP RED BIRDS ST. LOUIS CP The Brooklyn Dodgers swamped St. Louis Cardinals last night by a score of 19-6 in a game which the Dod-pers just about had to win to stay in the National League pen-nan9t race. It was the worst defeat of the year for the Cards and it cut their lead to half a game. General Motors two goals. tVla-dian Legion, one goal. Teams: Canadian Legion Krause: Sunberg. Eby. Alexander, Yelland, Greer, Baxter, Bowman Smith, Armstrong, Murray. one of his clearances Baxter drove a hard shot that Boulter A- u lnson was another coot! cieiender ,a Drokn foot durim with the ability io nwfc; ad-' Such a series shouK Vantageous runs. Price was par-! attractive. The tea., tlcularly effective in the fcvrvl very evenly match half with his lorg drive,:;. His I with only a goal d: free kick was a featuie. The 'ciding must of the forwards gave their best display, j The trophies ha; LADIES' BOWLING LEAGUE SCHEDULE September 27 Luck Strikes vs. Brownwoods. Seal Cove vs. Wallace Pharmacy. Toilers vs, Noble & Wick. Big Sisters vs. Wrathnlls, Plungers vs. Black Cats. Annettes vs. G. & A. September 29 Uniters vs. Savoys. Pin Heads vs. Stars. Rosa Lee vs. Scuby's. Belmont vs. Variety. Busy Bees vs. Rupert Radio Boosters vs. Lyons. October 4 General Motors Boulter, Lien, John Wilson, Price, Olson (cap fielded smartly.' Murray passed to Smith who let the ball go on to Bowman and the latter gave the Legion the lead with n splendid drive that beat Boulter completely. distributed villi tl tain 1, Robsinson, Bob Currie, Pat Pat Wilson was a hard wtrker Wilson, Bishop Charlie Currit feeding Bishoo well and netting; Legion winning t a good goal. Bishop opened out the Heavy BatUsj the play well and his expvner 1 Motors one each. 6..Ji..i'tjij Then Bishop seemed to .be Owens, Halverson. Referee S. P. Woodside; linesmen, Parkes, Karasoski. through but Eby brought off a and neat foot-woi k are a great brilliant tackle. Baxter cut in to jhelp. The Currie brothers did head lfl a shot that Boulter did of well and Owens tot soii.c ni'e In retrospect It. was one V'' centres across as we'.l as b?ing : TRAIN SOU for the East-Monday, Wednes 8:00 p.m. From the Cast well to save and half-time came with the Legion leading by u ti.e equal-1 right on the spot for tzer. Tuesday, Thursday! There is talk of a posi -season, 10:30 P nv the best contested games of the season in spite of the difficult, owing to the high wind, of controlling the ball. Krauxe did well and brought off one great save though his failure to clear on one occashn gave the Mr. tors a chance that Owens ma'1e eliect-lve use of It. Sunberg kicked strongly and fearlessly white solitary goal, a result that was a tribute to the Motors' defence. With the wind at their backs on the resumption the Motors attacked but Yelland cleared and then Sunberg drove strongly away. Pat Wilson slipped a nice Toilers vs. G. & A. Annettes vs. Wrathalls. Big Sisters vs. Black Cats. Wallace Pharmacy vs. Boosters. Lucky Strikes vs. Noble & Wick Seal Cove vs. Brownwoods. October 6 Lyons vs. Belmont. Rosa Lee vs. Rupert Radio. Busy Bees vs. Variety. BEST Buy in Years . . THE NEW SENSATIONAL LUCKY FOR THEM IT WAS ONLY AN EXHIBITION GAME! Checking over their scores at Toronto Golf club are Phil Farley of Scarboro, Ont., left who halved his singles match with English opponent. Jimmy Bruce, and Ron White, of Southport, England, who was defeated one up by Nick Weslock, of Windsor, Ont. Farley is captain of an eight-man Canadian amateur team that is playing an exhibton tournament against British Walker Cup squad in Toronto. Eby again gave a display of effective tackling and well-judged kicking. Yelland was Phone 654 IU1 through pass to Bishop but the Legion defence cleared. Alexander came through with a neat tackle and forward pass. Yella id was kept busy intercepting passes that Pat Wilson was feedinr. Bishop. Armstrong and Murray releived the pressure and attacked but John Wilson cleared well. Armstrong came back to help his defence and his scueniir.g passes opened many oppoititni-ties but the Motors' defo ice was You Saw it m The News. AdvertW rri the Daliy News! Spccdi October 13 Stars vs. Scuby's. Pin Heads vs. Big Sisters. Rosa Lee vs. Variety. Busy Bees vs. Lyons. Uniters vs. Rupert Radio. 1 Pin Heads vs. Plungers. Uniters vs. Scuby's. Stars vs. Savoy. October 11 Seal Ccve vs. Noble & Wick. Boosters vs. Brcwnwoods. Belmont vs. Wallace Pharmacy. Annettes vs. Black Cats. Toilers vs. Wrathalls. Lucky Strikes vs. G. & A. tit pet dozen paid (or emptict UbclcJ by any B C. B' FEATURINl T)i dvrticmnt is not published or yttpUytd by ttit Liquot Control Bord o W i GovtmfflMt.f BrrtiiA Columbia. Powerful Ne It Pays to Au.ertise) i 'J I f ll I f 1 m Two Size Bowl-fl effective and was well aided by Alexander who gave his best display of the year. Oreer gave h's usual well-calculated display of stubborn defence and gainful passing. The forwards were up against a tenacious and aggres-ive defence. Baxter was good though not so prominent as usual. Bowman scored a love'y goal. Smith bore in as usual but could find no opening Armstrong had to drop back to help his defence but always had a plan to turn defence into attack. Murray tried hard and was fast but was given little lerway. Boulter again gave a fine display in goal. John Wilson was a most effective back and didn't put a foot wrong. Lien turned in a good game and sav?d ah otherwise sure goal on ore occasion, Olson covered the centre Latest Juice 1 ( lip-Nuzzle t" r ONLY Special Spectfl Patters, M.iyonna ing, Mixing, FiWl Whippmi TODAY Because Burnett'i is an exira-dry (unsweetened) gin it lets you mix every drink to individual taste -adding sweetness for those who like it or leaving it out for those who like their gin drinks dry. Next time you entertain serve the one gin that has the right answer for every taste preference. Brsona'ze ' JyO wAo s yovrrfospM'ty flJi hbwnwM-" LONDON DRY I FbrM-s5 t I ... . oi of Seagram ST.-''' 'f ffl lCSm. C tost -fas AM tie answers MaJhsj iWHiillllill lliilliWtiiailillJjaiiiliilM: Your is an Asset NOW AVAILABLE ; PRINCE M B0WLIN Oitnffsd in (.onada and diitnbvfnd bp Fti H ThU odTtin,nt It not publnhed or diiployid by th. liquor Control Board or by Gov.rniMnt of British Columbia. Wrt it 1 i li i InlBi n,; f-J" f - I This advertisement is not pub- lished or displayed by the Liquor j Control Board or by the Gov-'ernment of British Columbia. Prince Rupert Florist ) I r J00 s00 3rd 3rdAve. Ave . Box Box 51 518 8 Tel. Tel. 777 777 , J Flowers for All Occasions SMITH & ELKINS OF TASTY MEALS AT THE RexCaie Chinese Disbes a Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN A open' D.wt Fl MAINTAIN ITS VALUE ... MAKE NEEDED REPAIRS NOW! 3:30 P.M. TO" Saturdays-12 PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 174 P I. Box 271 WRATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlarging QUICK SERVICH! Professional Supplies Amateur and LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL to 12 mm ritONE W ..ROWL FOB HE. Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 am. to 8:30 a.m. Phone 173 lor Outside Orders FREE INST"1 For Estimates and Supplies PHONE 263 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors 1011 SALE ONE 1938 FORD BUS WITH OK WITHOUT ENGINE WHICH IS IN GOOD CONDITION ,,ir nfl? CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photo? Taken at Home Phone Green 389 218 4th St PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. NEW ROYAL WEATHER IIEAD"' GOOD See your dealer NOW W Factory-Fresh BATTERY . ( se trouble-free ... nr truck- Suitable for a Mobilestore" i A Home On Wheels P' VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Sunday, 10 p.m., Coqultlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SW1PSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTU ISLANDS s.s. Coqultlam, Oct. 7 and 21 FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Sept. 30, Oct. 14 and 28 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert' Agent Salt Lake Ferry Sunday & Thursday SCHEDULES Sundays Continuous service commencing U a.m. Thursdays Leave Cow Bay Floats 2:30, 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. Last boat leaving Salt Lake at 10 p.m. SPECIAL TRIPS FOR PARTIES BY APPOINTMENT Phone GREEN 391 or BLACK 926 HOTEL A Home Away From Home 80 Rooms Hot and Cold water Price Is reasonable suitable terms can be arranged REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED your I SUPPLY W 71- r R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. phone Third Avenue Phone 866 Phone 281 P.O. Box 1981