9 Iptlnti Bticftl afltf T9rte$ Friday, September 23, 1949. URGES PACIFIC DEFENCE PACT AIR PASSENGERS (C. P. A.) Our Stock of Famous McLEOD RIVER COAL la Complete Mill . Meeting of Operattne Erurin-i m mi rt ,n j To Vancouver Miss E. Raw-i w vjtt ran uit oii'i jnmi er ers. Local 510. cm .-. Carrentir' Hoii , . , ,.. . lings, Miss N. MouW, S. Simons,! H. D. Reid, D. L. Macdonald, J.t LUMP EGG $iUT STOKER Huggins, M. Karasoskl, W. Mills, ill Y f f OTTAWA ff Canada, the leader In the drive toward North Atlantic security, has been urged to start thinking about defence in the Pacific. Howard Oreen (FC-Vancouver-Quadra), asked the government In Commons last night to take a stand in favor of a Pacific Pact. "We believe there should be a '2 of Local iJSii 115 3'. 7:3- Membe" half Prlce Starting Friday are Invited. (223) half price sale. , price sale con- j Free trousers tomorrow at tinulnB Saturday. Itttaolln hS,T'S' Dn,t mlra' 8 0 N- 'htet drive and dance J. Girvln, A. J. Wood, P. W. SALE of MEN'S TWEED SUITS m Forbes, G. Grant, P. Temen, A. Lott. To Sandspit F. Carlson, E. . B-cduy reauced o'clock. Masic by Mike Colussi. Grenlel, W. Ubby. prices. i2 price sale continuing Refreshments.' (223) Saturday. From Vapcouver F. E. An- Pacific Pact similar to the North Atlantic Treaty, a pact designed Ijert&McCaffery Special meeting of Prince Ru field, W. Mills, J. Girvin, C. Meredith, G. R. Blackaby. Sale of home cooking by Cam. pert Lodge No. 63 I O O F Sat- to hold communism in the Pa brai Chapter, IO.D.E.. 10:30 urday. September 24th at 8:30 clfic." he said. From Sandspit-F. Lacette, T.' LIMITED PHONE 116 Adamson, D. Secord. 50 Tweed Suits to b Saturday morning at McRae Pm- Degree team of Lakelse The Philippines are In favor Bros. Store. Kt- 33 w111 confr Second L, (223, surtl a as are Korea, (Q. C. A.) To Masset-Mr. and Mrs. R. c.lJ f I TKan Coit Tliere is nn flpinil.iiil.m ,.t Australia and New Zealand, he said ... ,f uio Winrn(ed by the hostess. Tlm.;e prwnt wicks, Mrs. A. n. vrisi, n. luw- ' dollar at Wila F. Stone's 1,yal rdcr of vere Senior Regent Mrs. K. Mun- fifm . . half nripp cqIa v v-LviS , , 7 . urt a nu'etiii',' hi say. lc .., I- J. 1 I o uii.ii twice as much at Stone's. V2 price sale continuing' ing, Tuesday, 27, 8 p m. Sept. (225) Mrs L Sf iwi I y' t,lulrulu" " uiair, a bu4 iis ois-, Mrs. A. Hopkins, Mrs. M. Hai-hnients v.c -' serv- stad, and Mrs. L. Schwab 5"cussifTed 'XdVertisements bring results oaiuraay. R. F. R. Borcham. Drovinrla. Group No. 1 20 only all-wool Tweed Suits. A good variety of patterns, in sizes from 38 to 42. Regular KILLED DURING HOLDUP ATTEMPT MONTREAL 9 Ovlla Leg-ault, 46-year old taxi driver, was shot and killed early today in an attempted hold up in the eaot end of the city. Lcgault was found slumped over the steering wheel of his cab. manager of Monarch Life Assur- OBSERVE SIXTY- ance Co.. arrived in the city FIFTH WFHniMr DING Wednesday on the Prince George ViiiJJr on a periodic inspection visit ANNIVERSARY . . . thit keep your OFF FOR ENGLAND Ed-ward Hodgson, 88-year-old veteran miner from Victoria, sailed from Montreal for England aboard the Canadian Pacific liner Empress of France. A t'vtcran of lire in the we?t, ,Mr. Hodgson oegan his career as a cowboy In the United States and took part in the Yukon gold rush in 1897. He plans to study coal mine construction in England. (C. P. Photo) price from $35.00 to $42 00 SALE PRICE with W. D. Lambie, the com Two city pioneers, Mr. and pany's local agent. paint in the "rough". Rub in Minard's to make those muscles cool, relaied, ready for the fairway. For sprains, muscular stiffness, athel and pains. Greaseless, quick drying, no unpleasant I $24.95 Mrs. a. R. Holtby, today are , receiving congratulations from' . their friends on the observance , ASK PRICE AND of their sixty-fifth wedding an- RFNT PONTROI S Just Arrived!! New stock of Basketball Runners. Shop now at Brownwood's. I-.. 1 HI t I . odor. laria lunemlcal III 6Sc veriwni! is payauie in nuniitc. i-iea.-e retrain irom CiasMiitds. 2c per word per Insertion,' minimum Birth Notices 50c, Cards ot Thanks, Death Notices, k Marriage and Engagement Announcements: $2. ""special display, double price Till!!' ecouple recentl? CALGARY -Restoration of returned from Vancouver where prlce controlg and extenBlon of they spent the summer. rental controIg were advocated JCSltVL P.r.ince Rupert by the Trades and Labor Con- niUAtlD'S LOST MiO IOCND EXTS WANTED J. Harry Black was expected UNIONS URGED TO EXPEL REDS CALGARY p The Trades and Labor Congress of Canada .1 LINIMENT gress convention here. The baclt on tnis aftemoon's plane .mii.t.- iiu uom iwr. ana Mrs Holtby are in good health. Ob- uiFSMEN to nan- Luai iaay s tico wnsi waicn 7 u.nH-pinipfl rewara. mone oihck ioo, vfi i.ii in niHfi ru pn ifir n . . . (223) servance of their anniversary i from a business trip w vancou- sjuonal fust-selling Group No. 2 30 only imported Tweed Suits. A fine, pure-wool quality, in well-blended shades and quiet patterns. Sizes 38 to 42. Regular price $47.50 and $54.00. SALE TRICE special connections LosTRlng"of '1" a to"" and against was quiet and without " keys and tag ceremony. ' 8ecuritv nrovisions a, on n slcht ht to to con- con- .. if' u m0 48.77; i. W cmnmtinisiji communists in In the labor i.w move- i Five w .... . cuniy provisions. .ils ,,.h r r n(.pnw, years ai?o, however, when (au ladies scarves aUachrd. Please leave at Daily ment, called today on all afllli-A mens plaid tit N office. (223) at 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS !s , suori snirus aim . , v.(iumii uu cajjcj ivcros' Hvninr u'.iCiirpH N(l PniTHn GavArl Mtn4raH artl. nnrl falln, r. 1 n-. - tu.ll YOU'LL GET A BIG KICK OUT OF THE RIOTOUS COMEDY HIT! cles of 'clothing elc .during ranks The action was taken in United Church Supper, Eep. 'mber 22. Tickets now avail able. I $34.95 Centre. Articles will be on convention here display daily, 4 to 5 p.m. until October 8th. Unclaimed arti- ! cles will be disposed of at D KU.sn iTjjiy mi ,'uc to Oriental Art 21)35 St. Timothee.' Quebec. Ut) OK 5.U.E -Small cual henler. (2231 "HERE COMES CHARLIE" Loyal Order of Moose Men's Rummage Sale on Monday October 10th at 2 p.m. (H) they observed their sixtieth anniversary, children grandchildren and great grand-children were on hand at Ottawa for the celebration Mr. and Mrs. Holtby have two sons and one daughter. One son Lionel, resides in Prince Rupert. NEW MEMBERS INITIATED BY NORWAY SONS Eleven new candidates were initiated and four new officers installed at the monthly meet and Women's Annual Bazaai and Dance September 29th and 30th. Moose Temple on the 29tt Civic Centre on the 30th. Dance - An Hilarious Three-Act Broadway Play - I'srcl lumber : or call 629 6th Ave (f) . WANTED Small furnished apartment, down town. Phone and drawing for prizes at Civic Centre. Civic Centre Sept. 28 - 29 A Presentation of The Little Theatre Red 852. WW) Y RM0'N NAMES' Siwrler 8h:ivcl WANTED TO RENT Small Draclii.es: Adam' i house or 3 room suite. Phone 8 jers; Littlcforct Bros. I Black 548. , (226) Onltf Pontes a i Salesman Wanted i Road M.un!enane t 0v.n Clamshell WANTED Housekeeping suite ind Rock Grannies: bv Dublic health nurse. Im Ji Concrete Mixers; ing of Sons of Norway at thi Lodge hall, Fifth Avenue East mediately. Blue Til oeiween 8 and 5. 1224) Aggressive Salesman as per manent part-time Represen ult Trucks; Nelson oamolic Bazaar October S nd 8. , Presbyterian Tea, October 13.1 Job'i Daughters Fashion Show and entertainment, Oct. 21, 8 p.m.. Civic Centre. Kebekah Bazaar, Oct. 28. Son la Ladies Bazaar. Oct. 28 St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar Nov. 3. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nn l.jders lor Stockpile tative. Our prospectus list Installed were Secretary, Mrs wrat'val; Rice I'ort-:;u;3l Puinn.; Na- A. Ritchie, Assistant Secretary WANTED TO RENT By Dec J5 or Jan. 1, 3 room apart-menl. Apply Box 583 Dally News Oilice or Phone Dlack 608. UfJ ksiiie Scraners and Mrs. S. Oiske, Assistant Marshall National All Sleel Hoists : National Mrs. J. Freidham, Trustee R Sawmiils. National Hundelde. WANTED House or apartment! fens and Convtvura. Immorhntplv PhOlie B. H. fourteen training- course, Radio, Electronics, Wireless Operating, Electricity. This offers good commissions to right man. State experience, present connection, in confidence to Radio College of Canada, 54 Bloor -Street West, Toronto, Ont. H) irmation Irom Na I'r 1 I i, Ijinp at. 843. (" .chuwry Co. i ii B C. II C I I I E I wrtm r . t j ii" 'hi ii n.u - i iioht. hoiispWppmnB room oy New Si Used Furni- business girl. Phone 437 after tare k Office Fix- 17. IO.D.E. Chapter's Fall Biz-aar, Nov. 24. St. Andrew's Cathearal Fall Bazaar, Nov. 28. Saturday. Crange Ladies Sale, Dec. 7. S.O.N, whist drive and dance every Friday. (24G) ft nm Coal & Wood Kit- V U'es. Electric Hot Press Irons. Cribs. The meeting decided to start, weekly whist drives and dances this evening. They will continue on Friday nights throughout the winter. A social evening, which featured games and refreshments was enjoyed. Regent Mrs. Carl Strand, assisted by other ladies Of the lodge, was In charge. President John Freidham. was chairman of the meeting. wd Saws. New Loe- WANTED TO RENT Two or 3 bedroom house or apt. Win pay substantial rent. Phone Red 325. HtXf WAW.'I'U s, Heavy 3-ply Roof- . new lea Wagons. Rags. Sliirhtlv II T-pewriter. Guitars, ftp1 BALAGNO Florists J Phone Green 787 Boi 1193 "s. Battleship Lino- i me lowest prices. Jiure to., Black 324. - Ml Royal Entield WANTED Housekeeper, widow with one or two children preferred F B. Oamblln. Phone Green' 471 or Blue 396(223) HELP WANTED Stenographer for real estate and insurance office. Reply statin;; aee, experience, etc. to P.O. Box 927 Citv 22a) offer. Phone 648. SALMON croquettes 1 fc. Canatd SiIdim f 't tup h'tti ttumbi It 1 ifc. miKli ! 1 tup tkicU wdiM Hl ttk mi M ycnn 1 Up. Umtti Juic Cwiw ), Him, ti4 Hmn J ! f t4 JKtf- M Hi k'tJ ODixki, itiw lit ii J Fry ittp M (110 itytn t ) lw 3-5 DrKil. Sirv 4. Srv Cinnd Slmon (224) - Used shineles. Mr. Jl llll ncr hi,n. hltVJl BZAH-UBW! THY THESE czisren, iaz&br. races & 6" dror. Kirllno Commodore Cale "Better Th-n Ever" WOO per thousand; iS9 ft n ancl l" x 8 WOO per thousand. BOYS AND GIRLS Opportunity for earning, after school hours by delivering Dally News routes. Honest, reliable boys and girls apply at Daily News office. tft 2-riecr "N'FW MODERN" CHESTERFIELD SCITE covered with American Beauty Velour. We have Green and Wine suites in stock. Price ; ; $169.50 5-ricces folding METAL BRIDGE SETS with folding table and four chairs, Baked enameled frame, maximum comfort, convenience and compactness. Leatherette upholstery. Per set $29.50 SEE OUR WINDOW AND WATCH IT REGULARLY Bpst Food and Service In CltjJ . (243) Used heating stoves (242) - Four room It (mi to Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders VOU1L (I WAD you chanted! Mra-Mm! Really crisp! Frwher because they're Kellogg'i Bran Flakes! THY THEM AT NO RISKI Double your money back if you don't agree Kellogg'e are fresher than other bran flakes. Send empty carton to Kellogg 'a, Boi 4-A. London, Ontario. miff Ut, TOOI Contain the bulk many Seed to help keep regular. Try them. WANTED Experienced resls- J Third Ave. David Chow. Mgr. mail tered nurse immediately ru mm down o.w.ri take rhiirire of and operate a sUive included. See Asencies Phnp small 'hospital. Monthly salary i fin fin with free llvina Quar teen 297 eVes. (228) often . . ters. Apply by telegram to J. Oarllck, Secretary Stewart -Wool British India X 6 . Rpinn ,,.1.1, Ooiipih Hiwmtal. Stewart, A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. Phone 775 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert B.C. v22t) "11 bordpr- Kia,.ir Batumi ino suit hft.p wanted Service Sta economical Vj j P tion attendant. preferably -wi ueine gabardine with considerable experience. Bob Parker Ltd. tf SAVOY HOTEL W. L. WOODS, Proo. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT ,w.Mwiaaiwifli !ves, si2e 18. Box REAL KSTATE (224) ZheHsUnH, 1 J fob rat.r 4-mom modern legal Printers t'tchen tahiB ... 5 : buntralow. . Lovely harbor v pw rnw wi i.wwii. uniw "apGreen 697. (228) Jih Tine WAAlr ished basement, hot water r- dIppp Vwi ihnati.1,. in9 1st. Ave W 222 Second Ave. PHONE 24 (227) nt condition. 10 "13. I 9981 FOR SALE House close in, 6 rxms and baUh, 8th Ave East, close in. Garage 18 x 24. $4,200.00. Prince Rupert Res'ly Twr ah Un'p rom '4 to1 Co. t"3' 'Guess wSo 's HAVE number of people want ino hom piivjp to downtown Stellar ' ,.,!. "dnt1 . Saw. Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call ' Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 -a?nrto ; L Impulse , cylinder starter district, and elsewhere. For. prompt action list your property with Armstrong Aaencies. Phone 342 or Green 297 Eves. (22B) PERSONAL m' JM .radio. Srij wuiiai Motors, - (224) FflR RENT PERSONAL DRUG SUNDRIES twelve samples for 50c postpaid in plain sealed wrapper, catalogue included. General Novelty Co. Dept. 'PR, "1 Major St., Toronto, Ont. h mpn"1..?'1" board i4 3rd Ave. $25 allowance for your old washer and payments as low-as $1.50 a week on the new HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUE r(I 937 room c,se (226) CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C, Ph.C 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 (or Appointment HOIKS 10:30 a.m. to 13:30 p.m. and 2 to S p.m. I'.VKMNdN one, IF YOU WISH to buy or sen a boat or engine : We list In DETAIL. We advertise EXTENSIVELY. We furnish full INFORMATION. We arrange APPOINTMENTS. We do all the above for a small monthly 11st-inu fee to the owner. No Commissions You buy or sell Direct. You save Time You save Money. Boat & Engine Listing T.l.rl Tn t.he "Heart Of Iip. NO. 568, Dallv PHONE 79 Monday and Friday. 7:30 pm. for those unable to come during the t With K GORDON & ANDERSON day. RECEPTIONIST in attend ance afternoons. Tliis advertisement is not pub hslied or displayed by-the Liquor Control Board or by the Gov- the Boat District." 1923 West Geovffla St. Vanrnuvpr. o (H) emment of Britisn ronmn...