,0 .PROVINCIAL EIATf, llWi .113, . (MIES DRUGS Daily-Delivery NORTHERN AND CKNTRAi. BRITISH COLUMBIA'S KIW8PAPKR t-iihliahf t Consda'd Mont Strnti-elf Purlfir PorWTrirre Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PH0IIE8I VOL. XXXVIII, No. 223. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 23. 1949. PRICE FIVE CENTS Has Cracked, Secret Of Atomic Bomb issia Could Long Maintain $250,000 SUIT Truman Says Russian Discovery Sharpens Need for U.N. Control Wish Govt Comments (( J') A .government spokesman said lirilWi government, as well as the 4 FOLLOWS CHARGE OF DRUNKENNESS CLEVELAND, Ohio ') A survivor of the Noronic disaster last Saturday who charged that Capt. William Taylor, master of the dice of an atomic explosion ('vi iih WASHINGTON (CP) President Truman announced today that the United States government has '.'evidence that within recent weeks an atomic explosion occurred in the U.S.S.R. (Russia)." A White House spokesman said that the President -avc the inlormatkn to t hp Cahinet this morning. flrc-swept vessel had been drur k n,,nt fioin I'rime Minister Attlee's office linti'Mis similar lo tlie Washington an- In his statement. President jiMWIl tions support." ' i no ! i.i vi' during the holocaust in Toronto is to b? sued for $250,000 on a I charge of libel. ' The pharge was made by C. R. Wlllson, who said that Capt. Taylor was so drunk Uurtng the fire that he should not have Mild. In ';' His statement made tt eleai that top American officials le- Russian Bomb Won't Change Gov't Policy Truman said that the develop-nent emphasizes the necessity for that truly effective, en-forcible international control of atomic energy which the government and a a large majority of the members of the Unitad Na- gard the development s meaning that the Russians have ,( aioiiiir wi';."i:i.. ,,s and Ih-lr In fi"?r have rfftlij liin' ; lli.lt. has bPkn 'I'1' niic b!iib prmiin:- been aboard the shin. The learned to make the atom bomb. Mr. Truman said that the OTTAWA (CP) Evi- charge, made at an inquest livo the deaths of the ship's 121 victims, was Immediately denied by Capt. Taylor. Wlllson said that he had seen probability that some other country might develop the atom - dence of an atomic explo jft Im-iiKl) riKH -V. i 1 TODAY'S STOCKS I Court Fey B. D. Johoitco Oc i bomb "has always been tuken Into account" by the United States. .... , h ' r .. . !, j Taylor .on the jetty during the fire so drunk that he had to sion in Russia is not expected to change Canada's basic atomic policy which is working only on the A ill Paris that )n nn l"iii'."r h:id m t'dr (lia,t.ic:t t hi." iry "f w,ir- ian,s lu'' !' said rrt n 'll ilt.'ll'K' His disclosure came at the time that the British, Canadian and American experts are dls-' be supported by two poltcen.en. Capt. Albert Galloway, shore captain for Canada Steamship Vancouver Baonne ..... Bralorne Cariboo Quartz B. R. Con Til cussing problems of an lntsr- 06 ... 10.00 ... 1.17 03 ... .04 change of Information and ths supply of uranium available to each country. Congress Hedley Mascot 28 Pacific Eastern 08 Pioneer 3.50 ALL THAT REMAINS Fire-charred debris Is all that remains of the tipper decks of the S.S. Noronic, queen of the Great Lakes passenger fleet, following the disastrous fire which swept the vessel as it was tied up at Queens Quay in Toronto early Saturday morning. This Is what firemen and investigators saw when the ship had cooled sufficiently to allow them aboard. (CP. Photo) DNOW U.N. Premier oBrder .04','z ARREST MAY R SAYS Lines, denied the drunkenness charge against the Noronic 'i skipper, saying: "I was with him from the time the ship docked Friday, until 1(1 p.m., and he hadn't hud a drink then. I saw him again immediately after ha came off the Noronic Saturday morlng. There was no evidence of hir.i having had anything to drink." Canada Steamship Lirtcs has started the suit for $250,000 against Willson, a Cleveland man. Privateer 21 Reno - - .. 0 Sheep Creek 11.25 Silbak. Premier 36 Salmon Gold 12 FOLLOW CRASH CIVIC CENTRE lift during the morning then' form again tonight. Other regions of the province are ex peaceful aspects of atomic n- citiv. a high souice said to.l;.y Canada's policy in this regard wai recently laid down oy TtadJ , Minister Howe who ald that .Canada Is capable of limiting I atomic bombs at her Chalk River ! plant, hut will not do so. I Prime Minister St. Laurent, J when Parliament opened tcday, said that Canada a.uo-jiated , Itself fully with the obs'rva- tions made by President Tru-i man. "May I express the hope that with this new knowledge ' miiy come a new sense of shared : responsibility for enforceable International control of atomic ! energy so that this new oicc ,ca-b uUoUsly -lot- peaeeful ends," the Pijme Minister said Tl IE WLATHLR INVESTIGATION .24 Taku River MEMBERSHIP pected to enjoy sunny skies today 'and Saturday. j Synopsis Oils The first day of autumn "Ives DRIVE STARTS ! Forecast ! Anglo Canadian 4.20 A. P. Con 19 no indication of any marked iRK D-Bcrri'lary -ve Lie il the loiii wki tivUy nt Truman's ;m-: ret.irillns Fin ia jlomir bomb .shows wr tlii' need for J agreement on V- itliat they iRus-if 4l;.iiuio bniob. H IfidisjirnsibJe in-a:rvi'mi'nl U." lie change in the pleasant wtther North Coast Region Cloudv The ctvic centre membership MONTREAL H The Royal Canadian Mounted Police said today that a 41-year-old woman . Is under police guard In a Quebec City hospital and. a man l being sought for questioning In "connection with" the" 'craSh'-on ' September 9 of a Canadian Pacific Air Lines plane with a death over almost all regions of Brit-: today and Saturday. Fog banks jriVe will officially Ret under Ish Columbia. A southerly cir-jOVer the water. Little changa j tomorrow with an opening .cul.aliou.u( jnoist'Alw to ih In t"?inpertuie. -Wi.d3 ligh. x-SttiidV will "be" fifiard' over CPPR Pacific Is causing cloudiness Cept southerly (15 m.p.h.) over i ' address by Mayor Nora Arnold Atlantic - .to Calmont -32 C. fo E 6.00 Certarrruc ..81 Home Oil 11.15 MeTcury .10 Okalta ; 1.70 Pacific Pete ,. 3.05 Princess i '.28 ; in the evening. - - j The Centre has set an object toll of 23. over the Queen Charlottes and the exposed areas of Quee.i north coast. Extenslvefogbank3iririrlott.es Lows tonight and have formed over the low lying hiphs Saturday At Port Havty PROTECTION OF INDIVIDUAL -RIGHTS URGED OTTAWA A plea , for government action to protect the right anxl privileges of , the individual Canadian was made in Commons Thursday by John Dlefenbaker (PC-Lake Centre I, The police said the woman is ive of 2000 members for the under treatment for an overdose 1949-50 year and every effort is areas of the southern coast riur- 1 45 and 58, Masset 48 and 60 ing the past 12 hours. These will frince Rupert 50 -and 62. Royal Canadian 07 of gaping tablets. The man is coine to be made to pass this METAL CRUMBLES IINDFR IMPACT OF South Brazeau 1J believed to be the husband or Toronto I?J!poLTICAl VOICE one of the victims of the crash. The police said tue investigation concerned the possibilty of a love triangle linked with the tragedy. who for years has championed t the cause of a Canadian Bill of Rights. , The 53-year-old criminal law- By ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Staff WriUr W- Pians fur a I in DON Parliament is Athona - - -12 Aumaque 17 Beattle 65 Bevcourt 28 Bobjo 19 Buffalo Canadian 10 Consol. Smelters 104.50 Conwest 1.15 Donalda -53 Eldona 65 East Sullivan 3.25 objective as early as possible. StatlsUcs for 1948 shov;- that more than 190,000 people attended 4000 events held in the Centre during the twelve month period. The actual paid up membership for that period exceeded 1600 and is still growing. The actual major activities for last year included Rup-Rec Classes, Badminton, Basketball, Junior Boxing, Craft Groups, University Extension courses and others and this year there will be added, bridge parties, art lessons, leatherwork and many no place for drawing-room de pnyrt involving liii'iit units were yer from Prince Albert, basK., joined In the free-swinging de MONTREAL Despite official denials that the police are working on a sabotage angle in the September 9 crash of a Canadian Pacific Air Lines rrash near Quebec City, it "wa3 learned on high authority today that ft a mi.otiii t f the Wic I'tiliiies board ! av L. S. Karris, city who said that. Olant Yoilowknife 6.60 bators. To speak In the House of Omimons you have to be rou?h, touuti and nitsty. The Ministry of Works thinks so, anyway. When the Commons adjourned for Its summer recess, inspectors found curious little rhtinks of metal under the members' benches. It turned out that 150 loud bate In reply to the Speech from the Throne and said thu; the protection of the fundamental freedoms In Canada Is partlc ii larly necessary because with an overwhelming government majority "the rights of the individual may very well be Invaded 'sabotage Is suspected, ana that O.g Lake 44 14 "re part of pronrr- the utilities board.' EDI T01M AL Join The Civic Centre RINCE RUPERT PEOPLE have more or less P got used to having their Civic Centre lauded by enthusiastic strangers and it is pretty much routine for anyone who has a visitor in town to guide him proudly thiough the Centre, then wait for the pleasant comments which are sure to follow. It is good to have such a showplace. It is also good to have a Centre which is of real use to the community, one that is well managed and which caters to the widest interests of the people. We have such a place and it is becoming greater and more useful every year. But it is not doing so through accident. Behind the Civic Centre lie the vision and en a Dig nieaii in uie viwc be expected soon. said that he would ; fll the tract to umlcrtaniiin that The Canadian Press learned this In the wake of publication In a Montreal newspaper that an R.C.M.P. detective is on the 'Ufa fail to ,M. other crafts and sports activities. Every citizen young and old, will be asked to take advantage of the many activities of the Civic Centre by taking out membership 101 the ensuing year., TO SHOWER LEAFLETS speakers recently installed to make all speeches audible were much 'the worse for wear. A unless there Is some controlling body." He urged that a coir.Tlttw on the delegation of powers u set up to check on government use of powers delegated to U by wis oil Id be rc- sit p would he' n Stii'i-t ;,,ui park number of them had to be sent back to the manufacturer for ' In a laive hit:, To start the Civic Centre repairs. The nieces of metal t. membership drive off with a trail of a woman alleged to have shipped a mysterious bc.i aboard the plane which crashei and killed 23. A mysterious explosion' preceded me crash. The coroner's Inquest attributed the crash to a mysterious explosion in the plane a baggage compartment. came out of the loudspeakers on both sides of the House. The damage aonarently' was 13 !'r". Mi. Karris Hardrock 27 Harricana 07 Heva : .14 Hosco 12 Jacknife 08 Jollet Quebec SO Lake Rowan 08 Lapaska .06 Little Long Lac 68 Lynx 14 Madsen Red Lake 3.05 McKenzie Red Lake 52 McLeod Cockshutt 1.42 Moneta 38 Negus 2.25 Noranda 6 59.00 Louvicourt .19 Pickle Crow 2.20 Regcourt 06 San Antonio 4.15 enator Rouyn 41 Sherrit Gordon 2.90 Steep Rock 178 Sturgeon River 21 Silver Miller 44 hoiiMiie nrn- flurry, thousands fo campaign leaflets will be dropped over the centre of Prince Rupert tomorrow afternoon by one of the 'iw location but It Parliament and ths re -establishment of a committee on freedom and fundamental rlgliU to make people conscious of any Invasion or infraction of their freedoms which may taKe placj and also a conference to study proposed amendment to the Constitution. 'N on account (,f Queen Charlotte Airlines planes. caused by speakers in Uie heat oT debate. When the members move U. ' 'heir new debating chamber j next year, they won't have a uhance to do that sort of dam-iiro. Tlie loudspeakers will be I built In. Mi SCORES Each one of the pamphlets will carry a number and the holders of the ten lucky numbers, which will be announced In tills paper, will be given a student membership free. WRESTLING TONIGHT 8:30 p.m. n"S H!I I, ! And a special air-conditioning criran system will cool off the hot air. SENATE PASSES ergy of a fairly small group of community-minded people whose only guarantee of success is the" interest and support which they receive. Starting tomorrow, they are going to solicit that support. For tomorrow begins the Civic Centre's annual membership drive. In three years that the Civic Centre has been in operation, annual membership has grown steadily, but not to the amount that it should have done. Considering the size of the city, the percentage is too small. Because whether they choose to admit it or not, there is scarcely a man, woman or child in Trince Rupert who has not at some time, in some way, benefitted by or made use of the Civic Centre. Last year, membership was in the neighborhood of 1,600 which was an improvement over the New Vr's 8 no This U t;. . uhli: hridiT. 'fjIvSUAY Ql'OTE ItNQl'OTE Otaham White, former assistant postmaster - general who now is prospective Liberal candidate for Birkenhead: "I some ARMS AID BILL 1 '""I'll Lraaue WASHINGTON 9 The United K J.4i c States Senate Thursday .night ; iiirintiaii 1 3 vr -13 to e. . Jointly Sponsored by the I.O.D.E. and the Civic Centre Association ma.x,m sciiAPmo " l LUUls (i times feel I have a great political future behind me." ItKiHT ROAD Conservative Party headquarters chortled. In the Labor Party's own newspaper. The Daily plywood 7 ''Oakland 7 approved a $1,314,000,000 bill for military aid to countries In thn ; shadow of Russia's great mill-l tary machine, by a vote of 5a; ,to 24. , j Final passage came after ad- 5. Kan n. . Herald, was this statement re 'l KU I ;ol.S;U'r:imrnt,, 2 ministration forces defeated two League Eminent Russian Pianist CIVIC CENTRE AUDITORIUM Wednesday, October 5, at 8:30 cat: ICS ported to have been made m Washington by Foreign Secretary Bevln: "Every statesman today must moves to cut the size of the aid program. The action set the United States firmly on a policy of re-arnilne decide on what will happen to the children In 30 years time whether we are putting them on the right road." U947-48 year. This year, it is hoped to bring it wel. in excess of2,000. With the growth of membership, there is a corresponding expansion of facilities which means that more and . more the Centre is approaching its ideal of off eriing something of interest for everyone. So when the drive begins, we urge everyone, adult or child, to take out a memberhip. It's fun as well as good citizenship to be a Civic Centre Tickets $1.50 - $1.25 - $1.00 Students 50c On sale at Civic Centre and all I.O.D.E. Members friendly countries in the worldwide effort to bar the doors against communist ag-rresslr. NEW PRESIDENT Dr. L. W. Shaw, deputy minister of education for Prince Edward Island, who has been elected president of the Canadian Education Association at the annual meeting in Frederic-ton. He succeed. Dr. J. O, Althouse, director ot education for Ontario. tC. P. Photo 1 5eber 24, Xm The name of the Conservative Party's manifesto for tlie next election is "The Right Road For Britain." Party chieftains de , 22 4 feet 1 :27 23.1 feet TICKETS WILL ALSO BE ON SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOONS AT ORMES & FRASER & PAYNE G. R. S. Blackaby returned to the city by air Thursday afternoon from a business trip to Vancouver. cided to acknowledge Bcvln's 2 9 unconscious olue in a leaflet 'v'w 16 tvt' now being distributed.