r Old Indian Culture' THURS. and FRI. 7Tpj Prince Rupert Daflf J3etof FTisiay, September T3, 1913. Unearthed In West MACLEOD Alta. a New evid ence has been uncovered near her that the North American CFPR Radio Pia! 1240 Ki'jcycle I : : 1 (Sublet to Change) Indian may have come through at least two widely separated cultural eras before he lost his homeland to the white man. .- An expedition from the University of New Mexico which has ben seeking remains of Indian life near here came up with the evidence. The party found. WW New script I Adventures of the I arrowheads of two different periods. Excavations at two former In s ft si- : a v v ml. m "r w ., -- " ..... . .. ' . , til YhAm dian campsites uncovered the' arrowheads. One type was found only a few Inches below the surface while the othefs were burled nine feet down. j Those arrowheads taken from j the deeper diggings were of a' FINE OLD more crude manufacture, Boyd Wettlaufer, head of the expedi V NAVY !ym , .. . Fly tion, reported to Alberta government officials Evidences of Indian culture V have been uncovered all the way IWNMHMMWMMMMW FRIDAY P.M. 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30-Footlight Favorites 4:45 Sleepy Time Stories 5:00 Melodic Moods 5:30 Don Messer and His Islanders 5:45 Supper Varieties 6:00 Musical Varieties 6:30 Prairie Schooner 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 T.B.A. 8:00 Vancouver Theatre 8:30 Canadian Summer Concert 9:00 Canadian Short Stories 9:30 Beat the Champs 10:00 CBC News 10:10-CBC News 10:15 Miscellany 10:30-Hits and Enchores 11:00 Weather and Sign Off SATIIKJjAY -a m 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 P;ck of the Hits 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45-Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Saddle Serenade 9:30 Saturday Story 9:45 Melodies for Juniors 9:59 T'me Signal 10:00 Bandstand 10:15 World Church News 10:30 Concert Favorites 10:45 CBC News and Com'ty 10:55 Weather and Interlude 11:00 Saturday Date 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11 'di; Dni.t.nnf All from near the surface to the 11- foot level. They are believed DRESSES FALL 1949 You'll See Them In Montreal You'll Sec Them In Vancouver to be rlics of the Blackfoot iribe and date back as far as 500 years before the white man reached the plains. There still Is a lot of laboratory work ,to be done before conclusion can be drawn from the party's discoveries but It seems AWAIT IDENTIFICATION The charred bodies and bits of 121 passengers on the Noronic have established in the horticulture building at the Canadian been taken to a temporary morgue National Exhibition. This is a general view of the morgue with the rows of shrouded remains. Centre, left, in raincoat, is Mayor Hiram McCall urn of Toronto. Standing at his left are Lt.Gov Ray Lawson of Ontario and Dr. Smirle Lawson, chief coroner. It is hoped x-ray experts and dentists may help establish identity of some victims. It is here also the bits of jewelry and personal possessions are displayed to assist relatives and friends identifying victims. CP Photo) the surface is Just beginning to NOW See Them at RUPERT PEOPLES STORE: be scratched on the past history of the North American Indian. nfinSh. ft SAYS U.S. ALMS AT STIRRING WAR NEW YORK 0 Russia's An- ALFRED LAMB t SON tf.? London drcl Y. Vlshinsky accused" the. GOLD RETURNED CITY JEWELLER This advertisement is not puWrj.ed or drp!.),H Lontrol board or by the (joverrirnent ol British United States today of leading an aggressive bloc In plans for a new war. In the prepared text of his major policy speech to the United Nations assembly Ninety-six ounces of gold dust. FOR held by court since last May, J2 00 CBC News was returned to E. D. Manson by l2:03-Saturdav Maeazinp I he made no mention of the atomic explosion in Russia. Judge W. O. Fulton in County Highest Quality in Your Piii You saw it in the New?l Court here after police invesli- 12:30-fation showed that it had not 1:00 Lethbridge Jubilee -Georgetown Fall Fair -Hi-Roads of Song -T.B.A. -Ballet Club Avail yourself of our cpprini through dishon- and versatility. 2:00- been obtained est sources. t 2:45 This Week The goia was ordered held fol- Junior Red Cross Drive lowing a County Coart hearing I 3:00 Piano Classics DIBB PRINTING BESNER BLOCK 1 I 3.15--CBC News 3:25 Rec. Int. 3 : 30 Divertimento 3:45 Gordon Howard's Sports Review WARM WOOLS for WINTER last May in which Manson -was i accused of purchasing gold with-( out taking a proper record of , Its source as required by law. It as estimated in value at that time at more than $2,000. I Subsequen police Investigation was unable to show that the persons from whom Manson had ' THEY FEAR WORST Relatives and friends of passengers, hsted as missing following Saturday's disastrous Noronic fire, flocked to Toronto in an effort to identify the bodies In the temporary morgue at the Canadian National Exhibition grounds as those of loved ones. Here nurses and volunteer workers help relatives chack lists of survivors and view possessions and bodies in the morgue. Most of the dead were from Michigan and Ohio cities. (CP. Photot purchased the gold had acquired it by other than legitimate methods. JtST ARRIVED PURE IJOTANY ENGLISH WOOL 3 and 4 ply In a large assortment of colors, as well aa many other National Brands. Needles. . guages, books, etc. Get Complete Supplies for Knitting at Ray Reflects ... ... and Reminisces Hamilton Watches They are among the worlds best. We carry them in both Railroad grades for the pocket and in the popular wrist style. The prices range from $10 to $85. We guarantee them and we sell them at the factory-advertised price. The wrist watches are in beautiful boxes. HOTEL ARRIVALS Friace Rupert J. uirvin, Vancouver; W. 3 Mills, Vancouver. 8. Simmons hax.olton; Mr. and Mrs. Wen-nor. Vancouver; C. A. Grant, Vancouver; V. Wood, Vancouver; D. Falconer, Vancouver; T. Woods, Smithers; Mrs. M. Forsyth, Pacific; J. Marsh, Vancouver; A. J. Wood, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Oddson, Osland, B. C, Mr. and Mrs. T. Maxwell, Jasper; O. Holum, Ketchikan; G. Meredith, Vancouver; Mrs. F. McGillvery, Terrace. iilH From Prince Edward Island to ' years ago there was not a vest-Queen Charlotte Islands is. aU',e of It II, Indeed, there ever long way in uny man s language, ' was. Suppose the remains of but Beecher Court and his fam- I Noah's flagship was found, of Bin 3rd Ave. W. In- what value, or partciular terest would it be now? 'ily, v,ho follow fishing for a living think the change will be to their benefit. They motored all the way here, shipping their I boat by train. Fishing, in the Maritimes has long been a main industry there,' and while admitting Skeena is a faraway , field, it nevertheless sometimes Venetian Blii Steel, Aluminum or ' in a wide assorlmm British war widows living in British Columbia have been drawing $48, but since devaluation of pound sterling there will be a reduction. There is $aid to be a strong likelihood of the MM Advertise in trie Daily N3ws( rolors with matchinl ! cut being slashed to $J5 a month. pays to move. trasling tapes Drop in and set ' Pensioners nad long been deploring the smahnebs of $43. Si; now what or olionr, and our q will rail and Meanwhile the second attempt to find NoaijS Ark Is being pushed nobly onward. Ararat offers some of the most difficult climbing that can be found. h own wifi- windows and advis' i ' installed price. A Russian airman has claimed he believed to have seen the Ark part submerged in a lake. Some are saying the thing Is all nonsense, and that thousands of 19 Wl? DKI.IVEK McBride Street Shell Premium-the most Not in all cases, yet to a considerable extent Prince Rupert is wedded to tht. idea of late opening and early closing. Thi.i i3 barely noticed by those accustomed to the ojsim, out it's apt to be commented on by strangers, visitors and tourists. They want what they want when they want it. Premier Duplessio viil undertake to persuade the country that a lottery is permissible ii.-the province of Quebec. One of the objectives is the promotion of public health. Sweepstakes 'lave never made any hadway n Canada but it cannot be denied the Dominion has for many years allowed minor forms of gambling, and does now. This might happen to us but the customer never loses wlien he deals at DAN'S SERVICE STATION "Where the Workingman This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control 3oard or by the Gov GeW a Break." McRRIDE STREET ernment of British Columbia. powerful gasoline your car can use! 1. Activated for knocklest power) 2. Activated for fast "get away." 3. Activated for quicker warm-upl 4. Activated for full TRAVEL t api e THE EASY, COMFORTAI Kegular 1 rips ... . j pi To Queen Charlotte , l1 Daylight saving for 1949 will end in British Columbia at midnight tomorrow, but in Ontario it may remain in effect for more months n order to conserve electric power. Hang fast time, anyway! Let it be definitely settted one way or the other. Nineteen fifty is a good date, for Ottawa to give a ruling. Already the recent convention of the Union of B. C. Municipalities has asked for a plebiscite. A cite. - 14 Buses for Sale Modern intcr-city type buses, also suitable for school runs . . . contractors ... or oilmen . . . mobile offices etc. Now in regular service . . . steel bodies . . . recliner scats . . . air brakes . . . adequate baggage facilities. Seating capacity 28-27 passengers. Inspection of buses can be made at Calgary. Also for Sale: 28 recliner seats and 5 passenger chesterfield lounge, mohair covered. WRITE OR PHONE 1 WESTERN CANADA GREYHOUND LINES " ' Calgary, Alberta (Daily, Except du.-,, To Alice Arm, Stewart , (Every Thursday) , CHARTER rLIGHTS TITKOn mileage. GET IT TODAY FROM 'Your Neighborhood Shell Dealer' SERVICE CABS rHONE 555 Third Avenue For Information and Rescn 1 QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRU It Pays to Aovtrtise!